Tuesday 27 October 2015

Joe Anderson Defends His Mates At Neptune Developments Lime Street Plans-But Does He Have The Intellect To Understand Them?

Having a Thickhead for a Mayor is always going to be difficult where our heritage is concerned. Neptune Developments Director used to work for the city council planning department. NEPTUNE ARE THE VANDALS WHO DESTROYED MANN ISLAND WITH THE THREE BLACK COFFINS.Neptunes PR company Archetype Studios who were Aurora Media and October Communications were PR for the fat mans Mayoral campaign. Isn't that a co-incidence or three
So it is no wonder he is in the paper today speaking up for the plans for Lime Street that are an architectural mess.SAVE Britains Heritage are quoting the world heritage site...........better late than never........(where were they when we were being put on the Unesco World Heritage In Danger List)...lets hope they can persuade "Joe Must Go" Anderson that he is talking out of his big backside and there are more important things than looking after his mates when Liverpools Heritage is concerned. 
PREVIOUSLYWill SAVE Britains Heritage Get Lime Street Plans Called In?-We Hope So.

Describing the proposals as “oversized student accommodation and shopping units of bland design”, SAVE have condemned the move to knock down historic buildings like the Futurist to make way for the scheme.
Director Clem Cecil said: “Lime Street is quintessentially Liverpudlian in its great variety and charm. It is in the buffer zone of the World Heritage Site, a status to be proud of. Liverpool is a truly great city: these new plans are not worthy of it.
“As gateway to the city, Lime Street desperately needs repair. As stipulated in the WHS guidelines, it is a matter of working with the historic grain of the street rather than against it. We will be calling on the Secretary of State to intervene to allow the best design solution for this important site.”

The planning application, submitted by Regeneration Liverpool and developers Neptune, was opposed by heritage groups concerned at the loss of buildings including the Futurist cinema, built in 1912.
Experts say the site is in such poor condition it cannot be saved, with local campaign group Save the Futurist accepting this with a “heavy heart” ahead of the planning committee’s decision.
Neptune have committed to working with Save the Futurist to ensure the new-look street celebrates Lime Street’s cinematic past - with panels etched with designs to mark this among their plans.
While their argument does not focus only on the Futurist, SAVE believe the building should be repaired instead of being replaced. President Marcus Binney said: “The years before the First World War were a golden age of architecture in Liverpool.
“This section of Lime Street leading directly into the World Heritage site is especially rich with the riotously ornate Vines Pub of 1907 and grandly baroque Futurist Cinema. Built as the City Picture House in 1912 this is the incunabula of Cinema Architecture and must be saved.”
SAVE are requesting the call-in because they believe the site is of national and international significance, the proposals conflict with planning policies, they will have significant effects beyond their immediate locality and raise architectural and urban design issues.

If a planning application is called-in it leads to a public inquiry. Recommendations over the plans are then made to the Secretary of State, who takes the final decision.
The Lime Street plans include a 101-room hotel and 412 student accommodation complex. Neptune revised the plans after critical feedback of its original designs, with Joe Anderson praising the new-look proposal and suggesting it would have a “vibrant and exciting” impact on the area.

Further Reading



Monday 26 October 2015

Littlewoods Edge Lane-Why Is This Still Allowed To Decay?

Littlewoods Edge Lane-The Decay Really Sets In Hard.

There was a scheme to relocate a school in the Littlewoods building in Edge Lane. This is now off. This Art Deco building should have been the site for the new museum of Liverpool, instead of ruining the world heritage site. English Heritage said the area should have been made a conservation area but with Mike Storey as Liverpool Land company top dog it was always going to be spivved to a cosy developer such as Urban Splash. They have now abandoned the idea. It was and still may be owned by the North Vested Interest Development Agency which means that we are watching it decay week by week. When will it fall down.

Now the proposed relocation of a school inside is off with the announcement of huge budget cuts.
Major projects scrapped include the moving of two Church of England secondaries, Sefton Park’s St Hilda’s and city-centre based Archbishop Blanch into the iconic Littlewoods building within Edge Lane’s Innovation Park. http://www.liverpooldailypost.co.uk/liverpool-news/regional-news/2010/07/06/black-day-for-liverpool-education-as-tories-and-lib-dems-scrap-350m-school-rebuilding-programme-92534-26792438/ The Daily Ghost reports. Incidently theschools involved said they did not want to move.
Previously they had heraded the idea as wonderful claiming the building had been saved.

