Tuesday 17 December 2013

Save Grafton Street Stable From The Dusanj Brothers

Another decent building about to bite the dust. How many more can we lose?

This is a handsome building one of the last stables in Liverpool. In Grafton Street next to Cains.

An Edwardian stables of red stock brick with fine details. It has its original gates.
The Baltic village masterminded by the Dusanj Brothers and their crafty antic and helped along by shady PR companies.

We think the council may even be giving them a grant for it.


Derek Hatton was the one who delivered redundancy notices to council; workers in Taxi’s.

This council gives grants to developers that will lose scores of jobs for workers.

Come Back Derek Hatton all is forgiven. (thats a joke please dont)


This is a good building that needs saving because they will knock it down.

Situated next to Cains Brewery, which has been closed by the Brothers Grimm, the Dusanj.

They don’t care, they have no concern for peoples lives, all they wish to do is make money on the site.

They say they will be retaining a craft brewery, yet we saw the Giant copper Vats being removed over the weekend

Here’s one we did earlier



Friday 6 December 2013

Sam Wa-Exposed In Financial Times


We told you so.

Great care has to be taken dealing with companies from China

Why are they all propogating the myth.
Why are we not represented

Is this worth losing your World Heritage Status For

Peel Holdings Win Salford Star Exellence Award


Star date: 5th December 2013


Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the annual Salford Star Mary Burns Awards, given out to stupid statements, dodgy dealings and iffy activities over the past 12 months.

The judges had no hesitation in awarding habitual Mary Burns gong winners, Peel Holdings/Peel Group this year's prize for Excellence In Wrecking Salford. Cover yer eyes, bring out yer sick bags and give it up – give it all up including yer environment, yer identity and yer money – for Peel Holdings.

This way down the red carpet please…


Category: The Excellence In Wrecking Salford Award

Winner: Peel Holdings/Peel Group

Well, ladies and gentlemen, what can we say that hasn't been said before about Peel Holdings – except that no-one knows what they're actually called these days – Peel Group? Peel Investments North? Tax Dodge Inc?

Anyway, this coveted Mary Burns Award is for services to wrecking Salford in so many different ways…


Yes, incredibly, after sucking up £millions in public money from Salford Council, Salford University, BBC etc plus £millions in public money subsidies to build MediaCityUK (see here)…back in July, Peel suddenly decided that Media City was actually in Manchester and re-branded its website MediaCityUK Manchester! (see here for the full gory story). Peel just cares s-o-o-o- much about the city it almost owns…


Where do we start? Attempting to build hundreds of houses on Greenfield sites in Worsley, Boothstown and Ellenbrook (see here)? Attempting to build 600 houses on the Greenfield site of Broadoak (rejected for the time being – see here)? Vulturing around with a future planning application to build on Green Belt land in Irlam?
…Port Salford with its zillions of lorry movements a day?... Or perhaps the cherry on Peel's cake – fracking on its land all under Barton? The current IGas exploratory drilling site is on Peel land and smack in the middle of everything that the mega-bucks company owns in the area…Somehow we can't see Peel objecting to a trillion drilling rigs on Green Belt land should fracking go ahead.

Public Money

For such a rich company, that is supposed to have so much investment from China and Saudi Arabia, Peel isn't opposed to grabbing as much public money as it can get its hands on.
When it went into a joint venture company with Salford Council to build the `Salford Community Stadium' - now renamed AJ Bell Stadium – it was Salford tax payers who stumped up the £22million loan (see here)…

Port Salford gets another £15million from cash-strapped Salford Council – an £11million loan and a £4million grant, plus another £15million from the Regional Growth Fund (see here)
Indeed, Salford Star proved that Peel Holdings and all its related companies were pulling in an average of £1million in public money per month via Salford Council (see here).
Meanwhile, MediaCityUK Manchester has had, and is still getting £millions from tax payers and Salford council tax payers. For what?... "We do not have a full breakdown of what they do, but the company on the whole, at maximum, pays 10% corporation tax. That is at maximum. They do not pay their fair share of corporation tax" MP Margaret Hodge said at the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee hearing this year (see here).
"When you are using taxpayers' money…it ought to be with companies that pay their fair share back into the communal pot" she added "That is all; it is a very simple proposition."
So, for its incredibly negative impact on Salford's identity, its environment and the city's coffers, the Salford Star Mary Burns Award for Excellence In Wrecking Salford goes to…
P-e-e-e-e-l H-o-o-o-l-d-ings!!!

If someone from the Peel Group would like to make a thank you speech please use the comments box below…
Salford Star Mary Burns Award Winners 2013


Wednesday 4 December 2013

Max Steinberg Of Liverpool Vision-Take Your Blindfold Off And You Will See The Truth.

In view of the recent allegations in Private Eye about Stella Shiu.
You heard it here first.
We ask is Liverpool Vision under the leadership of Max Steinberg just PeelPoodles.
All those people who got taken in by Ms Shiu and the whole Chinese Circus including Herr Dictator Joe Anderson must be feeling a little bit sick this morning.
Even though the disgusting  local press buried it in the graveyard Saturday night Echo.
 They have all met her it seems.
We warned them not to be taken in by China as the system there is not a model one.
But no, they go on chasing the money, hardly a care in the world. Not seeming to care where it came from.
 Well is there any? Three years later and not brick has been laid either on Wirral or Liverpool Waters.
 Peel have stretched themselves  too far.
Just google the term Questions raised over 'China fever' development on Mersey....... and a Financial Times expose will appear as if by magic.
There are far too many people blinkered, and one of them is Max Steinberg who seems obsessed ith Peel Holdings
Its good for him and his career, no doubt, he gets to meet David Cameron who at this moment is in China.

