While Glynn Marsden, the Mr Mannering of the Conservation office and Steve"Pike"Corbett stand by and .........don't panic.

I was sent this letter from someone who wishes to remain anonymous.
You might know all about this, regarding the Sir Alfred Jones Memorial Hospital in Garston which the planning committee have granted approval to demolish (meeting was 21 April) so that the NHS can build a larger facility in the shape of a lumpen Gehry-esque monster. As you can see, the existing building is a rather fine Queen Anne building of 1915, and in a prominent elevated position. Richard Pollard gave it 6 lines in his Lancashire Pevsner - the architects were C. J. Anderson and R. S. Crawford, who also did a library in Crosby - The architect's rendering of the new building shows a tiny porton of the old facade retained: http://www.liverpooldailypost.co.uk/liverpool-news/regional-news/2009/02/09/first-images-of-15-5m-south-liverpool-mini-hospital-64375-22889001/ According to Florence, the planning manager Nigel Lee said there was no point in doing a facade retention scheme since EH do not like preserved facades! best wishes.

This has to be the most misguided planning officer in the History of Liverpool.
I think that If we did a facade job on The General Lee it would be letting him off lighty as you can not change the inside character of a man who is, in my opinion no more than a butcher of Liverpools architectural history. And it is the inside lack of character that would still be retained no matter how his teeth were re-arranged.
Florence Gersten did her best to fight a rear guard action on this front to no avail.
It's not often I'm lost for words, and so I'm not... *1£%ing hell!
ReplyDeleteOh my giddy aunt - did the architect of this monstrosity use the bits left over from the egg box museum and the weird ferry terminal? No doubt this lump will be put forward for a "prestigious" RIBA Award. The lunatics are clearly in charge of the asylum.......