Thursday 24 December 2009

Liverpool Planning, Its a Pantomime-Nigel Lee-He's Behind You.

There he is the "Dick.......Dastardly" Nigel Lee the Chief Planning Disaster of Liverpools misfortune and his sidekick John “Mutley” Bimbo…snassinfrassin away selling us down the river at planning committee meetings. This time of the year while everyone else is down at the Playhouse watching the actors in The 39 Steps, make merriment, or shopping for woolly jumpers in the new Grosvenor-pool The Riechmarshal Lee and his army of elves grind away with some of the most important planning applications while no-one is interested. He really is behind you. In fact too close for comfort. In my opinion he is shafting you. You see he knows that nobody will be paying attention at this time of the year. As do the people running the city the Fib-Dems and so they decide to put plans to sell the library to a private firm on view. Planning app 09L/2618 & 09F/2617 Combine the Xmas rush with the biggest snowfall of the year unveiling a national disaster people having to abandon cars all over the country and alter travel plans and there you have it perfect timing. Send in the Clowns. There has to be clowns. This convenient council way of dealing with planning applications is like falling off a yuletide log for Nigel Lee the Captain Hook look-alike. He is behind you, really close and he is stabbing you in the back.
Planning application 09F/2612 no 7 Princess Parade in the WHS on behalf of Lead Asset Strategies (Liverpool) Ltd, drops through the door on Xmas Eve….he is behind you.

We have just had an application 09L/2457 to replace the doors on Herbert Rowses Ventilation Shaft. Dame Henry Owen John says on behalf of the English Heritcs. “Its nothing to do with us”, while the 20th Century Society go mad with bemusement.
He is behind you and there is hardly any one that I would wish their Xmas Turkey gets stuck in their throats, but I will make an exception in this case…………….Beware he is behind you.

Friday 18 December 2009

What Have Peel Holdings Ever Done For Liverpool?

Still waffling today is David "Stinky Ink" Bartlett about how showing he is not understanding the full situation with relation to the politics surrounding Liverpools Cruise Liner Cock-Up.

The full truth of the matter which Bartlett should be concentrating on is Peel are pulling the strings they want to build their own Cruise Liner Facility. So packaged up by Bartlett today is the first hint of the true story. I advised senior shipping writers in the Daily Ghost to these facts over 6 months ago. Is this selling papers? well if you look at the sales figures for the Daily Ghost you will note that it apears that the public are so fed up with Trinity "Smoking" Mirror making it up as they go along, or unable or unwilling to grasp hold of the truth. Lethargic in their approach, scared to upset the people who pay for advertising or place advertorials for them to package into a lazy days work. Peter Elson should have been consulted over this, or allowed to spell out the truth of which he is aware. Larry Neild was there years ago telling us all how wonderful it is we have got a new dawn with ships coming back up the Mersey. Unable or unwilling to work out the truth Larry Bartlett now follows in the Oldham Echo tradition. It apears I am not alone in my condensed thoughts. or
So now we are informed that Peel will help us. Take a look at the picture above of the Cruise Liner Terminal at Langton Dock to see how they have been helping our visitors to the a shed, to have their passports checked. I spelt it out in July. So Bartlett now tells us Peel are going to help us by reducing the port costs. I am just laughing my head off while Peels director is laughing all the way to his Isle of Man tax exile branch to deposit another packet.
They filled in Princes Dock and built Milton Keynes-On-Sea that is the sort of stuff Peel do for us. While leaving the docks in a disgraceful state.

Wednesday 16 December 2009

Liverpools Cruise Liner Cock Up-Its Official.

We have built a Cruise Liner Jetty at the Pier Head, Yes a Jetty. The councillers and its jokers who set up this half thought out idea up should be sacked. The City's future depended on us being back on centre stage. A new dawn they told us, a new tommorrow, and how we will welcome all the big ships back to Liverpool. Taking us back to our Maritime heyday. Only they overlooked the situation that you cant use European Money when your rivals don't have access to it. Did somebody not realise this errr...oversight, aparantly not.

So a nasty and horrible bad attituded campaign was launched by the Daily Ghost and the Oldham Echo in support of bullying the powers that be into changing their mind advising the public how important it is to the city and what would happen without it.....only highlighting the magnitude of the Council Cock up. So we warned they were in deep water

The Oldham Echo even adopted the Southampton Echos campaign "Cruise Wars" such is the lack of originality in Oldham Hall Street and angry voices were heard from the public telling Larry Bartlett and knocking crew that we the public do not wish to be fronted by stinky ink.
Meanwhile it is announced that:
Liverpool chosen as host city for England's World Cup 2018 bid

Dec 16 2009
LIVERPOOL has been chosen as a Host City for England’s 2018 World Cup Bid.
The announcement made today by England 2018 bid Chairman Lord Mawhinney, at Wembley, was hailed as equal to ‘a cup victory the whole city can enjoy’.
It is estimated that if England win the rights to stage the 2018 FIFA World Cup, a Host City can expect to benefit from a £200m boost to its economy.

I Hope they remember to bring the ball for the match and dont blame the opposing team.

Tuesday 15 December 2009

Mann Island-More Public Funds to Destroy World Heritage.

THE NWDA was told to pay a Liverpool car dealership £1m after a dispute over the sale of the Mann Island site on the city’s waterfront.

Valuation experts ruled between the agency and Robert Smith Group, which ran a Road Range car dealership selling Mercedes-Benzes and Porsches from Mann Island.
The NWDA bought the Robert Smith Group’s 4.25-acre site on the waterfront for £9.25m in 2001. This may have been before the boom years but it was still cheap.
The land was originally intended to be the home of the city’s pathetic "glass pie in the sky" The Fourth Grace, which was scrapped in 2004.
The site was then sold to Neptune Developments and Countryside, the preferred developer for the Fourth Grace, for less than it had initially paid after Neptune threatened to sue because of all the speculative work they had done....or so they said..
In 2005, the Agency agreed to deduct £1.5m from the purchase of the land, and paid another £1.4m.

