I wrote the other day about our dodgy planners-I smell a rat here.
This is a reply fom the planner dealing with this application the notorious Chris Ridland, who seems to think, in my opinion he is above the law.
A full complaint has gone to Joe Anderson the council leader.
The original application was condemmed by CABE, that takes a lot, its 33 storeys in the WHS buffer zone.
Unesco have not been informed despite asking for supplementary planning guidance in 2008.
CABE REPORT http://www.cabe.org.uk/design-review/plot-3a-princes-dock-2
Dear Mr Colquhoun,
The application consultation process for the above application has the statutory three-week consultation period, which is set for all planning applications. I do agree that over the Christmas period this may offer limited opportunity for interested parties to provide comment on any development proposal. I would advise; however, that the Local Planning Authority takes into consideration any comments received by interested parties right up until the day that a decision is made. In the case of this application, it is unlikely to be presented to the Planning Committee until the 15th February 2010, at the earliest, and any comments received up until this time will be taken into account in the assessment of the proposal.
I can advise that there is a slight discrepancy over the registered site address, and for this reason the Local Planning Authority will carry out a further round of consultation, as of today, consulting all those previous consulted with the statutory three week response date set for the 11th January 2011. The revised site address will be described as Plot 3A Princes Dock, William Jessop Way, L3.
With regards to the other comments you raise I would explain that this latest planning application (10F/2787) seeks to extend the time period within which the residential, office and hotel development originally approved under planning permission (07F/0028) can be implemented. The three year time period previously granted for planning permission (07F/0028) was due to expire on the 14th December 2010, and this latest application was received by the Local Planning Authority on the 3rd December 2010.
During the recent economic downturn, the Government has recognised that the ‘build out’ rate on major planning applications has increasingly slowed. In response to this, they have introduced measures (Greater Flexibility for Planning Permissions Guidance) where it is easier for developers and LPA’s to keep planning permissions alive for longer periods of time so that they can be more quickly implemented when economic conditions improve. This new procedure now allows applicants to apply to the LPA for a new planning permission to replace an existing consent; which is in danger of lapsing, in order to obtain a longer period in which to begin development.
The principle of redeveloping this site with a mixed use residential, office and hotel development has already been agreed by the Local Planning Authority, and approved by the Planning Committee in 2007. This latest application relates to the acceptability of extending the time limit for implementing this approved scheme, whilst taking account of any relevant planning policy changes in the intervening period, as well as any other material planning considerations.
I can confirm that this application has been advertised in the local press and by means of 4 no. site notices. We have also formally consulted a total of 163 no. local neighbours, 9 no. Statutory / Non-Statutory Consultees (including English Heritage) and 2 no. local ward Councillors. Any comments received from English Heritage will be made available on the public file, as and when they are received.
I trust this clarifies matters; however, if you are unclear on any matters or require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind Regards,
Chris Ridland
Municipal Buildings
Dale Street
L2 2DH
It looks like Starmer is cynically acting in his own party’s interests and
lavishing £1.5 billion of our public money on areas where there could be a
potential revolt and a lurch away from supporting Labour
I was very sceptical when I heard that the UK Government recently announced
75 ‘Left Behind Neighbourhoods’ which would be sharing a total of £1.5
billion ...