Thursday 22 December 2011

A World Heritage Site Is For Life, Not Just For Christmas.

Awaiting a Unesco report, The Spivs running the city must be nervous.
Like good little Peel's Poodle's they have gone headlong into a Cultural Back Alley on their behalf.
It shows up, what the likes of Joe Anderson, with his property speculators  moll Frank McKenna, and his friends at Downtown Liverpool, who as representative for what Private Eye's 'Piloti' calls "the sinister Peel Holdings" really want, a free run on our heritage.
Through all the binge build years we have now woken up with a hangover.
And they still want more.
We dont have a planning officer convenient.
Councillor Malcolm Kennedy, Cabinet Member for Regeneration, who despite being in the paper everyday, has regenerated.......well a road for Peel Holdings, using up nearly all the road repair budget for the year in the process. 
Really don't Peel have to spend any money?
Do we have to fund their business dealings?
Is Joe Anderson too close to Peel Holdings?
Will John Hinchliffe the World Heritage Bungler be sacked?
Will The Cruise Liner Jetty balls up, be settled and will they, wrongly, stop blaming Southampton for it?
Will the local editors Alastair Machray and Mark Thomas be sacked? 
Instead of them blaming everyone else for the lack of job creation, while sacking half the workforce at Trinity "Smoking" Mirror Group and shipping out the printing presses to Oldham. They should hide their heads in shame.

These are just a few of the searching questions that will be continued to be asked in the New Year.

We wish all our colleagues, friends and fellows who are interested in solving the problems that a city corrupted and poisoned by the spivs lurking behind the scenes create, A very Merry Xmas.

If we have upset you during the last year............well tough, you must have deserved it.  

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Museum of Liverpool-Winner Of The Hugh Casson Award 2011-For Being a Spectacular Botch Up...

 'Piloti' of Private Eye the satirical magazine has for a long time taken an interest in Liverpool. This current issue no 1304 is no exception.
Writing in Nooks and Corners he awards the worst building of 2011 to The Museum of Liverpool.
They told us it was going to be Iconic......and it is, unfortunately for all the wrong reasons. click on the picture to expand the article. The squashed ciggy packet has been a complete disaster coming second in BD mags Carbuncle Cup award 2011. They promised us Iconic and give us Ichronic. All this while the now defunct Daily Ghost was telling us how wonderful it was going to be and how it will give life to the Pier Head. Funny that I was down there the other day playing spot the punter, we had to give up for lack of people. Lies, Lies and even more lies they have spun us those ill educated councillors past and present who sold the city out to.....well not even the highest bidder.

Mistakes 'Piloti' mentions a few as did numerous other publications.
We told them they were building a carbuncle, did the corrupted council officials, with their ill defined aesthetics listen, not a chance.
Spooned by Liverpool Vision with its links to the Chamber of Commerce, they, who should have known better, sold us downstream, to a bunch of carpet-bagging Vultures, right under the noses of the lazy public of Liverpool and the Local Press with its bad editors and their business section, Plumping out the true facts, who let their historic skyline be destroyed. English Heritage let it happen while the then Chairman Sir Neil Cossons was working for Liverpool Museums.

A lorra, lorra gaffes alright.......that we have to put up with for the rest of our lives. 

Oh and its happening all over again with Peel Holdings who 'Piloti' calls ".....the sinister Peel Holdings"

Friday 16 December 2011

St Andrews Church Sold To A Convicted Fraudster For A Quid!!!!

Liverpool council have agreed to sell the Grade II-listed St Andrews Church, in Rodney Street, to Nigel Russell’s construction arm, Middle England Developments, for £1. Marc Waddington wrote, for the Daily Post which it says understands some council officers were aware of Mr Russell’s convictions in the USA – which saw him stripped of his right to deal in real estate in South Carolina – but had not informed senior directors until after the deal had been recommended.

Mr Russell said his conviction was “in the past” and he didn’t wish to discuss it. The council’s own rules state that “when determining whether or not the applicant is fit and proper, the council must have regard to certain offences relating to fraud, sexual offences and contraventions of housing or landlord and tenant law”.

Opposition leaders have also raised concerns about claims allegedly being made to investors about Penlake’s operations in the city.

Under the arrangement, investors pay a lump sum of around £48,000 per unit and are guaranteed a £6,000 return in the first year only.
Read the full story here.

Are Liverpool City Council Corrupt?
That is a question I was asked the other day.

Despite promises from Joe "You're Scum" Anderson to protect our heritage, he then gives St Andrews Church away to a convicted fraudster.
Are the company, that paid the quid, members of the  Spiv Lobby Group Downtown Liverpool is another question I was asked the other day.
This post has the history of the church.

This post may or may not contain the history of the deal.
Or even this one.

Well done to Marc Waddington who shows himself as a ray of light in a room of Trinity "smoking" Mirrors here
There is hope at the Ghost yet.

Thursday 15 December 2011

Joe Anderson-"You're Scum".

Spot the scum as Uncle Joe Anderson, our Council leader, pops into the Echo Arena for a Jolly day out, shouting at people outside "You're Scum.
It seems to me that he should have considered this term when representing the council.
The Council are currentlty dealing with convicted fraudsters.
Marc Waddington, Yesteday, did a fantastic expose on how St Andrews Church has been sold to a "Cosy" Council developer for a quid. 

This is what one of our preffered bloggers (If he does not get comprimised) says on the matter.
In a post he calls letting the real scum off the hook.

Joe Anderson seems to be appearing on video rather often of recent days David Bartlett has a rather interesting video on his blog, of Joe Anderson at Downtown Liverpool (Frank McKenna) Christmas Party, at fellow Councillor Gary Millars place Parr Street Studios.

It must be Xmas because a real Turkey pops its head up............Yes Its our Friend Derek Hatton, who while leading the council knocked a whole Georgian Quarter around Casey Street down.
You must watch it.

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Liverpool Preservation Trust Blog-Now Being Administered By David Ward.

David Ward is now the administrator of the LPT blog.

Neil Scales Buggers Off To Australia-Good Riddance.


