Tuesday 31 March 2009


On Dave Bartlett's blog today is this article. picture courtesy Daily Post
Ex Councillor Steve Hurst is one of the most appalling characters I have had the misfortune to come across in matters of planning principle. As a fellow fireman he is friends with Warren Bradley and was the Lib Dem Whip and was a council executive member before resigning in disgrace.
In his capacity as vice Chairman in the planning committee. He was, Second only to Doreen Jones in his contempt for Liverpool's historic fabric. Even trying to make a fool out of objectors,to put them off. Playing politics with planning.
It was most alarming watching him in action. Several complaints about his conduct were made to Colin Hilton regarding behaviour prior to all this happening. Colin Hilton the Chief Executive and a fellow executive board member of the council, did nothing.
Liverpool Liberal Democrat Steve Hurst appeal to be heard next week
By David Bartlett on Mar 31, 09 10:07 AM
THE appeal of a leading Liverpool councillor convicted of breaking election law will be heard next week.
Liberal Democrat Steve Hurst was convicted of delivering a leaflet titled "Walton Scab," attacking sitting Labour councillor Pauline Walton and her firefighter husband Keith in December.
Masquerading as a leaflet from The United Socialist Party (TUSP), the pink flier accused Mr Walton of crossing a Fire Brigades Union picket line during a strike.
Mrs Walton was accused of leaving council meetings early to learn lap dancing.And it said Mr Walton was so unpopular at Lee Park golf course he couldn't find a playing partner.
Upon conviction Cllr Hurst was fined £500 and ordered to pay £790 costs as well as a £15 victim surcharge.
The Wavertree councillor also stood down from his position on Liverpool's ruling executive board.
The three-day appeal starts at Liverpool Crown Court on Monday. Cllr Hurst has always denied the charges.

14th Nov 08
Hurst 2.12.08
Hurst resigns
Quote Cllr Joe Anderson, leader of the opposition, said: “This is a sorry, despicable episode in Liverpool politics and the Lib-Dem leadership should be ashamed to be associated with this vicious, hurtful, and dirty campaign.’’
Cllr Anderson said Cllr Hurst ‘‘needs to be sacked immediately’’.


Councillor Mumby is out in force...is there an election coming up.
We have to say that he has supported some of the worst designed schemes in the history of Liverpool. The city council have two rules accept the plans.....and pass, and instead of fighting against bad architecture Councillors become part of that rubber stamping process. It takes educated debate to regenerate a city. Liverpool's City area has lost its style and its essence of what Liverpool was. It may never recover.

Monday 30 March 2009


Liverpool's New £20 million concrete Landing stage...or naval jetty as we call it. (Is now a handy parking space for the Admiralty). Was credited with bringing The QEII here last year and able to accommodate some of the biggest Ocean Liners.

Spare a thought for Liverpool's old heritage left there to rot.

This structure is sound and has been surveyed. WHAT A WASTE.

In the world heritage site. Just look at the old sighting post left to fall to bits. The total disregard for our Maritime Heritage while proclaiming a new dawn is alarming.

Friday 27 March 2009

In the Throes of an Architectural Disaster

World Heritage Disaster unfolding.

It is beyond belief that UNESCO would not be able to see the architectural travesty unfolding in the World Heritage Site. They keep talking about OUV and the likes while they stand by and let it happen.


Why are UNESCO allowing Liverpool to do this to its world heritage site.

Is it because the DCMS has a permanent delegation to UNESCO and they are both colluding to pretend nothing is wrong.
Surely you cant get away with this. Imagine building Three monstrous blocks of flats and a giant skateboard ramp in front of the Taj Mahal or the Pyramids.

Why are UNESCO wearing blindfolds. Surely they are educated people who understand architecture and can see that Liverpool's best views are being destroyed right in front of their blindfolds. WAKE UP UNESCO BEFORE ITS TOO LATE.

Beetham not credit crunched after all

Liverpool-based Beetham’s future secured with go-ahead for London tower
Mar 27 2009 by Barry Turnbull, Liverpool Daily Post


At a recent Architects Journal sponsored conference at Liver pools Crowne Plaza hotel chaired by the obnoxious Paul Finch who is the editor of the Architectural Review and has far too much say for such a bad mouth attitude.
Nigel Lee Liverpool's modern day answer to the Luftwaffe speaking during a power-point presentation showing the mess his troops have deployed said and I quote
"Beetham have the biggest tower in Liverpool at 37 storeys high they also have a massive tower in Manchester and are planning one in London...the guys got a problem with erections, and all this because he has a little willy"
Not sure how he knows but this was in front of a packed room full of £435 fee paying delegates from all over the country.
I looked round as the room cringed. Can he really get away with this.


Thursday 26 March 2009

More World Heritage Disaster unfolding for Liverpool

How can they do this to the world heritage site...although not the worst disaster "On the Waterfront" it all adds up.
What has a bargeboat theme park got to do with Liverpool's past in its future regeneration?. There seems to be problems with the amount of traffic that can come through, as it is a long single lane that only boats going one way can use at a time. Ummm clever.
BBC North West and every man and his dog went with the hype as a massive positive story, but the reality is we have lost the Vista of the Pier Head, which was always an outdoor space used for concerts. The original plans promised the space would be protected with a retractable covering. Why didn't they just build a tunnel.
They proclaimed, "You will be able to go past the new museum and the Ferry Terminal and down past the destruction of Princes Dock". Disaster Alley. Not for us really. They are even selling it as a re-opening which is rubbish.

