Friday, 29 October 2010

Mike Storey-Like A Bad Penny, He Always Turns Up.

Yes the old Dame is back, this time on the planning committee. He must have put himself there as a last Spiv-Dem act of defiance when they were booted out at the last elections.  It should be renamed the planting committee.
A SLEEPER FOR PEEL HOLDINGS, MAYBE? It seems possible the way this slippery old dame behaves.
He was mentored by Clever Trevor Jones, this is what he said when the eel retired to the Dukes estate in Chester. Cllr Storey said:
"Trevor is one of the outstanding politicians in the Liverpool political scene.

"He is a towering figure who has played a prominent part in the city's politics over several decades.
"Trevor laid the foundations for the huge strides made in Liverpool over the past 10 years."
He said Sir Trevor was instrumental in building bridges with Michael Heseltine when he was sent to Liverpool to help the city after the Toxteth riots.
"They became quite good friends, and that relationship helped to put in place a number of things that we now take for granted like the Albert Docks."
Cllr Storey was deputy leader under Sir Trevor's leadership.
"Every Sunday evening I would go to their house in Queen's Drive, we would natter away and when Doreen [Sir Trevor's wife] had gone to bed we would open the red wine.
"He's a consummate politician and also a consummate winner of elections.
"He is the forefather of modern political campaigning, he introduced the idea of monthly newsletters.
"He taught me everything I know about political campaigning.
"He was a hard nosed politician and a hard nose businessman, but he was also very caring.
"There is a huge number of examples of him helping people with humanity and kindness that people don't know about."
Well not quite Mikey, but we can see where you learned all your slippery tricks cant we.
This week after his Spiv-Dem council declared no more bars on Lark Lane and Allerton Road here he is twisting it at the planting committee meeting after Florence Gersten made a defiant stand.  But committee member Cllr Mike Storey said:             “In an ideal world, we would like high streets to have grocers and bakers and delis, but life is not like that any more.

“This property has been empty for eight years and God forbid it’s empty for another three or four years because next we’ve got Save Our City quite rightly complaining it’s been left to rack and ruin.”
Planning officer John Collins, recommending approval, said: “We recognise the concerns of people, but the issue of licensing is not one before us here today.
“We are just here to consider the use as a cafe and wine bar, and if alcohol is to be taken then that’s an issue for another committee.
“It’s a difficult decision, I appreciate that, but given the history of the site and the latest assessment, we are recommending permission be granted.”

The reality for Mike "Badpenny" Storey is unfortunately. Ask Will Alsop what he thinks about Storeys involvment.
Or try this one or better still click the label at the bottom of this page to see how it all pans out, read the truth instead of the shit you used to get from Mike Storeys mate Larry Neild and co at the Daily Council in Oldham Hall Street.

This is the sod that did all the World Heritage planning blight, and in the context of a tedious campaign currently being run by the Daily Ghost to save our Cruise Liner "Cock Up" Terminal it must be remembered that it was he who nailed the coffin down, it was he who seeded the mess that the city now finds itself in. He was the Captain on Deck when it was signed and sealed. It was his watch that accepted the European grants and told us all we should thank him for it.

Just why did him and Bernie Turner fall out will we ever know, or is that buried by the local press too.

You know like a bad penny, no matter how hard you rub, you just cant get the scum off. 

Thursday, 28 October 2010

6 Sir Thomas Street-Every Right To Feel Hacked Off.

Yes this was the sight that greeted Warren Bradley from his office overlooking the building.
"I wondered what all the noise was" he said to Larry Neild, then working for the Daily Ghost, as the shysters, Iliad hacked off the front of the facade, of a perfectly good building, with a Liver bird crested portico.
While it was being considered for listing by the English Heretics.
They needed to line the floors up from the old Municipal Buildings frontage on Dale Street World Heritage Site.  That had been sold to Iliad by the very same council that is charged with protecting our assets. The then Liverpool Spiv-Dem council and its cronies, what a joke, couldn't they have made two stairs to line up the floor heights. Couldn't Nigel Lee have advised Iliad in one of his frequent meetings with them that they cant mess with our heritage. He told me he asked Micheal Hanlon of Maghull Developments not to hack off Josephine Butler House, that is his involvement with developers, or should we say hackers.
Couldn't Steve Corbett from the Liverpool Conservation Office(sic) have stopped them.  No this is Liverpool we destroy our Victorian facades, one of the last remaining full and complete Victorian Streets in the city.
Doreen Jones, who did more damage than anyone in this city passed the plans in an Orchestrated planning committee Manoeuvre, while Steve Hurst the criminal tried to question me for trying to save it.
That man had a cheek alright.
While the Labour councillors on the planning committee also give it the thumbs up.