After wasting a fortune of our money Herr Director of Miserytravel buggers off to Australia leaving a trail of financial disasters behind him.
Miserytravel under his control cut up the historic U-534 that was rescued from the bottom of a Fford.

Let loose with our money Miserytravel commissioned the Ken Dodd with a Kebab at Lime Street station.

Miserytravel even bought Ringos house

He spent £67,000,000 of your money on a folly that will never make any cash.

Used to getting his own way and spending taxpayers money he tried to gag us.

Good Riddance Mr Scales You Will Not Be Missed. All the money you wasted on your ill concieved ideas, really, could have kept quite a few Nursing Homes open.

Monday 12 December 2011

St Andrews Church-Should Liverpool City Council Be In Charge Of Our History?

Months ago I wrote of the risks to letting Liverpool City Council look after our historic past.

I have watched as St Andrews Church has been left to decay to a shell of its former state while we are told about Regeneration... by the Council Con Merchants, who keep telling us how well we are all doing from their leadership, when in reality, and in my opinion, the whole system is corrupted.

Two years ago I asked questions about why the council had not issued proper repairs order on all the Buildings on the English Heretics at risk register.

I asked why they have put a shed on top of the Rodney Street building.

It now seems that they are trying to sell the building, or may have done so.
Will this historic building now be knocked out to some shady property developer turned into flats or even touted as a timeshare.
We are making enquiries. Watch this space.

Thursday 8 December 2011

White Star Building Hit By Storms-James Street Closed.

They spent a fortune on the "Three Black Coffins" at Mann Island while The White Star Building on the corner of James Street and the Strand lies rotting waiting for it to fall down so the site can be developed. Today it has happened with parts of the building falling off.
Built by Norman Shaw to a similar design of Scotland Yard with bands of brick and white Portland stone it is historic if not only for being the place that all families gathered when the Titanic sank, being the company headquarters.
We warned of this years ago.
Call This Regeneration, or maybe a tale of two cities.

It seems there is money to trash the world heritage site, but none to maintain our historic buildings.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Save Liverpool's World Heritage Site-From Liverpol City Council and its "Cosy" Developer Friends, Peel Holdings.

As part of our aim to highlight the real threat to Liverpool's World Heritage Site from the very people who should be protecting it.
The City Council, I took part in a feature for the ONE SHOW on BBC 1 Friday last th2 2nd December 2011  It is 2 min 25 seconds into the programme.
Cue Paul Brant the council spokesman, with more Liver Building myths.
Surely he, being a legal minded person can understand that there is no argument for any controversy when they built the Liver Buildings, it just suits him to denigrate the Icon of the city.

The BBC unfortunately fall for it every time.

Brant was furnished one comment made by the owners of the Port of Liverpool Buildings (Liver Buildings competitors at the time) supplied by, opinion for hire Peter de Figueiredo.
Who was the Historic Buildings advisor for English Heritage when Liverpool Vision put the idea for the "Three Black Coffins" at the Pier Head forward?  That Councillor Paul Brant apparently objected to?

 Peter de Figueiredo is now secretly working for Peel Holdings.
Just how many of Liverpool City Council are too?

Monday 5 December 2011


You chip away trying to put an argument forward showing what we will lose if World Heritage Site Status is removed.
But it is always being undermined by the local media with their close links to developers and their misguided principles.
The Spiv lobby, partly made up of previous redundo's and outcasts who now hawk their wares around the local reporting media seem to get their way far too often.
Take Mark Thomas............please,will someone take the editor of the Daily Post, and explain to him some principles.
 My opinion is that he has been tainted and having had such a hard time,  he thinks if he hides below the water line and administer the sackings nobody will notice.
Whilst claiming in writing, in the paper that we as campaigners are costing jobs he slashes them on behalf of his employers who shipped out all the printing presses to Oldham.
Some people need to take a hard look at themselves.
Today's opinion goes on about creating jobs by giving Peel Holdings planning permission to trash the World Heritage Site, while he is the grim reaper at the Daily Post dishing out redundancy money to anyone who will take it.
I spoke to David Bartlett Thursday last and advised him of a threat to London and he first said we cant do anything about this. Then he phoned me back and said " Oh yes we can now" I knew it was going to be a stitch up job at Editor level. Davids piece was alright.

so it is a case of keeping the local press informed, but I think that is about it now.

But the extremists at the Daily Ghost lead me to think that they are in on all this and the local media are far too close to the developers and local groups of Spivs such as Downtown Liverpool who Joe Anderson is far too close to also.

Today's Daily Ghost opinion is another desperate attempt for the editor to curry favour with his my opinion.

Have the heritage lobby perhaps not fully appreciated the extraordinary impact of the ongoing recession?
Do they somehow think we would be willing to sacrifice jobs and investment because they say we should?  They say in today's Opinion.

Has the editor of the Daily Ghost not realised that some of us run businesses in the cultural sector and have aesthetic values and have realised that the trashing of the Pier Head may have created a small number of jobs but the cultural sacrifice is far too great.

While this editor has been employed the world heritage site has been trashed.

Why is he trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the public?
 Just look at the state of Mann Island against what was there before.
Mark Thomas seems intent on losing us the WHS status.


Friday 2 December 2011

Save The Liverpool World Heritage Site.

Yes it has got to that stage now, those that have done the damage are now trying to manipulate the centre ground in the publicity stakes, using all the usual rubbish like cities need to evolve and move, they dont mention the carbuncles. Yesterday it was the Queen who visited the Carbuncle Museum, it was strange watching the black Hearse pass the "Three Black Coffins" at Mann Island.

Phil Redmond met the Queen, as Chairman of Liverpool Museums, oh and Mike McCartney.......isnt there anyone else. He mentions it in his column in the Daily Ghost (at least one reason for closing the paper down).
He says;
ONE of the greatest symbols of our shared heritage, the Monarchy, was on display this week with the Queen opening the Museum of Liverpool before going on to the Liver Buildings and then the Floral Pavilion on the Wirral.

Symbols of past, present and future but a reminder that our real World Heritage Status is simply the region’s shared past, present and future. We should neither rely on, nor be cavalier about, whatever the likes of Unesco think or decide, but we need a balanced view.
It can be no coincidence, even perhaps some comfort, to discover that London Tower is also in danger of joining Dresden in being “struck off”, because of the encroachment of modern development.
Perhaps the real issue, then, is that modern cities will always want to evolve and change, so should Unesco really be trying to classify city centres, no matter how worthy.