Historic Liverpool canal link re-opens after more than a century
Mar 26 2009 by Alan Weston, Liverpool Daily Post

Historic Liverpool canal link re-opens after more than a century
IT WAS once the city’s economic lifeline as it transported a range of merchandise to and from the thriving Liverpool docks.
Now, a century after it disappeared from view, the city’s historic canal link has been restored after a £22m project.
But this time, rather than produce such as wool, coal and grain, it is hoped the link will deliver 200,000 extra visitors to the city.
The first flotilla of narrowboats passed in front of the world-famous Three Graces yesterday, to mark the opening of the new waterway.
It allows boats to navigate the 127-mile Leeds-Liverpool Canal direct to the Pier Head, and it cuts a course through the World Heritage Site in front of the Three Graces, and allows boaters to access Salthouse Dock via two locks.
It is hoped the new facility will open up the city’s waterfront to the previously untapped leisure and tourism industry on Britain’s 2,200-mile UK canal system.
First to navigate the canal link was the Pride of Sefton barge, carrying VIPs from British Waterways and North West Development Agency (NWDA) who helped fund the project.
David Flynn, chairman of the charity which owns and operates the barge, said: “This is the best thing that’s happened to Liverpool’s waterfront in many years. It’s not just a huge attraction for boaters, but for tourists from all over the country.
“The Leeds-Liverpool Canal is an untapped resource and a diamond waiting to be discovered. We feel humbled and privileged to have been chosen to be the lead boat to open the canal link.”Among the many boaters celebrating the opening yesterday was Edward Barford, who sailed his narrowboat LiverBird through the new stretch of canal for the first time.
He said: “This will bring a long stretch of canal running through Liverpool back to life, after being asleep for so many years.
“The view when you’re coming into the Pier Head is a bit like arriving in New York. It gives you a totally different angle on the Three Graces and is so different than arriving by road.”
The previous connection from the South Docks to the Leeds-Liverpool Canal – the longest single canal in the UK – was abandoned in the early 20th century when the Three Graces were built over a dock.
The first regular passages on the new canal link are scheduled for April 20.

MORE NEW VISIONS........ Should have went to Specsavers

Liverpool reveals new vision to become a thriving international city............. and they come up with this awful logo.
I think they should have gone to specsavers.
Did someone get paid to produce this.

Wednesday 25 March 2009


Elizabeth Pascoe fails in her latest bid to stop Liverpool's Edge Lane scheme
Mar 25 2009 by David Bartlett, Liverpool Daily Post


It is expected she will appeal.


I stood talking to a man in an antique shop about The Baltic Triangle and about recent developments there.
"Do you know Trevor Jones" a guy said from nowhere "I do not know him personally but I know of him".
He sued me he said. "Oh and who may you be"
"I was the regional editor for the New Statesman"
He then went on to speak very lowly about his, Trevor Jones, business interests in the preceding decades. Recollecting things as if it was yesterday.
I learnt a lot as to how Liverpool politics worked during that conversation as it appeared he had seen it all long before my time.
Apparently the New Statesman was taken to the high court I was told and a small sum of maybe,a thousand pounds was paid into court to offset the costs. With top barristers ready and all facts and defence available and set to go. Trevor Jones solicitor, I was told excepted the money paid into court and claimed a victory prior to the case being heard.
"Do you know who his solicitor was"? I was asked. "No but I can make a guess" I replied. Sure enough my guess to who his distinguished Liverpool solicitor was correct.
This was of course all a long time ago.
It was over a year later and the article popped through my door, click on the images on the left, and it is very interesting reading, asking more recent questions.
All this activity on the periphery of what is now Grosvenor-pool, Liverpool 1, the massive new shopping complex owned by the Duke of Westminster.
What happened to all those interests, where they ever declared?.
His wife Lady Doreen was chair of the planning committee for years. I had the personal misfortune of meeting her on several occasions at meetings.
Does he live on the Duke Of Westminster's estate?
Did they both go to his daughters wedding? Are they friends she says so.
What happened to all those properties that the New Statesman declared Sir Trevor Jones had an undeclared interest in.
They,the Jones, knocked down Lamb & Sons the last ships chandlers in the city to develop along with Windsor Developments this and a lot more land in the vicinity of the Baltic Fleet pub.
Are there are more questions than answers.

Wayne Colquhoun

Tuesday 24 March 2009


THAT'S THE WAY TO DO IT. This is a property on Sefton Street which apparently had a covenant on it and was refused planning permission

So what would one do turn it into a shop or a bar again.
No what they did was wreck it slowly and methodically right in front of everyone driving down this busy thoroughfare right next to a busy service station.
Click on the picture on the top left and see how the "halfies" have been thrown from the ground to smash the slates to let in the water through the roof.
This is not children doing this. Grown Men.

So they can now claim it is an eyesore and while the council turn a blind eye...or did they they. GUESS WHOSE CONSTITUENCY.YES LOUISE ELLMAN MP. In fact I understand from her at an earlier meeting she lives about 200 yards away.
There really should be laws against this as now they are working on the properties on the other side of the road which were only restored about 10 years ago and were in perfect condition. The roof on the middle building has now been pulled down.

Monday 23 March 2009


De-listed by English Heretics, now demolished to make way for a tacky block of flats no doubt.
WARREN BRADLEY Our intrepid firefighting council leader whose appliance may have been there on several occasions putting the numerous fires out.
The building was possibly once owned by the City Council and is now in a regeneration area.
See Piloti page 12 Private Eye 2ND April 2009


Probe into Liverpool's Edge Lane plan as High Court hearing starts
Mar 23 2009 by David Bartlett, Liverpool Daily Post

Elizabeth Pascoe on Edge Lane



6 SIR THOMAS STREET As if Josephine Butler House was a isolated case this was the forerunner to the hack off job there.

Iliad the developers were allowed to get away with this sledgehammering the facade right in front of the council leaders office. A Disgrace.

