It started with the Dis-Unity building where they put, to the bemusement of the masses a car-port on the top. People were seen standing there amazed looking up saying is it a bird? is it a plane? its a shed. People could not work out how they would get the car up there. Sheds Direct were given the job of installing it. This building was then given a architectural award from backslappers anonymous RIBA and that was it.
A colleague of mine entitled this picture, The Good the Bad and the Ugly. You can work out what he thinks about he new Liverpool style. This arrogant statement was the first recent building to dilute the world famous Liverpool skyline. 
Now its catching on. Not happy with watching the Grade II* listed building on English Heretics "at risk" register, fall down now its St Andrews Church. The Heretics describe its condition as "very bad". The old Presbyterian Church on Rodney St now gets a shed on its heavy ballustraded attic. John Moores wanted to use this as a library and resource centre after it was on fire. John Moores were promising to make it structurally safe and give it a fresh vibrant use. Common sense one would Ronnie Corbett at the waste full Liverpool Conservation (sic) Office wanted to store his garden tools and lawn mower on the top of it. So the whole scheme was kyboshed. Now at this precise moment there will be a load of shifty developers waiting for it to completely fall down while Chris Griffiths the pathetic waste of space masquerading as the buildings at risk officer pots his geraniums up there. It is a waste, an absolute waste. This building was designed and built by John Foster Jr in 1823.
Now its catching on. Not happy with watching the Grade II* listed building on English Heretics "at risk" register, fall down now its St Andrews Church. The Heretics describe its condition as "very bad". The old Presbyterian Church on Rodney St now gets a shed on its heavy ballustraded attic. John Moores wanted to use this as a library and resource centre after it was on fire. John Moores were promising to make it structurally safe and give it a fresh vibrant use. Common sense one would Ronnie Corbett at the waste full Liverpool Conservation (sic) Office wanted to store his garden tools and lawn mower on the top of it. So the whole scheme was kyboshed. Now at this precise moment there will be a load of shifty developers waiting for it to completely fall down while Chris Griffiths the pathetic waste of space masquerading as the buildings at risk officer pots his geraniums up there. It is a waste, an absolute waste. This building was designed and built by John Foster Jr in 1823.
Liverpool Derwent Square Newsham Park
Ogden Close Princes Park
Princes Road
Sefton Park
Shaw Street
Wavertree Village
Ogden Close Princes Park
Princes Road
Sefton Park
Shaw Street
Wavertree Village
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