Thursday 23 December 2010

Plot 3A Princes Dock 1 William Jessop Way L1-

I wrote the other day about our dodgy planners-I smell a rat here.
This is a reply fom the planner dealing with this application the notorious Chris Ridland, who seems to think, in my opinion he is above the law.
A full complaint has gone to Joe Anderson the council leader.
The original application was condemmed by CABE, that takes a lot, its 33 storeys in the WHS buffer zone.
Unesco have not been informed despite asking for supplementary planning guidance in 2008.


Dear Mr Colquhoun,

The application consultation process for the above application has the statutory three-week consultation period, which is set for all planning applications. I do agree that over the Christmas period this may offer limited opportunity for interested parties to provide comment on any development proposal. I would advise; however, that the Local Planning Authority takes into consideration any comments received by interested parties right up until the day that a decision is made. In the case of this application, it is unlikely to be presented to the Planning Committee until the 15th February 2010, at the earliest, and any comments received up until this time will be taken into account in the assessment of the proposal.
I can advise that there is a slight discrepancy over the registered site address, and for this reason the Local Planning Authority will carry out a further round of consultation, as of today, consulting all those previous consulted with the statutory three week response date set for the 11th January 2011. The revised site address will be described as Plot 3A Princes Dock, William Jessop Way, L3.
With regards to the other comments you raise I would explain that this latest planning application (10F/2787) seeks to extend the time period within which the residential, office and hotel development originally approved under planning permission (07F/0028) can be implemented. The three year time period previously granted for planning permission (07F/0028) was due to expire on the 14th December 2010, and this latest application was received by the Local Planning Authority on the 3rd December 2010.
During the recent economic downturn, the Government has recognised that the ‘build out’ rate on major planning applications has increasingly slowed. In response to this, they have introduced measures (Greater Flexibility for Planning Permissions Guidance) where it is easier for developers and LPA’s to keep planning permissions alive for longer periods of time so that they can be more quickly implemented when economic conditions improve. This new procedure now allows applicants to apply to the LPA for a new planning permission to replace an existing consent; which is in danger of lapsing, in order to obtain a longer period in which to begin development.
The principle of redeveloping this site with a mixed use residential, office and hotel development has already been agreed by the Local Planning Authority, and approved by the Planning Committee in 2007. This latest application relates to the acceptability of extending the time limit for implementing this approved scheme, whilst taking account of any relevant planning policy changes in the intervening period, as well as any other material planning considerations.
I can confirm that this application has been advertised in the local press and by means of 4 no. site notices. We have also formally consulted a total of 163 no. local neighbours, 9 no. Statutory / Non-Statutory Consultees (including English Heritage) and 2 no. local ward Councillors. Any comments received from English Heritage will be made available on the public file, as and when they are received.
I trust this clarifies matters; however, if you are unclear on any matters or require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind Regards,

Chris Ridland


Municipal Buildings

Dale Street


L2 2DH

Peel feels the crunch in annual port results-Even the Liverpool Daily Post are Questioning Their Financial Situation.

I wrote last week about the financial situation of Peel Holdings, asking just how are they going to fund their over ambitious, and looking even more ridiculous, schemes for both Wirral and Liverpool, combined with empty promises for the Panamax Terminal, whilst building Port Salford.
It has taken over a week but the Daily Ghost writer for Peel Holdings finaly catches up with a in depth look at the situation from Peter Elson. It raises concerns about the position of John Whittakers Empire and just clears a little bit of, those, Smoking Mirrors at Oldham Hall Street. 
Peel feels the crunch in annual port results

Dec 22 2010

by Peter Elson, Liverpool Daily Post
PORT of Liverpool owner Peel Ports suffered a sharp fall in trade last year because of the global economic downturn, according to figures filed recently.
The company’s financial performance was further impaired by interest payments of more than £1m a week.
The group owns the Manchester Ship Canal, River Medway Ports (Port of Sheerness and Chatham Docks), Clydeport (Hunterston, Greenock, King George 5th Dock Glasgow and Ardrossan Harbour) and Heysham Port.
It also operates port facilities, freight forwarding and cargo handling businesses at Glasgow, Greenock, Hunterston, Dublin and Belfast, plus Irish Sea and North Sea freight shipping services.
In a period that coincided with the peak of the recession, the group’s turnover fell £36.6m to £362.5m. Pre-tax profits rose 9%, up £914,000 to £11.6m.
This was boosted by resilient performances by its joint ventures, including its 47% shareholding in Cammell Laird shipyard.
Accounts just filed at Companies House for the group company, Peel Ports Shareholder Financeco, show that interest payments remain high as the group services £1.2bn debt.
Although down slightly, by £2.9m, the group paid interest of £62.1m.
Peel Ports paid a £24m dividend which contributed to net liabilities of £435m.
The directors have relied on a number of factors in continuing to adopt the going concern basis.
Its borrowings of £1.06bn are in place until the end of 2013, subject to covenants which have not previously been breached, and their forecasts anticipate this will be maintained.
The group, which had net debts of £213m to other group and related companies, also had undrawn loan facilities of £60m at the end of the financial year through a variety of banks.
It expects that costs will be lower in the year to March, 2011, because of the restructuring that has taken place.
Its port and canal operations, which accounts for nearly two-thirds of the group’s turnover, slipped 3% to £230.2m, compared to £238.1m for 2009..
Shipping income suffered a bigger drop at £61.1m for 2010, in contrast to £81.3m for 2009, down 25%.
Transport income, too, fell sharply, with £38.8m for 2010, from £48.1m in 2009.
Rental income remained stable, at £28.5m.
The group has continued to reduce the number of people directly employed by the company, down nearly 400 people in the year to 1,300. The group employed more than 2,000 people just two years ago.
It reduced staff costs by nearly £14m to £55m, although it spent £8.5m on restructuring, which included redundancy costs.
The group’s immediate parent company, Peel Ports Holdings (CI), is registered in the Cayman Islands and its ultimate holding company, Tokenhouse, is an Isle of Man company.
The directors proposed and paid interim dividends of £24m, compared to £30m in 2009.
According to the Report and Financial Statements, the tonnage throughput has decreased year on year, which was fully expected as a result of the decline in the wider global downturn.
“The resulting lack of liquidity in the financial markets has reduced the ability of businesses and individuals to borrow money and this has ultimately led to a lack of demand in the global marketplace,” said the report.
“Despite the continued downturn in the global economic environment, the results for the year have remained strong, which is largely attributed to the benefit of a strong and diverse portfolio of customers and service provision.
“Although several European ports have been hit by the global decline in container volumes, Peel Ports Group is not as reliant on container handling as many other port businesses.
“With its strong and diverse service offering the Group is showing greater resilience in the current environment.”
The Port of Liverpool is by far the biggest element in the group, and the UK’s seventh largest freight port.
Taken together, all six Peel Ports form part of a wider transport infrastructure.
The key operational risk and uncertainty relates to the dependency upon the economic activity of the businesses and consumers within the port hinterlands, says the report.
The report continues: “These consumers and businesses generate the trade which flows through the ports.
“When they are subject to economic cycles, or at the extreme, to failure, there is an unavoidable impact on the port.”
Peel Ports’ five gateways handle a wide range of international trade which amounts to more than 65m tonnes of cargo a year. Meantime, the battle for ownership of Peel Holdings’ giant Trafford Centre shopping mall goes on.
Capital Shopping Centres (CSC) group is recommending that shareholders support a proposal that would see John Whittaker’s Peel Holdings sell the Trafford Centre – one of Britain’s biggest – to it in an all-share deal.
This leave Mr Whittaker’s company owning 24.7pc of CSC and the businessman becoming deputy chairman of CSC and avoiding capital gains tax.
David Simon, the largest shopping mall operator in the US, who owns 5.1% of CSC through his Simon Property Group (SPG), released details of an alternative financing proposal, which he claimed would be “more attractive” for CSC shareholders.
Mr Simon said he continued to have concerns about the £1.6bn price being sought by Peel.
Read More

