Friday, 11 December 2020



The once great institution has been dragged to a new low in our opinion, under the dodgy stewardship of Alastair Machray. It seems the intelligence of the paper has plummeted to what many believe to be an all time low.

Look at tonight's headline and front page The Fat Man with a microphone singing  "Regrets I've had a few" for his final finale.

A insult to the good people of Merseyside.

There was a certain respect for the journalists at the Liverpool Daily Post but when Machray closed that great institution and sacked the staff, he lost the intelligentsia of the organisation. And there is the massive decline of reporting in the city of Liverpool.

Though the decline of the Daily Post had began with the first lady editor Jane whatever her name was. She was obsessed with Debenhams and shops coming to Liverpool. This was continued by Mark Thomas and his PR push for The Duke of Westminster. 

When the Duke was investigated over the visiting of £2,000 a night hookers in London. Nothing was said by Trinity 'Smoking' Mirrors of Murkeyside.

When questioned he replied;

“We cant print anything unless its true”

He was informed.

“Well all the national Sunday papers believe it to be true Mr Thomas”

Its not what you print but also what you don't that corrupts your soul.

The writer intended to fight heritage battles in good faith but they soon discovered there was not a level playing field on which to conduct oneself.

That Sir Trevor and Lady Doreen Jones had been helping themselves for decades, even being bold enough to attend the Duke of Westminster children's wedding.....and live on his estate.

This was known by all the local journalists down at Oldham Hall street where they used to print the paper. Yet not a word was said. She would be the determining factor on numerous important planning applications that would make the developers millions. 

When, as Chairperson of the planning committee she had to vacate the chair because she knew the applicant, The duke of Westminster, not a dicky bird by Machray and Co.

This is just an example of many occasions where the truth was with-held by the local editor.

The writer was told by one of his colleagues that Mark Thomas the editor of the Daily Post was “out to lunch” with senior officials from Peel Holdings who were then putting the application together for Liverpool Waters.

This would be the springboard for the rise of Uncle Joe Anderson. This combined with the well run campaign to restart cruises from the new cruise liner terminal gave the fat man column after column in the papers....all free.

It takes a while to see how the system works and get to know all the developers PR companies but when you do, you start to understand that there is a sequence of events, stage managed in front of all the plebeians who fed the comments section provoked by the same PR companies who understand that with their fees covered the more they create an argument the more they can PR the developers out of it. 

And in Liverpool they all love a good argument. My god some of the comments were cringe. And these commentators were led like uneducated fools into the new beginning of Liverpool, like little 'Larry' lambs.

By creating an argument you can win it. That is the way the PR companies work and with an editor who is aiming for argumentative topics, they couldn't lose.

Take for instance, October Communications now Aurora media from Hanover Street. 

They fed stories into the papers with great aplomb becoming that friendly with some journalists that they gave them jobs, employment even.

 Larry Neild, the City Editor, does anyone remember him, let himself down so badly. He joined them we then knew why he was devoting so much time to the Mann island Development. 

Because October communications were Neptune Developments PR consultants.

 Jon Egan was the mind behind Joe Andersons Mayoral campaign. We only found this out by making a freedom of information act request over something else and a bill for some T-shirts came up. You can smell the deviousness of their manipulation of the advertorials that were spread out page after page. They were the PR for the Lime Street development that caused such controversy.

The Liverpool Daily Post gave a whole page to Frank McKenna, who had at one time been up on fraud charges. He introduced so many business people into the paper with advertorials that were being paid for by the membership of Downtown Liverpool In Business. 

This was very lucrative for McKenna and his influence grew. 

A member of the Labour party. Numerous companies joined his organisation. 

So Trinity Mirror turned into Trinity Smoking Mirrors on Merseyside. 

The big con job was played out in plain sight.

We decided to use Private Eye and stop winning journalists awards such as David Bartlett for his, errr our writing. They could see the Murkeyside of politics in Liverpool.

The Liverpool Echo was sinking to an all time low.

Ben Hatton, son of Derek was running a PR company with a book of clients and this was purchased by Trinity Mirror Group.

Now this seems innocuous at first glance bu when you look at it in context full it means that, The Liverpool Echo is promoting its own clients with its constant advertorial approach. These articles would be packaged up by thinkers who know how to play the system.

But when it boils down to it. There is a payment of sorts at the end of it. 
And any conflict of interest would be disguised. 
So is Derek Hatton working for the Echo, well the company he fronts is owned by them.
 He was given a column. Where is the justice in that.

It is with regret that we declare that we consider, in fact  J'acusse Alastair Machray as an enemy of the people of Merseyside while masquerading as the editor of a local paper all he has done is look after the vested interest of the minority of carpet baggers who have fed like vultures on the carcass of council contracts under Il Duce himself. Uncle Joe Anderson.

