Ex Councillor Steve Hurst is one of the most appalling characters I have had the misfortune to come across in matters of planning principle. As a fellow fireman he is friends with Warren Bradley and was the Lib Dem Whip and was a council executive member before resigning in disgrace.
In his capacity as vice Chairman in the planning committee. He was, Second only to Doreen Jones in his contempt for Liverpool's historic fabric. Even trying to make a fool out of objectors,to put them off. Playing politics with planning.
It was most alarming watching him in action. Several complaints about his conduct were made to Colin Hilton regarding behaviour prior to all this happening. Colin Hilton the Chief Executive and a fellow executive board member of the council, did nothing.
Liverpool Liberal Democrat Steve Hurst appeal to be heard next week
By David Bartlett on Mar 31, 09 10:07 AM
THE appeal of a leading Liverpool councillor convicted of breaking election law will be heard next week.
Liberal Democrat Steve Hurst was convicted of delivering a leaflet titled "Walton Scab," attacking sitting Labour councillor Pauline Walton and her firefighter husband Keith in December.
Masquerading as a leaflet from The United Socialist Party (TUSP), the pink flier accused Mr Walton of crossing a Fire Brigades Union picket line during a strike.
Mrs Walton was accused of leaving council meetings early to learn lap dancing.And it said Mr Walton was so unpopular at Lee Park golf course he couldn't find a playing partner.
Upon conviction Cllr Hurst was fined £500 and ordered to pay £790 costs as well as a £15 victim surcharge.
The Wavertree councillor also stood down from his position on Liverpool's ruling executive board.
The three-day appeal starts at Liverpool Crown Court on Monday. Cllr Hurst has always denied the charges.
14th Nov 08
Hurst 2.12.08
Hurst resigns
Quote Cllr Joe Anderson, leader of the opposition, said: “This is a sorry, despicable episode in Liverpool politics and the Lib-Dem leadership should be ashamed to be associated with this vicious, hurtful, and dirty campaign.’’
Cllr Anderson said Cllr Hurst ‘‘needs to be sacked immediately’’.
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