You have to read the articles below to believe it


Front Page Daily Post
Daily Post Editors views 6 Sir Thomas


How dare they do this to my Liverpool
The threat to some of the city's most beautiful buildings is typical of our disregard for history.
Ed Vulliamy
The Observer, Sunday 22 March 2009
Article history
FOR SUCH A LONG TIME THE LPT HAS BEEN WARNING OF THE CITY PLANNERS DISREGARD FOR OUR HERITAGE AND NOW THE PRODIGAL SONS RETURNING TO SEE THE MESS ARE WRITING ABOUT IT...........WE WARN, YOU SCORN... AFTER THE EVENT USUALLY. I did not see any of the complainants at the planning meeting arguing against the plans, none more a visible absence than Hilary Burridge, now taking up the cause after the damage is done...she is very close to Louise Ellman, acting as a honoury campaign organiser, whose constituency this happened within. In parts Liverpool 8 is still like a third world country decades after the Toxteth riots and I don't see any writing about that...good old Louise and Hilary create a series of smoking mirrors around the MP who in my opinion, champions a cause in the trendy hot spots in the city centre but lets Beaufort Street school a grade II listed building down the road in L8 be de-listed and demolished. Double standards. See our THERE IS NO HOPE blog....and LIVE DEMOLITION blog.

Friday 20 March 2009


The much loved Bluecoat Destroyed by planning blight.
Liverpool City Centres oldest building has seen a few things but nothing as gross as the continual onslaught to the character of its heart as what has befallen in the last few years .
First they destroyed, with the co-operation of English Heretics, the interior with a inappropriate style renovation. And now it looks like someone has transplanted a 10 storey loft extension on the top of it. And it is still growing.
A monolithic block of apartments for guppies to live in “handy to get to the clubs” and a Georgian building ruined.
Roger Philips at a recent debate at the Bluecoat said “we have never had as many calls about anything at Radio Merseyside as the ruination of the garden at the Bluecoat”
Even his diplomacy did not hold back what he thought about it.
It was saved from impending demolition by Lord Leverhulme with the influence of Sir Charles Reilly the head of the once renowned Liverpool School of architecture.

When does Regeneration turn into Degeneration…if ever there was a better example it is the BLUECOAT TRADGEDY. Capital of Culture turns into Culture of Capital and the planners along with English Heretics don’t understand what the essence of Liverpool means to us the people who live here and they run aimlessly into "Trafford Park in the City" sponsored by Grosvenor-pool mentality. Well its just not fair.

They have destroyed Herbert Tyson Smiths Sculpture studio and yard which after tarting up has lain empty for a year…this could have been one of our best tourist attractions.
One step forward and two back, its not good. In fact it is an architectural disaster.
Now that walk up Church Alley is ruined its not the same place this is not moving on.
The garden ruined its lost everything about it that it had evolved into.
Unesco quoted this building ahead of its finishing off, and after being shown round by council officials as a good example of regeneration.
UNESCO HAVE LET US DOWN allowing themselves to have the wool pulled over their eyes.

Thursday 19 March 2009


Well Its all going belly up for Grosvenor-pools new luxury apartments ONE PARK GONE WEST on Chavasse Lawn at the World Heritage Site.
Liverpool's new eyesore.
Grosvenor’s agents said that 146 had been sold. By sold they meant they had taken a couple of hundred pounds deposit.
Our agents tell us otherwise.
Five Completions…yes Five. Well would you having agreed to a price of say £150,000 pay up, can you get a mortgage, when its worth 30% less.
So they have now put a housing association up to letting the space.
We did tell them at the planning committee meeting that the master-plan said 12 storeys and they greedily went for 17.
David "am I bovvered" Irving sitting in for Doreen Jones as Chairman because she knew the applicant..What. Where does she live? Is it that she and Trevor live on the Grosvenor estate in Pulford?
They promised us world class architecture..a Cesar Pelli and we got a Cesar Salad…and a empty one at that.

Wednesday 18 March 2009


David “fuzzy felt” Fleming opens his big gob again.
Dr Joanna Cobley
interviewed the director of National Museums Liverpool as part of some international convention down under. She described him as Iconoclastic…doesn’t quite equate with the descriptions I have for him but there you go.

picture with courtosy to Architects Journal

This is a pod-cast he made in New Zealand. http://www.museumdetective.com/?p=4
Which he thought was well and truly buried. Afraid not. He sent a copy around to all the curators at NML. What an idiotic thing to do. Why would you do that? It takes about 10 minutes of listening but then he gets in full swing
During the interview he said: "Why is it that most curators and museum staff are completely dysfunctional in normal society?
"Most of them you would not want to take out for a drink. They’re weird! And why is it that our sector thinks it’s appropriate to put weird people at the head of it?"

Well they wont be lining up at NML to go down and have a drink with him for sure. Who is weird? Isnt he at the head of NML, what a stupid thing to say. Can he really get away with this?
People I spoke to at NML where disgusted about being spoken about in such a derogatory manner by a director who is supposed to inspire not create such ill feeling and contempt.
Comments were left on the Museum Detective.com website, and were later removed, after the local press got hold of it and published extracts.

Did he think this was well and truly buried and hid away down under.
No way………….. We Are.... Watching The Defectives.

Further reading.... he seems to upset everyone.

Fleming apologises and so he should this was a mistake.

Who is he upsetting now…does he have any friends left to go for a drink with.


Citadel of disaster
See Manchester Docks Obliterated blog 9th March 08

He sacked The Architects he appointed
3XN slam museum

Oh and what really happened between him and Loyd Grossman will we ever know?

