Paul McCartney at a gig at the reproduction of The Cavern in 2007 said "We are glad to be here at the Cavern.......I cant believe they knocked the original one down".
Yes this is the city that knocked down the Cavern Club just before it called itself Beatles city, and then built a repro, not even in its place.
It is the 11th hour and 55 minutes for Ringo's birthplace. He may not be the most liked person in the city after saying he did not regret leaving Liverpool in a smurky manner on the Jonothan Woss show.
Ringo was bad at the opening ceremony of European Capital of Culture organised by Jane Casey of Big in Japan or was that, Big in A Can.
How original to hoist a metal container over St Georges Hall, the same container that seen off all the Liverpool dockers, and have Dave Stewart from Newcastle join Ringo. How Rongo was that? It was tacky. It was the poor little children carrying lanterns inside plastic stacking crates still with the £2.99 Rapid Hardware stickers on that I felt sorry for.
And Baron Redmondstien, we created a monster, shouting "Errr love me do, will yeh" and then buggering off home to Tarporly.
Yes it was that grim. And you couldn't say anything there was a hush that meant you had to go along with it all.
2008, The disguise that hid the World Heritage decimation and the gift to Grosvenor of a third of the city centre. Its head honcho Rod Holmes who works for the Mersey day a week, who does not live here, has now proclaimed
"Even without the Ringo house we still have enough Original Beatles sites".
This is the bloke who has just erected the godawful 'Give Peas a Chance' piece of junk in Grosvenor-pool on Chavasse Lawn.
Holmes said to me he rushed Chavasse Park.
A monument to greed and now bad taste in sculpture as well as architecture.
"We are hardly ignoring the value of Beatles Tourism" he says in the LDP business week magazine. There is obviously someone still at the paper with a heritage conscience to write this contoversial stuff, even if it is supressed by "Physco" Bill Gleeson the business editor.
Rod Holmes will probably complain and that will be that covered up by the cowards at the editorial level.
It has now come to light that Merseytravel owns the house in Madryn Street.
What is Neil Scales doing meddling in local politics? This is a man who knows nothing of our heritage.
Is he going to break it into five so you can walk through it like he did with U-534, The Vandal. read this it came out.
Or will he commission the dreaded Tom Murphy to put a Ken Dodd up in the new estate, if anything ever gets built, as a legacy of 2008?
So as New Heartlands the council rip the heart out of an area and then say we are going to rebuild it...Clever, really clever.
Neil Scales is out of control and should not have interfered here.
There is still time to save Ringo's house. Joe Anderson should intevene instead of making excuses.
He said he will scrap home demolitions So why cant he scrap this one.
Campbell v O’Doherty: Tomorrow At The High Court: The Silencing Of
Journalism And Investigations Into Sudden Deaths
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