Bernie Turner, whatever happened to her, she is now sidelined, well she always was on heritage matters. Watching while it all went on around her, while she was supposed to be English Heritage Historic Environment Champion. A title she inherited from Lady Doreen Jones.
So all is well that ends well, I suppose.

Look what they have put in its place, a disgrace.

Friday, 22 October 2010

Trinity "Smoking" Mirrors-Peels Poodles.

Hey lets bring a load of shit into Liverpool burn it,and call it recycled energy, package it up as a good news story and the plonkers won't know a thing.

That's Trinity "Smoking" Mirrors for you.
Today reporting how better off we will all be on behalf of some PR company working for Peel.....or a direct conversation with Mark Thomas on his freebie to Shanghai.
 PLANS have been unveiled for a £300m environmentally-friendly power plant within the Port of Liverpool which would create hundreds of new jobs.

Between 200 and 300 new jobs would also be created during the construction of the site at Alexandra Dock, in Bootle.
And approximately 50 permanent jobs could follow if the site – which would generate enough electricity to annually power up to 250,000 homes – goes live as planned in five years’ time.

They even caption the article with a smiley face, oh how lucky are we.

It goes on,
“It’s an exciting project. We’ve picked Liverpool because it’s an up-and-coming city. All of the money has come from RES.”

Plans are at an early stage and the company will widely consult with the local community as design and environmental studies progress.
Electricity would be generated from burning shipped sustainable sources including forestry residues and sawmill co-products.

Turning the Alexandra docks into a smell-hole.

Ms Doyle says,
“We have chosen the Alexandra Dock site as it allows us to bring about 80% of the biomass fuel to the site by ship.

“This will help to ensure that road deliveries to the site are minimised while using the skills and expertise that exist within the port and local area.”

What a load of worse garbage that you intend to dump on the residents of the Bootle area.

Andy Martin, chief estate surveyor for Peel Ports, said: “This project will bring significant benefits and green collar jobs for the people of Sefton, Liverpool and the North West.

“The development supports the Port’s strategic plans to contribute to the low carbon economy.”

The developers have pledged to keep residents up-to-date on

More Shit from Mark Thomas & Co dumped on Liverpool from a great height, which benefits Peel Holdings and its Isle of Man tax exile owner.  LiverPeel
Liverpeel conflicts of interest Liver-peeled Peels Poodles

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Tony McDonough And Yet Another Grosvenor Advertorial

What is the purpose of Liverpool’s local press? Is it to create profiles for grey suited lemons?
There was a time when interesting people were interviewed by journalists with an understanding of what the public want to read about.
Not anymore its boring bland greys who just pump it, and get pumped up, by business correspondents who never attempt to add up their own figures, check their stories, just believe what any tacky property developer or council Spiv tell them.

That may seem a bit hard, no, it’s not hard enough.
Grabbing any news item they are now reporting (sic) it has come to writing about a new deli that opens, its that bad. This combined with the lack of scrutiny to any new scheme, unaware of the cultural effects or the economic, just jobbing off their responsibility to the public, claiming they are understaffed. It is like the blind leading the blind, literally.

The Daily Post business team has had too many free lunches from too many Spivs in my opinion.

You would think that the sun shines in Liverpool, Mark Thomas lives on the Wirral so does Alistair MacRray. If it effects them maybe there is a story.
 Have any of them been to Toxteth to look at the dejection? Have they bothered to look around when on a Liverpool or Everton F.C freebie at Anfield?
No, they couldn’t have done they are too busy acting as “PLUMPERS” for Grosvenor and the likes.

The Daily Post with a declining readership decides to put all its eggs in one basket and become a business plumper, just as we hit a recession. Do they know it’s a recession in the Oldham Hall Street offices? No. Because it is the blind leading the blind, led by property dealers and council spivs. They have become Peel Poodles, unable to see the regions takeover by a private company.
Having to balance news items, they say, my arse, it is ignorance, an ignorance and an ability to shirk the responsibilities that the public expect.
How were things in Shanghai Mr Thomas, who paid for that trip, An Expo costing several million, an expo were we, the public subsidised Peel Holdings who paid in the region of £200,000 to be there, promoting Manchester and its ship canal while building Port Salford and heavily lobbying for the new Mersey crossing so industry doesn’t have to be in Liverpool. We paid the other £2,000,000 Port Salford barging jobs out of the city to Salford, I advised the Daily Post and Echo of this fact, they claimed they didn’t even know.

It’s a sham. It only serves to create ignorance in the minds of the public while the true business reality is hard.  Remember all the plumping for Beetham.