Tuesday 17 March 2009


Beautiful Conwy
Conwy is a small town reliant on their tourist industry. We stopped off there for lunch last weekend.
What a beautiful place....a world heritage site....cant see them doing anything so stupid as to build blocks of flats and a museum that no-one wants across the Historic Castle or their protected views, as Liverpool is doing.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Conwy_walled_town.jpg wiki mention
Protect your best asset........... and that's what they are doing.
The Marina development ...the other side of the town near the River Estuary is some of the most sympathetic we have seen.


Monday 16 March 2009


Now Showing: In London
Triumph, Disaster & Decay:

The SAVE Survey of Liverpool's Heritage.17 April – 1 May at 6 Playhouse Court, 62 Southwark Bridge Road,London SE1 0AT(Monday to Saturday 9am to 5pm). Admission free.
Then from 5 to 22 May at The Gallery, Alan Baxter Associates, 70 Cowcross Street, London EC1M 6EJ (open day on 14 May, 9am to 8pm, otherwise by appointment only)
It was with deep regret but vigour that a small band of concerned Liverpool citizens met with representatives of SAVE to pour their heart out, over the depressing times that have befallen our city and its historical architectural stock.
This once omnipotent city that had it all, that turned in on itself and cried while reading books such as Freddy O’Connor’s “It All Came Tumbling Down”, standing by helplessly while JCB’s pulverised whole areas in the days when we could blame lack of investment.

In the 60s and 70s it was bad, very bad. I grew up off St Domingo Road, which had a plethora of doomed Pugin buildings. It was still happening in the 80s with the wanton vandalism of Clayton Square.
The 90s saw the faded visions and hopes for the Grade I listed St Andrews Church, now a poor shadow, The Wellington Rooms (1814 by Edmund Atkin originally paid for by public conscription) and St James Church which currently has a giant neon bunny rabbit on it as part of the Biennale without listed building consent. These are still on the English Heritage “at risk” register, despite a billion pounds of European objective one funding.
In the new millennium there are streets such as Duke and Seel Street blighted by new build so out of place, that they now make the old look alien in their historic settings.
This exhibition was first and foremost a joint effort but we in Liverpool have to thank SAVE for bringing together such a detailed study of Disaster and Decay.
We must pause here to also pay thanks to The Georgian group who surveyed our city in a most balanced way for their early 2008 publication and this publication along with the painstaking work by local groups gave us in the city a credible objective view in which to show up the arrogant assassins of the public realm, the city council.
To look from afar just what we have left and what we stand to lose. Yes it is that bad.
It is with this inspiration that SAVE also wanted to make their own survey.
We have lost 46 listed buildings in Liverpool in 10 years.

I think SAVE went a little overboard on the Triumph in their need to keep well placed with English Heritage and not upset the City Council too much because there is little to be triumphant about. Though it is fair for them to recollect the historic battle they won to SAVE the Lyceum.
Marcus Binney applauding the new Grosvenor-pool/paradise project has not judged it at all well but I suppose he had to be kind somewhere.
My own opinion is he must have come here on a sunny day and put on a pair of Rose tinted spectacles specifically for his review. They paved Paradise and put up a parking lot is how many of the natives see the new shopping centre, now the hype has settled down.
Robert Hradsky has done a fine job in the curating of the space.
There was not enough of the real disaster. It didn’t quite make the point of just how perilous the situation is, more a perusal, a flirtation, than a hard hit home. Although I found some people enjoyed it, It was miserable for me as we have fought to save quite a lot of the buildings and the images are reminders of what we have lost.
We in Liverpool need the spotlight to be beamed on our city before it’s all too late. Personally I fear that we have passed the point, and the Klondike style land grab that turned Capital of Culture into Culture of Capital, that has done more damage than the Lutwaffe did during the blitz.
What chance for us without an architects department at the local planning office.

SAVE are not new to Liverpool they wrote their publication The Agony of a Georgian City in 1984 and part of the exercise was to revisit and update.
They have done us proud in the past being involved and active and I can personally vouch for their ceaseless help and involvement in the annuls of Liverpool’s forlorn hopes.
Decades since the same old story keeps unfolding before us and here in accessible and well laid out form using modern wide screen technology with digital images, on the walls.
The exhibition is accompanied with a glossy, if not costly (£12.50) publication with a excellent chapter by Liverpool’s friend and ally Gavin Stamp.
It’s well written, but painful reading.
James Darwin and Paul Robertshaw paint an inquisitive picture of Liverpool’s “Grade II*-listed Graveyard” and talk of the lack of quality in rebuilt Georgian replicas such as the Casartelli (1820) and the neglect and decline of Shaw Street and elsewhere.
But defer to the fact that there is still far too much to be done while fascadism is a fascination of Liverpool’s property developers.
Jonathan Brown who lives here talks passionately about the misguided and flawed Pathfinder disaster.

This exhibition is our very own scary movie. It is a catalogue of mistrusted faith in a conservation office that fails to function as a credible unit, and that floats from one disaster to another.
The Council are very touchy about this exhibition I have heard.
And so they should be. Though the City Council buildings at risk officer helped with information, he being funded by English Heritage. Those of whom I spoke to at the opening evening, told me It shows how English Heritage have let us down sailing blindly upstream without a paddle. Unable to get a handle on the relentless tide of decay, destruction and contrived neglect.
In fact asking English Heritage to look after your history with this council is a bit like asking my mouse to look after my cat.
Most of the city have got used to the fact and feel powerless.
There is a whole section on the impending disaster that has befallen our World Heritage Site just as a Supplementary Planning Document for the WHS has been published by the very people who have done the damage and SAVE show through images, that it is akin to closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.
We hope that it will inspire the powers that be to think again, we a wait to see if they take the SAVE view seriously and get real with our historic landscape and its sense of place in our city’s future……it would appear that only the credit crunch can help us now, by stopping the horrendous urban sprawl.
But then investment in the historic fabric will cease. Are we too late.
Will SAVE need to do another survey in the not so distant future.
I for one sincerely hope not.