Steinberg said: "It's really good news for Peel, Wirral and the wider city region. Stella Shiu is a high ranking member of the Chinese government and she has said she will bring Chinese people to the area because she is so impressed with it.

"That will undoubtedly have benefits for the region. Visitor numbers from China to Liverpool are up hugely on other years and by getting the trade centre scheme off the ground thousands of jobs will be created in Wirral."

He added that the investment was "another example of the clear benefits" of Liverpool's presence at the World Expo in Shanghai last year, where Peel was headline sponsor of the city's pavilion.

Max Steinberg: "Chinese investment will spark further interest" it certainly has done that just google Questions raised over 'China Fever' development on Mersey


It was  the NWDA, or us, the public that payed for Peel holdings at Shanghai Expo 2010 they only ccontributed 200,000 of the near 2 million pound cost and what have we got back, a load of controversy and nothing much else and Liverpool on the World Heritage In Danger List.
You need to take the goggles off Mr Steinberg before you and the other people we pay to represent us make a clown of themselves and Liverpool gets tainted with corruption....again.

Sunday 1 December 2013

David Bartlett-Shoddy Journalist. Why Did You Not Look Into Stella Shiu and Peel Holdings? J'accuse.

 After The Financial Times article Friday 29.11.3 and its focus on Stella Shiu and Peel Holdings.
 We ask today why the local press are hiding facts from the public.


The FT article was then spun around a corner by Marc Waddington and turned into a jolly good story.
 It was co-written by Liam Murphy who should be made to resign for the utter garbage that he has written about Stella Shiu being a high ranking Chinese Government official. We sent this Private Eye article to him and all hacks at Old Hall Street http://liverpoolpreservationtrust.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/stella-shiu-exposed-in-private-eye.html

Even now they mislead the public

We have great concerns about the level of journalism at Trinity "Smoking" Mirror here on Merseyside.
Wayne won David Bartlett an award for his world heritage writing.
He would cut and paste what he had written (check the dates they all appear the day after we printed them) throw a few misquotes in and put his name to it.
Today we accuse him of burying news from the Liverpool public.
Wayne says "I used to help him as much as I could naively thinking it would help our cause of saving the world heritage site, but then I started to notice how he would cherry pick what he wanted and drop other things in to suit what he wanted to write.
Now that he has been promoted to News Editor level we are extremely worried.
We decided some time ago to bypass the local press as we consider they don't tell the truth. There is an old saying "If you lay with dogs, you get fleas"

Our movement is growing and we intend to stay focused on the truth not half truths twisted by trained seals."

Here is a series of emails between Wayne on behalf of LPT and David Bartlett.
In light of the recent articles in the FT you decide whether he has buried the truth.
 Just so you know whats happening and what the press knows here is proof that the local press deny you information and will not engage in sensible debate.
Andy Kelly the then News Editor, was also aware of concerns we have about Stella Shiu he was sent Private Eye articls and buried them. Mark Thomas and Alastair were also advised of Private Eyes reporting....yet did nothing.
May 15
to davidbartlett

David you recently wrote a jolly good uplifting story about Peel Holdings

You will of course be aware that I have been asking you to check into the finances of Peel for over a year and its links to the Chineses government.
In order to trust the local press we have to know that they have checked their sources and are in fact not just doing press releases from whoever they may see fit.
We have to know the local press are not biased towards property developers that will, in Peels case lose us WHS status using blackmail and threats to back out of projects if they dont get thier way.

1. Where did this story eminate from.
2. What ckecks did you do to confirm that the Chinese Government is in fact on board. Did you contact them or just take someones word?
3. What checks have you done to confirm Peel have the finances or the structure to deal with such ambitious schemes considering the projects all over the country they are proposing.

4.Did you consider that in writing this story you are in fact endorsing the relationship of Stella Shui and San-Wa minerals with Peel Holdings making this look like a gigantic enterprise set up by the Chinese government at a time when there is huge corruption in China.
Where are the checks that we as a city do not get bound up in all this?

Please would you let me know how you checked this story?
I would appreciate a reply


David BartlettMay 16
David Bartlett david.bartlett@liverpool.com via trinitymirror.com

Hi Wayne,

Sorry I couldn't stop to chat the other day. Always happy to talk about Peel, probably better to do in person next time we meet rather than email.

Speak soon

David Bartlett
City Editor Liverpool Post and ECHO
0151 472 2455


Reply Forward
liverpool preservationtrust

May 20

to David

David thanks for call half an hour ago.
I understand the paper does not have enough journalists and those working there are overworked ...........but this has gone far enough now.
I have enclosed a Private Eye article that I have contributed with the sole intention of bypassing the local press who its seems are insistent on building up Stella Shiu while doing nothing in the way of checks.
I do not go with your view that she may have had financial problems in Hog Kong but that does not mean it has no effect here in the UK.
The fact that I have had to do it for you and pass it to you, and you still ignore it makes the situation seem bizarre.
I would go as far as to say it appears an editorial stance that you or your colleague Liam Murphy do no checks to substantiate your articles wherever Stella Shiu or Peels invisible finances rear their head.
Who said she was a government official this is a question I asked you and you could not answer.