So we see another Grosvenortorial about how wonderful all the carbuncle flats on Chavasse lawn are, and how £25,000,000 of sales have been done there, when the reality is, you should have checked your figures Mr McDonut, call yourself a business editor, your wages are paid by the people who buy the chips that are in the paper, not Grosvenor.

Lets work it out for you shall we. At £94,000 a flat on average, with four grand of free furniture thrown in, they would have to sell over 200 apartments out of 250 odd. This combined with the fact that most of them are rented out to the people who were in Cornhill when the Crane collapsed on the block and they had to be rehoused. It is at best bad maths.

Well the devil make fool’s of idle men.

Try another take by Correspondent.

While other more worthy news is buried by a system that stifles public perception.

This article has been sabotaged at the highest levels in the paper after David Bartlett, The Prisoner, wrote it up. I apologise to David for assuming he never wrote it up but he has to ask himself questions about the credibility of his employers Trinity “Smoking” Mirrors on Oldham Hall Street who “muff” the truth.

Though he did get it so wrong with picking a fight with Southampton.

As did the shabby reporters who didn’t question the fact we were getting a Naval jetty and “PLUMPED” it up for the Spiv-Dem council, telling us how a momentous occasion had unfolded. It just goes on and on and on.
 It needs to stop.

Come back Jane Wolthamstone all is forgiven, yes its that bad.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

World Heritage Steering Group-What Exactly Is It Steering?

Peel Holdings planning application for Liverpool Waters no doubt.  
Featured this week on BBC Northwest the Shanghai Expo Liverpool Pavilion, on the wrong side of the river looked like a joke.
But wait, there are some big announcements to be made soon.
Yeah alright.
Liverpool Day.
A massive success.
An even bigger success.
How amazing.
How Peel Holdings have had the biggest freebie publicity campaign, I mean its all great.

Lets have a party, will there be fireworks ...yippeee, its wonderful.

With Mark Thomas the Daily Ghost Editor at the Shanghai 2010 Expo, watching the musical extravaganza, supplied by, amongst others......The Scaffold and Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark, it is guaranteed all the right press coverage.
 Is this the best we can do.

Monday, 18 October 2010

Liverpool World Heritage Steering Group-What Is Its Motives?

Page 2 of minutes of a meeting of The World Heritage Steering Group. These documents are not ever supposed to see the light of day so it is with a free abandon that they they write "It was agreed that JL (John Hinchliffe, the world heritage waste of space who should be protecting the WH not selling it) and NL (Nigel Lee) should discuss with Mike Birchnall, the most appropriate way to secure a member buy in and a political champion. It was agreed that Louise Ellman should be kept informed and be part of a political steering group".

You know you  have to despair the way they are whoring the WHS to what seems the highest bidder. What exactly does a "member buy in" mean. They also talk of discussing the WHS at a political level as at officer level it could restrict frank discussions.

Yes we all know what that means don't we.
With this level of errr...discussions about our, WHS going on while the public are not even told where the WHS is, well I suppose they can do what they want.
This combined with the disastrous set of shoddy principles practiced by the local press, who turn a blind eye to anything that suits them, it seems they are lining up another developers wish list.
The committee names.
Refusal of lottery funding.

Who and what is the World Heritage Steering Group for?

Friday, 15 October 2010

Liverpool's World Heritage Steering Group-The Secret Group-The List of Names.

Yes, I can hear you thinking what is a world heritage steering group. Well here is a list of the names.........round up all the usual suspects. Graham Ives, Louise Obrien, daughter of Fred and Nigel Lee. Graham Boxer and Keith Blundell, no surprises there all the people ever willing to sell out the world heritage site, or turn a blind eye. John Belchem is a surprise, 
Wayne Colquhoun was recently interviewed by Winifred Robinson for a Radio 4 programme about Liverpool's new eyesore museum and he was waxing on about the history of the port and all that stuff.
 Sarah Jane Farr was at the Merseyside civic Society meeting. She was one of the heritage collaborators advocating the new museum. She should know better.
Hinchliffe the World Heritage waste of time  who has the backbone of a jelly fish as far as the WHS is concerned was running a lot of the proceedings and directed by Ian Wray of the NWDA. 
We dont have a chance when these secret organisations meet behind closed doors and don't make themselves known.
So here they are the conspirators to world heritage disasters, turning a blind eye, selling their souls really, probably to the highest bidder, jobs for the boys, or girls.
What is most alarming is David "Fuzzy Felt" Fleming who destroyed Manchester Docks (while Sara Jane Farr recorded the old shoes and bottles found there) is on the committee.
How can you let a man who has no concept of World Heritage principles who is a  marauder of the Liverpool Museums treasure chest to better his career, who has done so much damage near a steering group. It just shows the type of steering they have in mind.