SAVE have done a fantastic job but the real credit should go to English Heritage and Liverpool City Council because without their lack of care this exhibition would not have been possible.

Friday 13 March 2009



The Council proclaiming wrongly that everything is alright. They show images of Ron Vanours and Michelle Bonnette during the 2006 Unesco Reactive Monitoring Mission .
Two years since and the damage has been done and why haven’t they been back are they afraid of what they will see.
click on the above link to see the Unesco Mission being smolshed by Neptune Developments note the image on the left of Mann Island...its gone already ..who organised that meeting?
When is a debate not a debate...When Liverpool's planning department organise it.

Nigel "wing and a prayer"Lee

John Hinchliffe notice the now defunct view of Mann Island
It was last night the 12th March that I wasted another couple of hours of my life at The Renew rooms (funded by public money) in Wood Street.
I was there for a world heritage presentation by John Hinchliffe the World Heritage Office who has stood by and watched disaster after disaster unfold before him without so much of a whimper.
It was chaired by Charles Wilson the Chairman of places matter! Northwest Review Design panel…a stooge placed there by English Heritage and the City Council no doubt, because he said nothing really.
The guy next to me fell asleep as were treated to Hinchliffe saying exactly what was on the screen he could have just given us a pamphlet.
What was on the screen was a picture of our cherished views of Mann Island currently being destroyed with the help of Riechmarshal Nigel Lee our Chief Planning nightmare who turned up late and sat on the panel for questions. Questions need to be asked about him.
I don’t seem to live in the same town as these people facing off the impending disaster without a conscience.
Hinchliffe talked about harmonious integration and protected views and stood there like a red faced scouser caught knocking off in TK Maxx with a pair of socks up his jumper saying err…. how did that get there.
I am not sure how he can show his face in public. They have Stolen our Skyline.
He talked about the negative impact of The Shanghai Palace on the Pier Head and then said, “The new Ferry Terminal building is one of my favorites”. God help us. If you told me you could have built a worse building than The Shanghai palace I would not have believed them but they managed it and its two storeys higher and right in front of The Cunard.
He talked of the negative impact of Concourse house now demolished but fails to notice that you can now see the two most ugly blocks of flats in the city built 3 years ago on full show now behind the entrance to Lime Street Station.
It’s called not being aware, or quite up to the job.
He waffled about this and that… butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth.

I started the debate off and asked if this was the same city that I see in front of me. There was not a mention of the Three Grotesques on Mann Island currently being built or the mess of Princes Dock. They have used pictures in the room showing the Pyramids The Sphinx but imagine the outrage if you built a block of flats in front of The Taj Mahal I said.
The Chairman was not happy and Louise O’Brien, daughter of Fred, helped him along with more English Heretic propaganda as if nothing was wrong.

A foreign lady criticised the lack of a master plan for the city.
Another lady asked about green space and Nigel “wing and a prayer” Lee said “We in the city think of the docks as green space, and that’s not because there are full of algae”
I cringe....Its like watching some second rate comedian make a fool out of himself because there is no substance or talent there.
20 people in a room 6 of them stooges a chairman who wants no debate at all… .what a waste of time.

Wayne Colquhoun

Thursday 12 March 2009


Knock me down with a feather.........Clever Trevor.

All the recent fuss regarding the designs of the Superlambanana (sic) hundreds of the little blighters, the new Liverpool icon were placed all over the city.
While we forgot about our Liver birds.
It just keeps rattling on but does anyone remember the very first design applied to the beast.
Piloti wrote in Private eye April 05 Nooks and Corners
On Friday the 4th February the DCMS contacted the Liverpool City Council about the (listing of) building which was speedily pulled down the following weekend.
Not a remarkable building but the interesting point about this (application for listing) case was that the firm of Joseph. P. Lamb & Sons established in 1784, is owned by Sir Trevor Jones who used to be the leader of the council at the time of the Toxteth riots.
His wife is a councillor and just happens to be the chair of the planning committee.
But obviously there is no possible conflict of interest here. Sir Trevor sold the building on to a developer.

This 17ft sculpture of yes a cross between a lamb and a banana and I am sorry to learn it was recently graffiti-ed with "Trevor destroys what the Lutwaffe didn't" and "Trevor and Doreen partners in slime" This seems very unfair. After all it is the Derek Hatton era everyone is fearful of returning to, not the Trevor Jones.

Wednesday 11 March 2009


"At Southwark Council, we give a great deal of thought to the benefits very tall buildings actually bring to their local area. As a council with a large landholding, we understand the advantages of tall buildings in the right communities, but we will not allow something that gives carte blanche to developers to build very tall buildings where they are not appropriate."

While at Liverpool they let you build any old rubbish, conveniently forgetting we have a world heritage site.