Strange that Phil who lives in Tarporly in leafy Cheshire told me pointing to the new museum and Mann Island, during a conversation I was having with Tristram Hunt who wrote an article on Liverpool for the Times.

"They should have built all this on the Wirral, but at least it will fall down in 50 years" 

Further reading

Thursday 1 December 2011

Tower of London and Palace of Westminster could lose World Heritage Status

Tower of London and Palace of Westminster could lose status

Inspectors from Unesco are to visit London next week to review the  architectural status of the Tower of London and the Palace of Westminster.
Unesco is concerned about the impact of high-rise developments in the vicinity of the two attractions, including projects such as the Shard.

A report on the Tower of London produced by Unesco this year states that the World Heritage Committee “considers that the incremental developments around the Tower over the past five years have impacted adversely its visual integrity.”
Previous reports have called for a buffer zone to be put in place to protect the tower.
Similar concerns about the Palace of Westminster were also raised earlier this year. Unesco has called for a moratorium on new projects in the area until protection is introduced for the setting of the palace.

To think the Queen is at the New Museum today, that along with the Three Black Coffins carbunculates the Liverpool World Heritage Site.

Wednesday 30 November 2011

The One Show, This Friday-Features, The Risk Of Liverpool Losing its World Heritage Site Status.

Its always bloody freezing doing any filming connected with the Liverpool WHS wth most of it being in such an exposed and windy location.
But such is the importance of the cause of saving the Liverpool World Heritage Site, I have to do it.
We are grateful for the topical magazine "The OneShow" taking an interest in the risk of Liverpool losing its WHS status and it should go out on Friday.
Paul Brant the Deputy Leader of Liverpool City Council will be on, peddling the usual City Council untruths and derogatory remarks about there being controversy when the Liver Buildings were built, trying to substantiate the carbunculation of the Pier Head with unsubstantiated remarks. Another Labour Councillor wanting to let Peel Holdings lose Liverpool the coveted accolade that puts us up there with the Taj Mahal and the Pyramids.
Lets hope the BBC dont fall for this once again as they always seem to do.

The reality is that this is the town that knocked down the Cavern Club and then called itself Beatles City.
This is the City that gets a Mercantile and Maritime World Heritage Site title that any other place would be proud of and then plans to build Shanghai-On-Mersey.

Monday 28 November 2011

Jonathan Glancey on The Threat To Liverpool's World Heritage Site From Liverpool Waters.

Mersey monotony? … an artist's impression of Peel Holding's Liverpool Waters scheme
"Life goes on day after day/Hearts torn in every way." You can just hear Gerry Marsden singing Ferry Cross the Mersey back when Liverpool was one of the world's best loved cities. Imagine if Ferry Cross the Mersey was remade in 2015 and, instead of the Liver Building, Pier Head and working docks, the backdrop was an almighty prickle of skyscrapers and other schlock shipped in from anywhere except Merseyside itself.
More than hearts may be torn if the city gives the go-ahead to the titanic and controversial £5.5bn Liverpool Waters project proposed by property developers Peel Holdings. Unesco is so angry with what its inspectors have seen of the designs that it has threatened – and not for the first time – to strip Liverpool's city centre of its World Heritage Site status. While in other parts of the world this would matter, Liverpool – to judge from comments made in the local media – doesn't appear to care what Unesco thinks.
What matters more than heritage, it seems, is shopping and new jobs in new shops. Liverpool is no museum: it wants a global skyscrapers and luxury brands. This is a little unfair, yet the city – architecturally a curate's egg (even around Giles Gilbert Scott's magisterial cathedral should aim a lot higher than the glossy banality of Liverpool Waters. A concern for local heritage proves just how innovative and memorable the city's architecture has been, whether in the design of the Three Graces, the Albert Docks or Freddie Gibberd's space capsule-style Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King. Why give up the ghost?
Meanwhile, and aside from a new generation of ultra-modern factories, shipyards, skilled jobs, schools and whatever local people suggest, what Liverpool needs is close attention to its housing stock and to its dilapidated inner suburbs.

Liverpool Skyscraper Plan Puts World Heritage Status At Risk.

This is an article that was published in the Guardian.
Helen Carter who cobbled this together from other sources has not been to Liverpool for a while, if ever,because she has used a picture of a view that no longer exists, as it has been decimated by the "Three Black Coffins" and the new museum that looks like a Geometric Quilt.

Friday 25 November 2011

Peel Holdings Object To A New Retail Park In Speke.

A MAJOR £30m plan to build a vast leisure complex in Speke looks set for approval – despite strong opposition. John Siddle of the Daily Ghost writes,

New Mersey Leisure, featuring three hotels, a multiplex cinema, bars and restaurants, would be built on 14-acres of a 49-acre brownfield site near the New Mersey Retail Park, in Speke.

Developers Benmore Group anticipate the project would create 325 permanent jobs and pump £5.5m per year into the local economy.
But the scheme, listed for approval at Liverpool council’s planning committee on Tuesday, has met with concern from car manufacturer Ford and major developer Peel.
Ford sub-leases land on the proposed site from ANSA Logistics to store up to 4,000 vehicles transported there by the adjacent freight rail network.
In a letter of objection backed by the union Unite, Ford said the jobs of 188 workers linked to the site could be jeopardised if the scheme is progressed.
Through solicitors Cushman and Wakefield, the firm told the council: “Ford has categorically established that there is no other suitable affordable rail-connected site that is able to support the current operation locally.
Closure of this site as a distribution centre for Ford would result in a move away from the North West for this operations and the loss to the area of skilled employment as a result.”
Benmore, which owns the freehold to the land, claims it would create a “substantial area of land” for car storage at the former Tea Factory, off Speke Hall Road.
An eight-page letter, submitted by Peel, claimed that the proposals would not aid regional growth.
The Port of Liverpool owner feared the “diminished ability” to make best use of the “rare rail freight connection” and insisted there was no legitimate demand for three hotels.
Its objection states: “The New Mersey proposals represent economic development but not sustainable economic growth. On the contrary, they will frustrate the realisation of expanded rail-freight use in the city, which should have negative regional-wide implications.”
A spokesman for Benmore said that access to the rail network “would not be affected”.
Benmore, also behind plans to redevelop the former Pioneer Buildings in Dale Street into a 120-bed hotel and car park, hopes to win full planning permission to build a seven-screen cinema, 18 leisure units and a 78-bed hotel.
It also wants outline planning permission for 78-bed and 120-bed hotels. If permission is granted, the park could open by the end of next year.

