And we have all lost something dear to us that cannot be replaced at any cost.
In his column today courtesy of the Liverpool Daily Post, the morning museum, Phil Redmond tries to placate the need to waste £750,000 of our cash on "Flemings Folly" which has destroyed the world heritage site. The Rome MAXXI rip off museum is a view that was well worth paying for he says. Despite him telling me it should have been built in Birkenhead. So the scouse wedding at the Liverpool Museums is over and now they will all sit down and have a drink. No, its one disaster to another and Phil as chief placater tries hard but gets it completely wrong. I have written to Phil Redmond because I dont think all the facts are out, it is not just a restrictive covenant that is the problem here and we need more answers, there is an act of Parliament. The Liverpool Daily Ghost (dead man walking) should be doing this. It was not one building owners view to give away, it belonged to all of us, something we could have for free. Our Iconic views our heritage and dont forget they destroyed Manchester Docks. How small minded the argument that we needed to destroy our best asset our world heritage site to do it is. People are waking up to this but with the Daily Museum working overtime hiding information, the propoganda machine keeps on turning. Others are not convinced but the local papers hold the circulation and thrust the views of Redmond onto the public without our say. He and "Fuzzy Felt Fleming bully editors but even they couldnt get this one past the Echo.
The truth is that there was a small group of people with the power that came up with this idea. Mike Storey was a trustee of NML (Disgraced Council leader had to resighn) before Redmond came along but Alexis Redmond has been there since the inception of the big white Elephant-On-Sea. One trustee resigned because of Phil and Alexis formed a conflict of interests at the Museum. The trustees are out of control.
They have stolen our waterfront views right under your nose.
Redmod finishes off his column
P.S A smaller but significant point in the cash for covenant story. The money actually went to a local developer, part of the local econemy. Every little helps.
How little Redmond knows, George Downing is a tax exile living in Spain and I dont think he neede the money.
What a disgusting state of affairs when so muchpublic money has been wasted