Liverpool developer Beetham's fate hangs on inquiry decision
Mar 11 2009 EXCLUSIVE By Barry Turnbull, Liverpool Daily Post

PROPERTY development group Beetham is anxiously awaiting the outcome of a government inquiry into its landmark scheme in central London.
According to details in accounts filed at Companies House, the future viability of at least part of the Liverpool-based group depends on a favourable planning decision by Hazel Blears, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, later this month.
Beetham group has huge debts but hopes approval for its London project, a joint venture with a Russian billionaire, will secure its future.
Some of its bank funding is expected to be withdrawn if the planning inquiry into the scheme at Blackfriars is unsuccessful.
An injection of £112m from Russia’s Mirax group and extra bank cash has helped stabilise the business, but, if plans collapse, Beetham will be forced to try and raise further funds and sell assets to continue trading as a going concern. A positive result will underpin group finances.
Minister Hazel Blears is to announce the results of the inquiry by March 26 at the latest.
The Jumeirah Group has already agreed to operate a hotel at the 52-storey tower close to Blackfriars Bridge. The tower would also include 96 luxury flats.
A spokesman for Beetham said there would be no comment until after the inquiry decision had been made public.
Last year, the Daily Post reported that Beetham had been forced to renegotiate its bank funding in the face of debts of £300m. The firm’s auditor warned there was a material uncertainty which may cast significant doubt about the ability of a number of Beetham companies to continue trading.
Property mogul Sergei Polonsky’s 50% stake in Blackfriars and £80m of bank backing has bought Beetham breathing space. In addition, documents filed at Companies House in January reveal that the Beetham family has injected £40m into the business through loan notes. Hugh Frost has lent £28m and Stephen Beetham £12m, though it is not clear when these loans were issued.
In the accounts of Beetham Ltd, lodged in September, 2008, company auditor Deloitte & Touche stated: "In June, 2008, the group secured funds from a new joint venture partner and also successfully negotiated a 12- month bank facility secured on the development site.

"This bank facility is due for renewal in June, 2009, and is conditional on the successful resolution of a review into the planning application by the Secretary of State in January, 2009.
"The directors are confident that a successful outcome will be achieved from the planning review and that, as a result, an adequate level of funding will continue to be made available, enabling the group and companies to continue as going concerns.
"If the review process is extended or requires the planning application to be amended, the directors believe that, despite difficult market conditions, adequate funding will be obtained through replacement loans or via the sale of unencumbered assets.
"The directors recognise this material uncertainty may cast doubts on the company's ability to continue as a going concern." The Blackfriars scheme was originally backed by Southwark Council, but then Ms Blears called in the plans, in March, 2008, amid concerns about over-development of tall buildings in that part of London.
"The Beetham Blackfriars scheme is a unique project which we knew could potentially attract a great deal of interest from investors," said Mark Jeffers, a partner at Red Chilli Structured Finance, who put together the joint venture with Mirax.
"The ability to sell a 50% stake at such an early stage of the project was clearly an achievement. However, the joining of forces of one of the UK’s most promising developers with a conglomerate of Mirax’s calibre and international presence was very desirable.
"The apartments in the scheme will be aimed at the international market and having our Russian friends as partners increases the reach into this increasingly important economy."
Red Chilli also arranged an £80m loan from Royal Bank of Scotland as part of the agreement.
Beetham has debts on many of its projects including residential towers in Liverpool, Manchester and Birmingham which have struggled to attract buyers. However, the company has had success in renting out properties to produce a steady income.
Mr Frost said last year that a successful conclusion to the Blackfriars proposal would release sufficient funds to solve the banking problems.
Cllr Paul Noblet, Southwark Council’s executive member for regeneration, said: "We are now waiting for the decision by the Secretary of State about Beetham Towers. Our planning committee considered this application very carefully before approving it, and we continue to support it because we are confident that it will bring many benefits to local people.
"At Southwark Council, we give a great deal of thought to the benefits very tall buildings actually bring to their local area. As a council with a large landholding, we understand the advantages of tall buildings in the right communities, but we will not allow something that gives carte blanche to developers to build very tall buildings where they are not appropriate."

Monday 9 March 2009




"Its a long reach arm with a pulverising attachment" the demo guy says.

Warren Bradley our "Brain of Britain" Council leader drives a fire appliance all over this area putting fires out that are in derelict properties and doesn't seem to notice the state of Toxteth 25 years after the riots.
click on the link below and watch live.

Manchester Docks Obliterated by Dr David Fleming and NML

Manchester Destruction

The continuing vandalism of our past by National Museums Liverpool....the very people who should be looking after it

Below is the original dock gates found in tact after laying buried and being missed by the Luftwaffe bombers during the blitz and overnight obliterated by David "fuzzy felt" Fleming of NML

A outrage! While English Heretics watched on idly.

Above is the same view and the bulldozer above was used to claw off the gates which were left in bits like matchsticks awaiting burning.
Is this a real credible organisation that does this with our WHS
Below is a letter to the heritage organisation empowered to protect our scheduled monuments.
THIS IS WHAT NML DO IN A WORLD HERITAGE SITE and then bury it under a museum of Liverpool's history.......you couldn't make this up.
A letter from one of our concerned citizens that was ignored until the damage was done.
Julian Fenner,
Heritage Protection Operation,
English Heritage,
1, Waterhouse Square,
138 – 142 Holborn,

