Peel Holdings wants to regenerate the city’s northern docklands with a series of skyscrapers claiming it will create more than 25,000 jobs and 14,000 apartments in a £5.5bn development.
But Government advisers English Heritage commissioned an independent report into the project after revealing it had concerns about the scheme. David Bartlett who has already won an award for reporting on the arrogant Peel Holdings, and their idea to sell our world heritage site down the river and create Dubai-on-Sea.
It seems now we are heading the only way for a public inquiry...lets hope so.
The Liverpool Daily Post say there is an opportunity for compromise.
I question what they would know about heritage with their track record of being led by PR companies on heritage matters such as October Communications, watching while the Pier Head was decimated.
I question what they would know about heritage with their track record of being led by PR companies on heritage matters such as October Communications, watching while the Pier Head was decimated.
The only way forward is for a public inquiry.
Lets hope this is not just Orchestral manoeuvres in the Dock by Henry Owen-John and he finally does something to regain his awful record on Liverpool's Heritage.
The Liverpool Chamber of Commerce has appointed a Senior Executive of Peel Holdings on to its board. Who it is heavily claimed is involved in the Liverpool Waters Scheme.
Its current Chairman is N eel Scales...........who got upset because we suggested he was far too close tp Peel Holdings. Yes Mr Scales, you should feel well and truly rattled..........we are watching you.
The truth often hurts.
While all the current crop of carpet-baggers are destroying the place before they bugger off to Spain with their is us who will remain who have to afford their tacky and corrupted architectural disasters to our world heritage site.
Lets hope this is a turning point by the local press David seems to have grasped the mettle of this argument.......but it must not be allow our World Heritage Site to be compromised further.......that is the job of the public inquiry.
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