We did not quite agree.

Liverpool Preservation Trust: Littlewoods Building Edge Lane-The Decay Continues. Why?

Liverpool Preservation Trust: Littlewoods Building Edge Lane-The Decay Continues. Why?

Liverpool Preservation Trust: Littlewoods Edge Lane-The Decay Really Sets In Hard.

Liverpool Preservation Trust: Littlewoods Edge Lane-The Decay Really Sets In Hard.

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Libertas 40-50 St James Street-1 Bridgewater Street. CARBUNCLE OF THE YEAR?

Libertas Building 40-50 St James Street and 1 Bridgewater Street Liverpool, by MAKE Architecture (sic) of 3a Bridgewater Street Liverpool.

This surely has to be the carbuncle of the year built of engineering brick that usually as a rule should never rise out of the footings of a building,
 it brings back everything that was bad about the 60's when bricks were still rationed. MAKE Architecture surely have to revise their name in the light of their achievements here.
A puerile and putrid design made worse by its location in the Baltic Triangle that is becoming a student ghetto in Liverpool.
The washing maiden full of drying clothes seem to be have been made into a feature as every window seems to have one, probably because these shoe-

boxes have no facilities other than a bed.
A Georgian building was demolished for this monster and its setting in the shadow of Giles Gilbert Scott and next to some very old warehouses from when the River Mersey ran this way before reclamation in Victorian times and this has to be the work of a designers 10 year old son as it could never be that of an architect in my opinion. But here in Liverpool strange planners are at work.

No wonder UNESCO have imposed a moratorium on developments in Liverpool with our so-called planners blazing a trail into mediocrity.

The Liverpool City Planning Officer responsible for this is Elizabeth Blake........I hope you can sleep at night Ms Blake you should be ashamed of yourself.
 You obviously have no pride in your city to allow this piece of trash to be built.  

Thursday 13 August 2015

Will SAVE Britains Heritage Get Lime Street Plans Called In?-We Hope So.

Describing the proposals as “oversized student accommodation and shopping units of bland design”, SAVE have condemned the move to knock down historic buildings like the Futurist to make way for the scheme.
Director Clem Cecil said: “Lime Street is quintessentially Liverpudlian in its great variety and charm. It is in the buffer zone of the World Heritage Site, a status to be proud of. Liverpool is a truly great city: these new plans are not worthy of it.
“As gateway to the city, Lime Street desperately needs repair. As stipulated in the WHS guidelines, it is a matter of working with the historic grain of the street rather than against it. We will be calling on the Secretary of State to intervene to allow the best design solution for this important site.”
The planning application, submitted by Regeneration Liverpool and developers Neptune, was opposed by heritage groups concerned at the loss of buildings including the Futurist cinema, built in 1912.
Experts say the site is in such poor condition it cannot be saved, with local campaign group Save the Futurist accepting this with a “heavy heart” ahead of the planning committee’s decision.
Neptune have committed to working with Save the Futurist to ensure the new-look street celebrates Lime Street’s cinematic past - with panels etched with designs to mark this among their plans.
While their argument does not focus only on the Futurist, SAVE believe the building should be repaired instead of being replaced. President Marcus Binney said: “The years before the First World War were a golden age of architecture in Liverpool.
“This section of Lime Street leading directly into the World Heritage site is especially rich with the riotously ornate Vines Pub of 1907 and grandly baroque Futurist Cinema. Built as the City Picture House in 1912 this is the incunabula of Cinema Architecture and must be saved.”
SAVE are requesting the call-in because they believe the site is of national and international significance, the proposals conflict with planning policies, they will have significant effects beyond their immediate locality and raise architectural and urban design issues.

If a planning application is called-in it leads to a public inquiry. Recommendations over the plans are then made to the Secretary of State, who takes the final decision.
The Lime Street plans include a 101-room hotel and 412 student accommodation complex. Neptune revised the plans after critical feedback of its original designs, with Joe Anderson praising the new-look proposal and suggesting it would have a “vibrant and exciting” impact on the area.