So despite Peel Holdings plan to close down the docks and carbunculate it with.............thousands of appartments that no-one will buy and they then complain about an overs supply of hotels, you couldnt make this up.

Thursday 24 November 2011

STOP PRESS-Liverpool Daily Post is now the Daily Ghost.

It all started when they shipped out the printing presses to Oldham.
Barging Liverpool jobs out of the city down the Manchester Ship Canal.

Alastair Machray has let a lot of people go, some skilled and with the experience of decades of writing, with a knowledge of the locality that would be hard to replace.
They local press are now helping drum up a campaign to create Liverpool jobs by building Liverpool Waters.
And thus losing the World Heritage Site.
All this empty rhetoric after Peel Holdings are building Port Salford....and barging jobs down the Mersey, right under the noses of the local press.
While this current editorial team have been employed, they have cheered and supported every tacky scheme to carbunculate the World Heritage Site, while lunching with the press officers of the companies that were telling them, its all gonna be Ichonic.
Lets hope this switch to a weekly makes them think long and hard about the need to bring a bit of class into the local debate instead of the usual uninformed dullard approach and plumping for the council.
I don't like to see anyone lose their job, and have excellent relations with quite a number of employees, of the Post and Echo, but those who have been hiding behind the Trinity "Smoking" Mirrors at Oldham Hall Street should now look at the way they are viewed by the public and realise, what if nobody buys the Liverpool Weekly that will replace the Daily Post. Then it really will be the Daily Ghost.

Liverpool Waters, Wirral Waters, and now Chatham Waters.

Development giant Peel Land & Property has lodged outline plans for its £650 million mixed-use Chatham Waters scheme in Kent designed by 5 Plus Architects
Richard Waite writes:

The 10ha scheme on brownfield land at Chatham Docks is the latest behemoth waterside scheme to be submitted by the development company which is already working on the £5.5billion Liverpool Waters with Chapman Taylor and the nearby 1.4 million m² Wirral Waters scheme
Drawn up with Indigo Planning and Planit ie, the 176,000m² project includes a commercial heart incorporating office space, education facilities, a hotel, flats, townhouses, new public areas and a food store.
James Whittaker, development director at Peel said: ‘The feedback we received at the public consultation was invaluable and we are very pleased that so many people [90 per cent of those questioned] were supportive of our plans for Chatham Waters. We have taken the comments received on board and are pleased to have submitted a planning application to Medway Council.’

They said the same about Liverpool Waters when they put a few boards out in a shop in the city centre.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Should Mark Thomas The Editor Of The Daily Post, Be Thatched?

What do they want us to do?

Thatch some of the skyscrapers, perhaps?

Just when you think you are getting somewhere with an argument it gets the Daily Post Editors treatment, and decends into the same old usual chip paper rubbish.
I had thanked the paper for the balanced debate that has been afforded to the Unesco Mission, but yesterday the true colours of the editorial stance show. The "Daily Post says"
Will this dullard approach from the local editor, it is no wonder that the Pier Head has been decimated.Their true colours shine through really. It is they that live in the past not us.

If they think that losing your best asset, world heritage, status by becoming one of Peels Poodles is the future then they are wrong.
OUR HISTORY IF PROPERLY MANAGED IS OUR FUTURE. We are not living in the past we are looking to the future, it is the dullards who cant see further than their own concieted views, that are twisted by the circle in which they move, that need thatching.
 To have an uneducated approach to such an important matter really does not help the argument it aims at the lowest denominator present in the city.

David Bartlett had been, I feel, doing his best to keep this important news item on the straight and narrow.
He did not write the opinion. Once again I thank David Bartlett for his hardworking coverage, but as for the editor, Mark, you need to go and take a long hard look in the mirror and wait for the smoke to clear, then tell us what you see..........bloody 'ell it's Frank McKenna.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Peel Ports Set To Dredge The Mersey-Even Bill Gleeson says They Have Missed The Boat.

Delays may mean city has missed the boat

NEWS this week that Peel Ports has secured grant funding to deepen the River Mersey, around Seaforth, by dredging, has been greeted with considerable excitement locally.

The £30m Regional Growth Fund grant is an important piece in the jigsaw that should allow Peel’s proposed £200m in-river quayside to proceed. Once complete, the new quayside will be able to handle some of the world’s largest vessels. Known as post-Panamax vessels, these ships will be able to pass through the Panama Canal after it has been widened. The opening up of the canal will re-shape trade flows between East and West.
For many decades, the idea that Liverpool is on the wrong side of the country has been widely accepted as a truism. East coast ports have claimed the lion’s share of trade heading to Rotterdam and other near European ports. When it comes to post-Panamax vessels, however, Liverpool’s location is not so disadvantageous. These massive vessels don’t serve Europe, but instead plough the seas between Britain and the Far East. The announcement that Liverpool was to build a post-Panamax quayside was, for example, big news in Hong Kong.
In this day and age of low carbon targets, long- distance shippers will be interested in Liverpool’s proximity to the final marketplace. The fact Liverpool is in central Britain, close to big centres of population, should stand us in better stead than ports on the south coast.
On the other hand, Peel has been slow off the mark when it comes to competing with their rivals. Had the company stuck to the original construction plan, the new in-river terminal would be open for business by now. It was, however, delayed due to the credit crunch and the downturn in international trade.
While the scheme is now back on track, the delays mean that the Port of Liverpool has missed the boat.
Bristol’s port has permission to build a new £600m deep sea container terminal which, the port owner claims, will bring containers closer to their final destinations than any other super post- Panamax port.
Last month, Felixstowe South opened for business, offering a similar scale, two-berth facility as that proposed for Seaforth. Dredging of the Thames Estuary to allow post-Panamax vessels to dock at the soon to be opened London Gateway began two years ago. When the new DP World quaysides are ready, they will be able to handle more container traffic than the whole of the Port of Liverpool even after its new Seaforth facility is fully utilised.
The Port of Southampton has long been able to handle post-Panamax vessels, and recently expanded its capacity by 50%. Vessels that are already bigger than those that would use Liverpool’s new in-river facility have been docking routinely at Southampton for a couple of years now.
Indeed, Liverpool has just become a feeder port to the Port of Southampton with a regular weekly service that allows global shippers to transfer containers from post- Panamax sized ships docking at Southampton to smaller vessels that then come into the Mersey. If this feeder port status is to be just a temporary phenomenon, it is important that there are no more delays to construction at Seaforth.
One inherent anxiety created by the receipt of a £30m-plus Regional Growth Fund grant has to be the potential it creates for objections to be raised by rival port owners, such as DP World at Southampton, which is already engaged in a fierce war of words over the funding of Liverpool’s cruise liner terminal plan
Read More