All we need now is Henry Owen-John and Joe Back'Anderson and they can do what they like.
They don't have a single person who we would trust there.

Update 30.9,2021

Liverpool has now lost its World Heritage Site Status.
Dont say we did not warn you.
How can these people sleep at night.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Grosvenor-pools New Water Feature-Or Just Shoddy Workmanship

 Not even 2 years after opening the shoddy work shows. Chavasse Lawn had the worlds press for the unveiling of the abominable "Give Peas a Chance statue", but the reality is the jerry builders who built it have made a mess. Not quite up to the job, inferior materials, and it was not a difficult task in the first place, to knock a few shops up. Maybe they were trying too hard, trying to get too much out of it, greed. To build on Steers Dock reported as the worlds first was always to be controversial but to build a car park on it was damn right disgusting. To raise it 40 foot in the air and cover it with polystyrene was damn right tacky, to cover it with grass that wont grow is a con. It could never last it was poorly thought out and badly constructed. Where is the water going to go...........out through the nearest exit, is where. Now every time it rains the new steps overlooking John Lewis spew out water and they have to be closed. Its a big job to correct this.

They cant get the grass to grow because its waterlogged and a constant, con, I mean job is to pretend it is growing. This combined with the silly idea factory that is the Grosvenor-pool team to do silly things like turn it into beach then it rains every day seems stupid at best.

So it was all 'tarted up' for the worlds media to be sold a dog of a statue Saturday last. Is it just me that sees it like it is, aparantly not. Take a look at the Seven Streets site. and their take on the Giant Pea statuee on Chavasse lawn. Considering the now famous One Park Gone West apartments that came 4th in BD the architects weekly Carbuncle Cup Award in 2009. His Fiefness the Slim White Duke isn't doing very well really. He got the land for sod all, the first brick built dock, and he cant even respect it.
So in order to carry out all the gimmicks, like a beach with a big wheel ect, they drive 40 ton wagons over it. The public footpath, or is it public, is closed more than its open. 

Built on the site of the Old Customs House how things have changed. The Council keep spinning it out, listening to the Flintstonesque speech Joe Anderson did on Sky, Saturday last about the Pea statue, you have to say it does not look good in the long term. So the result is,
Liverpool One, Shoddy Workmanship Four. 

Save Stanley Park, It Is Not A Piece Of Yankee Real Estate.

So it looks like the Yanks will lose £146,000,000. Its not enough. These American, err businessmen who cant even get on with each other have ruined the proud Liverpool Institution, our history our heritage, unless you are a cheeky Evertonian monkey that is. Now with Broughton pursuing a new set of Yanks with all the same promises it looks like curtains for the Hicks and Gillet partnership. So with a new set of promises on the cards it is worth stopping to think what is the future for Liverpool's Stanley Park. It looks like Joe Anderson is no better than the Spiv-Dems and will offer our land to the new owners a Grade II listed Park with which to build a stadium with a supermarket. Yes as Proffessor Chucklebutty noted the new phenomena of John, Paul, George and Tesco.  

We need Parks just as much as we need Stadia. It is not a field to give away to anyone who knocks a couple of hundred million into the Royal Bank of Scotland.....that we own. As shareholders we all need to get on to the directors and tell them what you think.

Its not right to Spiv a park to anyone that promises to build a new pitch. THIS IS A-FIELD, no its not its our park get your mucky hands off it. The Anfield residents need looking after and helped not robbed by council worse than bag snatchers taking away the heritage of, my area, the place I grew up. Even the Daily Ghost is doing a piece on the plight of the Anfield residents that how bad things are there.  Warrens "War Zones" Bradley has a lot to answer for. I recently had a couple visit me from Santa Fe they used to live in Chicago, they got lost and ended up going through Anfield on a match day, they were not impressed. Give the people of Anfield and Everton a chance restore their area, and their pride, give them good houses, with a kennel for the bull mastiff and they will be happy.
Save Stanley Park Its not the Joe Andersons to give away.  

Monday, 11 October 2010

Peace Monument Unveiled For John Lennons 70th Birthday-Give Bad Sculpture A Chance.