Further Reading



Tuesday 11 August 2015

Lime Street Plans Passed-Spiv Anderson says "Its Great News"

 Only in Liverpool could a set of plans that would destroy a whole cityscape be passed and the Mayor says thats great.
Spiv Anderson is not the most educated of people in the manners of architecture but even he cant be that thick. It is an architectural abortion.
WE DONT TRUST THE SAVE THE FUTURIST CAMPAIGN who capitulated and then said these plans were alright.
Were they orchestrated by Jon Egan and Archetype Studios, the shady backroom PR for Neptune Developments. Who worked for Joe Anderson in his Mayoral campaign.We think so.
Why did the developers allow them to put a placard up?
 To cause more controversy because they want controversy. Controversy equals public funding for Neptune.
There will be a bit of grant farming going on here for sure. A FOI will find out how much public money will go into destroying a whole street Yes we know it wants developing but not with this rubbish. Dont forget the Grapes and the Vines bookend this street and there are several listed buildings in the vicinity.
Is it also true that one of Neptune Developments directors used to work for the Liverpool City planning disgracement. Neptune are the vandals that built the Mann Island black coffins lets not forget the mess they have made of the city.
How many city scapes are going to be ruined by inadequate planning tht is told what to do by spivs looking after their mates.

This is a sad day for Liverpool a World Heritage Site.

Monday 10 August 2015

Lime Street Architectural Abortion. Paul Jones Liverpool City Planner You Should Be Ashamed Of Yourself.


These planners are out of control. Paul Jones is responsible for the city centre lets hope he can sleep at night.

OUR OBJECTION LETTER submitted late because of technical problems on the council planning explorer.

We have tried o leave these on planning explorer and the councils own system will not allow me to do so.
This has taken out our right as citizens to be heard which is why I need them communicated to the committee.

We wish to object firstly on the proposals being in the centre of two fine listed buildings The Grapes and The Vines.
There must be a facade retention of the Futurist cinema as demolition would alter the cityscape significantlty. There is ample technology to save this facade.
The developers have owned the building for years and have let the back of it fall down.

Liverpools City Councils Supplementary Development Plan page 118 Section 6.6.12
Lime Street is Character area 5; The William Brown Cultural Quarter.
This includes Lime Street station.
 The guidance contained within the SPD says the restoration where possible and redevelopment should follow guidance in section 4 and should be of high architectural quality and where relevent present a frontage towards The World Heritage character area 5.
These plans do not do this in any way.
These plans if passed will alter the visual character and the impact they have on surviving historic buildings which are listed.

The Liverpool City Planning department have not followed their own guidelines contained within the SPD on this occasion.

It is important that the city's own prepared SPD which was ratfied in October 2009 be adhered to.
Unesco have placed a moratorium on development in the World Heritage Site.
It would not be sensible to allow these proposals of little architectural merit to be built.
This would not be taken lightly by Unesco who will be informed should they be passed.
These plans are of no character whatsoever and should be rejected.

Friday 7 August 2015


This would be bad enough but this now extinct listed building is right opposite the entrance to the Municipal Buildings (council offices) on Dale Street where many of the people reading this post may go to pay their rates.
Which is also the offices of Mayor Uncle Joe "Stalin," the biggest threat to Liverpool's Heritage since Herman Goring sent the Luftwaffe to bomb the history out of us in 1941. Owned by the city council for decades it was listed in 2008.
 This building is on the corner of Cheapside and Dale street and will come under the auspice of the second biggest threat to Liverpool's Heritage, ROB BURNS from the Liverpool Planning boiler room, that has no respect for history.
In the world heritage site, that is on Unesco's World Heritage In Danger list.
Cheapside was subject to a recent planning application by the developer for a hotel..........after he had built it. And it was passed by the planning committee, no doubt with a nod from Anderson.
This demolished building was sold to a sticky developer called Jamworks Ltd for a quid.
They promised to develop it.
No doubt the Jammy Dodgers are one of Andersons "prefered developers" just like the convicted fraudster who they sold St Andrews Grade I listed church on Rodney Street to and is now half finished after the developer went bust.
 Remember Anderson tried to sell St Lukes Church, a monument to the Blitz, for a quid until he got what for.

Yes folks Its Liverpool City Council Big Listed Building Sell Off, roll up, roll up, and get your listed building for a quid.

If you take two listed buildings off Joe Andersons hands, they could do you a deal for £1.50.  Scouse Poundland get your listed buildings for a quid.


Tuesday 4 August 2015

Battle of Waterloo Bicentenary and Liverpool's Wellington Rooms Rot. Its A Disgrace

Wellington Rooms-Call This Regeneration.

The Wellington Rooms-Liverpool's Disgrace.

They at the City Council talk of Regeneration and even have a Regeneration Officer appointed by Joe Anderson called Malcolm Kennedy, who it appears, is so wrapped up with Peel Holdings that he cant see the true nature of our city's historic past. 

