Not a chance, they at Merseytravel really should know better than wasting taxpayers money to take on personal grievences.
I wrote one of the articles that has caused offence to Merseytravel.
The truth often hurts, especially those with the biggest ego's. but FAIR COMMENT IS ALWAYS JUSTIFIED especially when unelected officials are in charge of so much money.
Merseytravel the company that commissioned the Building Design, (The Architects Weekly), 2009 Carbuncle Cup Winner, (that a collegue of ours nominated). The Terminal Ferry Carbuncle.
Are they out of control with a public art programme, that give us Ken Dodd with a kebab at Lime Street Station, wasting a fortune building a worthless piece of (s)crap.
Ken Dodd did once say you have to be a comedian to live here. Well I dont think its funny anymore watching uneducated people commissioning public realm that is no more than civic vandalism. (THIS IS FAIR COMMENT)
The company that claims South Parkway as a station with world class destinations when the London trains can't stop there, and anyone getting off the adjacent Liverpool Airport has to get a bus into town and then get on a train that goes right past it because the platform isn't long enough for the trains to stop after it had £30,000,000 spent on it. Since when is Crewe a world class destination.
Where did all the money go. ( THIS IS FAIR COMMENT)
Mike Kiddy(?) the Miserytravel PR, may think he is doing a good job Kidding us, hiding these facts from the public.
They cant get away with claiming they had to cut up the U-534 to save space and any idiot that knows Pythagoras's theorem, will understand that if you cut something up it takes more space.
But they cant kid us Mr Kiddy.
Without even delving into the Trams fiasco, oh alright then just a bit, Miserytravel have wasted 70 million pounds of public funds and are still getting away with it
Why were they promoting a line to Kirkby? Is it to help Liverpools Visions boss Sir Terry Leahy and at the time, and his Tesco empire expansion? Are they kidding us? Was it to make friends and influence people so their head honchos can move in circles that benefit them.
We are now about to delve into all these questions.
file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Steve.ALPHA-DBBB2EDC2/Local%20Settings/Temporary%20Internet%20Files/Content.IE5/DVOII2BG/Light%2520Rail%2520Conf%252013-10-05[1].ppt#423,1,Light David Bartlett reported January 2008 WEAK management and decision-making led to huge sums of public money being committed to the failed Merseytram project, a damning report concludes today.
Miserytravel incompetent clowns IT LOOKS LIKE FAIR COMMENT TO ME.
I dont think they at Miserytravel are in fact aware of what will ensue.
Are October Communications, now Aurora Media employed by Merseytravel?
A message to you all at Miserytravel...........You are not gagging any of us of FAIR COMMENT.
In fact quite the opposite we a the LPT will be making some further FOI act requests to you at Miserytravel and we believe they will show results that may be even more revealing than what we have already written.
REALLY YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GAG US. You are accountable.
The actual letters from Louise Outram Miserytravels Head of Legal Services.
Charlie Robinson Interview – Two Party Criminality, AI-governance &
Political Machinations
Notice No.1 (Site DP205)
To : The owner, lessee, tenant or occupier
and to all other persons having or claiming or able to sell any estate or interest in the land
described in the Schedule to this Notice and shown edged in red on the plan(s) attached to this Notice.
The Merseyside Passenger Transport Executive (hereinafter called “Merseytravel”)
HEREBY GIVES YOU NOTICE that under and for the purposes of the above mentioned
Order and the above-mentioned Act applied by that Order, Merseytravel requires to aquire
or create the easements or other new rights described in the Schedule to this Notice in or over
the land described in that Schedule and edged red on the plan(s) attached to this Notice,
which easements or other new rights Merseytravel is authorised to aquire or create by
articles 29, 32 and 34 of the above-mentioned Order for the purposes of exercising the powers
of article 19(1) (attachment of equipment to buildings) of that Order.
Merseytravel hereby demands particulars of your interest in the said land together
with all charges and interests to which the same are subject and of the claims made by you in
respect thereof, all of which particulars, charges, interest and claims should be stated by
completing a Claim Form available from Ian Carson, Merseytram Property Services,
Merseytravel, 24 Hatton Garden, Liverpool , L3 2AN, via e-mail or direct on 0151 330 1777.
Merseytravel is willing to treat with you for the acquisition or creation of such easements or
other new rights in relation to the said land, and as to the compensation to be made for the
damage which may be sustained by reason of the execution by Merseytravel of the works
authorized by the above-mentioned Order to be carried out.
Merseytravel hereby gives further notice that if you do not, within twenty-one days from the
Service of this Notice, state the particulars of your claim in respect of the said easements or
other rights, or treat with Merseytravel in respect of that claim, or if you and Merseytravel do
not agree as to the amount of compensation to be paid by Meseytravel in respect of such
easements or other rights, or which you have power to grant, Merseytravel will forthwith
proceed to require the amount of such compensation to be settled by reference to the Lands
Chamber of the Upper Tribunal.
If you have a greater interest in the said land than that of a tenant at will and claim
compensation in respect of any unexpired term or interest under any lease or grant of that land
Merseytravel hereby requires you to produce the lease or grant or the best evidence thereof in your power.
DATED this 8th day of February 2010
Neil Scales
Chief Executive and Director General