In the light of Joe Andersons recent outburst supporting Peel Holdings, Liverpool Waters. We feel it is time to call for a Call-in and a public inquiry.
Joe Anderson cannot, in my opinion be trusted with Liverpools Historic fabric.
He was also part of the Cabal that has done some damage being part of Liverpool Vision, The Culture Company etc, etc.
We invite anyone who has a concern to join us in asking for a public inquiry, write to the address below.
I am informed that Florence Gersten of Save Our City will do so today.
Caity Marsh and Peter Marsden of the DCMS can also be contacted as they are to report to UNESCO.
The World Heritage Steering group have decided at a secret meeting that they need the help of the Merseyside Civic Society to collaborate on this scheme, to make it easier for them to pass it. I understand despite refusing before when requested Peel may now give a presentation to the MCS where they will discuss the matter. (The whole theree of them). The World Heritage Steering group led by John "World Heritage waste of space" Hinchliffe has now decided they need them for the same Mann Island trick.
“Called-in” Applications
The discretionary power to call in an application before it is formally determined by the Local Planning Authority is given by Section 77 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
The criteria used at present were set out in a 1999 Commons answer in which it was stated that the Government would only intervene in council’s jurisdiction if the planning issues were of more than local importance.
The criteria given at the time were that one of the following would have to be in evidence.
· Conflict with national policies over important matters.
· Significant affects beyond the locality.
· Substantial regional or national controversy.
· Major architectural and urban design issues.
· Involvement with the interests of national security or of foreign governments.
The normal procedure is put the case in writing to the Planning Director at the Government Office for the region. Speed is of the essence since the “call-in” must be before the local planning authority determines the application.
Liverpool Preservation Trust
The Rt Hon Eric Pickles
The Secretary of State for the Department for Communities and Local Government.
Department for Communities and Local Government
Eland House
Bressenden Place
Peel Holdings have submitted plans to Liverpool City Council for a huge development called Liverpool Waters.
Liverpool as some other parts of the country such as the Tower of London, Edinburgh and Bath, has been under huge pressure of recent dates and I am afraid to say a binge build mentality has taken over here in my home city.
I have kept the Caity Marsh and Peter Marsden of the DCMS informed.
UNESCO is fully aware of this proposed development, which is in the Liverpool Mercantile and Maritime City World Heritage Group.
In my opinion the current council leader Mr Joe Anderson does not want any further involvement from English Heritage who are advising that the scale and massing of the development that can harm the World Heritage Site.
He has stated this publicly.
In opposition he was a member of Liverpool Vision and several agencies, who in my opinion have made catastrophic mistakes that we called for public inquiries on.
Let me please explain the way it has worked in the past.
We write to the Secretary of State or in fact the Prime Minister, they then put it in the hands of the Regional Development Agency whose Chairman and members are very likely to be on the board of the developers, be they, public or private bodies and the request for public consultation is then suppressed by the GONW.
This approach has put Liverpool under a microscope with UNESCO.
This development meets all the criteria for A Public Inquiry perhaps you may be so kind as to take this into consideration and call in this development.
Wayne Colquhoun
Campbell v O’Doherty: Tomorrow At The High Court: The Silencing Of
Journalism And Investigations Into Sudden Deaths
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