The Wellington Rooms in Mount Pleasant were once described as a ‘house of mirth and revelry’. They were erected after funds were raised by public subscription in 1815.
An Adaptation of the Choragic Monument of Lysicrates of Athens, which was illustrated in the influential publication by Stuart and Revelt Antiquities of Athens.
It had a porch on one side for the setting down of sedan chairs.
The Portico was originally open but was found to be draughty and a disfigurement to the original design was made with the blocking up.
A ballroom of some 80ft by 40ft it had a card room and a supper room.
It was thought to have been frequented by the upper classes, as subscription balls, assemblies and occasional fancy dress balls. 
How that description conjures up the most remarkable images of Georgian Liverpool. A Maritime City at the nucleus of its upward growth taking it to the city of its height in the early 20th century.
Known as The Irish Centre in the 70s and 80s, most Liverpudlians are ignorant of these facts relating the building back to the Battle of Waterloo and Napoleons defeat by the then axis powers under the leadership of the Duke of Wellington. Especially Uncle Joe "Stalin" Anderson.

And what of Chris Griffiths of the useless Liverpool Conservation office.

Next to it and with objective one funding an extension was built on the Gibbard Cathedral, that Oscar Niemeyer rip off, Paddys Wigwam while this wonderful little Georgian gem lies there, rotting, a forlorn looking Mausoleum to Liverpool's Regeneration Con. 

A disgrace. The Council Have Powers to Save This Historic Gem.

Thursday 30 July 2015


This is a picture of a property that has been left to rot, and now the roof has fallen in. So while parts of the rest of the Baltic Triangle are being PR'd by back room organisations such as Archetype Studio Liverpool. when they were known as Aurora Media, worked for Joe Andersons as PR during his Mayoral campaign, this is reality.  The council just told all the media that the council have a good record on the Heritage At Risk in Liverpool. This was lapped up by the Echo and the Two man ( and his dog) band at Liverpool Confidential who didn't even question the figures or how they were arrived at. The council said that the buildings at risk figures are below the average for the country at 3% while the national average is 6%.
They used a method to calculate the figures that was a shameful attempt to deceive the public. 
And it did so because it deceived the media.
 If you can call Liverpool Echo and the likes of Confidential Media, with its trolls.                                                                                                                                                                   
This is the reality away from the Heritage Lies propagated by the city council.
Rob Burns should be ashamed of himself.
Rob Burns is running the planning department and is a dangerous man to Liverpool Heritage. 
 Liverpools historic warehouses are falling down in The Baltic Triangle, and will be left to fall down so that grubby property developers such as Neptune Developments or others will be able to get their dirty hands on the land.
Just look at what has happened to Bridgewater street. It has become an architectural abortion.

 This has developed while Uncle Joe “Stalin”Anderson spins rubbish about it all is happening there in the Baltic Triangle.
What is also alarming and should be considered, is
 by the media before they run with spin is that there are numerous historic warehouse property's in the Baltic Triangle that need saving. Just look at Heaps Mill they were about to knock it down, right next to a site now owned by Neptune Developments that was was owned by Trevor Jones and was home to the last ships chandlers in the city

This property is a strong looking property it looks as if it has been a bonded warehouse at some stage with its iron doors. It has very interesting iron transoms and should not have been allowed to fall into this disrepair. It is next to safestore the storage facility and is on the corner of Simpson Street and Norfolk Street. This is an obscure part of town that is not frequented by many people which is how it may have fallen under the radar.

What is even more alarming is that it has been owned by the city council for decades and is now about to fall down. 
And all we hear is rubbish about lies about how the city council is preserving historic buildings.


Wednesday 1 July 2015

UNESCO World Heritage Committee Meeting 2015; World Heritage Committee Are Getting A Bit Fed Up With Liverpool's Proposed Cultural Vandalism.

