But hang on the Daily Ghost today, say its a Eureka moment. They would wouldnt they. They dont think about a heritage point of view as to what they are reporting. Are they edited by Frank McKenna at Downtown Liverpool in Business, (DLIB) or is that just me being cynical.
Rememeber this image of our old friend, because no more are we able to see our beautiful Bluecoat as it was built in its Georgian finery. I warned of this years ago. Everything the local papers wrote was on a positive score leaving the void for the wreckers to fill without adequate debate. It used to be an interesting place a bit rough around the collar but full of character. http://liverpoolpreservationtrust.blogspot.com/2009/03/bluecoat-tradgedy.html One of the Daily Ghost reorters partners had a hand in its awful restoration or should we say vandalism. Roger Philips of Radio Merseyside said "We have never had so many callers as about the destruction of the Bluecoat Garden. Radio Merseyside are next door fronted on Hanover Street. David "Fuzzy Felt" Fleming is a board member. Everything this man goes near gets dumbed down to a characterless cafe. He should have been a director of Starbucks instead of Liverpool Museums he has opened more cafes than they, this year. Cafes are not culture Doctor Fleming. http://liverpoolpreservationtrust.blogspot.com/2009/10/liverpool-one-they-have-stolen-our.html
Just wait till the leaves completely fall off the trees, this is last years picture, and the full horror show unfolds...it now has a Novatel hotel as a chimney. This is really bad planning. The Novotel, owned by a foriegn chain, the money wont even stay in the country, they dont care. Grosvenor did this to us. A third of the city centre was given to them and they have stolen our street names our history in the process.
This what they, the Daily Ghost have been fed and in turn are feeding to you. They call it a Eureka moment. It has to be a joke.
http://www.liverpooldailypost.co.uk/liverpool-news/regional-news/2007/03/14/liverpool-debut-for-novotel-64375-18751692/ Larry Neild on Grosvenor-pool
http://www.liverpoolpsda.co.uk/Press/PressCuttings/03-2007/BB.htm Does it look like the press and Grosvenor have been working in tandem here?
Its probaly not the hotels fault but Neil Hodgson should write an article about the changing face of Liverpools Heritage this is not a Eureka moment its a tragic event.
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