Tuesday 21 December 2010

Peel Holdings-Being Helped by Liverpool City Council Planning Department.

Is that fair to the public who pay Joe Anderson's wages.

More dodgy planning applications shoved into the process at Xmas week when the whole country has ground to a halt.
Liverpool Planning authority is corrupted by the power it has been allowed to posses.

Last year the same thing happened another dodgy planning application which we had stopped. And its Chris Ridland again every where there is controversy his and Bembows name crops up. Like when they passed planning permission for a hotel in a listed building without a consultation.
He is always there Mr Ridland is.

So today I have asked Joe Anderson why the authority operates this manner.

Liverpool Preservation Trust

11-13 Holts arcade
India Buildings
Water St
Liverpool L2 0RR
Tel: 0151 236 1282
Mr Anderson
Leader Liverpool City Council
Planning Application no 10F/2787

Mr Anderson,
I have today received the 21st December, a notification letter dated 14th December for a planning application regarding 1 Jessops Way L3 on behalf of Peel Holdings.
The comments to that notification that the planning authority is required by law to obtain have to be in by the 4th January.
Every year we see a planning application buried in the Xmas rush and bad weather and it is usually one of the most controversial which makes it look like a dodgy deal under the table at a busy time when no-one can have a reply, most people are not in work, most people have other things on their mind how convenient.
This is a disgrace. A planning authority should be seen to above this sort of behavior.
Last year the same thing happened with a extant planning application for a structure within the world heritage site next to the Liver Buildings and it was Chris Ridland involved again. I think you need to look at the way Mr Ridland is given permission to facilitate developers. It is my opinion he is out of control.
I wish to make an official complaint to you as council leader as to the handling of the extension of the planning application for Peel Holdings who it seems you yourself are involved heavily in assisting with planning applications for developments of theirs.

1. I wish to know when the planning application is to run out.
2. When it was granted.
3.What English Heritage reports are available.
4. What is the amount of consultation letters that have been sent out.

I wish to make it clear that you as council leader need to stop this way of dealing by the planning authority as it looks very bad looking in on it all.
I think the planning application should be resubmitted at a time when we the public who pay the wages of council officials have a fair and proper chance to have their say as is required by law.
I look forward to hearing from you by return

Wayne Colquhoun

Chairman LPT

Wednesday 15 December 2010

David Bartlett-Come In Number Six Your Time Is Up..

 First let me say I have nothing against Mr David Bartlett personally, or any of the other reporters that I know in Port Merrion on the Mersey at Oldham Hall Street, but it really has got to a stage where they are so understaffed (well I will give the benefit of the doubt at this stage) that the whole credibility of the local press has got to be questioned in a lot more detail.
The Daily Post "Prisoner" David Bartlett.

The Trinity "Smoking" Mirror Group seem more content to look after their sources than their readers, so it is inevitable that the chip-papers sales will go down.
They tried giving the Daily Post away free at one time, that didn't work either. It has problems.
David wrote up an article regarding the awful David Fleming who, I do have something against, namely he is a twasser ruining a once great institution, he is ruining it.......... and it was squoshed.
This was dynamite and there had to be a duty for the local press to expose this racist comment by the director of Liverpool's International Slavery Museum.
 I gave him all the information, he reads the blog and he had asked me for more clarification, to which I duly obliged.
He wrote it up.........It was a big story.......... and it was nobbled by the senior staff at Trinity "Smoking" Mirrors.
Come in Number 6 your time really is up.
David Bartlett, The Prisoner.
Does a big balloon come down Oldham Hall Street when he tries to go out, that swooshes him back, and who is Number 2
Dicky Felt-tip, Flemings personal  PR man who spends all his days at our expense getting him out of the shit that he wants to spread over all young black men that visit the museums, had asked David to bury the story. He personally asked the City Editor to edit this out of the papers.
I didn't think he would it was big. I thought David too big for that. Finally exposing a man of little common sense with distorted sick views destroying Liverpool Museums to build Flemings Folly in the world heritage site, ruining our views.
But he wrote it up especially after Fleming was to be investigated by city council.
 I felt contented to have done some work.   I had predicted he would bury the dynamite that is David "Fuzzy Felt" Fleming.

