Liverpool Preservation Trust
11-13 Holts arcade
India Buildings
Water St
Liverpool L2 0RR
I was approached in my office by Micheal Hanlon of Maghull Developments the perpetrators of hacking off everyone in Liverpool as well as the stone façade of Josephine Butler house.
The LPT along with others made a application to have Hahnermann House in Hope street listed and this was in fact done at the 11th Hour, on the 25th Feb 08 just days before a planning committee meeting.
This was done despite the developers and the city council claiming that English Heritage were consulted in the planning process….this was untrue.
They, EH, were written to by the planning manager, with a bog standard letter worded in such a way to not give any concern to the quality of the building. We had to bypass the local EH office. I advised the committee that a application for listed building consent was not included in the plans and David “am I bovvered” Irving the chair of the committee, perplexed had to take our advice.
Outside I overheard delegates for Maghull saying….”He just wasn’t strong enough with them” referring to the deferment of the plans that were later withdrawn.
Micheal Hanlon now wants to talk to all those people he called Heritage Wankers and has asked if I can have a look at a scaled down version of the plans for Hahnemann, minus the massive glass box at the back. Is this a new dawn or is it tactics? Am I interested in seeing the plans so I can advise other interested parties.
I am considering this request noting that this is a way to quell the natives, but on the understanding that this is not part in any way of a consultation exersise with them and cannot be construed as such as I consider a company who behave like Maghull did, are not up to behaving in a gentlemanly manner and are incapable of having any consideration for Liverpools heritage and just want to make as much as they can. We will see.
Despite being very nice to me, he also said to me (27th Mar 09) that he doesn’t care what anyone thinks. He also said that Nigel (Lee) is to pass the demolition of a wooden structure on the JB House site under delegated powers.
This is a new tactic that Riechmarshal Nigel Lee is using more often to bypass people with a genuine concern and should not be used on this occasion in my opinion.
LETTER FROM ENGLISH HERITAGE regarding Hahnemann House Hope Street
04 March 2008
Dear Wayne Colquhoun,
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest
I am writing further to our previous correspondence regarding the application to list the above
The Secretary of State, after consulting English Heritage, the Government's statutory adviser,
has decided to list the building at grade II. The reasons are:
· The building's design and use of good quality materials and workmanship mark it out as an architecturally accomplished C19 hospital building.
· Internally the building remains relatively unaltered with a surviving original plan form and numerous original features still in situ.
· The building is still clearly readable as a former hospital
· It remains a very good example of a relatively rare specialist hospital type that was constructed at a time when homeopathic medical practice was at its peak of popularity.
This letter gives notice of listing prior to the relevant local authority preparing the statutory
notices required under the Act. Meanwhile, it is important to be aware that the listing of the
building has already taken effect.
If you consider that the decision has been wrongly made you may write to the Department for
Culture, Media and Sport within 28 days of the date of this letter to request that the Secretary
of State review the decision. An example of a decision made wrongly would be where there
was a factual error or an irregularity in the process which affected the outcome. You may also
ask the Secretary of State to review the decision if you have any significant evidence relating
to the special architectural or historic interest of the building which was not previously
considered. Further details of the review criteria and process are contained in the annex to this
I have enclosed a copy of the list entry and our Adviser's Report for your information.
Yours sincerely
Ms Annika Nickson
Territory Co-ordinator, North
Iain Davis is quite brilliant here, talking to Johnny Vedmore about the
alleged Manchester Arena ‘bombing’
Sounds to me like a case of Mr Hanlon's realisation that the PR fall-out for both himself & his company in the wake of Ed Vulliamy's Observer piece has been anything but good for him. It would be naive to regard this, however, as Mr Hanlon's very own Road to Damascus moment. That said, as a tactic, it's laughably transparent.