So now they will tell you what they want you to hear.

Now Derek Hatton has been arrested by Merseyside Police. How can we trust the writing he has been paid for in his weekly column. How can we trust an organisation who employs such as he.

Listen only to the truth, so there is no point in reading tomorrows chip paper.

Just look at today's headlines. Instead of reporting the shame placed on Liverpool by Joe Anderson and his acquaintances, some of who are Echo fifth columnists they report, with front page headline, that the fat twat is doing us a favour by stepping aside.

They helped put him in power! Only the Liverpool Echo could report this way.

There should be an investigation into the clowns at the Liverpool Echo.


Monday, 7 December 2020

Derek Hatton Arrested. The Badly Dressed Shyster From The 80's Puts Liverpool Back In The News Again.



As determined citizens we worked tirelessly to bring the truth to these pages.

Now real shame on our city comes home to roost.

The Mayor is arrested along with the militant clown from the 80's Derek Hatton.

While the Tories have been promoting the need to have Regional Mayors, the Mayors they promoted, seemed to be doing what they like. This the scum we get though.

Richard Kemp even voted for a Mayor. Can we trust him?

While Alastair Machray, actually its a disgrace to call him Editor of The Oldham Echo, has been PR'ing it all for the Council. 

They were fed lines and jingles by the likes of Jon Egan from October Communications and Aurora Media in Hanover Street.

How great it would be to cover the historic city centre with tenements of the future.....most of which are now a badly clad fire risk. 

While we told the truth they printed lie after lie.

They collude to destroy the World Heritage Site so the oligarchs, mostly Evertonian guappo  can have a new stadium. Its worse than Napoli here in Liverpool.

Frank McKenna. Lawrence Kenwright, Neptune Developments, Eliot. There are more.

Scroll down the labels on the right hand side and click on them. Its all there.

Friday, 4 December 2020

Joe Anderson Arrested. For Bribery and Witness Intimidation In Building Contract


Merseyside Police has arrested the elected Mayor of Liverpool Joe Anderson and four other men in connection with an ongoing corruption investigation.

The five men were arrested by detectives on Friday morning in connection with offences of bribery and witness intimidation, as part of an investigation into building and development contracts in Liverpool, a police statement said.

The men have been taken to police stations across Merseyside where they will be questioned by detectives, the statement added.

A Liverpool City Council spokesperson said: “Liverpool City Council is cooperating with Merseyside Police in relation to its ongoing investigation. We do not comment on matters relating to individuals.”

The statement from Merseyside Police listed the arrested individuals as:

  • A 62-year-old man, from Old Swan, has been arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to commit bribery and witness intimidation.
  • A 33-year-old man, from West Derby, has been arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to commit bribery and witness intimidation.
  • A 46-year-old man, from Ainsdale, has been arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to commit bribery and witness intimidation.
  • A 25-year-old man, from, Ormskirk, has been arrested on suspicion of witness intimidation.
  • A 72-year-old man, from Aigburth, has been arrested on suspicion of witness intimidation.

The investigation commenced last year and in the past 12 months has seen the arrests of Liverpool City Council’s director of regeneration Nick Kavanagh, and Elliot Lawless, founder of developer Elliot Group, last December. No charges were brought, and the men were released.

Kavanagh was then rearrested in September alongside four other individuals, but once again no charges were brought.

At the beginning of last month, Merseyside Police attended court to formally request documents from parties connected with the investigation, which centres on corruption allegations related to the sale of council land to developers.

The police were seeking to obtain documents from companies linked to the arrests made in September.

Merseyside Police is expected to issue an update on the latest arrests in the coming days.

Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Lark Lane-What A Load Of Bollards.

 Can you believe it the idiots at the council, just as the lockdown eases, bollard the whole of Lark Lane.



Gordon who runs the business Remains To Be Seen situated half way along The Lane has decided to retaliate. The 73 year old has removed all the bollards from outside his shop

Or should I say borrowed them and made his own shop window display.

 Now Gordon isn't really the best window dresser, but he's made a good job of this one!

Are the council trying to destroy the local businesses?

This was carried out without consultation. 

Without reasoning.

"They just come along with wagons full of bollards and bolt them to the tarmac. Creating thousands of holes".


Many shopkeepers and business owners felt powerless to object.

A fait acompli by the council.

But Gordon is fighting back.

With a slogan.

What A Load Of Bollards.................................. daubed below the dozens of the plastic reflective pieces, that are now...... in his shop window.

Roger Philips of Radio Merseyside has taken up his shout reading out a plea for his plight. 

He got a long letter from Gordons friend that he read out on air and a nervous Gordon Barker was given air time to state his case.

“I just woke up one morning and there they were closing the lane, how can they do this.” 

Gordon has a heart condition and this is not helping his tick, toc.