Not only was the funding for the Three Black Slugs on Mann Island public it was played out right in front of our eyes. The gave the land away for nothing and now its worth hundreds of millions. There should be European laws against this use of objective one funding to build carbuncles on the WHS.
They also funded the new museum with the funds from the sale of this land to Neptune for a pittance. Neptune Directors admitted such in a Merseyside Civic Society presntation which was stitched up by the Chairman in order to smooth the plans through on Halloween. The misguided Brian "Mad Hatter" Hatton was friends of Neptune and offered support at the meeting at one time saying the Pump House should be knocked down. So now in front of them all WHS disaster unfolds.

Steve Broomstick from the NWDA said recently "It is also a big success story for the city, with a high-quality residential and office development on site, and progressing at a time when many other projects across the UK are stalling, and the Agency is pleased to have played an important role in promoting the delivery of this important regeneration initiative.” This bloke really is a dimwit who has allowed a bunch of "cosy" developers to make a packet out of destroying world heritage with our money..public funds.
Well so they say

What the papers dont tell you is this

Ptolemy Deans views or vanishing views
Trinity Smoking Mirrors views.

World Heritage Stitch up its a disaster for all......Never have so many people been let down by so few.

Monday 14 December 2009

Big Wheel Keep Turning.

I have to say this big wheel is great. It looks brilliant of a night in the high tensile shopping centre of Grosvenor-pool. I have not gone up yet for fear of seeing the destruction of the WHS. Manchester has one, Newcastle and every other city so Liverpool now follows. The Daily Ghost said Liverpool now has a London Eye...huh!.     I love it that much that I have at great expense had engineers in, and have laid some massive steel girders in my garden for my own big wheel. I have spoken to the company who erected Liverpools to have one installed no problem they said we will do it for free and the money taken is so vast you dont owe us a penny. It does not matter that it will overlook a thousand residential dwellings or hotels that is not important it is the bigger picture that we see. its all in the name of progress that big wheel keeps turning. And you know what you dont even need a planning application.......well Grosvenor didn't.

Spin the camera around and there you see more regeneration or, degeneration, more like. Here we have the WHS and the Three Black Slugs sliming thier way onto our skyline, now thats, not progress. Why would you destroy your best asset, Liverpools magestic views no more. Why destroy the front cover of almost every book about Liverpool. The worst and most damaging of the Three Slugs is now full slime ahead. Kevin McLoud called Liverpool One "The Rebranding of a City" when he opened up his talk at the Stirling Prize. Well what if we don't want to be rebranded this way what if we were alright as we were. If its not broke dont fix it, or in this case if its fixed..... break it. We will never live down the criminal act of destroying the WHS, showing cultural dimwitted-ness beyond compare. Just wait till we all, realise what they have done.

We argued that what Liverpool needed on Mann Island was something like a big wheel to make a visual impact, a park, something you could take down that would not be permanent.

Wednesday 9 December 2009

SS Manxman-Lies Rusting Its A Disgraceful Sight.

After a fundraising campaign led by the Daily Ghost just what is happening to the future plans of bringing the SS Manxman to Liverpool.
Bill Ogle the Chairman of the Manxman Steamship Company (the Trust) informed me on the 8th Feb 09. “Activities over the last 7 years, and from results of a total of 10 separate independent and professional surveys and exercises, the Trust has been able to address all of them and formulate a fully developed and costed Business Plan. This indicated that, providing the initial, purchase, restoration and relocation costs could be met then in her planned berth at Birkenhead Manxman would indeed provide a viable business capable of generating sufficient income to cover all running costs as well as a surplus for future maintenance.that the initial conditional offer of a berth by Mersey Docks and Harbour Company was subsequently withdrawn by Peel Holdings and, as recently as December 2008, their position is unchanged.
The Trust was forced to accept that the original plan could not be achieved”.

As of the 20th November 09 the situation is as such. Bill Ogle writes.
With regard to Manxman herself, there is no change. She remains in the covered dry dock at Sunderland. We presume her owners are waiting for an improvement in steel prices when they will need to remove the asbestos and dismantle her in situ.

The Trust now must be wound up, this is now completed for our trading company. Firstly we need to sell our 4ft long scale model of Manxman to fully realise our assets, and it is in the hands of Bonhams in London for inclusion in their auction early next year. Likewise the American organisation is not continuing their interest. So there is no good news I'm sorry to say; and the opportunity is now lost.

What is happening with the funds raised to save the SS Manxman. I presume they will be returned some people gave four figure sums?.
There was a meeting at India Buildings some time ago which brought out a few old seadogs such as Patrick Moran determined to save it.
Apparantly the owners of India Buildings had an interest in the Manxman.

Achilleas Kallakis was called the Mayfairs, Walter Mitty, by the Guardian

In European high-stakes poker circles he goes by the name of "The Don", among Mayfair property magnates he calls himself Achilleas Kallakis, and when diplomatic affairs are the topic of the day he likes to be addressed as "His Excellency, ambassador of the Republic of San Marino to the Sultanate of Brunei".
But one name he doesn't use much these days is the one his parents gave him, Stefan Michalis Kollakis - with an 'o'. Perhaps that's because under this name he was convicted in 1995 of selling bogus British feudal titles to hapless Americans and Australians.
A further dig around Kollakis's past reveals a string of small-scale failed businesses which appear to have no assets. Among the ventures to sink into administration were the SS Manxman, a floating disco boat moored at West Waterloo Dock in Liverpool, and Electras, a nightclub in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire.
Fourteen years ago he pleaded guilty to fraud at Southwark crown court, admitting selling "lordships" to Americans, Australians and Arabs for £85,000. Kollakis, who at the time worked for a travel company in Croydon, bought the titles from the Manorial Society of Great Britain, sub-divided them into districts and then offered them for sale via newspaper adverts. The scam claimed to be taking advantage an ancient process known as subinfudation - splitting and increasing the number of titles. But the practice had in fact been banned in 1290.

Achilleas HEEL.
I made this information available to Larry Bartlett of the Ghost…not a dicky bird. What happened to all the cash said to have been over £30,000.
Peel Holdings should really start putting something back into the city instead of circumnavigating its ports, surely they could contribute something to our maritime past.

Monday 7 December 2009

Barge Watch-Liverpool Canal Link An Expensive Folly.