I requested that you look into the finances of Peel and Stella Shiu and you said you couldnt because you are overworked.

So am I And I have better things to be doing than trawling my way through misrepresentational reporting in order to fight what me and my colleagues perceive as heritage battles ie. save Liverpools Working Heritage site while getting reconstruction.

I will ask you once again to look into the structure of Peel Holdings in view of the recent Private Eye article

As to your request to take it to Chris Walker I am asking you in a detailed and balanced manner to redress your reporting that has built up Peel and Sam Wa to mythical proportions...when common sense says there appears to b rather a lot of smoking mirrors going on.


Friday 29 November 2013

Plans to Alter India Buildings Resubmitted After Upgrade to Grade II*

India Buildings was recently upgraded from Grade II to Grade II* after an application by the c20 Society
c20 Society are the foremost experts on 20th Century architecture.
The announcement came the same time as a application was in with the city council and has now been amended. The City Council planners and in particular Elizabeth Blake who is dealing with the planning application says that they do not have to send letters out to the public. All they have to do is put some raggedy piece of paper on a lamp post to notify the public.
This is a disgraceful set of affairs when planning officers deem themselves above the rights of the people they are employed by.

You probably are not aware of the application so we wish to advise the public of things that may aaffect one of their historic buildings.

 Follow the following links below.


Application no 13L/2472

Go to City Council planning explorer through the Liverpool City Council website

You will need to type in the number 13L/2472, which relates to India Buildings.
Press search
Hover the mouse over the application number and click
The application should come up
Click on Add Comments if you choose to, an on line form will be available
Scroll down to related documents or open all the files separately

Friday 22 November 2013

Statement from Wayne Colquhoun

Lets put the record straight. I no longer administer the LPT blog and have not done for some time.

I handed the reins over to David Ward some time ago.

Occasionally I may still contribute but when I do I will put my name to it.

I have never been scared to tell the truth but there are personal things that I have to deal with at present.

So I leave it in the capable hands of David.

Many journalists won awards from the ideas that we had worked up.

But it was all in the cause.

We hope our fights may have helped to save many things for future generations.

Thursday 21 November 2013

Archetype Studio Liverpool-Are They Just Your Archetypical Bullshiters or Just a Property Developers Moll?

Oh no, its that man again.......Jon Egan.
The ginger nut is back, bullshiting his way through the press again this time Alan Weston.

What happened to all his other media companies. October Communications. Aurora Media PR etc………must check at company’s house.

It seems he does not have a lot to say about the finances of his own companies.

Now along with fellow PR agent Liam Fogarty (who helped get Joe Anderson elected, was he paid to start the debate for a Mayor by central government) he is organising a jolly at the Baltic Triangle.
https://bdaily.co.uk/creative/11-11-2013/liverpool-x-to-attract-international-creatives/  with the likes of Will Alsop who came up with the pathetic Fourth Grace idea that led to the Three Black Coffins on Mann Island.

Stephen Bayley is also there he said the black coffins would be good for Liverpool in the Guardian in 2008.

Free lunch specialist Egan likes to entertain the local press but I don’t think he dines with Bill Le Breton any more, just what did happen there between them two.

Egan was October Communications..Was Aurora Media.....Now he is Archetype http://www.archetypestudio.co.uk

And they have a philosophy http://www.archetypestudio.co.uk/Philosophy

The world is changing rapidly. There are no fixed points, nor ready made strategies and solutions. Communication is more important than ever, but traditional creative disciplines are often too fractured and specialised to respond to a world of complex connections. Increasingly, successful organisations, businesses and brands are those with an essential and distinctive story; those that are able to build and sustain relationships with customers and stakeholders that are more than merely transactional, but have a deeper core and durability.
Archetype is a company configured to the new communication landscape. 
Our approach is:
To go deeper! - Provide more thoughtful and intelligent analysis to clients to guide their approach to communication and business development.
To go further! - Pursue creativity and innovation to the end point, and recognise that every new challenge requires an original solution.
To look wider! - Understand the broader context in which our clients operate, identify critical relationships and help them navigate rapidly changing landscapes.
To underpin this mission, Archetype will always be:
Professional and passionate - we promise total dedication and loyalty based on relationships of mutual respect and integrity.
Nimble and inventive - we’ll be alert and responsive to change, open to new methods and consistently looking for more effective and original solutions.
Ethical and progressive - we’ll conduct all relationships with stakeholders and clients ethically and with a commitment to delivering the best environmental and social outcomes. We believe our reputation and that of our clients is ultimately founded on how we behave not just how we communicate.

If you believe this bullshit you will believe anything.


Its all pearls before swine though

Now Egan is organising a load of unrelevent twaddle in the Baltic Triangle possibly on behalf of some shady property developer as he always seems to do.


Did they PR for Downtown Liverpool or where him and Frank McKenna just mates?

Is he PR for Cains? Is he the PR to railroad all those poor people who lost their jobs at the brewery?

Don’t believe a word of what this company says.

They archetypicaly go on.

Less Noise, More Meaning
We are a creative company that doesn’t define what we do by the tools and media that we use and we don’t measure success by the amount of noise we make. We create and communicate things that are original, relevant and meaningful. We use intelligence and creativity to help clients discover and express their essential values and build the relationships needed to flourish and prosper. There is already too much noise in the world. We want to make meaning.