Any Old Iron- Liverpool European Capital of Bad Beatles Statues. It has to be said.
The tradition was upheld with the unveiling of another naff piece of junk this Saturday.
The unveiling was done by Julien and Cynthia, who understandably had a difficult day holding back the emotions. John Lennon is and was an amazing person and an inspiration, who was able to think out of the box, not to be drawn in by what was being told to him, not believing people selling you rubbish, never accepting the status quo.  Educated in the university of life he must be turning in his grave with the naff tributes to him that now litter the streets of Liverpool. The Four Lads who made me cry on the Hard Days Night Hotel, George Harrison looks like Gandolf from Lord of the Rings. Rod Holmes the head man of Grosvenor was there, I saw him on Sky, it went all round the world. Uncle Joe Anderson was there saying how great it was, what does he know of style over spin, what does he know of good public art. The builder of Chavasse Lawn, Grosvenor, the pseudo park 40 feet in the air, that has now been dug up and relaid where water is streaming down the steps because of its inferior design and its jerry-built lack of quality love this sculpture and how it gets them attention. Grosvenor would not put a tribute to Captain Chavasse V.C and Bar, instead they have gone for the obvious, give them what they want, naffness.
Captain Chavasse would maybe approve in one way, with te sentiment, Give Peace a Chance as he was killed in action in a First World War that killed millions, but there is no substitute for inferior workmanship and bad design. When it comes to public monuments and Tom Murphy did a botoxed version of the great man Captain Chavasse, that now doesn't have a home, on the off chance he could knock it in to Grosvenor, with the help of his personal PR man, David Charters of the Daily Ghost, his bessie mate, who wouldnt know a decent statue if one fell on him. There is something the people who make the decisions on Liverpool's public art have no or little understanding of......quality.   

It is a scandal that we have the worst Beatles monuments in the world while Madryn Street Ringos birthplace, is being bulldozed. This is a city that knocked down the Cavern Club, just before calling itself Beatles City and turns its World Heritage Site into Milton Keynes-On-Sea. One thing is good they didn't let Tom Murphy the pudding maker of the John Lennon Turkey at the John Lennon Airport do this one. Why not just call us Lennonpool and be done with it? Thanks to Correspondent in regularly pointing out the fact that we don't just have the Beatles. pic Chavasse Park being repaired after 1 year Stop Press at Oldham Hall Street..............At the Shanghai Expo, The Scaffold are reforming (Mike McCartney should be on one)  on October the 16th to impress those big investors that we are still all Lilly the Pink in Lennonpool.
Catherine Jones the Daily Dimwits intrepid, err, journalist covering the monumental Lennon Give Bad Sculpture A Chance event covered the Ken Dodd one also.
The last big unveiling was of a Tom Murphy was Ken Dodd with a kebab in his hand at Lime Street Station and Bessie Braddocks, a sack with a head on it. Tom Murphy, Liverpools finest, yes that is how bad things have become. Neil Scales of Merseytravel who cut up the U-534 commissioned it.
David Backyard the architect of Cavern Walks said to me his one regret was commissioning the Beatles Statue inside it. Just who put the one of Elvis in Mathew Street. I like Arthur Dooleys the Four Lads Who Shook The World and instead of saving his studio and honouring him the city leaders follow the crowd and give them what they want......Bad Beatles Sculpture......Any Old Iron.

Friday, 8 October 2010

Dear John-Mr Hinchliffe You Are Trying It On.

Here is the official and confidential 'Dear John' letter refusing Heritage lottery funding addressed to our very own World Heritage "Waste of Space" John Hinchliffe who goes by the inappropriate name,for him, world heritage officer (sic). The letter appears to accuse Johny Boy of trying to pull the wool over their eyes of using the potential funding to finance existing jobs (all who should be sacked anyhow for allowing the world heritage s*ite to be ruined including Louise Obrien, daughter of Fred, sloping in the background with English Heritage approval). 
The letter says there was a lack of rational behind the application. It had a lack of base line data.
 It was too expensive.
Basically Johny Boy is getting away with what he has been doing for a long time....nothing. click in the pic to large it up.
He is a waste of space a compliant in world heritage disaster, the backbone of a jellyfish, I would have been lying down in front of the bulldozers that snatched Manchester Dock gates off in an act of civic vandalism. etc, etc, etc, etc. 
Well I say that but he made sure he got Neptune Developments atrocious development blind-eyed and now he is working alongside others to facilitate Peel holdings, and I have documentation, confidential, to support this which I will make available shortly.
David "Stinky Ink" Bartlett at Trinity "Smoking" Mirror groups Oldham Hall Street headquarter was made aware of this and do you know what he did with it......................nothing.
 No wonder they get away with it. Just who is the Prisoner down in Oldham Hall Street.

Johny told me at a world heritage debate with 12 people present because it was not publicised, that his favourite building was the Terminal Ferry Carbuncle.....just before it won the BD National Carbuncle Cup award 2009.

It seems he was trying it on and the lottery fund caught him at it.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Save Stanley Park-Get Hicks and Gillett Out, Now.