My understanding is that Peel Ports were annoyed at the timing of this news with the Unesco mission in Liverpool and them promising us jobs galore.

Meanwhile more jobs go at the Port of Liverpool
This time its the Fruit and Produce Terminal that Peel own.......42 jobs to go.  click here for more

Just what is the Isle of Man tax exile John Whittaker, who owns Peel Holdings, doing with our jobs shipping our Port down the Manchester Ship Canal to Salford.

Monday 21 November 2011

Do Peel Holdings Have The Money To Develop Liverpool Waters?

That is a question that needs a long hard look at.
Would a Chinese investor even consider investing in the Euro-Zone at the moment knowing that the currency could, or may implode?

What is the Financial Gearing that Peel Holdings have at the Banks at present?

Would the Roschild's Invest in a company that wants to build tens of thousands of appartments on Liverpool Waters when the same company (or subsiduary) has plans passed on Wirral Waters for ten thousand appartments?
Who is going to live in them all?
We congratulated Peel for wanting to develop Wirral (not a stone been laid yet).
But its not a World Heritage Site.

Is this just a planning permission exersice so that John Whittaker the tax exile living in the Isle Of Man, who owns 60% of Peel, can top up his pension pot?

In order to get the level of Chinese cash out of the country, when China feels threatened by the global economic downturn, to invest in Liverpool Waters, you need a lot of power, Peel may think themselves powerful, but they are not that big. 

In the meantime we have a City Council under the stewardship of Joe Anderson, (who is far too close to Peel Holdings), that needs to stop and take a look at the full gravity of the situation, instead of spinning another one just like the other one.........because we no longer believe you understand what you are doing with Our World Heritage, Mr Anderson.
Unesco is like a lumbering Elephant, but when they fall on you you get squashed.

Imagine the embarrasment of losing the World Heritage Site?

Friday 18 November 2011

John Hinchliffe and a £6,000 Freebie.

A free trip to Shanghai that you helped pay for so you should know about it.
That cost Six Grand.
What for? Why did he have to go?
Was it to persuade any investors in Liverpool Waters, they could do whatever they want while he's there.
He even bragged about it. "Not bad for a freebie" he said.
Flown out all expenses paid for to have meetings with Peel Holdings to the Shanghai Expo 2010.......who have been told by Unesco that if their plans for Shanghai-on-Mersey where to go ahead it will effect the Outstanding Universal Value of the World Heritage Site. 
This is what Unesco actually said that the current plans for Liverpool Waters goes directly in conflict against the SPD. What does Hinchiffe do?

118. Liverpool – Maritime Mercantile City (United Kingdom) (C 1150)
Decision: 35 COM 7B.118

The World Heritage Committee,
1. Having examined Document WHC-11/35.COM/7B.Add,
2. Expresses its extreme concern at the proposed development of Liverpool Waters in terms of the potential impact of its dense, high and mid-rise buildings on the form and design of the historic docks and thus on the Outstanding Universal Value of the property;
3. Notes that the independent Impact Assessment commissioned by English Heritage clearly sets out the significantly damaging negative impact on the Outstanding Universal Value of the property;
Decisions report WHC-11/35.COM/20, p. 150
4. Also notes that the proposed development is not in compliance with the property
Management Plan nor with the Liverpool Urban Development Plan;
5. Urges the State Party to ensure that these proposals are not approved, as failure to do so could lead to consideration of loss of the Outstanding Universal Value of the property;
6. Requests the State Party to invite a joint World Heritage Centre/ICOMOS reactive monitoring mission, as soon as possible, to assess planning procedures and the overall development strategies for the property;
7. Also requests the State Party to submit to the World Heritage Centre, by 1 February 2012, an updated report on the state of conservation of the property and on the implementation of the above, examination by the World Heritage Committee at its 36th session in 2012.
So what do we pay him for, because he has done nothing to protect world heritage principles or, as Unesco, expressly requested, put an education programme together to inform the public and developers as to principles of World Heritage, to uphold its protection.
The Heritage lottery Funding was refused because they said he was trying it on. click on links

For 5 years hes been swopping the place where the pen goes for the place where the pencil goes on his desk shuffling paper around....doing nothing, a complete and utter waste of time.
Secretly steering the World Heritage Steering Group that nobody knows about, apart from them.
click on links

He is now worried after Nigel Lee the planning officer has been forced out. (Liverpool does not have a Chief Planning Officer). So who is upholding the Supplementary Planning Document that is to protect the WHS.
So lets break it down here is the SPD, its a long read but Unesco will do the work, I am sure.
Anyone commenting on Liverpools WHS needs to read this and that includes the local press.
Here is the sustainability section of the SPD.

Hinchliffe the double dealing waste of space that is supposed to be employed to protect World Heritage not roll over like a fluffy poodle, and have his belly tickled by any Spiv or Speculator that wants to build anything in the World Heritage Site.
He should be very worried about his job because if Unesco go against him this time he wont be able to afford a collection of Della Robbia ceramics that he aspires to, because we will be calling for the hopeless waste of space's sacking and he may be lucky to keep his job.