Unesco are getting a bit fed up with the ill educated cultural vandals that are running the city. Discussed at the same meeting as war torn Aleppo and the historic town of Zabid in Yemen.
 It was discussed along with sites destroyed by the Taliban as acts of cultural terrorism.
 Liverpool is not in a third world country as many of the at risk sites but never the less it is really sailing close to the wind. Showing the city as culturally backward is something that all but Liverpool Echo reporters and their readers think is acceptable. http://whc.unesco.org/en/sessions/39com/documents/
With a education via the Liverpool Echo it is understandable why the general population are letting Joe Anderson make us a laughing stock.
Henry Owen John of English Heritage has benefited from the threat and he is now at the UNESCO meeting making excuses for the DCMS who are trying to defend the Mayor who has the intellect of the Taliban in its quest to destroy cultural heritage that belongs to the world. Over three years after Liverpool Waters ticket that he was elected on. By 15% of the population that turned out to vote for him not a job has been created or a brick laid. Peel Holdings Chinese backers have been exposed as invisible and still they keep up the pretence.
 Most of the rest of the population don't seem to care who is ripping them off.   http://whc.unesco.org/archive/2015/whc15-39com-inf7Rev-en.pdf

Unesco Keep Liverpool On the World Heritage In Danger List. But They Are Losing Patience.

43. Liverpool – Maritime Mercantile City (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)  (C 1150)
read here http://whc.unesco.org/archive/2015/whc15-39com-7A-en.pdf  No 43 page 82

Year of inscription on the World Heritage List 2004
Criteria (ii)(iii)(iv)
Year(s) of inscription on the List of World Heritage in Danger 2012-present
Threats for which the property was inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger
The proposed development of “Liverpool Waters” Desired state of conservation for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger In progress State of conservation of the properties WHC-15/39.COM/7A, p. 82 inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger Corrective measures identified In progress
 Timeframe for the implementation of the corrective measures

 In progress Previous Committee Decisions see page http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1150/documents/ International Assistance Requests approved: 0 Total amount approved: USD 0 For details, see page http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1150/assistance/ UNESCO extra-budgetary funds N/A Previous monitoring missions October 2006: joint World Heritage Centre / ICOMOS
 Reactive Monitoring mission; November 2011: joint World Heritage Centre / ICOMOS Reactive

Monitoring mission; February 2015: joint World Heritage Centre / ICOMOS Advisory mission

Factors affecting the property identified in previous reports
 • Lack of overall management of new developments • Lack of analysis and description of the townscape characteristics relevant to the Outstanding Universal Value of the property and important views related to the property and its buffer zone
 • Lack of clearly established maximum heights for new developments, for the backdrops of the World Heritage areas as well as along the waterfront
 • Lack of awareness of developers, building professionals and the wider public about the World Heritage property, its Outstanding Universal Value and requirements under the World Heritage Convention
• Commercial development • Housing
• Interpretative and visitation facilities • Management systems / management plan Illustrative material see page http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1150/ Current conservation issues On 26 January 2015, the
State Party submitted a state of conservation report, which is available at http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1150/documents/.
 The report addressed issues raised by the World Heritage Committee in relation to the Liverpool Waters development project and informed that all the authorities involved and the developer of the project have put in place measures to address the concerns raised by the Committee.
 The revision of the Management Plan, which is currently underway, is seen by the State Party as an opportunity to refresh the vision for the property as a whole.
 The report summarized the progress made in improving the state of conservation of the property through the repair and re-use of a number of outstanding historic buildings, previously at risk.
The ongoing revision of the Local Plan to update the necessary policies for the protection of the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) and the effort in promoting wider understanding of the World Heritage property are also mentioned.
 In addition, at the invitation of the State Party, a joint World Heritage Centre/ICOMOS Advisory mission took place on 24-25 February 2015.
 The purpose of the mission was to undertake consultations with the State Party to see whether a final Desired state of conservation for the removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger (DSOCR) and corrective measures could be agreed.
The mission background was the first draft of the DSOCR prepared by the World Heritage Centre and ICOMOS and transmitted to the State Party on 29 April 2013, and a second draft prepared by the State Party on 15 April 2014 in coordination with and agreed by the property’s key stakeholders. ICOMOS considered this second DSOCR to be a ‘statement of process’, inconclusive as to the State of conservation of the properties
WHC-15/39.COM/7A, p. 83 inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger removal of threats to the property.
The Advisory mission report is also available at http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1150/documents.
Analysis and Conclusions of the World Heritage Centre,
 ICOMOS and ICCROM The Advisory mission confirmed that the serious concern of the
 World Heritage Committee over the potential threat of the Liverpool Waters development scheme on the OUV is recognized by all the authorities and stakeholders.
The mission considered that, while there had been a number of significant achievements in protecting the OUV of the property through adaptive reuse,
The City Council is yet to complete the comprehensive measures to eliminate the threats to the OUV; in particular, the issue of the mid- and high-rise buildings of the Liverpool Waters development project has yet to be resolved.
 At the current stage of the planning process, this can only be resolved with the pro-active negotiations of the three principal stakeholders (Liverpool City Council, the developer and English Heritage). As Liverpool Waters is a 30-year long-term development project, it is likely to become an evolving concept in response to changing contexts. Nonetheless, the mission noted that the design drawings are currently being understood as plans for implementation.
Concerning the Liverpool Waters development area (located partly within the property and partly in the buffer zone), the authorities reported that to date, no construction has started on site. No detailed planning consent will be submitted in 2015 for the Central Docks and no building activity should be initiated before 2016. After noting that there is a gap between the obligations of the State Party in safeguarding the OUV and the Liverpool City Council in addressing appropriate planning mechanisms, the mission recommended that, based on the fact that no detailed planning proposal will be submitted in 2015 for the Central Docks, the State Party should provide the World Heritage Centre with an amended DSOCR by 1 December 2015.
The amended DSOCR should be based on the World Heritage Centre’s and Advisory Bodies’ note from April 2013 and on the State Party’s reply of April 2014, and should clearly indicate:
 • Effective legal measures or public/private commitments to address the threats to the authenticity and integrity of the property and to ensure the conservation and protection of its OUV;
• Design drawings for the Liverpool Waters planning project redrawn as a three-dimensional programmatic envelope indicating minimum and maximum heights, and measures to reduce the urban density and the height of the buildings from the maximums granted for the Liverpool Waters project;
 • In the context of the Neighbourhood Master plans, a review of the mid-rise developments as well as the high rise in Central Docks to reduce heights and densities;
 • The timeframe to implement those measures and other conservation actions, identifying key indicators to control the progress in the proper actions;
• Proper initiatives to increase awareness.
The DSOCR should, moreover, provide comprehensive documentation concerning the management system to be put in place to integrate the public-private investment into a realistic planning process. It is recommended that the Committee retain the property on the List of World Heritage in Danger.
Draft Decision: 39 COM 7A.43 The World Heritage Committee,