Grade II listed Stanley Park has been bandied about as sweeteners for any new owners of Liverpool football club.
Liverpool football club have been assisting the decline of this part of Anfield for decades as long as I can remember by buying up all the adjoining roads.
 Hicks and Gillet who stand to lose £146,000,000 if the current deal to wrestle control away from them is successful were sweetened with the gift of Stanley Park by the Spiv-Dem councillors Mike Storey and Warren "War Zones" Bradley.
Remember how they tried to give Kings Dock to Everton F.C, whose move to Kirkby looks a bit fragile. Nigel Lee, Liverpools Chief Planning Disaster, an Evertonion, said publicly that Goodison should be listed.
There has been some good work done the Isla Gladstone Conservatory in Stanley Park was restored and opened with a bang and looked like it was ready to be a corporate hospitality suite for the prawn sandwich brigade if Stanley Park was stolen from the people it belonged to.

I grew up a mile from the ground, I used to mind the cars in my street on a match day. It was my first job I took it seriously. I stood on the Anfield terraces as soon as I learnt how to kick a ball in the cobbled streets of Anfield. Tony Hately, Tommy Lawrence I could tell you the 66 team even now without a hesitation. I was there when Shankly walked around the pitch in his famous red shirt when we won the league.
While minding cars, my job, I could hear the Terrace cheers and I could tell you the score, sometimes it was a little confusing, the cheers between a goal and when the meat pies arrives but I gradually got used to them. I grew up with Liverpool F.C.
Liverpool is in my heart.
Liverpool as a city,well the red side, minus the cheeky Evertonian monkeys,  needs Liverpool F.C to be successful.

Get these con-man Yanks out.

At the same time lets try and stop this Stanley Park land grab and redevelop Anfield.
We need green space as much as football stadia. .

I leave you in the hands of Correspondent with his take on it all.

Once bitten twice shy, as they say. That being the case, the caution & scepticism with which Liverpool supporters greeted this morning's news of the club's sale ( ) are entirely justified. Hicks & Gillett's objections to the sale only serve to cement their truly toxic legacy at the club; Tom Hicks has pulled off a significant achievement, he's managed to make himself more reviled than Kelvin MacKenzie in the eyes of most supporters.

While it's appropriate to bid good riddance to the two liars, it's also necessary to remember the role played by the club's former chairman David Moores in facilitating their arrival. It certainly hasn't escaped the attention of the Guardian's Richard Williams ( ):

"The real malaise inside Anfield, however, is off the pitch, and goes back at least to the moment at which David Moores, the former chairman, decided to cash in his shares and walk away with £89m, having sold the club to a couple of American gamblers whose promises turned out to be highly misleading, although it was certainly bad luck for Hicks and Gillett that their acquisition was followed so closely by a worldwide recession."

The liars' "bad luck" may well be viewed by supporters as a dose of schadenfreude to savour.

Throughout their ruinous reign Moores has attempted (often with the tacit endorsement of Oldham Hall Street) to portray himself as just another innocent fan duped by a couple of snake-oil salesmen. Bullshit. Moores pocketed his millions, refusing to even engage with the Spirit of Shankly group when it became clear that the club was in the wrong hands.

Moores is an accomplice to the liars' mismanagement.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

St Cyprians Church, Edge Lane-Are They Going To Knock It Down?

Here is the start, an application to remove a war memorial. (Part retrospective application). Have they already moved it?
The application says Durning convenient, it does not draw as much attention.
This is an application is by Liverpool (lack of) Vision, the Quango.
Someone needs to look into this before they stealth it away from us and drive a road over it.
Littlewoods Building still lies empty just up the road.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Urban Splash-The Bubble Bursts So Tom Bloxham Attempts To Blow Up Another "Grant Aided" One.


Star date: 20th September 2010
A Salford Star Exclusive
"There's more scope for the private and public sectors to work together more closely" Tom Bloxham, Urban Splash
Sir Bob Kerslake, Chief Exec of the Homes and Communities Agency, partied at Tom Bloxham's opulent bubble house in the South of France, weeks before he took up his post as head of the public agency that deals with affordable housing.
The Homes and Community Agency has since, we estimate, handed over £60million to schemes associated with Tom Bloxham's Urban Splash…  Full Story Here

Urban Splash have left the city high and dry, after all the promises to renovate the Littlewoods Building on Edge Lane ....with massive grant aid, then the loyalties switch to public housing
This has been exposed by the Salford Star who keep their fingers on the pulse. They keep an eye on Peel Holdings alright and are what we would say old fashioned go getting style exposing the truth. We have to respect this in the age of advertorial reporting.
Urban Splash have been the darling of the property boom....well in some peoples eyes, usually the people giving out the grants.
But the bubble has burst now the Salford Star shows them up for what they are, Grant Merchants funded by the public purse from the inception. Now
trying to re-inflate themselves, while Littlewoods promises are renaged upon and the place goes downhill.

