Monday, 29 March 2010

Museum of Liverpool-Radio 4 Take an Interest.

I recorded an  interview for Radio 4 that was broadcast last Friday on the You and Yours programme. I met with Winifred Robinson to give her our views about the New Museum slap bang in the World Heritage Site. She gave a fair account of the contentious idea to slap bang us with world heritage decimation.She brings the current museum director David "Fuzzy Felt" Fleming to account. Winifred is from Liverpool and at one time asks about Liverpool turning into a theme park. The programme was well thought out and thought provoking asking why we actually need a museum which in my opinion is Flemings Folly. Fleming talks about it being unique.   She did not go into the surrounding world heritage decimation with the Three Grotesques on the Mann Island part of the world heritage site or the Carbuncle Cup winner the new Terminal Ferry Carbuncle   but well done Winifred.

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