The award, or shall we say disgrace of having the Carbuncle Cup award for Liverpool's Terminally ill Ferry Building has left a few with red faces, and others such as the council leader who recently said Prince Charles told him, yes told him, that he thought Liverpool's regeneration was brilliant. It was Prince Charles who first termed the phrase Carbuncle into common currency to describe a architecturally disgraceful new construction.
I think Warren Bradley is making it up when he says Cllr Bradley also revealed that he had recently spoken to Prince Charles about the changes to the city’s urban environment, saying: “Prince Charles thinks we’ve done a wonderful job. what of the other recent Carbuncles. The Unity Building that started all the blights on Liverpool's Iconic Skyline.
One Park Worst on Chavasse Park came 5th in the same Carbuncle Cup competition despite a desperate rear guard action by Grosvenor.
Why every member nation should exit the WHO
A catalogue of horrors. Locals have watched this happen over the last few years despite protests. Visitors to the city, old and new, must be appalled when they see the changes and how Liverpool disregards the setting of the World Heritage site. I would hope that UNESCO come back and have another look at what they thought they were inscribing as heritage.
ReplyDeleteJust been reading a couple of your bogs and I’m unsure if anyone has actually read or understood why Liverpool is a world Heritage Centre so I thought I'd post the link
ReplyDeleteYes there are some unusual buildings developing in Liverpool that you like or dislike, but let’s face it, many of the graded building in Liverpool today were not liked by the locals when built and now they are iconic. Liverpool has lived in the past for too long and now there is a future emerging all we want to do is look to the past again. No-one is moaning about the old buildings and their PRESERVATION which have been left to rot right in the middle of a city centre, a much bigger waste than a 42 acre site that is actually being used.
I don't know much about urban design or architecture but from reading this bog I think I must be an expert. Not sure if the Echo would agree so it can't be true!!
Yes it is apparent that not much knowledge about Urban design is collated there.
ReplyDeleteYou will be aware that there has been a Unesco link on the blog since its start.
The pathetic argument that we are all going to love the new buildings is a very old one and its only the development Cabal who put this fact out. So lets assume that as you are anonymous you will be part of that Cabal.