Look what they and English Heritage did to Parkhill

I was at the Midland Hotel in Morcambe a few weeks ago, which I had a private tour before work started. It could only be described as a average renovation designed to maximise grant aid for Urban Splash and it shows.

Wake up these are not the jolly good fellows they are portrayed as.

Salford Star goes on showing a picture of Sir Bob and Tom Bloxham together........partying, well whats wrong with that, I imply nothing.

Sir Bob Kerslake, salary £223,300 (inc taxable allowances), is currently head of the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) which handles multi billion pound budgets of public money for things like affordable housing, supposedly to help those on low incomes.

Just over two weeks before Sir Bob took up his post as designate head of the HCA in March 2008 he was in the South of France, at the international property bash MIPIM, and attended a no expense spared party at Tom Bloxham's exclusive bubble house high in the hills near Nice.

In the three years since the HCA has been in existence, Tom Bloxham's Urban Splash schemes have, we estimate, received over £60million in grants from the HCA, including money for the Chimney Pot Park upside down houses in Langworthy, Salford, the Lakeshore development in Bristol, Longlands Mill in Stalybridge, New Islington in Manchester and the massive Park Hill flats regeneration in Sheffield, where Sir Bob Kerslake was formerly Chief Executive of Sheffield Council.

The Salford Star wishes to make clear that it is not inferring any link between Sir Bob Kerslake partying at Tom Bloxham's opulent bubble house in the South of France and Bloxham's company Urban Splash receiving, we estimate, over £60million in public subsidies for many of its failing housing schemes.
The Salford Star is just questioning whether it was appropriate for the head of the government's social housing programme to accept hospitality from a potential recipient of HCA funding weeks before he took up his designate post as head of the HCA.

We asked the Homes and Communities Agency to get us a quote from Sir Bob Kerslake on, firstly, whether he thought it was appropriate that he was a guest of Tom Bloxham at the house in the South of France? And, secondly, what he thought the reaction would be from Salford people who live in the regeneration area of Langworthy where Urban Splash has funding from the HCA?

Unfortunately, he didn't get back to us but a spokesman for the HCA said:

"Tom Bloxham hosts an event every year for MIPIM conference delegates, on behalf of Urban Splash. Sir Bob Kerslake attended in March 2008, prior to taking up his role as Chief Executive Designate of the Homes and Communities Agency. The HCA started as an agency on 1 December 2008. Sir Bob has not attended this event during the last two years whilst being Chief Executive of the HCA."

• MIPIM 2008 ran 11-14th March. Sir Bob took up his post with the HCA on 31st March 2008.
• Quote from Nick Johnson, Urban Splash deputy chief executive, on hearing that Sir Bob Kerslake had got the job of Chief Exec of the HCA in 2008 (as told to "He's fantastic, basically. I simply can't think of anyone better."
• Nick Johnson also sits on the Homes and Communities Agency Design and Sustainability Advisory Group.

• Urban Splash, we understand, made a post tax loss of £39million in 2008/9 and £10million in 2009/10.
• Tom Bloxham told Property Week in May this year: "I believe these to be well designed, award-winning homes. The question is if you don't finish them, what are you left with? Blight. You can't just do nothing. There has to be money spent. It seems an eminently sensible way forward to me...There's more scope for the private and public sectors to work together more closely"

• Sir Bob Kerslake's HCA has a budget of £9billion for affordable homes between 2008-11
• Urban Splash has recently been accredited by the HCA as a landlord of affordable homes.
• Sir Bob Kerslake is about to leave the Homes and Communities Agency to drive through the ConDem Coalition government's agenda at the Department of Communities and Local Government as Permanent Secretary
Also in attendance at Tom Bloxham's party at the bubble house in March 2008 was Richard Simmons (salary £128,175), chief executive of CABE (Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment), another public agency which, amongst other things, helps "public bodies to commission better design".

• Nick Johnson, deputy chief executive of Urban Splash, is a CABE commissioner (salary £6000) and is CABE's "joint housing champion".
• CABE leads an initiative called Building For Life, a national standard for well-designed homes and neighbourhoods which is assessed on criteria such as closeness to transport links, community facilities and how well they fit in with the character of the area. Urban Splash achieved a Gold Standard in 2009 for the Chimney Pot Park development, amongst many other Building For Life awards (the Salford Star wishes to make clear that it is not infering any link between Richard Simmons attending Tom Bloxham's private party at the bubble house and Urban Splash winning any CABE awards)

The Salford Star has an interview with Tom Bloxham, plus a huge exclusive story on Urban Splash which will be published in the next printed issue of the magazine. If you would like to read this story please help us to get a printed issue out.

