Tesco Every Little Hurts. I t seems to say a lot about the fact of life these days that big business is running the council. Now when a council chooses to abandon that relationship they start spatting about. LIVERPOOL Council last night accused Tesco of trying to derail a major regeneration scheme in a key area in the north of the city.
Tesco is challenging the legal battle it lost against Sainsbury’s over a multi-million pound plan to revamp the Great Homer Street area. The company will seek a review of the decision which favoured its rivals to open a supermarket as part of the £150m Project Jennifer scheme.
Last night, developers St Modwen and Liverpool Council, who are working with Sainsbury’s on the initiative, hit out at Tesco, saying it had caused yet another delay to the scheme.
Regeneration leader Cllr Peter Millea said Tesco was putting its commercial interests ahead of one of the city’s most important projects.
Tesco hit back in the war of words, saying it “categorically rejected” the claims and that it had a strong track record of delivery in Liverpool.
Tesco had originally been in talks with developers St Modwen and brought legal action to try to proceed with its own plans in the area.
In December, a planning inspector ruled in favour of the city council, which had rejected Tesco’s scheme for a 27,000 sq ft superstore and indoor and outdoor markets. http://www.liverpooldailypost.co.uk/liverpool-news/regional-news/2010/01/15/liverpool-city-council-accuses-tesco-of-damaging-regeneration-of-city-92534-25606102/
Maybe the council should do a facebook site that stopped them last time. http://liverpoolpreservationtrust.blogspot.com/2009/09/tescopool-power-to-people.html Maybe they should set Bernie Turner loose on them whose Old Swan ward has a massive Tesco http://liverpoolpreservationtrust.blogspot.com/2009/08/berni-turner-opens-her-big-gob-again.html
Sir Terry Leahy who was born in Liverpool wants to own it. http://liverpoolpreservationtrust.blogspot.com/search/label/Tesco-pool%20the%20new%20name%20for%20Liverpool
Tesco-pool the new name for Liverpool http://liverpoolpreservationtrust.blogspot.com/2009/08/tesco-pool-invasion-of-business.html Unless someone at the council decides to shop at another supermarket that is.
Planet Earth 🌏 in the 21st Century
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