No it never got out outragous as the story itself.
Mark Thomas told me he has to strike a balance. Well the balance has gone too far and you are a No Mark Mr Thomas. Is it just my opinion No not really, but do the public know enough to have theirs.
Lazy journalism is not the correct balance.
Today's papers and yesterdays are full of Joe Anderson, Liverpool Vision PR pap that is already packaged up for the papers so all they do is put their name to it.
Liverpool Councils "One Plan Scheme" They only have one plan to manipulate the press and they are succeeding.  David Bartlett also sells it on his blog but I don't want to give it the credibility here, only scorn.
I recently sold a couple of old Liverpool Mercury's from 1812 and reading through them it made me think it was a time that the Daily Posts fore-runner The Mercury turned a blind eye to the plight of the slaves that were shipped across the Atlantic. Yes they are as guilty as the slavers.
 I watched a taped ITV4 film this weekend about the life of William Wilberforce and his struggle for justice for right and I thought this local press has not changed one jot, they still turn a blind eye when it suits them and I thought, shame on you local journalists who don't tell the truth, shame on you.
They package a Palm Oil disaster that causes misery for indigenous races in far off climates as PR pap for Peel Its just the same in a different age.
My opinion is its what you don't say and its what you hide that makes you as much a liar as having the brashness to declare a lie.
When you join a deceit you are part of an overall lie and the old saying for evil to succeed it takes good men to do nothing.
Come in Number 6 your time is well and truly up and who is Number 1.

Monday 13 December 2010

National Conservation Centre Closes- Liverpool Museums Director David Fleming is on £109,999-This is Where Your Money Goes.

Liverpool Museums Senior Staff Pay dataset at 30 June 2010
David Fleming  Director 1 DCMS National Museums Liverpool Directors office £105,000
Actual pay £109,999

1 David Fleming NA Director of National Museums Department for Culture, Media and Sport National Museums Liverpool NA 0151 478 4201
Payband 9

2 Vacant
Payband 9

 Executive Director (Collections Management) Responsible for NML's public venues venues and collections. Department for Culture, Media and Sport National Museums Liverpool Collections Management
 Cost of reports rounded to nearest £100,000................ £300,000

3 Sharon Granville
Payband 9
 Project director (Museum of Liverpool) Currently leading the new multi million pound Museum of Liverpool project, as well as managing the departments of Urban History and Estate Management Department for Culture, Media and Sport National Museums Liverpool Museum of Liverpool 0151 478 4236
 Cost of reports rounded to nearest £100000.................... £200,000

4 Amy de Joia Payband 9
Exectutive Director (Development & Communications)
Responsible for fundraising, marketing and communications, exhibitions, museum partnerships and the development of the catering, retail and conference business run by NML Trading Ltd Department for Culture, Media and Sport National Museums Liverpool Development and Communications 0151 478 4962  £351,358

5 Carol Rogers Payband 9 Executive Director (Education, Communities & Visitors) "Directs the Education Division, in the strategic planning and delivery of formal, informal and outreach learning programmes based on and relating to the collections on display across all NML's venues and oversees the delivery of front of house services across the organisation.
" Department for Culture, Media and Sport National Museums Liverpool Education,Communities and Visitors 0151 478 4123  £275,073

6 Anthony Allen
Payband 9
Executive Director (Finance) Responsible for all financial forecasting and budgeting, reporting to financial and audit committes.
 Oversee's NML's Information Services and Audit functions.
Department for Culture, Media and Sport National Museums Liverpool Finance 0151 478 4638
1 Cost of reports rounded to nearest £100,000............. £200,000

7 Maxine Carden
Payband 8
Director (Human Resources) Responsible for developing and delivering HR strategies alligned with business requirements. Department for Culture, Media and Sport National Museums Liverpool Human Resources 0151 478 4677
1 Cost of reports rounded to nearest £100,000.............. £200,000
Chart of Pay structures at NML What I find difficult to understand is how David "Fuzzy Felt" Fleming is on payband 9 but appears to be on less money than the others.
I also find it alarming that Sharon Granville has not been sacked If she was in the private industry with her pathetic record on Flemings Folly, the new Museum of Liverpool she would have gone a long time ago.

Liverpool Conservation Centre To Close Its Doors To The Public-The Decline of NML Continues.

Liverpool Conservation Centre to close its doors to the public

Dec 13 2010

by Ben Schofield, Liverpool Daily Post
LIVERPOOL’S flagship conservation centre will permanently close its doors to the public at the end of the week.
Art lovers have been able to have free entry to the Whitechapel-based National Conservation Centre for 14 years.
But museums bosses facing a 15% budget cut said it has to close its doors.
The conservation work done there will continue, and its permanent exhibition – Revealed: the Hidden Stories of Objects – will be moved to the World Museum.
But several staff are likely to be affected by the closure.
NML director Dr David Fleming said: “We bitterly regret having to close one of our venues to visitors, but this is the harsh reality of government cuts. The National Conservation Centre was a very popular venue that staged many fantastic photographic exhibitions and other events over the last 14 years.”

This what happens when you let a twasser like Dr David Fleming loose with too much money, he puts all his eggs in one new museum basket and the rest of the once proud establishment starts to decline.
Not only does he want all young black men to feel shit but everyone associated with NML.
Couldnt Phil Redmond-stien have found some volunteers to man it.

What a disgrace, and it will get worse.

Peel Holdings-Just How Much Do They Owe?

I posted last week about the strange finances of Peel Holdings who are a privately owned company.
There is no doubt that they are a successful group, but may they have overplayed their hand, and are they ready for a steep decline. It cant go on forever.
My opinion is that the Liverpool Waters proposals are a planning permission exercise and John Whitaker their principle shareholder is due to cash all his chips in soon ahead of retirement.