A Waste Of Space sitting on his hands?
Meanwhile Its Pearls before Swine as Usual

Wednesday 16 November 2011

John Hinchliffe Tries To Shaft Us.

We predicted it was going to be a whitewash and that's what the World Heritage Officer tried.

We have it down in writing, how the meeting was to be formulated, but when we got there the double dealing Hinchliffe tried to direct us into a forum.
"You have had years to organise debates and you want one now today, there is not a chance"
Ian Wray of the world heritage steering group says "I am the chair"
"I am the table, I said, and I will not be going into any meeting being led by a council poodle"

I had already told Trevor Skempton and Peter Brown of the Civic Society, who do not have a remit on this matter, from the group, as this has not been a meeting to discuss it, I am reliably informed, that I would not be setting foot in any room with them.
David Swift stood his ground with me. Florence Gersten was already upstairs, she had been excluded from any meetings until we complained.
So Hinchliffe, who has sat shuffling paper for 5 years, now wants to turn into a negotiator.
"Not a chance" I told him "We are not being pushed around in a pram by you, like you did last time"
Hearing the noise and me throwing my arms around and telling Hinchliffe. "Not a chance, full stop you are not going to stifle what I have to say and we will only meet the inspectors privately"
Ron Van Oers who we met last time in the 2006 visit came over and said just as I said "That it I am going" waving my hands.
"Would you like a private meeting"..............."Yes"............"We will come down and see you shortly"

Hinchliffe said "Oh yes we have a spot ICOMOS UK have not turned up"
"Are there any reports on Liverpool Waters from ICOMOS UK", I asked him
"Errrr not sure, there may be", he waffled
"Of course the City Council joined them as a corporate member did they not"
"Err maybe"
So Hinchliffe, the double dealer had been telling all that the meeting was to be transparent, yet Peter de Figeuirido, the 'Opinion for hire' now working for Peel, was with the party at the Pier Head.
(He was the historic buildings advisor for English Heritage once, therefore a colleague of Henry Owen-John.
 Owen John was there, as was Graham Ives "You probably has seen my name on various reports"
Yes far too many I thought I would not trust you as far as I could throw John Hinchliffe.

The mission came downstairs, and asked us some questions about who we represent, then we told them we don't recognise any steering group and cannot trust the MCS, and told them the reasons, we advised them that Hinchliffe is a total waste of space will do anything his paymasters tell him...........and that last time you were here.......Mr Van Oers.......... you let us down badly, I told him that he failed to grasp the gravity of the situation, when the Black Coffins were under planning, The City Council then under Warren Bradley promised to protect the World Heritage Site.
"If I remember rightly there were three, the Ferry Terminal the museum and Mann Island"
"You needed to be stronger and give advice, they are all carbuncles, if that's not affecting the Outstanding Universal Value then what is" I told him. 
"We had to compromise English Heritage were in support of it"
"Yes but I told you their Chairman Sir Neil Cossons was working for the Liverpool Museums and they had promised him a steam train exhibition to curate, and Loyd Grossman the ex chair was he Museums Chair of NML"
He went on to give a long explanation and I looked at him along with Patricia Alberth and Mr Barbato who said nothing, and said
"You made a major mistake that we have to live with for ever, you got it badly wrong"
He was a bit shaken and said "Look I can assure you this time we will not be making any mistakes, this is very serious"
David Swift had handed them a print run of pictures of the Mann Island and Pier Head before and after, and there it was plain as day, architectural vandalism had occured.

Hinchliffe then came in and asked if we could finish the meeting as there was others waiting upstairs
"You have had 20 minutes"

He's so kind, the double dealing waste of space that is supposed to be employed to protect World Heritage not roll over like a fluffy poodle, and have his belly tickled by any Spiv or Speculator that wants to build anything in the World Heritage Site.

Todays paper sees Joe Anderson proclaiming we will protect our heritage.....look what we did to the Bluecoat...............knocked down Herbert Tyson Smiths Workshop, that was intact and created a plastic palace.............Warren Bradley, now Joe Anderson, Its Dumb and Dumber.

click on tabs below for more info 

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Unesco Inspectors in Liverpool This Week.

An radio article by Nick Ravenscroft went out at 5 p.m on Radio 4.  44 minutes 50 seconds slide the bar across to listen to the well put together article.
Yesterday was a busy day with Unesco inspectors being in Liverpool.

Joe Anderson says a cerificate on the wall will not stop him developing the docks, now we get down to the real bottom of his thoughts, he spoke at as a keynote speaker at Downtown Liverpool event
I informed the local press of these comments, but as yet they have not printed it.

BBC Northwest tonight did a fair old piece 5 minutes into the programme.

Granada reports did a very good take on the situation Rob Smith doing the reporting.

Monday 14 November 2011

Unesco Have Landed! Ready For The Liverpool City Council Smooze Assault.

Last Fridays Independent carried an article by Andrew Rosthorn entitled;
 Is Liverpool World Heritage status in ruins?
It is worth a read click on the links

Todays Daily Post sees David Bartlett keeping up on things happening regarding the mission.

The Daily Post Opinion does not come down either way

David Bartlett prints: The list of people expected to meet the mission: Roll out all the usual supsects
Liverpool City Council
Councillor Joe Anderson - leader of the Council
Councillor Malcolm Kennedy - Heritage Champion and Member for Regeneration and Transport
Councillor Wendy Simon - Member for Culture
Ged Fitzgerald - Chief Executive
Nick Kavanagh - Director of Regeneration
Mark Kitts - Assistant Executive Director
Mark Loughran - Development Control Manager
Peter Jones - Development Control Manager for Liverpool Waters
Rob Burns - Urban Design Manager
John Hinchliffe - World Heritage Officer
Keith Blundell - Tourism Manager
Steve Corbett - Conservation Manager
Chris Griffiths - Buildings at Risk Officer
Peter Hoey -Townscape Heritage Initiative Officer

English Heritage
Henry Owen-John - NW Regional Director
Graeme Ives - Historic Areas Advisor
Christopher Young - Head of World Heritage

