Five days before it pretends to open and its on the shortlist for Building Design Carbuncle Cup Award, The Museum of Liverpool, a giant Dicky Bow in the world heritage site of Liverpool, an anachronism. Yes next to our three gently ageing Edwardian Beauties, the Liver Buildings the Port of Liverpool Buildings and the Cunard Buildings, they stick a trashy tart ..........along with its three ugly sisters at Mann Island, the Three Black Coffins, that I nominated. Not sure who was the nominee though I think it has a good chance.—-view-all-the-nominated-projects/5021290.article Have your say..........
Is anyone sure who the architect is there has been a few and still there is legal battles over ownership.
My understanding from within the organisation is that it is mayhem at the once proud organisation that Fuzzy Felt Fleming has managed to ruin with, his, ambition to build "Flemings Folly", for £80,000,000 when Care Homes are closing left right and centre. pic Rome MAXXI, well they look the same dont they.
Apealling to all the dockers umbrella wallers it will be a sentimental journey to what we have lost and my understanding is that they are going to put Manchester Dock Gates in the museum,
Oh and the soft Alec's smashed the Ferry Bell while moving it, that was supposed to go in also.
Oh they have asked for bloggers to visit the opening can I take a bulldozer with me.
What Robert Kennedy must do now
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