Then the goon squad come to town and list a giant egg crate on Dale Street right next to the town hall.
You have to despair its a One Stop Shop.
Is there a worse looking building that sat uncomfortably in its setting than this eyesore?
They are even claiming it resembles Oriel Chambers.
Dont know what sort of rose tinted glasses the clown who listed it was wearing but they need cleaning.
There are rubbish sixties blocks all over the city that they could have listed and they have to list this one next to the Town Hall, and now we have to put up with it forever.
Bradshaw, Rowse Harker has its origins in the practice of Herbert J Rowse, who was one of the most influential architects of the inter-war period.
English Heritage said: “The Former Midland Bank showcases the firm’s experimental approach to sculptural form and design evident in their later work.”
Herbert Rowse must be turning in his graveEnglish Heritage said: “Office buildings shape the face of our cities and today’s listings have ensured that this area of architectural achievement is recognised for future generations.
“Listing helps the nation acknowledge and understand its shared history. It marks and celebrates a building’s special architectural and historic interest, and also brings it under the consideration of the planning system, so that some thought will be given to its future when change is underway.”
We chipped in to save the other side of the street from becoming a bookies.
Sometimes you wonder why you bother.
English Heritage in the North’s Nick Bridgland, said: “The startlingly modern frontage and oversized windows in mirrored-glass echo one of Liverpool’s most famous buildings, Peter Ellis’ Oriel Chambers, built in 1864 and Grade I listed, and make up a key part of the character of Liverpool’s commercial area.”
Constructed to the designs of local architects Bradshaw, Rowse and Harker, English Heritage said the former Midland is a key example of a post-war bank, unusually employing a high-quality Modernist design – a form of late 1960s pop architecture, which brought “fun and diversity” to the street.
Fun and Diversity? What a clown.