Did no-one work out that for 6 months of the year this 20 million pounds canal link folly would be redundant.
We are now starting a new competition "Spot the Barge". Answers on a postcard your starters for ten.
Who will spot the first barge..Just like the first Cuckoo arriving spring, when will the first barge arrive. When will those bargees finally brace the frozen tundra of Liverpools Pier Head. When will the ice melt and the first boat arrive. We are waiting in anticipation. The Manchester Ship Canal that Peel Holdings own is doing alright.
Here is a picture taken by Mrs Sidebottom from Salford of the Oldham Echo Delivery barge ghosting its way down the Manchester Ship Canal with its  delivery of Council propaganda (5 days late) telling us all about how great the new canal link is and how wonderful to have the 20 million pounds of taxpayers money spent in such a way when most of Toxteth still lies in ruins, 3 decades after the Toxteth Riots. 

Friday 4 December 2009

Liverpools Three Graces from the Sea. Oh What Happened There?

This is a picture taken from the TV so its a bit fuzzy.
It needs to be enlarged to see the full horror that awaits any sailor when arriving at Liverpools World Heritage Site.
The juxtoposition of completly alien styles have now created a architectural abonimation.
Why couldnt they just leave it alone. If its not broke dont fix it was cried out loud from all quarters.
Iconic to Ichronic in five years.
To think Liverpools world famous waterfront escaped two world wars, The Blitz, all the 60s planning disasters that befell us and this load of bad planning donkeys led by a small minority of architectural illiterate philistines do this with it overnight while Unesco and the English Heretics stand idly by and dont protect it. It is a travesty a crime against architecture that has befallen my city. We had it all and they have taken it away from us. I am ashamed of what they hve done to our once great syline.

Thursday 3 December 2009

New Housing Estate for the Town Centre.

In the spirit of Christmas a new housing estate has sprung up in Lord Street. Or is it a Continental market full of scousers selling stinky cheese?. Right in front of all the shops in this part of town who pay their rates. Grosvenor obviously did not want them blocking access to all those money spinning multi-national companies that have just been given amazing rent free terms to abandon other parts of town for the new swanky part.

Wednesday 2 December 2009

Setback on University Campus Scheme.

Have the planning committee finally been taken by a stroke of common sense?.
Yesterdays meeting was a done deal Florence Gersten feared. She a fearless and talented heritage campaigner was joined by several (total of 7) objectors armed with signed petitions, who put a case forward in a most understandable manner. A representitive of Minster Court Residents association did a fine speach as did several local residents. This is a scheme that most consider needs to go back to the drawing board. Unless you are David "Do I live in Liverpool or Southport" Irving who it appeared did all he could to assist this application through. The amendment was put forward by Labour Princes Park councillor Anna Rothery who is up for re-election soon.
There were no press at the planning meeting. No the local papers do not even turn up to planning meetings now.more content to rehash the same stories over and over again than leave the warm office. Example
1st December.
August 11th
Lazyness will get you nowhere the people of Liverpool deserve better than this.
It was Nick Small who phoned the press outside and a photographer came over to get a flick.
It is no wonder they get the height of the building wrong which is why the plans are objected to on the grounds of the scale and the massing and a load of other facts but what do we expect from the local press.

Tuesday 1 December 2009

Trinity "Smoking" Mirrors Liverpool. Is Alistair Macrazy out of control. J'Acusse.

This a letter printed in todays Daily Ghost. (Even Brocklebank is using the term Daily Ghost now). pic courtosy the Liverpool Echo The real ghost is the Ghost writer who does the letters page.
I have to concur that I no longer write the majority of the Brocklebank column anymore, at times I was contributing 90% thinking I was helping local debate until I woke up .
Are these local papers under the leadership of "Alastair Macrazy Horse" totally out of control. Is he so contemptable that he does not care anymore for those who buy his papers? Did he ever anyhow?
The letters page is sponsered by Frank McKennas, Downtown Liverpool.

Take this as a small example of contempt there is a lot more where this came from. Yesterdays letters.

Take time to appreciate

Dec 1 2009
I WOULD like to reassure Mr Green from Dutton (Letters, November 30) over his concerns about the development on Mann Island. I appreciate his, and others’, feelings about potential loss of views of The Three Graces from the Albert Dock. These views have defined Liverpool and have inspired both wonder and amazement in many.
I also appreciate that resistance to change is a part of human nature. However, I would also suggest that, in time and with completion, that most of the naysayers will gradually come to like and appreciate this new development.
If you take some time to look at the site, you will see how the cladding of the three new buildings reflect the surrounding buildings and the sky in quite a magical way. You will also notice how the three structures have been cleverly designed so as to still preserve key sight-lines from the Albert Dock – tantalising glimpses of more to come.
Furthermore, you will note that, when complete, a whole new public realm will have been created. What also will be worthwhile is the relocation of The Open-Eye Gallery into one of the buildings – many people have never encountered this gallery, but will soon be able to. It will not all be apartment blocks! Once the new museum is complete, the access bridge from The Albert Dock will re-open and the whole area will be re-vitalised and buzzing. I remember all of the concerns that people voiced before Liverpool One opened: fearing the loss of Chavasse Park – but who would now honestly say that the remodelled park is not a huge success?
All of the new developments have breathed life and vitality back into Liverpool. It strikes me that there are far too many people whose initial reactions are always negative and critical – it is very life-denying, because to move into the future we have to change and embrace the new.
J Anderson, Grassendale
Well everyone is entitled to their opinion....if it were a valid opinion.
Yesterdays Daily Ghost had this letter which I printed in the comments of yesterdays posting. Notice that it says.... by Pamela Hoey....yes there is a clue. It may be apparant they havn't even got enough staff to disguise what they are up to these days.
Its just not my view that has been noticed by others. see Correspondent actually thinks about what they write.
So it would have meant someone would have had to pick up a pen and write a letter, take it to a postbox where it would have been recieved the next day, considering the Ghost is printed in Oldham the same day as the letter apeared it would have gone in the day after next. But no its in todays letters page, the next day. How can this be?.........Unless they already had the letter when they set it up. You know they are not even clever enough to disguise it anymore. What an absolute disgraceful act of confidence tricksters. It is not easy to catch them out these days. I defy them to prove me wrong.