3rd April 2007

Dear Julian
I wish to apply for listing of Manchester Dock, Mann Island, Liverpool Pier Head
I enclose :-
1. A map showing the location.
2. A photograph
Discussion :-
Manchester Dock (and the adjacent Chester and Ellesmere Basin) were constructed in 1785.
Although no longer functioning as an active part of the Liverpool Dock system, Manchester Dock is of enormous historic importance, predating the now famous Albert Dock by 60 years.
To put the Manchester Dock into historic context, we must understand that the first enclosed dock to be built in Liverpool (to allow ships to defy the tides of the Mersey estuary) was constructed in 1715. Known as the “Old Dock” this was on the site of the current Canning Place.
An Act of Parliament was granted for construction of a second dock in 1737, this becoming Canning Dock, named in honour of the Rt. Hon. George Canning, who at that time was one of the Members of Parliament for the borough. Subsequent further docks were constructed, notably George’s Dock in 1771. This was named in honour of the reigning monarch George III.
In 1785 an inlet was created between Canning Dock and Georges Dock, which was known as Manchester Dock. In 1818 this small dock was enlarged and converted into a wet dock for coasters. It contained 1 acre 595 sq yds. of water space. Adjoining this small dock existed a basin known as The Chester & Ellesmere Basin. The dock and basin were used as a depot for barges of the Shropshire Union Canal Company, and later The Great Western Railway. In the 19th century it played an important part in Liverpool’s import and export trade – handling coal and manufactured goods (leaving the city) and corn and cotton (coming into the city).
As such, Manchester Dock is of immense national interest, since it defines the birth of Britain’s Industrial Revolution. With some careful renovation, this historic dock can be preserved and also returned to functional use. I therefore request that you consider this for listing.
Thank you for your time in this matter

Yours sincerely,

Thursday 5 March 2009

Lets put a huge neon rabbit on the side of a Grade I listed building
What a really daft idea this is.....made worse by the fact that St James Church is on the English Heretic's national at risk register.

A open letter.

Liverpool Preservation Trust
11-13 Holts arcade
India Buildings
Water St
Liverpool L2 0RR

0151 236 1282
Bishop of Liverpool
James Jones

Dear Bishop Jones,
It is hard to fathom out in my imagination just how you could consider putting a giant neon rabbit on the top of a Grade I listed property. St James Church, which is on the English Heritage National at risk register and has been for some time.
Considering that the Church themselves has allowed it, is may I say incredulous.

The words sacrilegious spring to mind.

Even if it is deconsecrated a little more respect is required for our heritage we feel.

As our colleagues or we peruse the planning lists weekly it is even more alarming to suggest that this has been carried out without listed building consent.

As you are the Chair of the Echo Stop the rot campaign If I may be so bold as to suggest that this looks a bit like the Church shooting themselves in the preverbal foot and sets a very bad example indeed.

We understand that attention needs drawn to the plight of this building on the at risk register but really to put a big stupid neon lamp of a bunny rabbit is one step beyond.

1.Would you please advise me when and forward copies of the listed building consent and relevant planning permission.

2.Advise whether any fees for the renting of the space have been obtained.

3. Who gave permission for such an idea?

4.When this is coming down

I look forward to hearing from you by return.

Wayne Colquhoun

Chairman and Spokesperson

further reading

Lawrence Westgaph who has trawled through all the archives has advised me there is no evidence of any slave buried in the cemetry.
Lets all go on a Big Dig, with the Vicar, and up a load of bodies from the nearest graveyard.

This whole story is made worse as it is an idea by the very people who buried them .....the Church who now want to dig the burials up and build a block of flats.

Bishop James Jones is the Chair of Liverpool's Stop the Rot campaign that claims to save everything but in truth saves nothing.
Stop the Rot at the Church first and we in Liverpool may have a chance.

Councillor Mumby is great he is such a cuddly cushion, said my great,great,great,great Grandfather is buried here and I support the scheme..................he is a Mumby alright.

He is best leaving wishes to be cremated when he goes.

Liverpool News
Church plans to dig up 2,500 bodies, including slaves
Oct 8 2008 by Ben Schofield, Liverpool Daily Post

St James's Church, Liverpool
THOUSANDS of bodies could be exhumed by the Church of England under a project to help bring a historic Liverpool church back to life.
The Diocese of Liverpool cannot afford to renovate the historic St James Church in the shadow of the city’s Anglican Cathedral.
But it says it could bankroll a redevelopment by building a three-storey office and apart-ment block in the grounds.
That could mean having to disturb the last resting place of those buried at the church, including many former slaves.
Last night, a Diocesan spokesman confirmed: “Church records show that there may be the remains of 2,500 bodies that the Diocese may want to exhume and reinter.”
The Bishop of Liverpool, the Right Rev James Jones, is behind the vision to bring St James’s back to life.
Church authorities now want to dig test pits to find out what state the bodies buried there are in.
Strict guidelines control re-burial of human remains, and the interment process could still prove prohibitively costly.
The Diocese wants to build the block along Upper Stanhope Street, in Toxteth. The £8.7m project will include £1.9m of renovations to the church.
Rent-paying tenants in the offices and flats would provide an income for the church, which needs a new roof, extensive point-ing and a interior refurbishment.
Project leader Rev Neil Short said last night: “These explora-tions are vital to see whether we can carry on with the project to develop a new church at St James.
“We are very aware that work of this kind can create sensitivities among a number of people, and are keen to show that we are doing this in the most responsible way possible.
“We are taking expert architectural and archaeological advice on the best way forward, and will carry out all work according to legal guidelines.”
A spokesperson for the Diocese added: “We want to be honest and open. We don’t want people driving past the graveyard and seeing that there’s digging going and wondering what it is.
“The exciting thing is we’ve got a vision for a church to come back into use for the community.”
St James’s closed its doors in the mid-1970s, but the last burial was in 1898 and the Diocese says “very few” took place after 1851.
The Diocese are planning to build a block containing up to 20 units of “supported housing” over administration and conference areas. The flats will provide capital funds and income for the church, which will be connected to the block via its lobby. The building will have a footprint of around 1,200 sq m.
The ground floor will include offices, seminar rooms, a lounge, a kitchen and toilets.
Some of the office space will be leased on a long term basis. The Anthony Walker Foundation – set up in honour of the murdered Huyton school boy – has expressed an interest in taking on some of the offices. A public information document circulated by Rev Short adds: “The aim is to plant a creative open evangelical church in the centre of Liverpool to connect with the growing residential population and the huge transient population who work, socialise or attend university in the city.
“It will bring a transforming Christian presence into a largely unchurched area. Fundamentally, we hope that this will become a beacon church inside and outside the city and diocese of Liverpool.
“St James is a much loved treasure, a link to our history and of enormous townscape value.”
Having cost £3,000 to build, the church was consecrated in July, 1775, and is one of the oldest standing Liverpool churches. It is also thought to be the oldest British building using cast-iron pillars.
Many slave traders frequented the church and some of their slaves were baptised there. The Diocese thinks black slaves may be among those whose final resting places will be disturbed. It says it has been in discussions with Liverpool’s International Slavery Museum about the possible exhumations.
Richard Benjamin, head of the museum, confirmed he was work-ing with church representatives to look into putting on an exhibition about the history of St James.



