Liverpool Local News
Fast-food ban to be lifted at Liverpool's Pier Head
Apr 2 2009 by David Bartlett, Liverpool Echo
FAST food vans could soon greet cruise liner passengers arriving at Liverpool’s historic Three Graces.
City council bosses want to lift a ban that stops street sellers trading at Liverpool’s Pier Head in the heart of the World Heritage Site.
Today councillors will vote on whether to allow the change in principle.
Officials want the ban lifted to cater for people visiting the Pier Head to see ships arriving at the £20m Cruise Liner Terminal.
Since its opening in 2007, thousands of people have descended on the Pier Head to see ships including the Queen Elizabeth II and the Ark Royal.
But officials said there are no food outlets – especially for families with young children.
World Heritage officer John Hinchliffe said: “In the past there has been a resistance to the siting of mobile food concession vehicles on the Pier Head as they detract from its special character and appearance, and this resistance is likely to be maintained in respect of the Pier Head public open space.
“However we appreciate that there is a considerable demand for refreshments at peak times and would be prepared to support the siting of such vehicles.”
But Mr Hinchcliffe said a number of restrictions should be imposed which means vans are only allowed when ships and liners are moored at the Cruise Liner Terminal.
He said the location should be “carefully selected and restricted” to a certain area – possibly the car park next to the Liver Building.Fast food vans for Pier Head plan
YOU COULDNT MAKE THIS UP. Who benefits from this?
Iain Davis is quite brilliant here, talking to Johnny Vedmore about the
alleged Manchester Arena ‘bombing’
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