Egan has been employed by the city council, Liverpool Vision, Neptune Developments and the corrupted Merseytravel.
 He was employed by David Wade-Smith to PR the black coffins on Mann Island that now houses Miserytravels headquarters. and now he rounds up all the usual suspects to bullshit their way through another load of toss and make it sound relevant.
 But we don’t believe you.

All PR together who is funding this meeting?

 We don't believe Egan. We also don’t believe Sevenstreets anymore

And why is Plus Dane sponsoring another event.

Written by David Ward

Thursday 14 November 2013

A Star For India Buildings-English Heritage Upgrade to Grade II*

India Building Upgraded to Grade II* by English Heritage.

This is a momentous decision.
It has been recognised that the historic India Building with its majestic travertine marble Holts Arcade should be upgraded.

An application was made after the owners of the building Green Property Group removed historic fitments from the façade without planning permission and were cautioned by Liverpool City Council who sent enforcement officers to the property who also ordered the bronze plaques to be re-instated.

A campaign was organised by some of the shopkeepers after they were told that the shops that they had tenanted for decades were to be converted into offices and the public right of way was to be stopped up.

Holts Arcade is on the site of an ancient right of way and was built as an arcade because there were originally two buildings on the site and by creating the right of way solved the issue arising from unlawfully stopping people who had used this street.

Plans were recently announced and submitted to the planning authority.

The local authority accepted the plans for the building even though a listing application was pending.

The announcement means that English Heritage has to be consulted on all planning applications.

It is wildly anticipated that the plans that include putting TV screens and monitors in Holts arcade and reducing access by fitting a revolving door at the Water Street entrance will be treated with the contempt they deserve by EH.

The plans show some of the shops converted to offices which would be a tragic use of a shopping arcade that was designed by Herbert Rowse one of Liverpool’s most famous architects, who also built Martins Bank and The Art Deco inspired Georges Dock Ventilating Shaft along with the Philharmonic Hall in Hope Street.

The original India Buildings built to commemorate the breaking up of the East India Company was the headquarters of Holts Line.

This is a historic day for Liverpool as recognition of its Mercantile and Maritime past.

The building is in the WHS.

This is a glowing confirmation of one of Liverpool’s greatest Architectural monuments.

India Buildings and in particular one of the shops Wayne Colquhoun Antiques and Fine Art will be featured on BBC Friday 15th November 2013 when Edwina Curry makes a visit for charity.

See whether you think the shopping arcade is not important to Liverpool’s sense of place and its encroaching homogenisation.

It is a pleasure to thank Clare Price of the c20 society who are the nations experts on 20th Century architecture. Her work in submitting this listing upgrade application was carried out in a most professional manner and was backed up by the society.

Thank You Clare.


The Liverpool Post and Echo also have to be thanked because they covered the news in a sympathetic manner and in particular the work of Peter Elson, which went above and beyond his call of duty.

His reporting meant that the campaign went to people who were determined to lend their weight and support to the SOS (Save Our Shops) campaign.

The campaign to save India Buildings made Private Eye and Green Property were criticised.

The Merseyside Civic Society submitted comments to the listing application.

And of course those who turned up to reminstrate and demonstrate against the owners plans to close off the arcade.

1000 signatures were made on a petition to Save Our Shops.

It was bad enough damaging a Grade II listed building but the merits of it being Grade II* were the same then as they are now, all that has changed in the quality is that the building has been recognised as being worthy of the top tier of historic structure in the country. Only a very small number of properties can boast to be on this table.

Radio Merseyside sent reporters out and it was featured on Mersey TV.

The assessment for English Heritage stated.
Like the buildings of the northeast US cities, India Buildings' imposing architectural effect and beauty is achieved by its impressiveness of mass, and its clean surfaces and proportions, rather than ornamentation.

The building's external elevational treatment rejects the over-ornamentation and fussiness of many buildings of this date, and instead adopts a more restrained approach with decoration concentrated in selective elements judiciously placed at the top and bottom of the building. The result is a building that is enhanced, rather than taken over, by decorative enrichment, and which reinterprets classical styling in a modern way. In achieving this, India Buildings again reflects its transatlantic influence, and in particular, the buildings of New York City. As Reilly proclaimed about the winning design in 1923: 'with the Holt Building the American orientation of Liverpool architectural thought reaches its climax. The building Messrs. Thornely and Rowse have designed would not disgrace Fifth Avenue; indeed it would sit there very happily, and those who know most of modern architecture will know this is very high praise' (cited in The Builder, 12 Oct 1923). In keeping with the exterior, the building's interior is also of a superior quality and displays an acute attention to detail with high-quality finishes and materials found throughout, including an extensive use of Travertine marble and terrazzo. Several areas are of particular note, including: the elevator halls with their Travertine-lined walls and coffered saucer-domed ceilings; the central arcade with its coffered barrel-vaulted ceiling and decorative bronze shopfronts; and the opulent Lloyds Bank interior, which is a tour de force of marble and decorative metalwork, as well as incorporating abundant figurative and symbolic imagery and an impressive coffered ceiling with coffers that mirror the octagonal shapes of the building's corner lobbies. Like most commercial buildings India Buildings has been subject to interior alteration over the years, including repairs and restoration following wartime damage, which were overseen by Rowse himself and in most cases are virtually indistinguishable from the originals. Some of the upper floors have since been modernised and late-C20 mezzanines have been inserted in the banking hall and ground-floor office space. However, whilst these latter alterations have not added to the building's interest, neither have they significantly compromised it; where applicable, areas of the building that are not of special interest, or are of lesser interest, will be
 identified in the List description.