Ten minutes later workmen from the council turned up.

They must listen to Radio Merseyside.

“You are wasting your time replacing them” an angry Mr Barker declared “They will end up in the window too”

While the writer was talking to Gordon, who is a well known addition to Lark Lane numerous people stopped to show support and many were going past giving him the thumbs up.

“What a load of Bollards” one man said “That's brilliant Gordon”

The antique shop that he runs is a welcome stopping off point for many visitng the numerous eateries that makes Lark Lane a vibrant and bustling place for many.

One sign says Covid-19 Keep Your Distance.

Well that's not too difficult if the jokers running the council, yes you know who you are Mayor Joe Anderson, stop the public from supporting these long established businesses that have just been through four months of lock-down.

But possible gentrification by a meddling council who in the long term may want to put in pay and display bays and penalize the many establishments now opening after the Lock-down has now caused a great rift down the lane.

It now 'Remains to Be Seen' if the City Council Covid-iots listen to the residents



Saturday, 13 June 2020

Liverpool European Capital of Bad Sculpture.

Most of its not rascist... its just bad


Liverpool European Capital of…Bad Sculpture

What about the legacy of 2008. Our opinion is that it is the worst load of rubbish sculpture anywhere in Europe. The latest ones of Kenn Dodd and Fanny Craddock top it all.
Neil Scales the head of Misery travel, who cut the U534 U-Boat into five, and some say should be sectioned himself for a outragous and barbarous act, should be sacked for using public money to dump this trash on us. It was he who commissioned the god awful Ferry Terminal that turned Gerry Marsden to Seasick Steve and then come up with the idea for another Beatles museum because they had nothing to go in it.
Some people should not be let loose with more than 50 quid.
We think Murphy himself should be cast......headfirst into the nearest lake for this one.
Now all those people arriving from London at Lime Street staiton can see for themselves what the Plebs up north do with 200 grand. They waste it on a pair of garbage statues that any kid could have made a better job with, using plasticine and a lolly ice stick. Murphy is best friends with David Charters of the Daily Post so he has had far too much good press. Some sculptors make steel look like bronze, Murphy makes Bronze look like pig iron.Please someone tell us these are not bronze and we have made a mistake and they are made of plastic padding and cost 100 quid and I will forgive him. These have the same copper finish on the prizes they give out in the Mecca bingo down Park lane...with names like y'know "Kid leaning on Lampost" and that sort of stuff.

Someone left a comment on a LPT post..."Do you have to knock everything". Well you try living here mate watching these embarrassing nightmares unfold and see how long it is before you get annoyed.

Doddy said at the opening "Discumknockerous missus"
I agree.

He had the same problem as we did in identifying the material "Its all made of Iron so now we know where Sefton Park gates went" he said.
Going on to sum up the whole joke "Well one of the nicer things is it gives the pigeons a bit of focus they will be better once the hair goes white"One of his famous quotes is "Everyone in Liverpool is a comedian, you have to be a comedian to live here". We don't know how he managed to keep a straight face.

It was bad enough enduring the comments from educated idiots about the John Lennnon Turkey Spud did at John Lennon Airport which looks like.... errr Ken Dodd with its head like a burst couch. Hang on did he get them mixed up I remember snarling it looks more like Ken Dodd than Jack Lemmon.Now we have the nightmares on Lime Street.
Murphy cant even sculpt a fat tweed overcoat with a hat on it. Hey and whats that in Bessies hand..oh its a egg. Yes she is famous for getting the lion mark put on eggs ...oh what poetry, what artistic license..the man is a genius We wish I had thought of that.
We would like to take that iron tickling stick that looks like a Kebab in the hand of Ken Dodd and shove it somewhere, very hard so Murphy can never sculpt again.
We do not know how Professor Chucklebutty kept a straight face at least Fanny has whipped up her last Omelette's and cant see the mess that she is to be remembered by.
Our opinion is Kens family should take legal action he has been made to look like he had shot headfirst over the handlebars of his bike when he was a kid.

We cant stop laughing they are hilarious. Only the one person laughing louder than me is Spud Murphy .....laughing all the way to the bank with 200 grand of my public money now that reall would be Fanny. Only he has made a laughing stock out of all of those who let him get away with this shoddy workmanship that he should be ashamed of himself for making.
LIVERPOOL THE EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF BAD PUBLIC SCULPTURE. Hang your head in shame Mr Scales for your public art programme.
It is best if you leave what you dont know about alone.

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Lawrence Kenwrights Giant Ponzi Scheme Goes Bust.

