The Crown Princess, one of the biggest Cruise Liners going, was in Liverpool last Thursday.......It rained all day,what a shame for all those American tourists it is said,spend
all their money in Liverpool when they get off the big ships down at the jetty.
In reality they go back to the ship for their dinner and it is very hard to get them to spend money in a city that they visit.
So the tour bus operators were lined up with the special deals of a hundred quid a go to visit the Cathedral. They can be whisked off to Strawberry Field to see the replica gates and stand in amazement at the Cavern Club....that was knocked down.
Or they could get on A Ferry...........well not with the balloons at Miserytravel running it they cant.
I wrote last week about the lack of a landing stage at The Pier Head and how £12,000,000 had been spent on a Terminal Ferry Carbuncle and we did not have a landing stage to depart the passengers from.
Ferry Cross I was about this.
So last week with a golden opportunity to show off the city and the disfigured waterfront to all those passengers, theycancelled all the ferries because the Crown Princess took up all the space needed at the Cruise Liner Jetty and they couldn't sail...................clever..........very clever............Miserytravel.
What an opportunity missed..what a joke.
Gerry Marsden has turned into Seasick Steve and recorded a blues version of On a Slow Boat To China.
You could not make this up. After spending 67 million quid on the Ferries this is beyond a joke now.
£4.2 million cutting up the U534 to...enhance the ferries. Herr Disector need to go!
Was this reported in the local press No wonder N eel Scales wants to gag us.
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