Excellent. But its not all over. Last night an impassioned meeting attended by local Councillor Civic Society members general public and council funded vested interests such as Engage Liverpool and Baltic Creative, heard that the plans for demolition of Heaps Rice Mill were to be decided today by delegated powers by un-elected officials at the planning department.
Not sure whats happened yet at this early stage but we have just heard from World Heritage Watchdog David Swift that they have refused prior-application demolition. We thought the reason they were evoking delegated powers was to pass them. (Why did they need prior application discussions when English Heritage are considering listing it).
Maybe Councillor Mumby and the other ward Councillor have intervened, as there is a law that if two Ward Councillors object they cant use delegated powers. Having said that the groundswell of public opinion may have been enough to do it.
Its not all over but its good news.
It is so curios how they tried to slip this one in and last week the electric to Heaps was turned off by the utility companies.
Update: 12.30pm
It has now been confirmed that Councillor Steve Mumby declined to object to the delegated powers decision on the basis of legal advice he had received.
He refused to divulge this legal advise. His advice to campaigners was to do nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can we trust Steve Mumby? The ward councillor for Riverside.
Mr Mumby reminded the meeting about previous schemes, calling Windsor developments attempts to regenerate the area as bordering on fraud. Yet what did he do about it at the time.
How long can Councillor Mumby sit on the fence before he gets a sore behind.
Update 15.45 pm David Ward
Why is Steve Mumby, who is a Cabinet Member, getting away with this inactivity.
After all its his council under Joe "Il Duce" Anderson's leadership, err we mean dictatorship, that has done away with the City Council Conservation Office.
Now on this occasion it may have proved that the campaigners have got a stay of execution.......................but what about the next one.
The council website which has the planning application to view on planning explorer application no 14PM/1338 (what does PM mean its usually a F or L) was supposed to allow comments till the 30th July and there are complaints from campaigners that various planning numbers have been changed and altered.
Mumby's Cabinet members are the ones who give the un-elected officials the power.
Why every member nation should exit the WHO