Most people knew what he was up to.
None of Liverpools reputable estate agents, if there is such a thing, would touch him.
They all knew he was operating a giant Pyramid Scheme where one development was funding another.
 The council planning department bent over backwards to accommodate him.
 Nick Kavanagh who is being investigated for fraud in a public office rushed through the plans for his James Street hotel development.....................there should be an investigation into this.
Someone died because of inadequate handrailing not picked up by building regulations.
And he did his own asbestos survey.
After ruining several listed buildings as what he described as luxury(sic) hotels in the city. It now transpires his customers were eating mouse droppings for years and that he had stopped the reporting of this by applying for restrictions while the court case was ongoing.

We have worked with Private Eye for a while and it was they that exposed him as being banned for being a company director.

Read more here.

Now the dodgy developer is claiming that the council stitched him up.
Or maybe he had a falling out.
In today's Liverpool Echo, who may we say have acted as his own personal PR company for a while.
It was alledged that his wife was once employed by them.
 In 2014 he tried to buy St Luke Church. St Lukes is a memorial to The Blitz that Liverpool endured.
He wanted to turn it into a wedding venue. We alerted the local press and it was kyboshed.

We asked the Council Chief Executive Ged Fitzgerald, picked by Mayor Joe Anderson, about money laundering.  Here is his reply. He was arrested shortly after.

read more Murkeyside Liverpool related Private Eye articles here.

So another "Chinatown" is taking place, where a load of investors will lose money and the name of Liverpool is tainted.

But in the meantime Kenwright has got his cash out and wait for it.........he will try to buy back the assets for half the price. This is Murkeyside after all.

Monday, 16 March 2020

Eliot Lawless Giant Liverpool Ponzi Scheme Collapse.

Liverpool developer Elliot Group will be placing three schemes into administration following funding problems brought about by allegations of fraud and corruption against the company’s founder, Elliot Lawless.
Lawless, who was arrested on December 18, 2019, denies all allegations.Paul Cooper and David Rubin of David Rubin & Partners, based in London, have been brought in to assist Elliot Group’s efforts to protect the existing investors and creditors of the three companies going into administration.
So, the Ponzi Scheme collapses and more Chinese and other overseas Investors will get stung.

It is hardly surprising that this announcement has been tied in with the postponement of the cancallation of Mayoral Elections due to Coronavirus fears.


We say a full investigation is required into how he spent a million pounds on his ex council flat at Beetham Plaza spending £35,000 on a single lampshade and lining the whole building with exotic marbles. 
He combined the whole top floor buying up of several Penthouses combining them into one Super Penthouse.......overlooking Cunard Buildings.....Mayor Joe Andersons Office.
We also say an investigation into alledged links between family members of The Mayor and employees of Eliot Lawless's companies.

AND WHAT ABOUT LAWRENCE KENWRIGHT. Is this the next council protected Ponzi scheme to collapse.

Monday, 10 February 2020

Private Eye-Liverpool Rotten Borough. Murkeyside.

Police have seized £200,000 from a property linked to a Liverpool
developer arrested last month on suspicion of 
bribery and corruption.
The money was found during a search of a property belonging to
 Elliot Lawless, boss of the Elliot Group which is
 involved in 20 developments across the North West worth around
Merseyside Police was granted permission to withhold the money at a
Liverpool Magistrates’ Court hearing.
Mr Lawless said he can prove the cash was held legitimately and
receipted, and expects it to be returned.
In a statement released to the Oldham ECHO, he said: “At a recent
court hearing it was set out that a large sum 
of money was seized from one of my properties.
“This money was from various cash businesses that I operate as well
 as bank deposits and was receipted and 
properly accounted for.
“I’ve provided the necessary details to the police and fully expect it to
be returned in due course once police
 finish their inquiries.
“I do not propose to comment further on the investigation at this stage.”
Mr Lawless, 32, was arrested on December 18, 2019, at his Liverpool
city centre flat on suspicion of conspiracy to
 defraud, bribery and corruption.

The same day, Nick Kavanagh, 50, Liverpool City Council’s director of
regeneration, was arrested in his office on 
suspicion of conspiracy to defraud and misconduct in a public office.
Both men were were released on conditional bail after questioning.

At the time Mr Lawless described the allegations as “completely
 baseless”, adding: “It is important that I clear my 
good name quickly and that we move on from this.”
We will show some pictures of his marble lined swank pad in the next post.
It was announced that Liverpool-based property firm Vermont had agreed to suspend work on two projects it is 
currently delivering in the city for the Elliot Group.

They are Aura, a £100m student scheme on the edge of the city’s Knowledge Quarter which was due to complete
 in September 2020, and phase one of the £250m Infinity scheme on Leeds Street – a 38-storey, residential tower
with 416 apartments, scheduled to be handed over in December 2021.

Vermont is in talks with its supply chain to reassure all subcontractors that payment of all works to date will be met.

All of Vermont Group’s other projects are unaffected by this decision and all operations continue as normal.

Work remains ongoing at all other live Elliot Group sites. FOR NOW.