* Our main photo shows Sir Bob Kerslake chatting with Tom Bloxham at the Bubble House in the South of France. Thanks to Salford Star for helping advise us where your taxes go............right into Tom Bloxhams pocket, we effectivly bought his house in the South of France, I bet you that doesnt need doing up..

Monday, 4 October 2010

Museum of Liverpool-Acknowledged As A Sad Rip Off of Rome's Maxxi?

This is the first time Zaha Hadid Architects has been awarded the RIBA Stirling Prize, having been shortlisted for the prize on three previous occasions (Nord Park Cable Railway, Austria, 2008; Phaeno Science Center, Wolfsburg, Germany, 2006; BMW Central Building, Leipzig, Germany, 2005).

You may look at the picture on the left..... look familiar......yes its the exact same window on the Museum of Liverpool in the World Heritage site. We were told that we were getting something Iconic and what it happens, we get is a Rome MAXXI Zaha Hadid rip off which was acknowledged by several correspondents, writing, when Liverpool won the 2009 Carbuncle Cup award for the Terminal Ferry Building. 
This year the Rome MAXXI rip off was nominated and accepted to the long list for the same BD Carbuncle Cup award but as its been delayed..... again till was not accepted to the shortlist for that reason.
I do get fed up being talked down to by the architectural profession and then the 'speak' is generally packaged by a reporter who knows nothing of architecture, who wouldnt even know how to put a shelf up.

But Liverpool was honoured by RIBA for a public realm award.
For the canal link that goes right past the Liverpool Daily Ghost Editor, Mark Thomas favourite building, the Terminal Ferry Building at the Pier Head.
 Its not good down there, a mess infact, they turned a green vista able to withstand the strains of concert events and New Year celebrations into some sort of anachronism that was never designed to have this function. The original architects must be turning in their graves. Now you can see what a mess they, at CABE have advised upon.
Incidently it was previously reported that  ARCHITECT Matt Brook has been elected to represent the region on the profession’s governing body.
It was said Mr Brook, who opened Broadway Malyan’s Liverpool office in 2007, will serve as a North West representative on the Royal Institute of British Architects’ National Council.

So, Matt Brookes the architect of disaster who is in charge of building the Three Black Coffins at the Pier Head is a area delegate for RIBA who give out an award.

Clever people these architects.

Friday, 1 October 2010

Liverpool Black History Month-Will Dr David Fleming Be Taking Part?

ORGANISERS of Liverpool’s Black History Month are promising a packed programme of events.

The sixth annual festival, which starts today, aims to celebrate black history, culture and heritage.
This year’s event also coincides with Liverpool hosting the 15th MOBO awards for urban music at the Oldham ECHO Arena on October 20.
Highlights include the Black Achievers Awards and the Cultural Food Feast as well as a host of film nights, lectures, book launches and more.
National Museums Liverpool is also marking Black History Month with a series of events at venues across the city and a new book about slavery. The Black Achievers awards night is a prestigious black tie event which will be held on October 9 at St George’s Hall.

The book, called Transatlantic Slavery: An Introduction, has also been launched by the International Slavery Museum.

So after the director of Liverpool's International Slavery Museum recently said at a symposium about slavery,
 "I want all young black men to feel shit" should he be allowed to continue in his post and be allowed to educate us on matters of black history and slavery. I am not the son of a slaver I have no responsibility to be viewed as a slavers son.
Should the city editor of Liverpool's Daily Ghost writer for the museums and mate of Dicky Felton, PR for Fleming, be allowed to continue, for burying the story of this magnitude. 
The public deserve to know when their Representatives are behaving no more than ignorant bigot fashion, making worse stereotypes than those directors of museums, the racist museum directors of the the racist past, who used to ransack foreign shores and treat people as human loot and who now make free publicity in returning things that should never have been removed.
 It is interesting how a Dicky Felt-tip publicity shot was arranged to show what a jolly good fellow Fleming is.
 Instead of reporting the true picture of a man who in my opinion has got a racist undertone in his speak they bump him into a jolly good fellow. Now I am not for one minute saying it is not right to return the human remains to their rightful place but it is a coincidence it happens now. pic courtesy of the Daily Museums at Old Hall Street.
The last time Flem went down-under he upset all his staff saying all curators are dysfunctional characters.
So taking one to know one, Fleming is to be investigated by Liverpool City Council after Joe Anderson was made aware of his comments. David Bartlett at Trinity "Smoking" Mirrors is aware of this fact and has spoken to the person investigating him. 

So now he is giving the museums assets back to their rightful owners, can we have all our Herculaneum pottery back, 

But when the local press bury news what can you expect for the truth.