Herbert J Rowse is one of the most influential regional architects of the inter-war period and his impressive body of work encompasses a wide range of building types, many of which are listed. Rowse's great skill as an architect is demonstrated by the fact that he already has two buildings listed at Grade II*: the former Martins Bank (1927-32), which lies diagonally opposite India Buildings, and the Philharmonic Hall (1937-9). Like these other examples, India Buildings possesses a high level of architectural quality that is of more than special interest within a national context. It also has additional significance in being the building that launched Rowse's acclaimed career. Like Rowse, Sir Arnold Thornely is also a significant figure within Liverpool architecture who has several highly graded listed buildings to his name or associated with him, including the Grade II* Port of Liverpool Building (1907) and Bluecoat School (1903-6), and the Grade B listed Parliament English Heritage Advice Report 04 November 2013 Page 3 of 15 Buildings in Stormont, Northern Ireland (designed 1925 and constructed 1928-31). India Buildings represents one of his most significant works.

They go on


After examining all the records and other relevant information and having carefully considered the architectural and historic interest of this case, the criteria for upgrading are fulfilled. India Buildings is therefore recommended for upgrading from Grade II to Grade II*.


India Buildings, constructed in 1924-32 to the designs of Herbert J Rowse and Arnold Thornely, isrecommended for upgrading to Grade II* for the following principal reasons:

* Transatlantic influence: Liverpool's deep historic links with the eastern seaboard of the United States, and the influence of Charles Reilly's Liverpool School of Architecture and its promotion of an American form of classicism in the early-C20, as well as Herbert Rowse's personal experience of working in New York and Chicago, are clearly reflected in the building's architecture and design. Through its monumental scale, planning, architectural treatment and mixed use, India Buildings emulates the most impressive early-C20 commercial buildings of the US, and in particular, the buildings of New York City; echoing the designs of firms such as McKim, Mead & White;

* Architectural interest: its imposing architectural effect and beauty is achieved by its impressiveness of mass, and its clean surfaces and proportions, rather than ornamentation. Decoration is judiciously placed toenhance, rather than detract from, the building itself, and its Italian Renaissance and American Beaux-Arts influenced design reinterprets classical styling in a modern way;

* Architects: it was designed by Herbert Rowse and (Sir) Arnold Thornely, both of whom have other highly graded listed buildings to their name. Rowse, in particular, was one of the most influential regional architects of the inter-war period and India Buildings represents one of his most significant works;

* Planning interest: it is an excellent example of a British building following the US-style grid system of town planning; the building occupies an entire city block and incorporates a central shop-lined arcade connecting Water Street with Brunswick Street, as well as an entrance to the James Street underground station;

* Interior quality: the interior is of a superior quality and incorporates high-quality finishes and materials throughout, including an extensive use of Travertine marble and terrazzo. Several areas are of particular note, including: the elevator halls with their Travertine-lined walls and coffered saucer-domed ceilings; the central arcade with its coffered barrel-vaulted ceiling and decorative bronze shopfronts; and the opulent Lloyds Bank interior, which is a tour de force of marble and decorative metalwork, as well as incorporating abundant figurative and symbolic imagery and an impressive coffered ceiling with coffers that mirror the octagonal shapes of the building's corner lobbies;

· Degree of survival: the building is virtually unaltered externally and retains its major interior elements;

* Group value: it has strong group value with the Grade II* former Martins Bank (1927-32) situated diagonally opposite on Water Street, which was also designed by Rowse and also derives its architectural influence from the north-eastern United States. Additional group value also exists with other nearby listed buildings on Water Street and Pier Head, most of which are highly graded; together they form a group of hugely significant commercial buildings at the heart of Liverpool's central business district.

Countersigning comments:

Agreed: India Buildings is one of the great achievements of Rowse and the Liverpool School. It fully merits designation in a higher grade.


Tuesday 12 November 2013

The Cenotaph-St Georges Plateau Liverpool-Upgraded To Grade I by English Heritage.

We received this letter from EH yesterday and apologise wholeheartedly for not publishing it yesterday on 11th November as a fitting tribute not only to the fine architecture that grace's the magnificent St Georges Plateau, but also to all those brave men and woman, who gave their lives so we can be free.
So we can say our piece, to question and challenge the authority of people who wish to contain the vested interests of the minority. The upgrading of the list is a most respectful reminder to the debt that we all owe to previous generations.

Are you reading this Alastair Machray down in Oldham Hall Street you ignorant little man. http://liverpoolpreservationtrust.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/the-liverpool-echo-sinks-to-all-time.html

Friday 1 November 2013

India Buildings-Holts Arcade. Is The Public Access To Be Restricted?

Almost a year to the day there was outrage when Green Property were cautioned for illegally damaging the façade of India Buildings.

It was splashed all over the local press.

The shopkeepers were also told that their shops were, in fact, wanted by the landlords for offices. India buildings has over two thirds of empty office space.

A thousand name petition for the SOS, Save Our Shops campaign was signed.

India Building has been a shopping arcade since the early 1930’s. It was constructed as an arcade.

A demonstration was carried out in the arcade led by the shopkeepers, who were told that Green property wanted to close off the Brunswick Street entrance.

This would bar the public from the arcade and cutting through a thoroughfare that was in fact built into the building because it was originally built over a street.

