There are so many of them about. After last Fridays Post it went a bit looney as expected. I am now more convinced than ever that the Heritage Mafia need their Zimmer frames taking away from them and their computers locked down. I had someone who calls himself Conservation Officer........from East Anglia wanting to join, trying to post comments, thinking he was being mischievous. Yawn...Yawn...Yawn, its so boring. This blog is an anonymous blogger, it seems, whats the point, he even swore on one posts, he's so daring is, Gareth Hughes who, is a Conservation Officer from East Anglia. Surely these people need their bosses to look at how they represent their local authority? He says he is, or was on the committee of the c20th Century Society who would not speak up for Liverpool when the central core, which is 20th century part, of the world heritage site was to be decimated, despite numerous requests from Aiden, Eddy and Graham at the North West group. Despite the fact that a Herbert Rowses building was under threat and my favourite building, Herbert Rowses Ventilating Shaft was to be blighted. Where were the Heritage Mafia when you need them. Some good local people spoke up but we needed a big society to help. Where were you Gareth Hughes when we needed you?
I had moved his blog to the trashcan, as it was so boring. It now seems he along with his mate at the Nemesis "Banana" Republic who just copies down things other have written, they want to make nuisances of themselves. It is far too easy these days for a walking zombie with no-life and a computer to start thinking they are powerful, never having to speak face to face with anyone. They, the heritage mafia, leave anonymous comments all over the place think they are being antagonistic...but really serve to take the argument away from real issues such as world heritage destruction and make it all the clearer that this is the reason why we are in so much trouble in Liverpool are the heritage pensioners who just talk amongst themselves....and stay anonymous so their wine and cheese evenenings wont get interupted.
I am being picked on by a bunch of Heritage Fruitcakes from Bonkers-Ville, who think they are the Mafia...but in reality they are the problem.
Email to my MP and Home Office minister Angela Eagle
Angela Eagle has NOT responded.
Wayne this may help. I am today writing to Daniel Cox the Council leader about his operatives we need to get these idiots out of our misery and get on with the job in hand.
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ReplyDeleteWell that seems to have shut up tough guy Gareth Hughes a conservation officer from Norfolk but now all we have to do is get rid of the other STALKER Evelyn Cook from Bonkers-Ville
ReplyDeleteShe just keeps on and on and on.the only time she seems to stop is too watch Ready Steady Cook on TV. Why do I get an Ould Mad Bint as a stalker its not fair really. There are reams of e-mails from her that I wont open. What an annoying woman I cant take anymore.
Here! Here!
ReplyDeleteWell that seems to have shut up tough guy Gareth Hughes a conservation officer from Norfolk
ReplyDeleteNo, I'm still here, laughing at you
the c20th Century Society who would not speak up for Liverpool when the central core, which is 20th century part, of the world heritage site was to be decimated, despite numerous requests from Aiden, Eddy and Graham at the North West group.
ReplyDeleteBut then, you read the story from the site you’ve linked to, and it says:
The influential Twentieth Century Society wants the neoclassical building saved and brought back to use.
Currently, it will have to be flattened to allow a mixed use development by Neptune and Countryside Developments, consisting of three wedge-shaped blocks faced with black granite.
The garage was designed to blend with the Mersey Tunnel Ventilation Tower, designed by celebrated Liverpool architect Herbert Rowse, who was also responsible for India Buildings, Martins Bank Building and the Philharmonic Hall.
In a plea to Liverpool City Council, society director, Catherine Croft, says: "In order to clear the Mann Island site, a neoclassical former garage will have to be demolished. This is a good example of a scarce building type that we feel should be listed and ideally retained."
“The society's North West chairman Aidan Turner-Bishop also voiced concerns.
Last night he said: "Liverpool's Pier Head site is so precious in an international context that it's very worrying it is being treated as it is, by the council and developers.
"There needs to be a proper site management plan, preferably independently monitored.
"To approve any developments which contravene a decision by Unesco would be premature and ill-considered." “
So what are we supposed to do? Resort to the playground name-calling that has such great results for you? Such as:
"Right in front of our three gently ageing Edwardian beauties they want to stick another trashy tart as if the current proposals for the Pier Head are not bad enough.
"If someone had said to me you could design a building worse than the present terminal I would have laughed, but it's been done. In Liverpool when we put our minds to it we can do the impossible, only it's the wrong direction. I urge anyone who cares for World Heritage to write to Unesco at 7 Rue de Fontonoy, Paris.
"We need a public inquiry and a masterplan agreed by popular consensus not just nodded through by a handful of people without the class or culture to be able to deliver what Liverpool needs to be a 21st century city on the world stage."
Now which of the above set of statements looks more like it would be taken seriously (given that UNESCO don’t actually have any powers in this)?
Gareth you really are part of the heritage stalkers, would it be better if you put your time in to advising people what colours to paint their windews and doors so that you can pay attention to the details in the part of Norfolk where you live for those who pay your wages.
ReplyDeleteIt really is Bonkers-Ville out there but as for a conservation officer in Norfolk what has he got to do with us.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who lives here will understand that we asked the c20 Society for help with the protection of the Pier Head. If you know the area the Three Graces are predominant as they are 20th Century and they refused to assist saying it was not their place. They may have assisted with the Garage listing application. And as for society director, Catherine Croft, says: "In order to clear the Mann Island site, a neoclassical former garage will have to be demolished. This is a good example of a scarce building type that we feel should be listed and ideally retained."
This was not a neo-classical building at all. But we appreciated the help.