 1.Having examined Document WHC-15/39.COM/7A,

 2. Recalling Decision 38 COM 7A.19, adopted at its 38th session (Doha, 2014),

3. Notes that a joint World Heritage Centre/ICOMOS Advisory mission to the property took place in February 2015 at the invitation of the State Party, and that it confirmed State of conservation of the properties WHC-15/39.COM/7A, p. 84 inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger that all stakeholders recognize the serious concerns of the World Heritage Committee over the potential threat of the Liverpool Waters development scheme to the Outstanding Universal Value of the property;

4. Endorses the conclusions of this 2015 Advisory mission, in particular the need to reduce the urban density and height of the proposed development from the maximums granted for the Liverpool Waters project;

 5. Urges the State Party to implement the mission’s recommendations for the revision of the draft Desired State of Conservation for the Removal of the property from the List of World Heritage in Danger (DSOCR) as a matter of priority;

6. Requests the State Party to submit to the World Heritage Centre, by 1 December 2015, an amended DSOCR, for review by the World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies;

 7. Also requests the State Party to submit to the World Heritage Centre, by 1 February 2016, an updated report, including a 1-page executive summary, on the state of conservation of the property and the implementation of the above, for examination by the World Heritage Committee at its 40th session in 2016;

8. Decides to retain Liverpool – Maritime Mercantile City (United Kingdom of GreatBritain and Northern Ireland) on the List of World Heritage in Danger

It is hard to think that the corrupted Liverpool (dead man walking) Echo ignores the facts on behalf of Joe "Il Duce" Anderson and prints nothing about it.

Tuesday 30 June 2015

Liverpool Back Before Unesco World Heritage Committee Today.

Back before the United Nations being discussed before the World Heritage In Danger Committee along with Aleppo and other third world countries that cant look after their heritage.

Are Joe Anderson and his mates at Peel Holdings the biggest threat to Liverpools skyline since the Luftwaffe

not a brick been laid on Liverpool waters and not a job created!

Here are the links to the UNESCO 39th meeting in Bonn


There is a live feed transmission link on this website

Within above document is also this link to the timetable


Wednesday 3 June 2015

The Oldham Echo-Alastair Machray Has The Cheek To Ask Whats Wrong With The Echo. #TellAli his paper is corrupt.