Eyesore blocks fabulous view

Nov 30 2009 by Pamela Hoey, Liverpool Daily Post

Add a commentRecommend THERE are places that have the good fortune to be blessed with buildings or locations which over time become regarded with much affection and draw world-wide admiration.
Liverpool has the Pier Head and the Three Graces. This complex has won international recognition, culminating in the deserved accolade of World Heritage Site.
Liverpudlians are justifiably proud of the fact their city possesses something unique and a view that is iconic. This prompts me to pose a question. Can a value or price be placed on such a thing?
To have one iconic view is, for any city, a priceless asset. But Liverpool, by virtue of the warehouse clearances in the 1980s, became the owner of two views. I refer to the vista that was opened up with the demolition of the buildings around the Salthouse Dock. In one broad sweep the Albert Dock, Pump House, the “Graces” and the Art Deco Mersey Tunnel ventilation tower were on spectacular view.
Presented with such outrageous good fortune as the custodians and trustees of this visual treasure, what have the city fathers done to express their appreciation and determination to conserve this precious asset? With a lack of imagination and insensitivity they have authorised the construction of – a block of flats.
The view has now been effectively wrecked with what I have every confidence will prove an architectural non-entity.
Inevitably one has to ask the question, bearing in mind our inclusion in the exalted company of World Heritage Sites, would the Indians have built a block of flats in front of the Taj Mahal? Will the Americans enhance the Statue of liberty thus?
I don’t think so.
I wonder – apart from the short-sighted individuals who authorised construction – if there is any enthusiasm or support for this eyesore from the public?

F T Green, Dutton

Well and truly caught do they not have any morales. from now on Little Brother is watching Big Brother and a full report will go to the Directors of Trinity Mirror.

Monday 30 November 2009

Loyd Grossman-Lectures Us On Heritage, After He Helped Destroy Manchester Docks.

The country’s leading heritage organisations — including the National Trust, the Campaign to Protect Rural England, Save Britain’s Heritage and Historic Royal Palaces — will next week issue an election manifesto calling for sweeping reforms to the sector.

Following a major consultation of its members, umbrella group Heritage Link, which represents more than 75 NGOs, will use its annual heritage day this Wednesday to challenge the three main political parties to end neglect of heritage.
It will propose measures including legislation to streamline heritage protection, fully restore levels of National Lottery support, investing in local authority expertise and cutting VAT on repair and restoration.
Heritage Link has a secret weapon in the form of Lloyd Grossman, the media personality and former chairman of National Museums Liverpool, who will be unveiled as its new chairman at the event in London’s King’s Cross.
Speaking exclusively to BD, Grossman revealed that culture secretary Ben Bradshaw, conservative shadow minister Ed Vaizey and Lib Dem shadow minister Don Foster, would all take part in what he called a “hustings”.
He said: “It’s now a very important time for the heritage sector to really begin speaking in a more co-ordinated, articulate and forceful way.”
But Heritage Link’s ambitious move was dealt a preemptive blow after Vaizey, whose Tory party remains well ahead in opinion polls, poured cold water on the plans, calling the main proposals “unrealistic” because of the recession and impending cuts in public spending.
Read more:

Well another high profile career building manifesto from professional heritage people.
So Loyd Grossman who as the purveyor of world heritage disaster at National Museums Liverpool, in the ultimate destruction of Manchester Docks along with the other vandals at English Heretics of which he was once Chairman. They all rode the Bulldozer that did the sod cutting for the foundations of the new Carbuncle Museum in the WHS.

Asking why Unesco are inefective Unesco say English Heretics are the government advsors yet the then Chairman of the Heretics Sir Neil Cossons was working for the museums. How did they get away with this.
As was another one of their heritage spivs.  Peter de Figueiredo who is now allegedly adising, and I use that term loosley Peel Holdings
I once told Loyd Grossperson that architecture is not like making a sauce and the ingredients were certainly a bad mix with him and David "Fuzzy" Felt Fleming who he got away from at the earliest he could. Grossman should be held to account for his involvement in WHS destruction not rewarded with another cushy Quango post. Amanda the editor of BD gives concern to government lack of responsibility.
In the meantime Liverpools listed heritage continues to be in perilous condition and the WHS is being taken apart till it is now a joke of what was left us by our forebears.

Friday 27 November 2009

Cheeky Evertonian Monkey's.

It is funny though. Not able to get the result on the pitch those cheeky monkeys have made the name of the gift shop right next to Liverpools…Everton 2. Strange I may hear you think but considering it is in Grosvenor-pool it means that the address reads Everton 2 Liverpool 1. What a result. It is funny though; only in Liverpool would that happen.

Only in Liverpool would millions of pounds of public money have been wasted on allowing Tesco to effectively take control of a football club by bankrolling the move to Kirkby on the Merseyside periphery in fact in the borough of Knowsley. They would have had to change the name of the club to Tesco-ton and have a sock as an emblem breaking all those years of tradition, it wasnt right. How much has been spent of our cash on this.

It was said that the whole scheme to turn Kirkby civic centre into a giant Tesco, (who own the centre now) was deemed detrimental to the local economy. The fallout ahead of this decision may have been instrumental in the company abandoning its outlet for the ultra sensitive Hope Street.  The government report was entitled Everton and Tesco. The Chief exec of Tesco Sir Terry Leahy is a lifelong Everton supporter.
Are they, Tesco, taking over the country.

What is more worrying for most Evertonians is how they will live up to expectations this Sunday in the local Derby when they play the most successful club in English footballing history, Liverpool. Even more worrying being fourth from bottom in the table is why a new stadium needs to be built for a team on the cusp of relegation anyhow. They are now calling for investment. What about buying a few players not a town centre.
And now they want our ground again.

Reich marshal Nigel Lee the chief planner of disaster in Liverpool said he wanted Goodison listed and Warren Bradley another toffee nose will be upset. Not about the public money wasted but his own face.

Pages and pages of it all over the local papers Mark Thomas a Evertonian while Alistair MaCrazy supports himself, has seen to that, it is a shame they could not have made the same fuss when the world heritage site was being destroyed. Sarah Wilde of Trinity "Smoking" Mirrors was a member of Liverpool Visions board who helped to destroy the Pier Head with carbuncle after carbuncle. Why?

