Thursday, 1 June 2017

Ged Fitzgerald Answers Questions About Money Laundering In Liverpool.

Questions need to be asked, publicly, about the role that Liverpool City Council have in facilitating money laundering and dodgy cash from developers that have far too close a relationship with Liverpool City Council. Here is a FOI reply from Ged Fitzgerald who was arrested last week. Where he answers nothing because the City Solicitor has answered it for him.You would think that getting to the route of corruption would be the role of the local press but we get stuck with Alastair Machray and his sidekick and advertorial specialist Mark Thomas, so there is not much chance of that.
 Look at the charade with Joe Anderson backing Peel Holdings whose cash, it was said, by the Liverpool Echo, for the non existant Liverpool Waters, was coming from a high ranking Chinese government official, Stella Shiu....that we exposed as a bankrupt in Hong Kong. 
They even gave a column to Frank Mckenna of Downtown Liverpool In Business. 
That says it all really.
Rumours that planning permission can be bought are rife around Liverpool. This needs looking
There is even a guy driving around with a van emblazoned with words JOE MUST GO and CORRUPTION.
Some of the planning applications that have recently been passed surely warrant someone taking a back'ander because that is the only way they could be passed.
Lets hope that the spotlight on Ged Fitzgerald opens up a tranche of investigations into his conduct and affairs in Liverpool while Chief Executive of Liverpool Council and that Joe Back'anderson gets a little look into also. 
If you know anything why not drop us a line and we can pass it on to the police.

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