Is Liverpool's annual booze cruise over? Is it credit crunched?
Can Liverpool's property developers even afford a round?

Every year thousands of property developers descend on the south of France for the annual deal fix and Liverpool Council away from public scrutiny have their own little team there.

Today's BD magazine reported by Will Henley
Recession hits Mipim attendance
5 March, 2009
By Will Henley
Visitor numbers slump by a third
The number of delegates heading to Mipim this year has plummeted by more than a third as architects, public bodies, agents and developers slash their representation at the world’s largest property fair.
Organisers revealed this week that just 18,000 individuals had registered to attend the fair in Cannes next week, down by 11,000 on the 29,000 that attended last year, with the number of architectural and design practices heading to France dropping by 37% in a year, from 765 to just 484.
“One would expect fewer people with world economies in the state they are and companies cutting back on expenditure,” said Peter Rhodes, UK managing director of organiser Reed Mipim.
“During hard times, we expect fewer people as bosses get fussy about who goes travelling. They have to justify why they need to be there, so it’s only the quality people who will be going — no time wasters — and everyone is entirely focused on doing business.”
Rhodes revealed that one large agency, which he refused to name, had cut last year’s 180 attendees by half.
But he added that he hoped to see further registrations, taking the total number attending to as high as 20,000 — similar to the level seen in 2005.
The London Development Agency is one public sector client cutting back, reducing last year’s Mipim headcount of nine to just four this year, it said this week.
Mipim veteran Peter Murray, organiser of Cycle2Cannes and chairman of Wordsearch, claimed the decision had been taken thanks to ill-informed and negative press coverage of Mipim, and warned that the decision to pull staff was short-sighted.
“The craziest thing is the LDA cutting the number of people it is sending because of negative press [about it enjoying champagne receptions], when its development team needs to be meeting investors who will potentially be coming to London when we get any upturn,” he said.
“Those who do go find huge benefits. Those who chickened out will miss out.”
Highlights of this year’s Mipim include a panel debate with star architects Zaha Hadid, Daniel Libeskind, Thom Mayne and Wolf Prix, who will discuss the future for architectural practices.
Related articles
Star line-up announced for this year’s Mipim
Hopkins' Mike Taylor cycles to Mipim in Cannes


reported in the Daily Post

Fourth Grace is best challenge in Europe
Mar 12 2002
By Claire Tolley Daily Post Staff

THE search for a developer to create Liverpool's Fourth Grace will be launched at an international trade fair tomorrow.
Regeneration company Liverpool Vision will launch the quest to deliver the prestigious waterfront development at the Marche International des Professionals de L'Immoblier 2002 event in Cannes.
It hopes a preferred developer can be chosen for the Mann Island site by November.
The competition is one of the cornerstones of an exhibition by a 50-strong team from the city's public and private sector MIPIM.
Their aim is to attract investment to Liverpool under the banner Winning City, Winning Team.
Story continues

They will have access to more than 16,000 leading real estate developers and architects from around the world due to attend the four-day event.
Sir Joe Dwyer, chairman of Liverpool Vision, said that the image of the Pier Head was how the city was recognised across the world.
He added: "We want a development partner of substance and imagination.
"The Fourth Grace will be an architectural signature read across the world, an iconic and innovative waterfront development."
Sir Joe said Liverpool Vision would invite expressions of interest at MIPIM before potential developers are asked to present initial plans, funding options and long term sustainability and stewardship proposals. A short-list will be drawn up before a candidate is picked in November.
Mike Shields, chief executive of the North West Development Agency, which has acquired the site for the Fourth Grace, said: "Mann Island is the best piece of real estate in the North West if not the country.
"We want to build upon this city's rich heritage and create a new and vibrant economy.
"That is why we have put over £80m in a variety of projects across Merseyside."
Team Liverpool includes leading names from the private sector such as Neptune Developments, responsible for the Speke Marriot Hotel, David McLean Group and Downing Developments which has recently acquired Leicester City Football Club's ground and have ambitious plans for the Scandinavian Hotel in Chinatown.
The campaign is being spearheaded by Liverpool City Council, Liverpool Vision and Speke Garston Development Company.
They are seeking to market commercial development opportunities in Liverpool while linking with the bid to be crowned Capital of Culture in 2008.
The city council is also seeking a private partner for a £15m office development on the car park in Victoria Street at the back of the Municipal Buildings.
The Liverpool stand includes a multi-media presentation showcasing life in the city and a private meeting area for negotiations with interested investors.
The exhibition will include Liverpool FC's Charity Shield and European Super Cup trophies and performances by tribute band the Cheat Beatles.
Liverpool's Speke Marriot Hotel could also be in line for an international award after being short-listed in the trade fair's competition for Best Hotel Development...SUPL:

4th Grace Background is a deal done at MIPIM.