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Is the Liverpool Daily Post-The Daily Stooge.

This is a question I am being asked over and over again.

Yesterdays front page was a disgrace Fury at golf hotel setback. This was sheer and unadulterated advertisement for the property developer Simon Mathews-Williams who wants the Wirral Council to break its rules to allow him to do what he wants. He may as well have written the article himself. He described Wirral council as shambolic.
So what about public representation through the democratic process? Why do the Daily Post seek to bypass this? Who do they represent? One reader or the population?

“In Liverpool you can see a planner in 48 hours”. Mathews Williams was quoted Isn’t that strange if any of my colleagues want to speak with them its like doing the okey kokey round a load of faceless numbskulls who have already approved a deal for weeks.

Not only was it the front page it took over the editor’s comments.   Why whats in this for the paper?
Just who do these second rate reporters at the Daily Ghost think they are, some powerful player in property development bending rules?
Why do they come out so hard on this application for a…. restaurant.
Considering that both editors live on the Wirral it is no surprise that they take an interest but considering they know nothing of planning applications just why are they sticking their awe in? Just why are they now the biggest anachronism of news an adverting space for PR companies to get their deals done of which this smells fish to me.

Just who was the PR Company who placed this in the lap of the uneducated kids at the Daily Post? Why has this got past Andy Kelly the news editor who I once respected but not any more and why is Mark Thomas a weak willed individual with no respect for his profession that he is now become a Daily Bugle to Downtown Liverpool. Oh wait I can feel the answer coming through because they pay for the adverting space and the whole of the newsroom is now such a shambolic pale shadow of itself that it has literally turned into the Merseymart.
Help us if we ever lose the likes of Peter Elson who tries very hard to understand public opinion on matters concerning our heritage.

Shame on you Mark Thomas it is easy to read behind the lines as to what is going on and you and you easily led colleagues should be ashamed of yourselves.

All the battles we have fought around the preservation of heritage and saving the world heritage site from destruction are countermanded by the lack of foresight by this shower with its editors who I wouldn’t let write a shopping list never mind an editorial. Shame on you all if you had any respect for yourselves you would get out now, I suppose there are a host of PR companies awaiting your services so you can punt the stuff back into the Daily Stooge.


We are now compiling a comprehensive report for the directors of Trinity Mirror. Editors have been informed.

Tuesday 24 November 2009

Museum of Liverpool a Sad Rip Off of Rome's Maxxi?

LOOK FAMILIAR. This is the decade of building new museums for the sake of it. Accountants work out how best to sell merchandise and how to franchise the wealth creation machine that comes with art these days. The first thing is where the coffee shop or restaurant will be. How the exhibits will display is a long way down the agenda. Centuries of well trodden styles of showing the public the history of mankind and its creations and its humanity has been swept away in curators egos fighting with their ill educated architects for supremacy. Modernisation they call it, most times it is just plain stupid.

Roman horror day at Zaha Hadid's Maxxi are the headlines greeting the opening of a new museum in Rome….the eternal city. Those Romans know a thing about style…or is it that their forebears did.  It is worth reading the commentary from journalists who try to understand architecture. just google the Maxxi in Rome.
Zaha Hadid it was said did a design for the 3XN carbuncle in the Liverpool World Heritage Site (it was kept secret from the public) does the design look familiar.
At least the Romans had the common sense the good sense to build it away from its historic sites of world importance. What will happen when the architectural journalists give their opinions when the Museum of Liverpool opens with John Lennons bedspread as a focal point.

Monday 23 November 2009

BERNI TURNER-Liverpools 'So Called' Heritage Champion on Mastermind!!!

I couldn’t believe it Big Mouth Berni is on national television, will she slap the judge if he doesnt agree with her. What will her specialist subject be? Sardines.  It certainly wont be the 46 listed buildings that have been downed under the liberal democrats. Or will it be the disastrous state of Dale Street  or the 200 listed buildings in a bad state of repair. Or the thousands of homes demolished under the pathfinder scheme. Her title is The English Heritage Historic Environment Champion. No she was to have her specialist subject on The Twighlight Novels of Stephanie Meyer.

Introduced as Bernadette Turner.
“The supernatural romance genre is huge. You walk into any bookshop or go online and there are reams and reams of these books (so yes they are common) and some of them are well incredibly well written. Twighlight novels are a series of 4 books and they are about vampires if you like!

Oh she is going to talk about Trevor Jones and Doreen Jones bleeding the Baltic Triangle site dry sucking all the lifeblood out of it with their involvement with Windsor Developments whose director it was alleged was struck off the accountants register for Fraud. She took over the previously fraudulently titled job of Heritage Champion from the Dame of Disaster she who did more damage to the world heritage site than the Luffwaffe, Doreen Jones what a Dame.

But no She continued “They are about a very special breed of Vampires if you like.

Vegetarian Vampires”, I was laughing out loud by this stage, “They remind me of Romeo and Juliet, Cathy and Heathcliffe in Wuthering Heights it’s a great romance but with all the extra things Werewolves, Vampires. What more could a girl want”.
Well there you go what do you expect, another contestant masterminded on the Architecture of Aberdeen since 1860. No sign of her talking about Liverpool’s heritage or its architecture though. She came last, but in fairness she did not descend into any of the same old vile banter and did alright on the general knowledge which I am not surprised with simple questions such as “Who entered the UK charts with shout and was backed by the Luvvers”   So anyone can read four tacky novels and go on Mastermind these days. What next for Beradette Turner.

Friday 20 November 2009

Liverpools Canal Link; A Waste of Money.

