It is strange what you can find out when you put your mind to it. Miserytravels Board seem to be out of control and unnacountable to the public who pay their wages, but in todays climate the public are entitled to know the fiscal structure of the likes of Miserytravel, so a little bit of delving, that the Daily Ghost should be doing and look what turns up.
U534 before it was butchered into 5 pieces.

Financial details of U534
Dave Rimmer a committeed citizen made this Freedom of Information request to Merseyside Passenger Transport Executive
The request was successful.
Dave rimmer
Our Ref: 09/0336 Contact: Mrs C Beal
Your Ref: Direct Line: 0151 330 1081
Date: 13 February 2009
Mr Dave Rimmer
Dear Mr Rimmer
With regard to your request under the Freedom of Information Act regarding the financial details of the U534. The total cost of installing and fitting out the U-534 is £4.2m. You also requested the copy invoices, we do have the invoices but unfortunately not electronically and we do have a charge for copying and postage. I would be grateful therefore if you still wish to receive the invoices you could advise me of a postal address and send a cheque for the sum of £11 made out to Merseyside Transport Authority/Executive at the address on this letter.
Yours sincerely
Colette Beal
Freedom of Information Officer
Please note that The Local Transport Act 2008 has amended the name of the Passenger Transport Authority to the Integrated Transport Authority with effect from 9 February 2009. The Merseyside Integrated Transport Authority and the Merseyside Passenger Transport Executive still operate together as Merseytravel.
27 January 2009
Dear Sir or Madam,
Could I have the financial figures for obtaining, cutting into sections, moving and permanently displaying U534 (copy invoicesplease)
Yours faithfully,
Beal, Colette
Merseyside Passenger Transport Executive
29 January 2009
Dear Mr Rimmer
Thank you for your e-mail and the request under the freedom ofinformation act regarding Financial details of U534, your request isbeing processed and I shall be in touch with you in due course.
Yours Sincerely
Colette Beal
Freedom of Information Officer
0151 330 1081
Dave rimmer
29 January 2009
Dear Beal, Colette,
Thank you, Colette, for your swift acknowledgement of my request.
Yours sincerely,
Dave Rimmer
Beal, Colette
Merseyside Passenger Transport Executive
13 February 2009
Rimmer 09 0336.doc 174K Download View as HTML
Dear Mr Rimmer
Please find attached my response to your requestYours Sincerely
Colette Beal
Freedom of Information Officer
0151 330 1081
show quoted sections
Dave rimmer
13 February 2009
Dear Colette,
Many thanks for your swift reply.
I will respectfully decline your offer of the invoices.
Many thanks
Yours sincerely,
Dave Rimmer
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Send follow up Beal, Colette
Merseyside Passenger Transport Executive
13 February 2009
Thank you and noted
Yours Sincerely
Colette Beal
Freedom of Information Officer
0151 330 1081
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Reply to this message
Dave rimmer left an annotation (13 February 2009)
I suspected Merseytravel had spent a large sum of public money on the acquisition, preparation and installation of U534 but couldnt have imagined it would be £4.2 million. I am now even more disgusted at Scales and Dowd for spending £4.2 million of public money on what amounts to be a tourist attraction. Their business is Public Transport NOT tourist attractions. No wonder they flatly refuse to subsidise tunnel tolls for the residents of Wirral.
Mr Rimmer sums it up really £4.2 million of public money when care homes are being closed left right and centre I think it is fair comment to say it is a moronic state of affairs when we the public fund to the tune of £4.2 million.......... Miserytravels Whims.Why was this not publicised in the local press.