Friday, 22 January 2010

NWDA to Probe its Own Land Sell-Off to Neptune Developments. Now Does That Make Sense?

This is how it was. Liverpool the Venice of the North, those magnificent views, so good we were made a world heritage site. A WHS for what our forebears left us. This had view survived by sheer miracle, that was the words of Graham Fisher the Chairman of the local Victorian Society during his elegant and passionate speech opposing the plans to develop the site by Neptune Developments at the planning committee that Lady Doreen Jones the Dame of Disaster  passed by a casting vote and then buggered off to where she lived just outside Chester with Clever Trevor the property developing ex Lord Mayor. Never should this have been allowed. All the power was with the NWDA who run the Government Office North West who report to the DCMS who are guilded by the English Heretics with their c****pted officials doing deals to further their careers. see a couple of posts we did earlier Peter de Figueiredo…. English Heretic is now I am informed employed by Peel Holdings. What good is all the money in the world if you sell your soul.

Now it is reported (badly) by the Daily Ghost that the whole of the land deal is to be investigated It is reported that the NWDA is to probe Liverpool Waterfront land sell off............which they did , how can this be right. and why are they continuing with the same old. They are funding Carbuncle after Carbuncle in the WHS.

Who-ever called themselves, falsely, a reporter who put the Daily Ghost article together does not have a clue as the figures they quote as they do not add up niether does the article make sense. It appears to be another NWDA press release packaged as a damage limitation by the Daily Ghost. We thought they were getting a bit better this year but they just do not have the journalistic skills.


  1. And just WHO is paying for the PriceWaterhouseCooper's investigation ? If it's the NWDA then it's public money. In which case, how about being serious and getting a truly independent body to investigate these financial irregularities. I will fall short of suggesting the fraud squad.

  2. David it is interesting to also note that the land was then knocked out to Dylan Harvey so cheaply bought it was a gift.
