This property may not be the most gorgeous but is the next piece of destructive vandalism taking place right in front of our, and the councils, very eyes. In Louise Ellmans MP constituency.
Not so long ago this was up for sale as a newly restored building that was functioning as a going concern. It was restored and new windows installed, that was about about 12 years ago.
The trick is, always the same. What happened on the other side of the road on the opposite corner of Sefton Street and Hall Street. They...allegedly.. smashed the roof in and poked out the windows and then claim its an eyesore and have to demolish it then put an application in for a block of flats. This is not kids doing this.
The same thing happened with the King Edward pub, now the site of a planning application for a 52 storey tower that the then Council Leader Mike Storey said wanted demolishing because it did not look good. This is far too frequent. 6 Sir Thomas Street, Josephine Butler House etc, etc, etc. Why does the planning system in Liverpool seem to reward developers who behave in a despicable manner with the historic environment.
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