It was deemed that because of the building spanning an ancient right of way that it should remain open to the public.
Now plans have gone into the Liverpool planners to alter Holts Arcade.

They have some alarming elements of bad taste but also some infactul elements that need correcting.

It seems that access will be restricted and the public will be funnelled into a revolving door at the Water Street entrance.

Wasn’t that why the original revolving doors were removed for safety evacuation.

This will restrict access for the public.

It could also create a safety risk as if the building was full how would they all get out in the event of a fire.

The current area where the sliding doors operate work well. This area will be made into a seating area with flashing TV screens, bling, bling.

India Buildings is a magnificent edifice so why change it.

If it’s not broken…

There are plans to add some screens and block off part of the arcade.

Why would you want to do this?

The owners say there is no use for the existing empty shops. This is because they do not do anything to let them.

A year ago we are aware that prospective tenants were contacting the agents and were being told there is none available.

Have a look at the plans here.


You will need to type in the number 13L/2472, which relates to India Buildings.
You will see that there are existing floor plans and new floor plans.

It is clear from these plans that there are several infactual documents and the application from the developer cares to advise the planners instead of allowing them to decide.

If you scroll down related documents and click on design and access statement.

The plans are showing some of the shops as offices…disguised as a lounge.

They have added to the planning application that there is no use for the shops.

This is because they have never wanted to us them……..in fact they wanted them as offices.

We have had sight of written correspondence from Green group to the tenants, to this effect..



None of the shopkeepers have been consulted by Green.

What the application does not show is that a further application was made by the C20 Society to upgrade the listing from Grade II to Grade II* They were so alarmed at what was being proposed by Green Property, and they thought extra protection was required. It was supported by Chris Griffiths, the Buildings at Risk officer at Liverpool City Council.

Graham Ives of EH said they would be very surprised if it was not upgraded.

This is, currently being considered by English Heritage.

In fact an announcement should be imminent.

This application was made to try to stop a landlord who obviously did not understand the local and international importance of India Buildings and wanted to close it off to the public and convert the shops to offices.

They now say they will leave the existing shops…..how very kind of them.
We have to be very careful as to how these new proposals affect the character and the style of A BUILDING DESIGNED BY HERBERT ROWSE.

The current listing says that Holts Arcade is also listed as a Grade II interior.

The application to upgrade it would take Holts Arcade to Grade II*.

Why has this application being considered before the listing is upgraded?

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Joe Anderson, Mayor of Liverpool Does Not Care About Liverpools Historic Past.

Joe Anderson is not concerned with Liverpool’s Historic Past.

This is what we wrote weeks ago 22nd July.
It has taken 3 months for the jokers at Trinity “Smoking” Mirror, A corrupted regime, led by a Moron, Alastair Machray, to get around to taking notice of it. 3 months after plans were passed
Liverpool to Lose Two More Listed Buildings. 86-90 Duke Street.
How Many More Can We Lose?.

46 listed buildings were destroyed during the Fib Dems.

How many more listed buildings can we lose in Liverpool?
Mike Storey and Warren "War Zones" Bradley's administration were ignorant to history but Joe Anderson is proving to be worse than the both of them.
We don't have a Conservation Officer anymore.

We don't have a World Heritage Officer anymore. (What good he was anyway)
What is being done to protect us from poor development when the people doing the checking are in with the developers even giving them grants?

Here is an email sent to the planning department regarding

Site Address 86-90 Duke Street, 71 Henry Street and 14 Suffolk Street Liverpool L1 5AA


No wonder developers are crawling over this area.
This is opposite The Monro Public House.


The one time Manager of the Monro was a local famous local politition. In fact a Mayor. Who was He?

Answers on a postcode please and address it to the Mayors Office.

Letter to the planning office

Ms Kirkbride
Site Address 86-90 Duke Street, 71 Henry Street and 14 Suffolk Street Liverpool L1 5AA
We wish to object quite strongly to the fact that two listed buildings in the Duke Street area are to be lost.
This is also within the World Heritage Ste and Liverpool is on the Unesco In Danger list

Application Number13C/0891
Site Address86-90 Duke Street, 71 Henry Street and 14 Suffolk Street Liverpool L1 5AA
We may not be able to get someone to attend the meeting but regarding the application we would wish that our comments be read out at the planning meeting.
We consider this application to be flawed.
Liverpool has lost 46 listed buildings in the past decade and cannot afford to lose anymore


Please confirm receipt of this email and that our comments will be noted with the application

Monday 28 October 2013

5-7 Bridgewater Street To Be Demolished-How Many More Historic Structures Can Liverpool Afford To Lose?

 How much more of Liverpool’s Mercantile and Maritime history can we afford to lose.
We still have some old warehouses that are unique parts of our Maritime history in the Baltic Triangle. Some of them are deliberately targeted by developers.

Liverpool’s planning department have three functions accept. Process and pass, any planning application with a disregard for its history and its potential future use.
What makes this application unique is that it is next to a listed building.
Developers have destroyed most of the block on purpose.
It I easier to build boring bland shoe boxes apparently.
The building owners of 5-7 Bridgewater street have let them fall into disrepair.
In fact they are working on the demolition before the planning application has even been passed.
They are knocking the building down now. So confident are thy of it being approved.

13F/206 And once again its Liz Blake from the developers friends, Liverpool City Council Planing Department who is dealing with another historic building, as if is not there, with no disregard for history at all.
Are, Liverpool city planners colluding and conspiring with property developers?