It seems we have so many nutters around of which this second rate conservation officer who struggles to do his own job in...Norfolk is one.
What is the architectural equivilent of the BBC3 programme Snog, Marry, Avoid.
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ReplyDeleteThanks Charles, I wish to make it clear that Eddy, and Aiden at the c20 local group gave us so much help. Aiden was even on the local radio over Voss motors. Graham Fisher who is also local chairman of the Voctorian Society was with us at the planning committee meeting for Mann Island and gave on of the best speeches I have heard against it. I resigned from the c20 after they jibbed us over helping fight Mann Island plans which would and has destroyed the views of Rowses Ventilating Shaft, my favourite building. With the likes of Gareth Hughes as help, from East Anglia, you will get no-where as he appears to have a sort of heritage traffic warden mentality. Maybe the Heritage Collaborators such as he, need to take a long hard look at themselves. Its one thing acting hard, its another carrying it through. A foot in two camps though a two face for sure. It is like the war when Vichy Government critisizing and attacking the true resistance, working for the Germans in disgrace only to realise collaboration was wrong as people need to be free. I wouldnt mind if he lived here.
ReplyDeleteIf he was local in liverpool I would have put him over my knee and leathered his behind for being a pathetic jerk by now and being free and not part of the c20 ect, I am able to say these things. But we really do have things to do and incidently the quote above from tough guy Gareth is talking about the Ferry Terminal which we fought against, where was he, which went on to be declared the 2009 Carbuncle cup winner. Which takes me back to this heritage stalkers first comments in BD. I seems some people want to take it personal when they are 250 miles away, A STALKER, Mr Hughes, thats what you are, take a long hard look at yourself, and if you ever do come to Liverpool let me know where I can meet you. I dont think you would be so bold face to face.
Fuck me the other stalker Evelyn Cook-oo is back I cant take anymore.
ReplyDeleteWayne just stop putting the nutters comments up. Is she the blogger for Edinburgh also Do they have a world heritage committee there? You know the way some people deny the holocaust. Is there any rules or laws for world heritage decimation denying. There should be. I like the collaboration line its true.
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ReplyDeleteWell when fruitcake Nemesis was in my shop she told me she was being passed confidential information from within the council then blogging it.STALKING. Maybe you could clarify.
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ReplyDeleteMaybe the stalker didnt understand that one. When she was in the shop she said a lot that she cant recall, with one of my collegues present. She claimed someone was passing confidential information from Edinburgh council to her. Maybe this collaboration needs an explanation. Someone will get in trouble, though, me thinks.
ReplyDeleteI have watched this discussion unravel over the last few days and weeks. I don't often post comments in the "blogosphere" but feel obliged to chip in. Reading this and related websites gives me a clue as to what is going on in Liverpool and around the country. I can only say that Liverpool Preservation Trust has raised the profile of conservation and heritage in it's own area. They even get mentions in Building Design magazine, Architect's Journal etc and I believe they have been on the TV highlighting local problems. So in my humble opinion the ill-will directed towards LPT seems misdirected - and also gives ammunition to those who would wish to undermine the work done by this and other heritage groups.
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ReplyDeleteThis is now a heritage fruitcake stalker free zone
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ReplyDelete"If he was local in liverpool I would have put him over my knee and leathered his behind for being a pathetic jerk by now and being free and not part of the c20 ect, I am able to say these things."
ReplyDeleteYes Wayne, I'm sure you've always found threats of violence work ever so well, since you can't engage in a rational discussion. They do so much to prove a point. The point being that you are a bully. You really should find time to read up on the Malicious Communications Act 1988.
If you dont like it go away and stop stalking us its as simple as that. Its people like you who just waffle on with middle class drivell that make it harder to get any work done, that need treating like little children, if someone had done it earlier you could have saved me a lot of wasted time..........Stp sending stupid e-mails, we want nothing else to do with you, now go and stalk someone else in Norfolk and stop behaving like a fruitcake.
ReplyDeleteWhat gets me is that some-one can be so vociferous when they dont live here. Do you know where they live?
ReplyDeleteIs she representing Save Britains Heritage.
I found this poem on line
I shall not, I think, grow
round, brown and sweet as a cobnut,
but sour and suck-cheeked
as a December crab-apple. I shall sit,
narrow-eyed, wide-kneed, clot-veined,
in a chair by the porch,
malodorous as slurry.
ReplyDeleteYes Charles thanks for this a quick Google search and I found this online.
It seems she Evelyn Cook, makes all thes accusations and threats and does it all anonymously. Hey how can that be allowed, no wonder she acts tough, she never gives out her base. So who is this woman representing. Stalkers anonymous, yes we know that. But the internet is a wonderful thing. Here she enlists the help ADAM Wilkinson of one of her SAVE buddies who she claims so readily to represent their views and it is disgraceful that someone one so readily available to give advice to ther people hides.‘bring-drama’-to-site/5021987.article
ReplyDeleteoh no, they are back.
ReplyDeleteEvelyn Cook of Nemesis republic and member of SAVE Britains heritage, numerous vile alias and all round fruitcake seems to have upset a lot of people along her hateful journey.
We want nothing to do with this current argument she has taken on with other groups.
We are interested in Heritage and conservation in Liverpool only, and have no political views whatsoever unless local to Liverpools polititions and its heritage.
We have asked David not to print any more of the comments that she has tried to leave on these pages.
We hope she will go away with her vile trail of cyber squatting and filth.
It is also interesting to note that she may be NR on building design
A registration may be required.
The connection with SAVE Britains Heritage leaves us astounded.
They really should know better than to encourage her.