Department for Culture Media and Sport
Paul Blaker - Head of World Heritage

World Heritage Site Steering Group
Ian Wray - Liverpool University and Chair
David Fleming - Director of National Museums Liverpool
Jenny Douglas - City Centre Development Manager, Liverpool Vision
John Belchem - Liverpool University
Maresa Molloy - Liverpool Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Peel Holdings
Lindsey Ashworth - Development Director
Ian Pollit - Development/Investment Surveyor
Peter de Figueiredo - Historic Building Consultant
Keith Nutter - Planner at White Young Green
Martin Bailey - Planner at White Young Green
Adrian Griffiths - Architect at Chapman Taylor
Peter Swift - Landscape Architect/Urban Designer at Planit IE

The Mersey Partnership
Rod Holmes - Chairman

Liverpool Vision
Max Steinberg - Chief Executive
Mike Taylor - Deputy Chief Executive
Ian McCarthy - North Liverpool Manager
Richard Tracey -N Liverpool Development Officer
Claire McColgan - Director of Culture
Graham Boxer - Head of Arts, Heritage and Participation

Liverpool Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Jack Stopforth - Chairman

Merseyside Civic Society
Peter Brown
Trevor Skempton

Liverpool Football Club
Ian Ayre - Managing Director
The Bluecoat
Alistair Upton - Director


Robert Nadler - Director of Base2Stay
Steve Parry - Director of Neptune Developments
Chris Bliss - Managing Director of Liverpool One
Susan Dunn - ICOMOS UK

Wayne Colquhoun - Liverpool Preservation Trust
David Swift
FG- Florence Gersten - Save Our City

Saturday 12 November 2011

Where Is The Liverpool World Heritage Site?

Well don't ask Damien, John Hinchliffe, The World Heritage Officer's press Officer.
I went to do a live show for Radio 5 live Drive after work, and he accompanied John Hinchliffe, for some strange reason?
They were warming themselves up for the live chat slide the play bar to 1;48 to listen and I turned to Damien and asked him "Damien can you tell me where the World Heritage Boundaries Are"
He looked at me and stuttered "Errr"
"I am only asking a simple question" and repeated it,
"No" he said
"Isn't that a strange thing that the World Heritage Site Officer's, Press Officer does not know where it is, and wasn't it a request that Unesco made that the public at large should be informed by the Liverpool City Council as to its boundaries its principles and Architects and developers should be informed on its Overall Universal values so that protection can be afforded to it".

I don't know how john Hinchliffe can show his face with the mess that has happened while he has stood by and watched...idly.

I was out on a horrendous Mersey Ferry trip an hour before listening to the godawful commentary that you cant get away from, with Nick Ravenscroft. This was an interview to be broadcast on P.M radio 4 on Monday.
"Yes and this week they will roll out all the press power they can we may even see the elusive world heritage officer............whose press officer doe not even know where the world Heritage site is.
No you couldn't make it up.

Thursday 10 November 2011

Merseyside Civic Society Are To Meet The Unesco Monitering Mission-Why?

Its Peter Brown and Trevor Skempton..what a joke, rolled out by the council in order to help them establish they are having a consultative exercise and not the whitewash they are intending to carry out next week when three Unesco delegates visist Liverpool. They did the same the last mission came here in 2006

Peter Brown said this about the Three Black Coffins on Mann Island. in an article written by Willian Leece and Peter Elson
Peter Brown, chairman of Merseyside Civic Society, personally feels that the Mann Island scheme is a good one, although other society members disagree.

“I’ve been quite happy with the way it’s been handled and the final outcome. It would have been better if there was a masterplan, but in its absence this is the best scheme.
“My view is that it complements both the new museum and the Pier Head Three Graces.
“The new Mann Island blocks are square and black, so it’s a stark contrast with the white of the sloping new Museum of Liverpool and the classicism of the Three Graces.
“I think it’s a mistake to keep a ‘fire free’ zone between Albert Dock and the Pier Head. There is a need for financial stimulation in that area and to show entrepreneurial skills.
“The scheme offered the prospect for this and the architects worked it out well. They also managed to exceed their brief and more views of the Three Graces were retained than was proposed. I appreciate that the principal view from the south is obstructed, but none of these buildings were planned as a group, nor was it expected that these views would not be built across.
“We need a modern statement to showcase the aspirations of this city.
“It’s all consistent with what was proposed.”
BBC Radio Merseyside article at the time

Tony Moscardini was always a solid rock and he is excluded from this MCS meeting with Unesco it seems.

I recall meeting Trevor Skempton when he was employed by the City Council to persuade the planning commttee that One Park West the 4th place Carbuncle Cup entry for 2009 was good gor the city.
So why is he repesenting the Merseyside Civic Society and its members views?

Roll out the barrels...........

The World Heritage Steering Group will meet the Unesco mission here is the secret list of names of the group that steers...........what?

Mr Brocklebank-Its Like Old Times.

Mr Brocklebank hits town with a bit of gusto and rhetoric this week..... its almost like I was writing the column again. Well done its good to see the old mucker (huh!) gets a bit of its old hard hitting self back.

DEVELOPERS in Liverpool are often harangued for allegedly undermining the city’s fine architectural heritage.

Not only is the world-class waterfront’s World Heritage Status imperilled by the excesses of modern construction crowding out the Three Graces, the uber-modern ferry terminal has in recent years lifted aloft the Carbuncle Cup, and the Museum of Liverpool took runner-up spot in this year’s competition.
So it’s refreshing for Mr Brocklebank when he hears of a developer who is sensitive to the needs of some of the city’s fine old historic sites when putting in for planning permission for their grand designs.Step forward Maghull Developments, which this week was given the go-ahead for a multi-million pound equestrian centre on the site of the former Allerton Priory and Home Farm, and has been seeking the help of “one of the country’s most reputable heritage advisors who has been working closely with the council’s conservation officers”.
The squire will say it again: three cheers for Maghull Developments. If only it had been around when someone decided to rip down the fine historic gem that was Josephine Butler House on Mulberry Street a couple of years ago to make way for a car park.