THE WONKY JOURNEY. 17 million pounds of public money and it is wasted money. Our taxpayers money to split the Pier Head in two to take away the open green space. Yes I may hear you say it is unobtrusive but it is a cut through what was an open vista. This silly idea to link up fresh water with salt water was put forward by two obscure councillors and the Council and Liverpool Vision fell into the deep pool, of lack of thought and sold it to us with the help of the Oldham Echo and its sick little sister the Daily Ghost writer for the council. Funded by the NWDA along wit the new museum and the Three Black Slugs. The original plans said it would have a recoverable finish that would enable open air concerts. This was dropped once the plans were passed, by guess who The "Dame of Disaster" the Cruella DeVille of Liverpools architecture Doreen Jones now living it up in Chester. Where her and Trevor it is alleged live next door to the Duke of Westminster. She of the big hair still comes into Liverpool to have her barnet made larger by Herbert whose Bling building did not go to planning committee. The woman leaves us with a hole in the ground after she and Trevor teamed up with Windsor Developments(she owned Lamb and Sons that was knocked down over a weekend when a listing application was recieved. She did not care about anything but herself in my opinion and both of them were allowed to run the city and direct its planning where they thought fit. You did not stand a chance with this disgraceful woman passing what suited her and ignoring the public. Only six barges at a time can use this link and all barges have to put up overnight while a British Waterways person comes and lets the waiting boats through in the morning at 6.45 a.m. Talk about making it difficult. It is no wonder that all the berths in front of the Albert Dock are empty. What a complete and utter waste of cash.  Just follow the wonky journey on the British Waterways skippers guide and you will realise that navigating the shopping trolleys and lovely little creatures throwing halfies at the boats as you peacefully sail past the Strand is not quite worth it. 

Thursday 19 November 2009

LIVERPOOL It all came Tumbling Down

I still recall the first time I read Freddie O’Connor’s, It all came Tumbling Down. And 25 years later it still gets to me just what we have lost. Post 2008 it continues and won’t stop. I am not sure how or when it happens or how you feel a sense of loss watching old times that were tough and hard change and we roll into a plastacine characterless paradise lost that we are all suppose to be eternally grateful for.

It was about 20 years ago that I wandered into a derelict forlorn church ‘Our Lady’s’ on St Domingo Road and saw part of the rude screen on the floor the place was a wreck, pieces strewn all over the place. I had been born two streets away in poverty in a damp ridden rabbit hutch. A two up, two down. All around were bomb craters we called the debris. I played war in streets abandoned by owners because they were worthless. The industry was leaving and there was no work. No we don’t want to go back to that but it is something to say that there was character in the poverty, people were different, skills were abound. I remember the beautiful stain glass windows of that Church smashed to smithereens and I decided to rescue the wooden carved structure. I went to ask the priest who quickly said to me as I pleaded to take a childhood memory before it goes. “Do what you want mate, I am the Vicar and that’s a catholic church”. Well the old Irish rivalry still seemed to be there all those years later. We used to team out the football game Protestants against Catholics. I read in Freddie’s book 15 years later that it was a Pugin Church that was to the original Chancel Chapel to what was to be the biggest Cathedral in Christendom as it was on the peak of St Georges plateau and could be seen for miles. The site was abandoned for the current place and Lutyens was brought in and in turn he only got as far as the crypt and decades after the war we ended up with the Oscar Neimeyer copy by Gibbard instead. I really felt that I had saved something a little piece of history. I later found out there were three other Pugin Buildings in the same short space in between the Grade I listed St Georges to which was attached to our school with its old fashioned headmaster with his old fashioned values. They are all gone now and the poverty is still there only it is flimsy and character-less. Our Street is in Freddie O’Connor’s book a picture of the house I grew up in. It reminds me of how I lament the passing of a spirit, a link to the past. Because if you build on your past you keep the simple senses happy, those of security and pride and belonging… that’s what came tumbling down, and its still happening, when will it stop.

Monday 16 November 2009


Liverpool bids to be Unesco City of Music.

Well we have wrecked the World Heritage Site let’s destroy the music scene.
Warren Bradley, is leading a steering group to bid to be a Unesco World City of Music. There is no doubt we need an accolade for our musical achievements but he who is so uncultured, as to have to spike everyone else, bugging them on how good our past musical highlights are, becomes a little tedious. Talking of tedious Warren Bradley (the only thing he can play is the fool) says :
“Music is in Liverpool's blood and its influence has been truly global from the days of sea shanties and Merseybeat to classical and dance – it was a fundamental reason why we were European Capital of Culture. “The city today has a phenomenal pool of talent and its exciting that now, more than ever, it has the venues, the studios, the promoters and the festivals to nurture new ideas and diverse artists who will carry on Liverpool's best musical traditions. Yes we know all that we also had the most amazing world heritage views a Unesco World Heritage Site that the city under his stewardship destroyed.
“To be a UNESCO city of music would be a massive boost to the city’s international cultural profile and give the city a focus, like in ‘08, to develop our music offer at all levels for the benefit of musicians and music lovers alike.’’

Chief Conductor with the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Vasily Petrenko said: “I don’t think there is any other city in England that understands the power of music more than Liverpool.

“It has fantastic tradition of producing great music and great musicians of every kind and is still doing it today. To be a UNESCO City of Music will really help to promote Liverpool as one of the world’s music capitals.”
The news comes on the day Kasabian close Liverpool Music Week – Britain's biggest indoor winter music festival.
This year has been in my opinion, the worst year at the Philharmonic Hall for years. But if you want to go for a beer swilling punch up go to the Oldham Echo Arena.

Cream CEO and joint director of the Liverpool Music Week festival James Barton said: “I am really honoured to be invited onto the team that will steer the bid to become UNESCO city of music.
“I believe that music has always been central to Liverpool life, which is why winning the title would be so exciting.
“Not only would this accolade recognise the already world–famous music scene within Liverpool, it will also act as a focus for the further development of music in the city for many years to come.’’
How concerned are Unesco about the mess that has been created on the Unesco world heritage site they have made us the focus of a Unesco reactive monitoring mission.
So in ten years to come by the past standard that we look after our world heritage we will have all the Beatles ditties remixed with Black Lace’s Agadoo because that is the architectural equivalent of what’s been done.
We could term the phrase “ Liverpool we had Palladio and now we have got Puff Dadio” to help Unesco understand what we are about.
This is the town that called itself Beatles City after we knocked down the Cavern Club…..This city council, who couldn’t even organise the Mathew Street Festival in 2007, who just cant be trusted with anything to do with heritage or tradition. Its just spin, spin, spin.
The class of this city Fib-Dem council is a Capital of Culture which destroyed the Pier Head the very thing that made us who we were.