That is a question part of something we were asked the other day. As part of a more wide ranging investigation into council wrong doing..
We go one further than that we say the whole system is corrupted from the Mayor down.
Demolition by stealth is far too common. Its easy to CPO poor people in the Welsh Streets but there is no engagement to tackle property developers. Just look what Neptune Developments, who are council sponsors are letting happen to the Futurist in Lime Street.

This actual area has been subject to further stealth demolition. These pictures are from the other end of the block and now the listed building in between, will be claimed as not worth keeping.
Marc Waddington at the Echo was made aware of this stealthing and did not give a damn.

What are the local press doing?……….nothing turning up at planning meetings or writing about it after the event?

Is Liverpool’s conservation office a joke?
Just what do they do?
 Do they exist?
This is what Waddington and Stinky Ink Bartlett, now promoted, should be looking into.

We at LPT have been fighting, and reporting on this area for years

While properties lay in various states of decay the developers now move in to homogenise the area.

Especially the culpable Dusanj brothers who sacked the entire brewery workforce and are being sponsored by the council to do this.

Come back Derek Hatton all is forgiven this new Labour crew make you look like an angel.

And all the time they keep on telling us the Baltic Triangle is going to be a cultural quarter.
Yes we know cultural quarter turns into a triangle.
We confirm today that the only bit of culture in Joe Anderson’s office is in the yoghurt in the fridge in the staff room canteen.
We cant lose any more old structures, there have been too many already needlessly lost.

You can see the application here.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Peel Holdings to Build a Brothel on Princes Dock, Liverpool

What a foul mouthed arrogant clown Lindey Ashworth is turning out to be.

Now Lindsay Ashworth says Peel Holdings are to build a Brothel in Princes Dock.
This was in front of John Whittaker, who is Asworth's boss, who he has lapdogged with for decades, he calls UNESCO idiots.
This man is a idiot.

What happened to Stella Shiu and Lindsey and why has he got Viagra on the brain.


21 Oct 2013, 11:27

Peel said it will submit a detailed planning application in the coming weeks for the first phase of the £200m Wirral International Trade Centre.
Development director Lindsey Ashworth, addressing guests at the launch of The Quay, a suite of serviced offices and meeting rooms on the ground floor of 12 Princes Dock in Liverpool, said the 500,000 sq ft phase would not be built speculatively.
The first phase of the 2.5m sq ft ITC could house up to 300 occupiers in small hybrid office-industrial-retail units designed for assembling and showcasing imported products.
Ashworth said Peel had 40 agents across China signing up the first wave of operators and construction would only start if the level of pre-lets was sufficient, but declined to give a proportion that would trigger a move on site.
Ceremonies for Chinese suppliers to sign up to the ITC are due to be held in Shanghai, Beijing and Hong Kong but dates have not been set.
Tenants will be offered nine-year leases at a headline rent of £18/sq ft in the Broadway Malyan-designed building next to the Mersey.
The ITC is a joint venture between Peel and Chinese investor Sam Wa, headed by Stella Shiu, a minerals trader.
The pair has outline planning permission for the whole scheme but a detailed planning application has yet to be submitted. Ashworth said initial designs had been tweaked to allow parking on two sides rather than one and access from both sides, as well as changes to internal configuration. The 16-acre site has been remediated and construction is ready to start pending planning.
Meanwhile, Ashworth said talks between Peel and other Chinese investors over the Liverpool and Wirral Waters mega-schemes, which do not include the ITC, were progressing well but the identities of all interested parties remained confidential.
Peel has come under pressure locally with critics complaining about the pace of the dockland schemes, especially since Chinese investment was confirmed this month into Airport City Manchester. Ashworth pointed out that Liverpool Waters only recently received full go-ahead from government after the judicial review period into the decision by secretary of state Eric Pickles not to call a public inquiry ended.
Peel was the main sponsor of Liverpool's presence at the World Expo in Shanghai in 2010. Ashworth said the event three years ago was a success but the business opportunities it created for Liverpool have not been recognised.
Ashworth's speech to invited guests was typically colourful, twice referring to UN heritage body Unesco as "idiots" for opposing Liverpool Waters, which Unesco says threatens the World Heritage Sites in the city, and joking about putting a brothel or a Viagra factory on Princes Dock. The launch event was attended by Peel owner John Whittaker and representatives from Peel's Media City UK and partners from the Atlantic Gateway initiative.


Thursday 17 October 2013

RIBA to move into Mann Island-Is This A Joke?

This has to be the biggest joke yet.

They build Three Black Coffins that spoil the best views of Liverpool’s Three Graces, and Herbert Rowses Ventilating Shaft that is currently being left to go to rack and ruin through neglect by Miserytravel. And then RIBA move in.
Thats The Royal Institute of British Architects.
 Herbert Rowse must be turning in his grave.
They throw up some of the most appalling buildings possible on the WHS.
 That were runners up in Building Design’s Carbuncle Cup competition and the clowns at RIBA appear to sanction them.


How standards have fallen really they have.

Looking into it a bit deeper wasn’t the RIBA area representative (that’s bad enough) the architect (without a capital A) Matt Brooks the architect of world heritage disaster who built the bloody things for Neptune developments.
 The firm of Broadway Malyan, should have been struck off, for building these monsters, not patted on the back by the RIBA goons.