ONE frequent attendee at Liverpool’s planning meetings is Liberal leader Cllr Steve Radford, who is never short of an objection or two.
Certainly in recent years the biggest bee in his bonnet has been to do with the number of hostels springing up around the north end of the city. As many in local political circles will know, the indomitable defender of Fortress Tuebrook is nothing if not plain spoken (a quality that has seem him brush up against the Standards Board in the past).
However, it can sometimes be the case that he mixes his metaphors (or rather, his similes): hence his blasting of committee members he felt to be complacent on the matter as “rubber chickens” – a phrase that certainly furrowed quizzical brows on the committee benches.
As one helpfully clarified for a committee member afterwards: “I hazard what he meant to say was you’re a bunch of a headless chickens just rubber stamping applications”. So that’s all right, then.
ALL of the above brings the insuperably droll planning chairman Cllr John Mackintosh’s comments at the beginning of the planning meeting into sharper focus.
“We’ve got some students here who are doing planning at Liverpool Uni,” he said in his characteristic Everton drawl, “so hopefully they can pick up a few things.
“I wouldn’t bank on it, though.”

Tuesday 8 November 2011

David Swift On World Heritage Risks

David Swift, the tireless heritage workhorse, and Liverpool World Heritage Watchdog writes in to today's Daily Post to try to counterbalance some of the more extreme views on World Heritage, by those it seems who don't understand the full gravity of the situation. 
Unesco have asked to meet Mr Swift when the Unesco Monitoring Mission visits Liverpool early next week. They are keen to hear his views.
I am in admiration of Mr Swifts tireless efforts for little credit in the fight to save Liverpool's World Heritage Site from the sort of developments that have become far too evident at the Pier Head. If Liverpool had more people of the calibre of Mr Swift the historic and urban landscape of the city would be in a far better place.

We should be proud of heritage

LOSING World Heritage status would be a disaster, giving further ammunition to the national anti-scouse stereotype. Fortunately, the rest of the world does not share this prejudice.
They see Liverpool as a characterful tourist destination and our World Heritage status, properly advertised and marketed, should be a massive asset. It would be foolish to risk it.
Yet I wonder what Unesco must make of a city which requires a second monitoring mission in such a short space of time. We should be proud of our heritage and obey the rules which our city leaders signed up to, as recently as the Supplementary Planning Document of October 2009.
The criteria set out in this document do not prevent appropriate redevelopment – quite the contrary!
So in response to J.Sully and I.Poole (Daily Post November 1 and 3), who would happily throw away our status – a tirade against Wayne Colquhoun and what they describe as the heritage "lobby" is off the mark. It is childishly easy to dish up an artist’s impression of a Shanghai skyline. Rather more difficult to create quality architecture on a human scale. If you want to see proof of what happens when architects and planners are let loose then just look at the mess on Mann Island.
In conclusion, the Unesco monitoring mission was invited to visit Liverpool by the UK Government. This followed advice given in an independent report on Liverpool Waters to English Heritage. I’m sure Unesco would rather not have to do this inspection – they must have lost confidence in our city leaders by now.

David Swift, Litherland

Monday 7 November 2011

Museum of Liverpool-Shoddy And Defective, Another Legal Battle Commences.

Several months ago I wrote about the shoddy and defective work on the Museum of Liverpool when a ceiling fell in, injuring workmen, the local papers did not print the story.

THE architects involved in the construction of Liverpool's new £72m Museum have been accused of making a series of errors as part of a £3.5m High Court claim.   Alan Weston writes;

The court documents, now lodged in London’s High Court, accuse architects and lead consultants AEW of negligence, breach of contract, and shoddy workmanship which was both “defective and dangerous”.
It is also alleged the architects made changes without consultation – and, in some cases, planning permission – during the construction of the flagship waterfront building.
Problems with the design culminated in a large number of panels in one of the gallery ceilings falling and injuring a workman on May 25 this year – just two months before the museum opened to the public.
The claim by National Museum Liverpool states that a “material cause of the collapse was the defective design of the ceiling ... upon investigating that collapse, NML identified the said unconventional and defective support system used for those ceilings.”
NML said the poor quality of the workmanship meant that 2,000 sq m of public space had been affected, including two major galleries and significant parts of the ground floor.
It adds: “The net result is that notwithstanding the fact that over 750,000 people (including 100,000 schoolchildren) will visit the Museum over the next 12 months, it is unable to offer anything like the experience it should and would be able to had the collapse not occurred.”
NML is making the multi-million pound claim to recover its costs in correcting the defects which came to light. No date has yet been set for the hearing.
Manchester-based architects AEW took over the design of the new Museum of Liverpool after previous architects – Dutch firm 3XN – were sacked by the museum operator. This is now the subject of a separate legal action by NML.
As previously reported, the museum operator was also unhappy with the quality of the work carried out on the outdoor steps of the new building at the Pier Head. NML argued that the design for the steps and terraces was “unworkable/unbuildable”, and that work was undertaken without the organisation’s consent or not to its liking.
In particular, a plinth – designed to correct a previous mistake in the design – “did not have planning permission and is inappropriate and unacceptable in terms of safety, utility and aesthetics”.
The steps were also inadequately water resistant, leaving the plant and artefact storage rooms vulnerable to water damage. For this reason, the steps and terraces are still closed to the public while remedial work is carried out.
NML chairman Phil Redmond said: “It’s really unfortunate the only mechanisms open to us to resolve these issues is by going through the legal process.
“We have an obligation to protect the public purse and this is only the mechanism we can go to in the end.”
The board and trustees of NML have already been forced to pay back £500,000 to AEW in withheld fees.
AEW said it was unable to comment because of a “confidentiality agreement”.
A spokesman for National Museums Liverpool said: “We can confirm we have issued legal proceedings against AEW and 3XN and therefore can make no further comment at this stage.”
The Museum of Liverpool, which opened its doors to the public in July, is the first national museum to be built in more than a century. Despite its problems, the museum has received 500,000 visitors in just three months. The second phase of work at the landmark building, which includes the Overhead Railway, will be officially unveiled on December 2nd.

So at the new unveiling date.........mind your heads.
Can we also get a ceiling on the spiraling costs never mind the spiral staircase.