Joe Anderson a Labour Councillor Delivering Redundancies on the Tram!

A MAJOR road scheme should be delayed to help pay for Merseyside to get a tram network, it was proposed last night.
What is with all these people in Liverpool who are content to think that Liverpools tommorrow is based on getting people to the shops in Grosvenor-pool. Bazooka Joe Anderson fires another salvo at the workforce to our region. Is he not aware that Peel Holdings already are planning to circumnavigate Liverpool. This is Bazooka's resume at the council. Does he not think and is it a fact that he has watched the world heritage site being destroyed without lifting a finger? Is he a Liberal Democrat by any other name? Was he not on the boards of every regeneration agency who have milked European Slush Fund? £950,000,000 of Objective One money a load of it wasted on Mann Island and the Pier Head, and still complaints of no funds.
It has taken me a while to realise that the phlebiens of this city are not the local folk but those who have taken over the power strings of politics. So why dont you just admit it Joe as part of Liverpool Vision............You should have went to Spec-Savers you are not thinking joined up. or is this Trinity "Smoking" Mirrors putting words in his mouth and he is not clever enough to realise it, desperate for the front page of the Daily Peel. Or is he working with the NWDA whose new Chairman is a ex Executive of Peel Holdings. Shame on you Joe. Labour putting peoples jobs at stake.... DeJa-Vu.

Friday 13 November 2009

Liverpool City Council, Planning Committee Poodles.

I dared to venture to this weeks Tuesdays planning committee a colleague of ours had been fighting against plans sponsored by Liverpool Vision and Liverpool University to smack a mass of student flats in Myrtle Street to make a packet out of the people they teach. They had been doing a good job.

What came up first was agenda item 4 Land and buildings at Hartley Avenue 08F/2126. There was a host of objectors Tony Seibentiela (I think I have spelt that right). There was someone sitting there in short pants and a blazer behind me with a gobstopper in his mouth of all about 12 and he had a notebook. Oh he must be the new local reporter lacking about 20 years experience to even know what they are discussing. But hey he is just a reporter.

The last times we attended we did cause controversy and it looked like there was a meeting within a meeting.$

David Irving was on the table with his hush puppies and his Aran Cardy with a packet of Worthers originals looking like someone’s grandfather or favourite uncle while underneath the table brandishing a stiletto knife ready to stab the objectors in the back like a laughing assassin whilst going through the motions. “What about the listed buildings next to this proposed site does the applicant own these” He did “So cant we do something about them” The objectors were clear and concise we want this area to be a heritage led regeneration zone and they are doing something about it. I was not aware of the potential of this location until recently. They want to make it like the Eldonian Village. They have got the whole area behind them. Sitting there arrogantly chewing gum was the Reichmarshal Nigel Lee who has been discussing this scheme with the developers for years and his henchman John Bimbow does the dirty telling the committee this is a good scheme while I am looking at the screen showing the proposals thinking you should be ashamed of yourself I do not know how Bimbow can sleep at night. Why is he always pushing awful schemes on us does he live in Liverpool? The Reichmarshal doesn’t and David Irving defiantly doesn’t,

What hope do the people have in protecting their area. Anna Rotheray seemed a bit vocal maybe she is coming out of herself I thought she is putting up an argument. I would later find out she was standing for the vacant Wavertree seat.

“Couldn’t the listed buildings be cleaned up as part of this scheme” Irving asked Bimbow “No”. “Surely we could ask them to…..” “No”. There it was the stiletto is out and it’s in and out like a flash and its passed. Mr Woodward just sat there; as did the other objectors who had said this specific proposal could undermine the future of the area.
You know the people who pay the wages of the disgraceful planning authority that is Liverpool seemed powerless to impose their own views on their own area. Shame on you all. David Irving is just Doreen Jones in brogues it seems. A wasted opportunity.
The passing of the plans said
Resolved that the recommendation be approved and that the Planning Manager be requested to advise the applicant that the Committee would welcome any actions undertaken that might enhance the visual amenity of the listed buildings and their surroundings at this location through general routine maintenance and upkeep.

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Is Frank McKenna Really Editing, The Liverpool Daily Post & Echo?

Should it be called the Daily McKenna.

Why do DLIB get so much publicity in Liverpool? They are a business lobby group.
If from now on all the advertisements of theirs that appear in any of the papers on Merseyside owned by trinity Mirror are not labelled as a advertising feature I will write to the Directors of Trinity Mirror Group advising them that if this is not changed a full blown complaint to the Advertising Standards Board will be made.
The last straw is when the Daily Post blatantly allows them sponsor the views and blogs section of the paper. This, the reporter’s blogs and the letters pages. We deserve better than vested interests running this city.
The local papers should be seen to appear be above being manipulated.
While putting my time into what I believe to be issues of importance, in fact world importance in heritage contexts I consider that the public have been let down by the local press, especially the Oldham Echo.
My opinion is the Daily Ghost business editor Bill Gleeson is far too close to where the stories are originating…from local business with vested interests.
Just who sponsored Barry Turnbulls Fred Olsen cruise? While the editorial stance was attacking Southampton who would benefit from Liverpool being able to operate a turnaround facility at the Cruise Liner Jetty…Fred Olsen registered in Chorley.
Who sponsored Mark Thomas to go to Shanghai? There are many questions that need answering but number one is. What has happened to the quality of the press?
Where did all the campaigns go? Why have they ignored the cities important heritage?
When did the local business take such a stranglehold of Trinity Mirror in Liverpool that it now looks like the Merseymart, Oh sorry they own that too and use the same editorial making sure the Daily Council ram it in every direction to the public, they dont even have to buy a paper now, one come free.
Are these just my views? Maybe not?
But what is significant is when the press themselves get so fed up that they cant hold back any longer you know it is bad.
So how are Trinity “Smoking” Mirrors stifling equality in arms with the public on heritage matters? Simple by ignoring them and allowing the vested interests to infiltrate the City Council without question. Why question the people who pay for adverts in the paper is a question I think may have already been asked.
Why do DLIB get a full page in the Liverpool Daily Post Business section without a mention of it being an advert?
I am of the opinion that an advertising standards board complaint is to submitted soon.

