For the whole period of two days now thats public consultation for you. The horrendous idea to build Shanghai-On-Sea is to be thrust to the public for their views.....and then they wont take a blind bit of notice what anyone thinks. There are plans to site a Cruise Liner facility in the massive proposed development which will compete against its own scheme called Wirral Waters. Are they running the place, and are the Trinity "Smoking" Mirror group really telling the true story of Liver-Peel.
Its exhibition near the city’s MetQuarter, at 9 Whitechapel from 10am-5pm tomorrow and Saturday, will feature the latest scale model of the draft project and exclusive new images, to encourage visitors to offer their views on Peel’s ambitious plans that could take up to 30 years to complete.
They say; It is being designed to make a significant contribution to the economic resurgence of Liverpool and its wider area, with new and existing residents and increasing the number of visitors to the city.
I say: Its being designed to maximise profits for its tax exile owners who should undergoe a competition commission inquiry into thier stranglehold of the region.
The local papers says Peel’s vision is for the waterfront area to become a base for a substantial workforce and residents, delivering many thousands of new jobs and homes. Part of the site lies in Liverpool’s World Heritage site and the plans are being carefully designed to protect and conserve the historic features of the area. Peel’s vision is for the waterfront area to become a base for a substantial workforce and residents, delivering many thousands of new jobs and homes. Part of the site lies in Liverpool’s World Heritage site and the plans are being carefully designed to protect and conserve the historic features of the area.
The project is to be exhibited for six months at Shanghai’s World Expo 2010, where Liverpool will have a dedicated pavilion with the aim of attracting international and national investment for Liverpool. Peel development director Lindsey Ashworth said: “We urge all who live or work in the Liverpool area to come to our consultation event.
“This is a great opportunity to see first hand what the scheme now entails and to find out what progress has been made over the past 12 months. Peel will welcome questions and comments.”
We say anyone can put a couple of perspex cones on a sheet of plywood and con the public if any turn up in the two days they have to join the the .........consultation. They have turned Princes Dock into Milton Keynes-On-Sea and now on Central docks in the WHS, Shaghai-On-Sea awaits
Planet Earth 🌏 in the 21st Century
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