No wonder the news is always late here is a picture of the Echo Delivery Barge winding its way down The Manchester Ship Canal from its printing press in Oldham.
Now the Editor In Chief, of Trinity "Smoking" Mirrors, Alastair Machray realising that the Echo is now a dead man walking, (we warned them of this when the Daily Post went downhill).
He then has the cheek to ask whats wrong with the paper telling the public he is going to listen to the comments.
Don't believe a word of what this man says. He and his cronies deserve the fate that awaits them. Machray has brought this once trusted institution to its knees to a place where it has become a byword for PR trash and news put together from the Mayor Joe Andersons PR website.
We have been warning them for years and now they say they will listen. Don't believe a word #TellAli says the paper will not change the only reason they are trying to kick up a PR frenzy is to sell papers.
So if you want to buy a paper that helps the Manchester economy then go ahead.
Here's a better one#TellAli to Resign and we will all be better off.

Liverpool Preservation Trust: Trinity "Smoking" Mirrors. Helping Peel Barge Jobs Out of the City.

Liverpool Preservation Trust: Trinity "Smoking" Mirrors. Helping Peel Barge Jobs Out of the City.

Monday 1 June 2015

#TellAli-His Paper Is Corrupt.

Tell Ali, 
they are having a laugh, he has been told enough times, and does not listen. 

David Ward writes;

His paper the once proud Liverpool Echo, is the lowest form of news openly pandering to the lowest common denominator of the public.
While he has been Editor in Chief the paper has eroded itself to become a joke.
 It was corrupted a long time ago and now they try a PR exercise to pretend that Machray really cares. It was Alastair Machray who allowed his staff to become PR instruments for companies plying their trade on behalf of dodgy property developers.
It was Ali who allowed moonlighting journalists to run out out of control and  those that he made redundant are now working for PR companies that feed the pages of the Echo with trash.

Just take as an example the continual PR about the awful Titanic Hotel and his mates at Signature Living.

We have a question to ask Ali...just how many people have you made redundant, and how can you sleep at night?

Some Further Reading


Tell Ali To bugger off, his paper is corrupt and then we might get a decent editor in who cares.

Friday 15 May 2015

Liverpool Ducks-We Have Been Truly and Utterly Conned.

Public Sculpture. “What The Duck”
Being European Capital of Culture in 2008 was a statement. 
But that title does not guarantee that the public who do have a bit of style about them will be best served by the honour. 
Just look what Merseytravel did with the culture budget.

2008 saw the untalented Tom Murphy being chosen to litter the streets with garbage.

  “Ken Dodd with a Kebab” and “Bessie Braddock, depicted as a sack with a head” were erected, to scare the visitors at Lime Street Station. 

You can tell you have arrive in Liverpool when you are greeted by these cheap and nastys, that cost a hundred grand!!! 
And now right next to them is a stupid duck!
We also paid for the statue of Bishops Warlock and Shepherd, 
You know the ones on Hope street. Are they Eric and Ernie, I am none the Wiser. 
An even bigger statement is that as a city the guffoons who are spending the money have little or no no style and it is shown in this pathetic attempt to spend taxpayers money.
If Superlambanana was not bad enough. We now have to endure the tackiest plastic childish flock of Ducks, boldly displayed on the streets. They have even put one next to Kenn Dodd who had to try to keep a straight face at the unveiling saying”At least there is somewhere for the pigeons now”.
So Liverpool has a load of Ducks. Yes Ducks, not Mallards or beautiful Pintails but the sort of ducks you give your kids to play with in the bath. It is hard to believe that someone has sanctioned this.
The Mayor of Liverpool is no educated man, that is a fact, but really for him to waste public money while closing nursing homes and libraries down is beyond a joke.
It is obvious to the writer that we need those libraries for the education of Liverpool's top brass and we need to fill them with books on culture to educate them.
While they represent the city they should not behave in a childish and infantile manner because we all have to carry the can. So when next week, hundreds of thousands of visitors come to the city to see the Cunard Liners on the Mersey and marvel at Liverpool's great heritage and its Maritime past, they will also be able to get a glimpse of the future where the sculpture is chosen by a five year old.
No wonder because to pay for the “tat on our streets” they have closed down too many nurseries and to keep the kids occupied they are asking them to contribute to running the sculpture programme.

Liverpool Capital of Culcha, You're 'avin a laff”

We understand that the ducks are for a good cause Macmillan Cancer Support. We think that something better could have been created.
Meanwhile the plods at the Liverpool Echo tell everyone how great it is and appeal to the lowest denomination...............their readers.