“Downtown Liverpool is helping to shape the political agenda. We campaigned very hard against the Liverpool planners’ tall buildings policy, which would have made it virtually impossible to build a tall building. We are also tackling the myriad of public sector agencies on Merseyside – would you believe there are 82 QUANGOs running the place?”
Downtown Liverpool now has more than 300 member companies, drawn mainly from the property world, the professions and new media companies.
(McKenna now franchises the operation to Preston)
Downtown Preston will operate in the same way, hosting events, networking dinners and award ceremonies. Membership costs vary according to the size of the business, starting at £250 a year and rising to £500 for companies with more than 20 staff.

McKenna himself says

Frank McKenna was a young Skelmersdale politician with the world at his feet. Chairman of the North West Regional Assembly, leader-elect of Lancashire County Council, he was destined for a safe Labour seat in the House of Commons where a ministerial career surely beckoned. Then rumours of election fraud surfaced in satirical magazine, Private Eye, forcing him to resign from public office. After a £3 million police investigation, the judge threw out the case but his political career was over. Now he is back in Lancashire as the head of Downtown Preston in Business – a high profile lobbying group which is sure to create waves. Editor Andrew Calvert went to meet a man who is remarkably sanguine about his experiences. When you are awaiting trial on fraud charges, your chances of finding a job are somewhat limited. “There’s not a lot you can do other than work for yourself,” recalled McKenna, reflecting on the events back in 2001.The sharp-suited, fast-talking Scouser had never been short of contacts in both the public and private sectors. A public affairs consultancy business was the obvious choice of a new career and McKenna was soon winning work throughout the North West.
He had built a reputation in Liverpool for his work with property developers on planning issues and came up with the idea for Downtown Liverpool in Business.
Yes so why are they held in esteem by the local papers? This has to stop.
Or a full-blown complaint will be issued to the directors of Trinity Mirror and with another 17 staff to go I do not think they at Trinity "Smoking" Mirrors can afford to ignore a warning.

Tuesday 10 November 2009

Liverpools Hanging Gardens of Babylon Found After Centuries of Neglect.

This is Victoria Street and the historic Fruit Exchange. What is being done about this mess the property has been deteriating for decades.
The City Council are alright Compulsory Purchasing from poor defenceless householders in the Welsh Streets and Edge Lane (Elizebeth Pascoe excluded) but faced with doing anything to protect our prize buildings from getting to too far gone a state, the Conservation Office (sic) just rolls over like little squealing puppies while they have their bellies tickled. Here Lies the problem while the council are telling us constant Heritage Lies.

This another porky.
 Significant progress has been made in dealing with buildings at risk throughout the city including within the property, including the Fruit Exchange, Stanley Dock, and Royal Insurance Building. The Townscape Heritage Initiative for Buildings at Risk is making steady progress on buildings in the Rope Walks area with grant-aided restoration schemes. A priority list of 44 properties has been drawn up and will be subject to consideration for urgent works notices and repair notices;
This is what the Coucil Liars reported to Unesco.  And the mugs believed them.
Just what are the English Heretics doing.
Chris Griffiths, the waste of time Buildings At Risk officer whose wages are paid by the English Heretics, has dry rot in the balcony of the Grade II listed building where he lives.

Monday 9 November 2009

The Banalization of Liverpool

The Banalization of Liverpool

By Paul Robinson

In all facets of the city (and I imagine in all cities of the country) banality is demonstrated, conformity is rampant, there is no new milieu, just the reclassification of old principles. People are still scared to leave plates in the bedroom for fear of what other people might say. In the surge toward cosmopolitanism, we forgot to watch our backs as tedium crept up and snatched our wallets.

The new build sought only to conglomerate existing structures, not to threaten. The new tenements, espousing inner city living, are bland reconfigurations of brick and mortar, indemnifying the unity of the moneyed. No architectural rebellion, no challenge to the skyline or the eyeline has been implemented. No Liverpool revolution, only dash renovation to make room for transportation of citizens in and out of the city. The city must be rejected, it's edifices denounced.
There has been no significant artistic movement for over half a century. The Merseybeat legacy has jammed new pathways in music and poetry: in music we look to continental Europe and America for inspiration, bringing back mere imitation; in poetry we pack no unified punch, no “wah! wah!” or hand jive, no imprisonment, none willing to commit poetic crime. Creativity frequently requires penury: contentment strangles creativity, reducing artistic purpose to a diversion, pastime or hobby. Investment is not a requisite for creativity. Where is the avant-garde Liverpool breathing artistic fire? A vision we must will to transpire, otherwise the monotony of reality will lock us up and throw away the key. The artist must reject the city.
Originality is confined to subterranean hideouts, radicalism is a shop, protest is the new spectacle, no adventure or defiance stands-up in the crowd, no artistic infection that can revolutionise our town. Flash clubs and bars act as fashion parades, places for courtship serenades, the weekend providing destructive escape from the working days gone, and those to come, that mash us into the ground.
Klimt cannot reclaim the city for “artists, lovers and poets”, nor continental tender, nor transmutation, be it lamb or banana, nor movement or scene be reared on gossamer dress, yet the throng will tread in ignorance sublime, ploughing through reactivate buildings assembled from hurried cement.
A new expression must be seeded, a new artistic ideology needed, the old guard thrown aside, the sewers and the backyards opened to see what can be found. No care should be given to national trend, we should cut our own path through the earth, wear what we want, think what we want, create the profound, a new subterranean art that eschews pound, terrifies the classes and reclaims a Liverpool lost to contaminated investment.
Let starved cars choke the roads, pedestrian streets be deserted, let litter festoon retail doorways, window displays wither until dead: the emphasis must be shifted. Let Liverpool create it's own masterpiece, let the domestic screams of Grafton street be condensed into artful streams of consciousness, let the river drown the town hall and absolve the Capital enshrouding our culture. Within a few years Liverpool can become a hub of progressive chaotic excellence saturated with artists, poets, musicians and lovers, reclaimed from the dull misery that we have been intravenously fed. The city must be rejected.

Paul Robinson Poetry