You couldn’t make this up Architect destroys world heritage site and RIBA don’t notice and take an office there, probably on a rent-free deal.
The highest office block that Miserytravel have moved into costing the taxpayers millions is almost a carbon copy of Steers House that was on the site of the current Hilton Hotel.

Ans what about the structural problems.
Yes they knocked Steers House down one of the most hated buildings in Liverpool, and built Steers House only 12 storeys high instead of six.
And RIBA buffoons sanction it.
 You can just imagine them now sitting around the big plastic desk on their trendy Barcelona Chairs in their orange and red corduroy trousers with their dickey bows, oh and the mandatory little round Le Corbusier glasses…look at me I am an architect.

They promised us Iconic and really did shaft us with Ichronic and it all started in 2008 when Liverpool was European Capital of Culture.

Building Magazine has been around for a hundred years. Could Liverpool have built anything worse on its WHS.

Before and After. Dont ever forget how they shafted us! 

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Miserytravel-How can a two-year-old baby fall off a Mersey Ferry?

How can a two-year-old baby fall off a Mersey Ferry? It is beyond belief. Last week the pathetic Liverpool Weekly Post proclaimed, whilst taking another load of adverts from them, that Merseytravel was to enter a new era.
This week the Mersey Ferries are suspended. STAFF ON THE FERRY JUMPED INTO SAVE THE BABY. It is wonderful to know that the toddler is now safe.

The BBC reported



There has to be something fundamentaly wrong with this company.

Thursday 3 October 2013

Should Merseytravel Be Investigated By The Police?

That is a question we were asked the other day.

It now transpires that Herr Director Neil Scales sanctioned the purchase of a load of tat and bric a brac that had some vague relationship to the Beatles for 2 million quid of your money. See todays Weekly Ghost.
This was public cash.
Marc Waddington, now unshackled from the ambitious David Bartlett, who has been promoted, has done some good work lately.
Bartlett was very fortunate to take over Larry Neild’s phone who had been at the Echo for years.
We spoke to Bartlett who is now Andy Kelly’s assistant, on numerous occasions, sent him emails and questions to how Miserytravel’s finances were being run.
What did he do…..well not very much really.
Now Marc Waddington reveals how a further investigation into the running off the Miserytravel Gravy Train is to take place after more revealing allegations.

This is public money that has been used as frippery by the Directors of Miserytravel and it has gone on for decades.

Andy Kelly was a reporter when the Tram fiasco took place where Scales and Co wasted millions on steel tram lines that were never used. http://www.liverpoolcultureblog.co.uk/2009/07/merseytram-off-the-rails-for-good/

Neil Scales was the Moron who cut up U534 in a savage act of barbaric vandalism that renders it virtually worthless. http://liverpoolpreservationtrust.blogspot.co.uk/2011/05/why-did-merseytravel-spend-42-million.html

Costing us many millions


Right in front of the noses of the local press. http://liverpoolpreservationtrust.blogspot.co.uk/2010/06/u-534-cut-up-into-five-pieces-by-neil.html

In fact the local press almost welcomed it. They flirted with Scales publishing what his PR company told them. They took advertisments from Merseytravel.
We believe, the disgraceful October Communications now Aurora Media were PR for Mersetravel at one stage.
Who Larry Nield went on to work for effectivly becoming PR for Scales & Co.

Isn't it strange the way it all goes around in Circles. October PR for Neptune Developments.....who build the Black Coffins on Mann Island.
They were commisioned by Liverpool Vision and David Wade-Smith who was Director of Liverpool Chamber of Commersce and cost the taxpayer 6.5 million in a tragic team up with Merseytravel.
 Neil Scales then becomes Liverpol Chamber Commerce Director.
Merseytravel move into the black coffins costing the taxpayer a fortune.......No wonder Private Eye call Liverpool Murkeyside.

Now Scales has buggered off to Australia….how convenient is that.


Where is he to anser question about his decisions.

Scales was mates with David Wade-Smith, one of Joe Andersons trusted advisors.

And why did Anderson not argue out the Miserytravel question when Councillor Dowd was under investigation?


His legal team tried to gag us. Maybe Louise Outram head of Legal services at Miserytravel should answer a few questions too?


Miserytravel wasted a fortune on South Parkway Station.
 The London trains cant stop there because after a 25million refurbishment the platform was not long enough http://www.liverpoolcultureblog.co.uk/2009/07/merseytram-off-the-rails-for-good/

The clowns even wanted to buy Ringo’s House http://liverpoolpreservationtrust.blogspot.co.uk/2011/01/9-madryn-street-ringos-house-why-knock.html

In 2008 when they were paying 2 million for a load of Lennon bric a bra they were also commissioning art…well that’s not what most people would call it.

 Ken Dodd with a kebab at Lime Street station as public sculpture.

You have to be a comedian to live here.

So there is an investigation into how 2 million was wasted but the real question is how did Miserytravel spent 11 million quid on a Terminal Ferry Building that won the Carbuncle Cup award as the worst designed building of 2009.



Those who were present at the Planning committee meeting when plans were passed, may recall how Doreen Jones, the Doyenne of World Heritage disaster, passed the plans, saying she had been blackmailed into doing so.
 What did that mean?
 Larry Neild reported the committee meeting for the Echo.

More investigations need to be done on this World Heritage White Elephant that the Lennon tat was placed in.
Why did we need a Beatles Museum in a Ferry Terminal.

 But will the local press continue their reporting and do some investigating, or just let it lie on the bottom shelf until someone else does the work for them.