Thursday 30 April 2015

Baltic Creative Or Baltic Architectural Abortion?

How can such a small enterprise Baltic Creative  get so much publicity? and who is behind the motor mouths of Baltic Creative?

More importantly. Why is the city allowing such an architectural mess to develop in the Baltic Triangle. While the mouths at Baltic Creative “cover up” this mess by spooning the good news that this is a vibrant area we have to look at the architectural abortion that is Bridgewater Street. Here this end block called Libertas really is taking a Liberty or is it the Micheal?
 It has to be the worst piece of architecture ever built.
There are no words other than a Carbuncle to describe it.

Is Grant Butterworth Liverpool's recently appointed planning manager…....hand picked by Joe “Il Duce” Anderson, really doing his job or just allowing anyone to build anything?
There are good things happening. But Baltic is still a dive. It was a blank canvass so why throw a load of paint on it. There was a big fuss when a small artisan bakery opened up there. Yet not a mention of Antonios Bakery which supplies half the city centre. How long before they will have to close and move to a cheaper are and the bakehouse is flattened to make way for yet more flats?
The new commerces that are claimed are happening seem to be made up of massive blocks of student apartments. 
These apartments are like shoe-boxes.
 It would be like living in a Formula One hotel room.
Coincidentally the horrid architecture of the Formula One (the cheapest hotel chain in France) and the Ibis Hotel, overlooking the Albert Dock are now starting to look like the best quality in the area, against the sad blocks that are being crammed into every piece of derelict land left over from Lady Doreen and Sir Trevor Jones business ventures with Windsor Developments Clever Trevor and Dot who teamed up with the Windsor con men but ultimately this led to the land repossessed by Barclay's Bank who passed it on to Carbuncle Builders Neptune Developments.
Is it Barclay's Bank under the offshore umbrella who are doing the developments in that area?

 These developments that will possibly make Heaps Rice Mill listing as Grade II a waste of time because it will now be swallowed up by the slums of the future that are being built in the Baltic Triangle by Neptune and Co?
And if you listen to, or are taken in by the brazen press releases of that said Baltic Creative, that are lapped up by the local hacks, looking for any good news with which to swindle what's left of the declining readership.
 Or what is left of the hacks that have not been made redundant by Trinity “Smoking” Mirrors very own grim reaper Alastair Machray. Peter Elson the shipping correspondent gets made redundant in the year that he helped bring the Three Cunard ships into Liverpool. Theres Thanks for you,
 How can you sleep at night Mr Machray?

J'accuse Baltic Creative for spreading themselves over the area, pretending everything is fine and rosy, on purpose. Being Property developers Molls. Clouding the issue, making everything look rosy, giving people tinted spectacles.
They are a CIC with charitable status without being accountable as a charity is.
They are funded for sure, we wont go into their finances here.
And then there are the feeders such as grant catchers Engage Liverpool who slither themselves around any where, to anyone will give them a grant.
Gerry Proctors credentials in setting himself up as a planning adviser (sic) in the Baltic Triangle, along with several other areas are simply to make money in our opinion.
Altruism is in short supply where grants are available, in our opinion.
 Engage have been funded by Neptune Developments and at every opportunity Proctor will PR for Neptune.
 He has also done the same promoting for Peel Holdings and  Liverpool Waters, yes the proposed development that has got Liverpool on the World Heritage In Danger List.
Being funded by the City Council and lottery funding, we can state quite categorically that we do not trust the motive of this sinister organisation Engage Liverpool working behind the scenes.

So the place known as the Baltic Triangle is now being redeveloped and Joe Anderson says it is thriving.
All we see is a load of blocks of shoe boxes, and a new MacDonald's, oh, and a new KFC.
While Cains Brewery has been used as a cannabis farm.

But you don't have to believe us if you don't want to.
You can believe Baltic Creative and the PR rubbish that is spooned by Jon Egan and his mate Mo of Archetype Studios or is it Aurora Media or October Communications who gives a jack, who also PR for Neptune Developments and Cains Brewery owners the Dusanj Brothers, that sacked all their workers,
Oh and they were Joe Anderson's PR firm for his Mayoral campaign, they have also been the city councils PR at various times.

Its circles again it should be renamed Baltic Circle not Triangle, such is the incestuous relationships being played out before your very eyes and lapped up and spun with a shovel by the Oldham Echo.

Lets see what it looks like when its finished shall we.
One thing is for certain there is some creative accounting going on there.

 David Ward