 Today of all people Neil Hodgson of the Daily Post looks into the finances of the Trafford Park deal.

THE battle over the Peel-owned Trafford Centre outside Manchester took another twist today after it emerged the site’s proposed new owner spurned another intervention by one of America’s biggest shopping mall firms.

Capital Shopping Centres, which owns Essex’s Lakeside centre, described the latest plan from Simon Property Group, which is also one of its biggest shareholders, as "completely impracticable".
Capital has been locked in a row with Simon after it offered £1.6bn – comprising a purchase price and taking on almost £800m of debt – to buy the Trafford Centre from developer Peel Holdings, giving the company controlled by billionaire John Whittaker nearly 20% of its shares and a seat on the board.

A Peel statement released this morning said: "Peel Group is aware of the letter from Simon Property Group Inc to Capital Shopping Centres Group plc, proposing fundamental changes to CSC’s agreed Trafford Centre transaction with Peel.
"Peel Group remains committed to the agreed transaction with CSC, subject to approval of CSC shareholders on December 20.
"Peel has no intention of selling the Trafford Centre for cash and this has never been an aim of the group – in spite of the fact that Peel has been advised a cash sale would achieve a higher price – and nor does Peel intend entering into such a discussion.
"Rather, Peel’s stated objective is to increase and diversify its exposure to the UK shopping centre market via a long-term investment in CSC."
It added: "The transaction will bring to CSC the value of John Whittaker’s extensive experience in the retail and leisure property sectors and, through the addition of the Trafford Centre, will create an unrivalled portfolio of UK regional shopping centre assets."

Liverpool stockbroker Panmure Gordon backs CSC’s proposed deal with Peel, saying: "In the long-run, if the business stays publicly quoted, the future looks improved with ownership of The Trafford Centre and a strengthened balance sheet."

Most people would wish to get out of retail even if they are as successful as the enterprise known as the Trafford centre.

So what is exactly going on in the secretive world of Isle of Man tax exile John Whittaker, owner of Peel Holdings.

Friday 10 December 2010

HMS Whimbrel-What Ever Happened To The Campaign To Save Her.

Here is a picture of Louise Ellman and John Livingstone lobbying Gordon Brown, the man who gave all our gold reserves away at two quid an ounce before the price lept to ten.
Then went on to sea lord over the biggest financial disaster of the century.
The Whimbrel was an important Black Swan Sloop,  playing a huge part in the Battle of the Atlantic.
 "Is there a secret war time headquarters in Martins Bank Buildings" someone recently asked me.
"Yes its that secret its shut down and no-one knows about it" I replied. Thats what we do with our heritage.

We support the campaign to bring the Whimbrel back to Liverpool and spend a fortune on it, even though the Canning Dock is now a World Heritage Blight with the three black coffins on Mann Island and it will loook out of place.
How come those in Liverpool Vision such as Joe Anderson got £12,000,000 to put a cut through the Pier Head and let in.....Canal Barges when we have no way to put a proper boat there.
We could have had the U-534 only some tosser cut it up watched by the local maritime press who swallowed the excuse that they had no room for it, hook line and........stinker.

HMS Whimbrel (U29) here is the wikipedia link.

Here is the last we heard from Oldham Hall Street blaming the Egyptian Government, for the ineptitude of the crusty old sea dogs trying to save her, watching as scrap, no I said scrap metal values quadrupled. Then complaining when the Egyptians up the price, and they asked them to remove the asbestos.  The last I heard.
COUNTESS Mountbatten of Burma has now written to President Mubarak of Egypt, asking if he can intervene in the deadlock over returning the last of Capt Johnnie Walker’s warships, HMS Whimbrel, to Liverpool, to become the only official British Battle of the Atlantic memorial.

The problem is caused by the Egyptian Defence Ministry having quadrupled the agreed price of HMS Whimbrel from £250,000 to £1m.

The negotiators for this rusting hulk full of asbestos used the Nigel Mansell approach to buying car insurance.
Err.... how much do you want, OK we will pay it, until they realised that the Arab nations negotiate as a way of life and don't just accept the first insurance quote like most of the British.
The Duke of Westminister had made a substantial donation, but his £250,000 was returned as it cant be left forever in a dormant bank account.
 Peter Elson who put a lot of his own time into this Daily Post Campaign, and is alright, wrote a Oldham Echo-ing piece in 2009, helping to evoke the spirit of the age.
AS THE merchant ship’s very soul groaned in its death throes, wallowing amid the pounding Atlantic swell on October 19, 1940, courageous men still combed her lower decks looking for life.
As they shone their torches around the bowels of the SS Assyrian, which was torpedoed while sailing from Halifax to Liverpool as part of Convoy SC7, they heard a cry.
I had to ban John Livingstone from my shop, as I kept getting earache, he was just too heavy, but he means well, and wants a memorial to all those heroic sailors who saved the fate of Europe from the Nazis in the Battle of the Atlantic. Not just a closed room in Martins Bank basement. Even big mouth Joe Riley joins in.
There is a bad monument to Johnnie Walker at the Pier Head by Tom Murphy.

So will we ever, in these economic times, caused by the very person who was asked to help the campaign, Gordon Brown, see another ship in the Liverpool Docks that we can call our own.
 Or is it just wading into deep water a sinking idea.

What happened to the Manxman.

But don't worry folks everything is alright we have saved the Cruise Liner Jetty and the embarrasment of planning a disaster.
It says so in the Daily Post and Echo today.  The headline reads.
Chancellor George Osborne gives new hope to Liverpool Cruise terminal plan
Quizzed by the Daily Post, the Chancellor hinted strongly that the decision – imposed by the previous Labour administration – would be overturned when the current government completes its review.
He described the block on cruises starting and finishing at the Pier Head as “rather odd”, giving a significant boost to the Daily Post’s campaign to lift the ban.
Talk about making a crisis out of a drama this is a front page.
Talk about Wading into deep water.
David Wade-Smith claims he saved the Cruise Liner jetty from the scrapheap at a Liverpool Vision board meeting. Thanks for that.
This is, in my opinion as the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce, the moron, who promoted Mann Island development as beneficial to Liverpool, making it now look out of place to have boats there.

