Thursday, 22 June 2017

RIBA North Open.........In Liverpool Mann Island Carbuncle.

You couldn't make this up.
The Royal Institute Of British Architects, the revered society and patrons of our architectural in Mann Island.
They start off their tenure with an exhibition of buildings that were never built.
Just look at what one of their architects did to Liverpool's Pier Head.
Yes they are basically the same views you are looking at, but now you cant see the majesty of what was left from Liverpool's Maritime and glorious past because a RIBA architect wrecked the place.

So lets put this in perspective, 
An exhibition of buildings that were never built a building that should never have been built.

Runner up in BD carbuncle cup awards 2012.
 To Peel Holdings Media City, yes Peel Holdings who have got Liverpool on The World Heritage In Danger List.

Matt Brook the so called architect should have been struck off for this monstrosity but now the body that he is north west representative award him by taking space in his creation.

So now when Liverpool's World Heritage Site Status is in ruins RIBA come along and pat one of their members on the back...................If it wasn't so tragic it would be hilarious.
Promoted by the sill editors of The Daily Ghost.....R.I.P and the Liverpool Echo......printed in Oldham, while all the warning signs were there, the educated idiots who edited the papers played follow the leader and unfortunately Fib-Dem Warren Bradley was the leader of the council at the time.

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Liverpool To Lose UNESCO World Heritage Site Status In 2018. Its Official.

In view of the above analysis, it is recommended that the Committee expresses its deep concern that the projects already approved as well as those approved in outline have actual and potential highly adverse and irreversible impacts on the OUV of the property. 
Therefore, it is also recommended that the Committee retain the property on the List of World Heritage in Danger but consider its deletion from the World Heritage List at its 42nd session in 2018, if the State Party does not reverse course and stop the granting of planning permissions which have a negative impact on the OUV of the property, provide substantive commitments to limitation on the quantity, location and size of allowable built form, link the strategic city development vision to a regulatory planning document, and lastly provide a DSOCR and corrective measures that could be considered for adoption by the Committee.

Read it yourself here.

Monday, 5 June 2017

Fifty Years Since Sargent Peppers Album Released-What's Changed? Well Not The Potholes.

Picture yourself on a boat on a river.......Well if you have to.
Yes its fifty years since Sargent Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band hit the shops. 
Named by all and sundry as a milestone in recording history. 
It certainly made the worst artist in the world, Peter Blake's name.
This week Liverpool celebrates its creation. Completely forgetting that the Beatles left Liverpool very early on and Ringo was not even here and hated the place.
But their lonely hearts mindled their way through mammories of what they had left behind....... and couldn't wait to get away from. 
Do you blame them it was bad after the war desolation everywhere and then there was Cilla Black, its enough to make anyone want to get out.
Penny Lane was in their hearts of course.
 The song was originally supposed to be on the album as was Strawberry Fields but both were released months before as Brian Epstein and the Beagles record company wanted to keep those Beat boys in the public eye.

The last track on the album 'A Day In The Life' is a mix of two tunes written much earlier than the rest.
Everyday realism combined of ordinary life, dead pan comedy intertwined with phsycadelia,

Well there you go, that's what Howard Goodwall describes it as, on his BBC programme about the Fab Four's album.
But what was it about, 

A Day In The Life.
It was a mix of two songs written after a newspaper article that the chirpy chappies had read. 
One part was about the young Guinness Heiress who was killed in a car crash.
The other, also a article on the same page about 4,000 potholes in Blackburn Lancashire.

So whats changed in 50 years under those blue suburban skies.

Well five decades later there are about 4,000 potholes down my road. And I bet its the same where you live. While The Mayor is giving money to his property developer mates there is no money for the chasms opening up in a street near you.

While Joe Back'anderson is spending a fortune of our money on firework displays to commemorate the 50 years since the album was created..... and 55 since the Beagles left the place, the roads are literally crumbling under our feet.

Now that's surreal guess which one will be the deepest. Its a magical mystery tour trying to avoid them. I ended up in Southport last week.

Someone from the Potherb Programme walks down the road with a spray can and marks them.....then they eventually patch them and another hole opens up next to the same one.
I watched as Liverpool's Pothole programme, run by potherbs made its way down the road shoving in bits of tarmacadam to the hundreds of trench like traps that are ruining my suspension and straining my axle only to find two weeks later the same holes opening up again.

Now that's what you call Mr Kite.  

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Ged Fitzgerald Answers Questions About Money Laundering In Liverpool.

Questions need to be asked, publicly, about the role that Liverpool City Council have in facilitating money laundering and dodgy cash from developers that have far too close a relationship with Liverpool City Council. Here is a FOI reply from Ged Fitzgerald who was arrested last week. Where he answers nothing because the City Solicitor has answered it for him.You would think that getting to the route of corruption would be the role of the local press but we get stuck with Alastair Machray and his sidekick and advertorial specialist Mark Thomas, so there is not much chance of that.
 Look at the charade with Joe Anderson backing Peel Holdings whose cash, it was said, by the Liverpool Echo, for the non existant Liverpool Waters, was coming from a high ranking Chinese government official, Stella Shiu....that we exposed as a bankrupt in Hong Kong. 
They even gave a column to Frank Mckenna of Downtown Liverpool In Business. 
That says it all really.
Rumours that planning permission can be bought are rife around Liverpool. This needs looking
There is even a guy driving around with a van emblazoned with words JOE MUST GO and CORRUPTION.
Some of the planning applications that have recently been passed surely warrant someone taking a back'ander because that is the only way they could be passed.
Lets hope that the spotlight on Ged Fitzgerald opens up a tranche of investigations into his conduct and affairs in Liverpool while Chief Executive of Liverpool Council and that Joe Back'anderson gets a little look into also. 
If you know anything why not drop us a line and we can pass it on to the police.