He entered politics again just as Liverpool City Council were preparing to gift Grosvenor a third of the city centre. It is alleged he lives on the Duke of Westminster's Estate.http://liverpoolpreservationtrust.blogspot.com/2009/08/knock-me-down-with-feather-its-clever.html
I wrote a piece up for Private Eye about his destruction of the last ships chandlers as an application to list it was recieved by the city council, they knocked it down over the weekend, which was published April 04. Someone had graffitied the Superlambana outside Lamb & Sons. 'Trevor Destroys what the Luftwaffe couldn't'. It said in bold spray can. Then the week after again, 'Trevor and Doreen Partners in Slime.....how strange is that. Even more strange was the resulting lack of reportage in the local press, it was as if there was a stand off, as if they were scared of him. http://liverpoolpreservationtrust.blogspot.com/2009/03/superlambanana-land.html I was talking of it when a guy butted in and said to me I would like to speak with the person who wrote that article".
"I bet you would"I said "And who are you"
"He sued me" he said and a long and very interesting conversation took place, where so many material facts like who his solicitor was and the likes came to fruition. Lets just say he is one of the Liverpool prominent characters and I am not makin' it up. http://liverpoolpreservationtrust.blogspot.com/2009/03/undeclared-interest-of-jones-vote.html
Shortly after I wrote To Doreen Jones asking about her and her husbands business dealings in and around the Baltic Triangle as the article in the New Statesman had painted a picture of him having vast business interests in the vicinity of huge developments by Windsor Developments who were developing the land around the listed Baltic Fleet Pub. (Of Course she stepped down as chair when discussed by the planning committee made up of David Irving and the criminal Steve Hurst who was on the council executive board, and others). She subsequently telephoned me, and threatened to sue me, I still have a transcript of the conversation. She was very jittery about it all. "Anything that blackens our good name" she said sternly. I could hear another phone clicking it was like a sketch from a Tinker, Tailor, Spy episode. I remember thinking what good name is that I only know two people with a good word for you and one of them is Mike Storey who you mentored into his position as council leader. Even one of the local clergy called Clever a Shyster such is the ill feeling against them.
October Communications were the PR company for Windsor Developments who now employ Larry Neild who I once called Larry "The Lamb" Neild, chomping away on his molars letting it all happen and I did fall out with him after he did a article entitled "The first 2 million pound apartment is on its way to Exchange flags....I accused him of driving up prices. Its still empty, what PR pratt gave him that one when Bill Davies owned the place.
October Communications were the PR company for Windsor Developments who now employ Larry Neild who I once called Larry "The Lamb" Neild, chomping away on his molars letting it all happen and I did fall out with him after he did a article entitled "The first 2 million pound apartment is on its way to Exchange flags....I accused him of driving up prices. Its still empty, what PR pratt gave him that one when Bill Davies owned the place.
Todays article in the Ghost.
I had great hopes for David Bartlett when he joined the paper, who recently wrote so lyrically of how he admired and respected Larry the Lamb. This was over the Tesco on Hope Street when October Communications, whose clients, are Liverpool Vision and the head of Tesco is the head of Liverpool Vision. http://blogs.liverpooldailypost.co.uk/dalestreetblues/2009/08/larry-neild-wades-into-the-tes.html#comments I am afraid David has now been institutionalised by the Daily Ghost and speaks in riddles around subjects that no-one can understand.
Speak because your lips are free Mr Bartlett isn't that what you joined the profession for.
If Correspondent can do it why cant you. http://condensedthoughts.blogspot.com/2009/09/retail-retreat.html You are aware of all the facts around the reportage. Dont you get paid to report.
Dave, why not tell it as it is, the facts, why speak in riddles......or is it Larry Bartlett we are reading these days.
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