Joe Anderson is the longest serving board member of Liverpool Blind Vision. Mates with Wade-Smith for a long time eh Joe. 
The same old people responsible for the cruise liner cock up are now getting on board.

Louise Ellman, the Riverside MP, who chairs the Commons transport committee, and part of the government who would not let cruises start at the Pier Head, in the article said:
 “I thought it was a very encouraging answer, on what is a vitally important issue.”
So we now have Louise Ellman trying to save the Cruise Liner Jetty, she cant even save her own son who was recently arrested. 
She is now asking a Tory cuts reaper to help the get on board the Get On Board Campaign, and now its all fine because George Osborne describes the situation as "odd" and its all going to be saved.

Its all very odd to me, how the same old people are making the same old mistakes they always have, and are still getting away with it.

Thursday 9 December 2010

Peel Holdings Land Division Make A Loss. Just Exactly How Will They Fund All Their Projects?

Peel Group’s land and property division increased its turnover and pre-tax profits during the year, but ended up making a loss overall.

Newly-filed accounts for Peel Holdings (Land and Property) Ltd show the Trafford-based behemoth, which is in the final stages of completing MediaCity on Salford Quays, recorded turnover of £91m for the year to March 31, 2010, compared to £82m in 2009.
Profits at the firm, controlled by Isle of Man-based John Whittaker, shot up to £56.5m (2009: £48m), but £64m of interest and charges pushed the firm to a loss of £3.8m for the year, an improvement of the £39m it lost a year earlier.
The debt of the group also increased however, to £907m, compared to £888m the year before.
The company’s commercial rent roll dipped by £3m to £66m. It is still spending £5m a year on empty rates charges, on the 958,000 sq ft of space it has vacant. The firm had more than 1m sq ft sat empty in 2009, however.
The company controls a 25,000-acre land portfolio. It firm recently got planning permission for its Wirral Waters scheme and submitted proposals for Liverpool Waters, the UK’s largest planning application. Last June, it was given planning consent for the 1.5m sq ft Port Salford.
It also said it intended to progress planning work on its £50bn ‘Ocean Gateway’ scheme, which links Manchester and Liverpool via the ship canal corridor.
Peel failed in its bid to build a horse racing track at Salford Forest Park, however. It now says a ‘luxury golf course concept’ will be drawn up for the site.
The firm employed 133 people during the year, with a wage bill of £7.9m The highest-paid director received £343,000. It also contributed £7m to charity during the year, an increase on the £1m it dished out to worthy causes during 2009.
You wont find any of this in Trinity "Smoking" Mirrors at Oldham Hall Street. Peel Holdings Liverpool PR company.

Meanwhile Stinky Ink Bartlett "The Prisoner" sits on this story.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Mann Island Developers Illegally Use The UNESCO Logo.

Mann Island Developers really do take the biscuit here. They destroy the world heritage site, turning it into blight and then make out as if it is all supported by Unesco. It is illegal to use a logo of a United Nations organisation without permission. This tacky advert with the WHS ringed, only serving to show how much they have got away with was in the Sunday Times last week. I have today written to Unesco complaining of the fact that the development "appears" to be supported by them. If anyone wants to join in writing to Unesco, please feel free.

Francesco Bandarin

Dear Sir,
This is a picture of an advert that has appeared in the Sunday Times advertising the Mann Island world heritage site.
Would you please advise me, on the the use of the Unesco logo.
1. Are the developers entitled to use the Unesco logo to make it appear that Unesco sanction the development.

Wayne Colquhoun
copy to Mechtild Rossler

Monday 6 December 2010

The Mole of Edgehill-They Are Digging Him Up Again.

Is someone trying to get their own back on the Mole of Edgehill for digging their ancestors garden up.
First they proclaim a memorial for him, albeit a tacky and shoddy one and now they dig that up.

Is there a new Mole of Grosvenor-pool?
Not content with the original disturbance of a graveyard site, it seems they are back again for more digging. Maybe they should have done the job with more careful planning.
Grosvenor think they dont need planning permission, being arrogant enough to erect without a planning application on Chavasse Lawn.

And they should think about building with less shoddy workmanship.
For a lot of people this area is now the first port of call, right into John Lewis car park and out again which you can just about see in the background.

Wouldnt you think with all the profits Grosvenor are making they would do a proper job.....first time around

Thursday 2 December 2010

One Park West Residents Complain Of An Eyesore-The Barefaced Cheek Of It.

 The cheek of that, we have to look at the monstrous One Park Worst that came 4th in the Carbuncle Cup award for 2009.

 Here is what Mark "Padding it out" Waddington has to say.

OWNERS of luxury flats in Liverpool One’s One Park West development claim the tone of their “glamorous” area is being lowered by “vulgar, tatty” amusements outside their windows six months of the year.

To call this development glamorous....where does he live.
Inspired by a greenhouse the Widnes tech on speed inspired design(sic) has brought the most ugly looking vulgarity to Liverpool's World Heritage Site.

Padding goes on
Some of those who bought the plush properties – worth up to £500,000 – have objected to permission being granted for food and drink stalls, the 60-metre North Star fun ride, an ice rink, toboggan run, and band stands in Chavasse Park in the run up to Christmas.

The reality is that the place has been plumped out by the tragic event of the crane collapsing on a apartment in the Baltic Triangle. So most of them overlooked an eyesore anyhow. What about the three black coffins on Mann Island surely they have noticed the mess at the Pier Head.
The firm behind One Park West was keen to stress it was only a minority of residents who complained, but accepted it was “difficult to please everyone”.

Well the fair is bad, but isn't this like the kettle calling the pot black. One Park Worst.

Is this another publicity stunt.

The reality is the same is to be said of Church Street. Who organises this tat?

And is it Paul Du Noyer complaining?

Did they complain when they dumped the tacky 'Give Peas a Chance' Statue on Chavasse Lawn?

What does the Hilton Hotel chain think?
I think they have got what they deserve myself now they know what its like for us who have to look at them.

Tuesday 30 November 2010

Wirral Waters Not Called In-Good News For The Wirral.

Peel Holdings have had the good news that Wirral Waters will not be called in. This is excellent news for the Wirral and is long overdue. I was working at Franklin Stafford Architects at the Albert Dock in 1995 and they were to be the preferred architects for the then 12 Quays development. This never came to fruition, but it now looks like finally something, if we are to believe Peel Holdings, will happen.
Liverpool will now have the other side of the river to look at and the added investment, if it comes, should bring jobs to the local economy.
I really hope Peel will deliver their plans.

There are no World Heritage issues Wirral side, so good luck Wirral.
Lets hope that Uncle Joe Anderson understands what could happen if he helps Peel too much with Liverpool's World Heritage Site.

Monday 29 November 2010

Government Office North West- How Can We Trust Them.

How can you trust the Government Office North West when it has been run by the North Vested Interest Development Agency.
Their senior person Robert Hough was a business partner of John Whittaker the tax exiled owner of Peel Holdings. Considering Liverpool's local office was in Cunard Buildings overlooking the world heritage disaster that is Liverpool Pier Head, it is obvious they don't care for Liverpool's historic fabric. We wrote to the Secretary of State, who in turn gives it to GONW.

I consider them corrupted by the power they possess.

So Peel have put all their tentacles out laying down their chosen men.
How much will Liverpool Waters be worth when planning permission is passed.

Instead of branding Liverpool Docks, the new Shanghai, the model should be Amsterdam, where people live harmoniously in tightly built quarters, all built on a human level with green space and canals as location.
It would be good to make Liverpool Waters the New Amsterdam.

Peel are to build a new port in Salford, costing 400 million pounds and turn Liverpool's into a plastic palace of glass shoe-boxes stacked on top of each other.

We need a public inquiry nothing else will do.

Friday 26 November 2010

Why Does Merseytravel Own Ringo's House in Madryn Street?

Paul McCartney at a gig at the reproduction of The Cavern in 2007 said "We are glad to be here at the Cavern.......I cant believe they knocked the original one down".
Yes this is the city that knocked down the Cavern Club just before it called itself Beatles city, and then built a repro, not even in its place.
 It is the 11th hour and 55 minutes for Ringo's birthplace. He may not be the most liked person in the city after saying he did not regret leaving Liverpool in a smurky manner on the Jonothan Woss show.
Ringo was bad at the opening ceremony of European Capital of Culture organised by Jane Casey of Big in Japan or was that, Big in A Can.
How original to hoist a metal container over St Georges Hall, the same container that seen off all the Liverpool dockers, and have Dave Stewart from Newcastle join Ringo. How Rongo was that? It was tacky. It was the poor little children carrying lanterns inside plastic stacking crates still with the £2.99 Rapid Hardware stickers on that I felt sorry for.
And Baron Redmondstien, we created a monster, shouting "Errr love me do, will yeh" and then buggering off home to Tarporly.
Yes it was that grim. And you couldn't say anything there was a hush that meant you had to go along with it all.
2008, The disguise that hid the World Heritage decimation and the gift to Grosvenor of a third of the city centre. Its head honcho Rod Holmes who works for the Mersey day a week, who does not live here, has now proclaimed
"Even without the Ringo house we still have enough Original Beatles sites".
 This is the bloke who has just erected the godawful 'Give Peas a Chance' piece of junk in Grosvenor-pool on Chavasse Lawn.
Holmes said to me he rushed Chavasse Park.
A monument to greed and now bad taste in sculpture as well as architecture.
"We are hardly ignoring the value of Beatles Tourism" he says in the LDP business week magazine. There is obviously someone still at the paper with a heritage conscience to write this contoversial stuff, even if it is supressed by "Physco" Bill Gleeson the business editor.
Rod Holmes will probably complain and that will be that covered up by the cowards at the editorial level.
It has now come to light that Merseytravel owns the house in Madryn Street.
What is Neil Scales doing meddling in local politics? This is a man who knows nothing of our heritage.
Is he going to break it into five so you can walk through it like he did with U-534, The Vandal. read this it came out.
Or will he commission the dreaded Tom Murphy to put a Ken Dodd up in the new estate, if anything ever gets built, as a legacy of 2008?

So as New Heartlands the council rip the heart out of an area and then say we are going to rebuild it...Clever, really clever.
Neil Scales is out of control and should not have interfered here.
There is still time to save Ringo's house. Joe Anderson should intevene instead of making excuses.
He said he will scrap home demolitions So why cant he scrap this one.

Thursday 25 November 2010

LDP Business Week-Are They PR Plants For The Palm Oil Industry.

Today Neil Hodgson reports about how wonderful it is to increase the profitability of a Merseyside Palm Oil Plant.
 It is he who is the plant on this occasion.
 I label him an ill educated man who has been taught how not to think outside the box. To be told what to print by his fellow compatriots at Trinity "Smoking" Mirror Group. To look no further than his nose, to be a poodle. Today he tells us how wonderful it is to have Palm Oil Shipments processed in Liverpool.
He writes:
 NEW Britain Palm Oil today said its new Liverpool processing plant is achieving week-on-week increases in sales and production since its opening in May.

The manufacturer of edible oils developed the £18m waterfront plant on Regent Road to process regular shipments from its plantations in Papua New Guinea.
He continues. Mr Thompson said the Liverpool plant is performing well, adding: “We are very pleased with the level of demand we have going forward, and the quality of oil produced at the refinery is of the highest standard.

“The demand for fully traceable and certified sustainable palm oil is growing steadily and more and more food manufacturers continue to contact us as part of their intention to bring forward their commitments to using traceable and certified sustainable palm oil.”

It may be this is a traceable commodity. But i t is the duty of a reporter to check it is, not roll over and have his tummy tickled just because he is told so.
Not a thought about the environmental impact from he of little opinion.
A quick google search, yes its that easy Mr Hodgson, you lazy little poor excuse for a journalist you, reveals the environmental damage to the world.
Try this
Where a proper reporter who uses his brain take full account of the Palm Oil crop and its world impact.

The guilty secrets of palm oil: Are you unwittingly contributing to the devastation of the rain forests?

Does your shopping basket contain KitKat, Hovis, Persil or Flora? If so, you may be contributing to the devastation of the wildlife-rich forests of Indonesia and Malaysia, where orangutans and other species face extinction as their habitat disappears.

Report by Martin Hickman

Saturday, 2 May 2009
A fisherman surveys the scene as he steers his boat alongside a recently cleared area of forest

Palm Oil Mini Mills
Palm oil processing mills, SSPE0,7 - 4,5 tonnes FFB/hr
It's an invisible ingredient, really, palm oil. You won't find it listed on your margarine, your bread, your biscuits or your KitKat. It's there though, under "vegetable oil". And its impact, 7,000 miles away, is very visible indeed.
The wildlife-rich forests of Indonesia and Malaysia are being chain-sawed to make way for palm-oil plantations. Thirty square miles are felled daily in a burst of habitat destruction that is taking place on a scale and speed almost unimaginable in the West.

You have to blame Bill Gleeson the LDP Business editor, again, it really is the blind leading the blind sending his staff out like little scullery maids searching for things they can make look good.

I think the public may be wising up to the poor standard of local scribblers at Trinity "Smoking" Mirrors in Oldham Hall Street. No wonder they cant give the paper away.
They dont tell you the truth and in my opinion a liar hides the truth.
You dont have to tell a lie, to be a liar, in my opinion, you just hide one. 

Wednesday 24 November 2010

"All Saints Church does not need this"-Florence Gersten, Save Our City Campaign

All Saints Church does not need this

Letters to the Editor
Nov 24 2010

Liverpool Daily Post
 THE Save Our City Campaign wishes to express its total agreement with the people who have recently written to the local press expressing their strong objections to the proposals for Childwall Parish Church of All Saints.
This lovely church includes a medieval section which is older than any other in the Merseyside boroughs. In a sense, it is considerably older. There was a church on the site before the Norman Conquest.

All Saints has, as other correspondents have mentioned, been altered many times, the last major extension being in 1906. However, the whole complex is remarkable for its unity.
Every component, no matter its date, is built of the local red sandstone and designed in harmony with the oldest part of the church. No doubt this is one of the reasons why it is listed Grade I: the highest category of listed buildings. It is the key component in a unique corner of Liverpool.
The proposed circular building is completely out of keeping with the church and its surroundings. It will also destroy part of the graveyard: one of the very few intact churchyards in Liverpool, and, of course, the oldest.
The desire for toilet facilities inside the church is perfectly understandable, but this could certainly be achieved without any significant damage to that building. It does not need a major extension. A major purpose of the proposed extension is as accommodation for meetings. As a recent letter-writer pointed out, these can easily be held in the church hall.

We hope that the application for this extension will be withdrawn, without the necessity of a public inquiry.

Florence E Gersten, The Save Our City Campaign

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Joe Anderson-Sitting Far Too Close To Frank McKenna.

  Last weeks "Cool Business Award" Ceremony, (excuse me for laughing but I couldn't think of a single grey suited flannelet who was there who may have been remotely cool), was attended by Joe Anderson who is proud to proclaim Mr McKenna as a fellow Labour party member and supporter. Mr McKenna has a chequered history of Labour Party membership.
Frankly, I don't like the relationship between our elected council leader and a Spiv. In my opinion, everyone knows him as a spiv that is what he gets paid for, to ease his fellow businessmen into little tight holes that may be hard to get to otherwise. 
The Council leader should be above this sort of relationship with local business men, especially those with a dubious history. They should not be holding hands under the table. 
 It could be that, in my opinion, ill thought out relationships makes him ignore bodies such as English Heritage, and he may try to jib the planning procedure in a rush to help property developers, as it appears is happening with Peel Holdings.
Mr Anderson should be aware that a public inquiry should be called for over Liverpool Waters. We will make you an offer you can't refuse his advertising says showing himself as the Godfather, 
Billy Quiff more like it, anyone can pay a few girls to link you to kid people you are liked, Frank.

 McKenna himself says

Frank McKenna was a young Skelmersdale politician with the world at his feet. Chairman of the North West Regional Assembly, leader-elect of Lancashire County Council, he was destined for a safe Labour seat in the House of Commons where a ministerial career surely beckoned. Then rumours of election fraud surfaced in satirical magazine, Private Eye, forcing him to resign from public office. After a £3 million police investigation, the judge threw out the case but his political career was over. Now he is back in Lancashire as the head of Downtown Preston in Business – a high profile lobbying group which is sure to create waves. Editor Andrew Calvert went to meet a man who is remarkably sanguine about his experiences. When you are awaiting trial on fraud charges, your chances of finding a job are somewhat limited. “There’s not a lot you can do other than work for yourself,” recalled McKenna, reflecting on the events back in 2001.The sharp-suited, fast-talking Scouser had never been short of contacts in both the public and private sectors. A public affairs consultancy business was the obvious choice of a new career and McKenna was soon winning work throughout the North West.

He had built a reputation in Liverpool for his work with property developers on planning issues and came up with the idea for Downtown Liverpool in Business.

Here is how he promotes himself, Is it James Bond, Basildon Bond, Brooke Bond, or Jenny.

Just who does this fella think he is? The editor of the local paper.

Joe Anderson said "Frank started Downtown Liverpool in Business then he took it to all we need is for him to do Downtown Manchester and then we will see the back of him".
 Ho, Ho Joe, very funny but don't you remember the Derek Hatton days.
When it was thought uncool, or just plain not right to give favours to local spivs. Far too much council land and favours have been given away to local businessmen. Wilberforce House to Beetham for £120,000 by the Fib-Dems.
Derek Hatton was in court for it was reported, the city council, allegedly slicing a piece of land, that is now one of the main routes into Grosvenor-pool not far from the Beehive public house. 

Today's Daily Ghost has a interview with David Cameron, though it doesn't say who interviewed him, strange.
Incidentally it was David Bartletts predecessor Larry Neild a card carrying member of the Labour party who was reporting most of Liverpool's Militant era, wrongly. It was not the local press who found out about the then unofficial council leaders business interests but the Sunday Times, right under the noses of the lazy bastards at the Echo, or where they lazy, was the deceit of the public rife and they accepted they didn't have to report but, make it up, to suit themselves,
    And Lodge Lane still lies in ruins 30 years after the Toxteth Riots.
Joe and Frank are both very close with the Dame of Dereliction Louise Ellman, who now Lords over Toxteth.
In fact, was it not Frank McKenna who was very close with her during those dimly lit Skelmersdale days, that we still don't know exactly what happened and wont as all the local reporters are about 12 years of age and don't have a clue how to do research, or may not be permitted to.
So is Joe Anderson a chubby version of Mike Storey and Warren Bradly, seen here with Mike Hanlon of Maghull Developments, who knocked the facade off Josephine Butler House, in between cocktails.

 Stinky Ink Bartlett, "The Prisoner" writes, well sort of, today on his blog

The local press, The Trinity "Smoking" Mirror Group, need to get their house in order and instead of allowing all the same mistakes to be made again, get their own house in order before they pass judgement on the local political scene.

Friday 19 November 2010

Mike Storey Becomes A Peer-Oh My Lord!

The appointment comes five years after Mr Storey was forced to step down as city council leader, a position which he used to drive the regeneration of the city centre and help create Liverpool One. It is said

The man who served as lord mayor in 2008 will use his long experience in education to closely scrutinise the Government’s controversial schools' shake-up – which includes privately-sponsored “free schools”.

What a load of World Heritage S*ite.  Best read this blogspot just to remember how he had to resign. OR TRY THIS TAKE ON.

This disgraced ex council leader has spivved his way into this position.
Mr Storey will help form a powerful Liverpool Lib-Dem line-up in the Lords, alongside former party chief executive Chris Rennard and ex-Mossley Hill MP David Alton.

Mr Storey served as council leader for 7½ years, having spent an astonishing 37 years as a councillor, representing Wavertree ward.

Awarded the OBE in 1992 and the CBE in 2002, he was praised for helping to win the 2008 European Capital of Culture year and for bringing World Heritage City status to the city.

Then he set about destroying it.

It is not clear to the public why he and Bernie Turner fell out.
I once asked a well known councillor in a planning meeting.
"Can we really trust Mike Storey"
"How can you trust someone who lies to his wife about his own sexuality" he replied

It was him and Henshaw who signed the documents for the Cruise Liner Cock up.
Further reading; or just hit the Mike Storey tab at the bottom of the post.

Monday 15 November 2010

Liverpool Waters-Public Inquiry Is Called For.

In the light of Joe Andersons recent outburst supporting Peel Holdings, Liverpool Waters. We feel it is time to call for a Call-in and a public inquiry.
Joe Anderson cannot, in my opinion be trusted with Liverpools Historic fabric.
He was also part of the Cabal that has done some damage being part of Liverpool Vision, The Culture Company etc, etc.

 We invite anyone who has a concern to join us in asking for a public inquiry, write to the address below.
I am informed that Florence Gersten of Save Our City will do so today. 
Caity Marsh and Peter Marsden of the DCMS can also be contacted as they are to report to UNESCO.
The World Heritage Steering group have decided at a secret meeting that they need the help of the Merseyside Civic Society to collaborate on this scheme, to make it easier for them to pass it. I understand despite refusing before when requested Peel may now give a presentation to the MCS where they will discuss the matter. (The whole theree of them). The World Heritage Steering group led by John "World Heritage waste of space" Hinchliffe has now decided they need them for the same Mann Island trick.

“Called-in” Applications

The discretionary power to call in an application before it is formally determined by the Local Planning Authority is given by Section 77 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

The criteria used at present were set out in a 1999 Commons answer in which it was stated that the Government would only intervene in council’s jurisdiction if the planning issues were of more than local importance.

The criteria given at the time were that one of the following would have to be in evidence.
· Conflict with national policies over important matters.
· Significant affects beyond the locality.
· Substantial regional or national controversy.
· Major architectural and urban design issues.
· Involvement with the interests of national security or of foreign governments.
The normal procedure is put the case in writing to the Planning Director at the Government Office for the region. Speed is of the essence since the “call-in” must be before the local planning authority determines the application.

Liverpool Preservation Trust

The Rt Hon Eric Pickles
The Secretary of State for the Department for Communities and Local Government.
Department for Communities and Local Government
Eland House
Bressenden Place

Peel Holdings have submitted plans to Liverpool City Council for a huge development called Liverpool Waters.
Liverpool as some other parts of the country such as the Tower of London, Edinburgh and Bath, has been under huge pressure of recent dates and I am afraid to say a binge build mentality has taken over here in my home city.
I have kept the Caity Marsh and Peter Marsden of the DCMS informed.
UNESCO is fully aware of this proposed development, which is in the Liverpool Mercantile and Maritime City World Heritage Group.
In my opinion the current council leader Mr Joe Anderson does not want any further involvement from English Heritage who are advising that the scale and massing of the development that can harm the World Heritage Site.
He has stated this publicly.
In opposition he was a member of Liverpool Vision and several agencies, who in my opinion have made catastrophic mistakes that we called for public inquiries on.
Let me please explain the way it has worked in the past.
We write to the Secretary of State or in fact the Prime Minister, they then put it in the hands of the Regional Development Agency whose Chairman and members are very likely to be on the board of the developers, be they, public or private bodies and the request for public consultation is then suppressed by the GONW.
This approach has put Liverpool under a microscope with UNESCO.
This development meets all the criteria for A Public Inquiry perhaps you may be so kind as to take this into consideration and call in this development.

Wayne Colquhoun
