Thursday 22 December 2011

A World Heritage Site Is For Life, Not Just For Christmas.

Awaiting a Unesco report, The Spivs running the city must be nervous.
Like good little Peel's Poodle's they have gone headlong into a Cultural Back Alley on their behalf.
It shows up, what the likes of Joe Anderson, with his property speculators  moll Frank McKenna, and his friends at Downtown Liverpool, who as representative for what Private Eye's 'Piloti' calls "the sinister Peel Holdings" really want, a free run on our heritage.
Through all the binge build years we have now woken up with a hangover.
And they still want more.
We dont have a planning officer convenient.
Councillor Malcolm Kennedy, Cabinet Member for Regeneration, who despite being in the paper everyday, has regenerated.......well a road for Peel Holdings, using up nearly all the road repair budget for the year in the process. 
Really don't Peel have to spend any money?
Do we have to fund their business dealings?
Is Joe Anderson too close to Peel Holdings?
Will John Hinchliffe the World Heritage Bungler be sacked?
Will The Cruise Liner Jetty balls up, be settled and will they, wrongly, stop blaming Southampton for it?
Will the local editors Alastair Machray and Mark Thomas be sacked? 
Instead of them blaming everyone else for the lack of job creation, while sacking half the workforce at Trinity "Smoking" Mirror Group and shipping out the printing presses to Oldham. They should hide their heads in shame.

These are just a few of the searching questions that will be continued to be asked in the New Year.

We wish all our colleagues, friends and fellows who are interested in solving the problems that a city corrupted and poisoned by the spivs lurking behind the scenes create, A very Merry Xmas.

If we have upset you during the last year............well tough, you must have deserved it.  

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Museum of Liverpool-Winner Of The Hugh Casson Award 2011-For Being a Spectacular Botch Up...

 'Piloti' of Private Eye the satirical magazine has for a long time taken an interest in Liverpool. This current issue no 1304 is no exception.
Writing in Nooks and Corners he awards the worst building of 2011 to The Museum of Liverpool.
They told us it was going to be Iconic......and it is, unfortunately for all the wrong reasons. click on the picture to expand the article. The squashed ciggy packet has been a complete disaster coming second in BD mags Carbuncle Cup award 2011. They promised us Iconic and give us Ichronic. All this while the now defunct Daily Ghost was telling us how wonderful it was going to be and how it will give life to the Pier Head. Funny that I was down there the other day playing spot the punter, we had to give up for lack of people. Lies, Lies and even more lies they have spun us those ill educated councillors past and present who sold the city out to.....well not even the highest bidder.

Mistakes 'Piloti' mentions a few as did numerous other publications.
We told them they were building a carbuncle, did the corrupted council officials, with their ill defined aesthetics listen, not a chance.
Spooned by Liverpool Vision with its links to the Chamber of Commerce, they, who should have known better, sold us downstream, to a bunch of carpet-bagging Vultures, right under the noses of the lazy public of Liverpool and the Local Press with its bad editors and their business section, Plumping out the true facts, who let their historic skyline be destroyed. English Heritage let it happen while the then Chairman Sir Neil Cossons was working for Liverpool Museums.

A lorra, lorra gaffes alright.......that we have to put up with for the rest of our lives. 

Oh and its happening all over again with Peel Holdings who 'Piloti' calls ".....the sinister Peel Holdings"

Friday 16 December 2011

St Andrews Church Sold To A Convicted Fraudster For A Quid!!!!

Liverpool council have agreed to sell the Grade II-listed St Andrews Church, in Rodney Street, to Nigel Russell’s construction arm, Middle England Developments, for £1. Marc Waddington wrote, for the Daily Post which it says understands some council officers were aware of Mr Russell’s convictions in the USA – which saw him stripped of his right to deal in real estate in South Carolina – but had not informed senior directors until after the deal had been recommended.

Mr Russell said his conviction was “in the past” and he didn’t wish to discuss it. The council’s own rules state that “when determining whether or not the applicant is fit and proper, the council must have regard to certain offences relating to fraud, sexual offences and contraventions of housing or landlord and tenant law”.

Opposition leaders have also raised concerns about claims allegedly being made to investors about Penlake’s operations in the city.

Under the arrangement, investors pay a lump sum of around £48,000 per unit and are guaranteed a £6,000 return in the first year only.
Read the full story here.

Are Liverpool City Council Corrupt?
That is a question I was asked the other day.

Despite promises from Joe "You're Scum" Anderson to protect our heritage, he then gives St Andrews Church away to a convicted fraudster.
Are the company, that paid the quid, members of the  Spiv Lobby Group Downtown Liverpool is another question I was asked the other day.
This post has the history of the church.

This post may or may not contain the history of the deal.
Or even this one.

Well done to Marc Waddington who shows himself as a ray of light in a room of Trinity "smoking" Mirrors here
There is hope at the Ghost yet.

Thursday 15 December 2011

Joe Anderson-"You're Scum".

Spot the scum as Uncle Joe Anderson, our Council leader, pops into the Echo Arena for a Jolly day out, shouting at people outside "You're Scum.
It seems to me that he should have considered this term when representing the council.
The Council are currentlty dealing with convicted fraudsters.
Marc Waddington, Yesteday, did a fantastic expose on how St Andrews Church has been sold to a "Cosy" Council developer for a quid. 

This is what one of our preffered bloggers (If he does not get comprimised) says on the matter.
In a post he calls letting the real scum off the hook.

Joe Anderson seems to be appearing on video rather often of recent days David Bartlett has a rather interesting video on his blog, of Joe Anderson at Downtown Liverpool (Frank McKenna) Christmas Party, at fellow Councillor Gary Millars place Parr Street Studios.

It must be Xmas because a real Turkey pops its head up............Yes Its our Friend Derek Hatton, who while leading the council knocked a whole Georgian Quarter around Casey Street down.
You must watch it.

Neil Scales Buggers Off To Australia-Good Riddance.


After wasting a fortune of our money Herr Director of Miserytravel buggers off to Australia leaving a trail of financial disasters behind him.
Miserytravel under his control cut up the historic U-534 that was rescued from the bottom of a Fford.

Let loose with our money Miserytravel commissioned the Ken Dodd with a Kebab at Lime Street station.

Miserytravel even bought Ringos house

He spent £67,000,000 of your money on a folly that will never make any cash.

Used to getting his own way and spending taxpayers money he tried to gag us.

Good Riddance Mr Scales You Will Not Be Missed. All the money you wasted on your ill concieved ideas, really, could have kept quite a few Nursing Homes open.

Monday 12 December 2011

St Andrews Church-Should Liverpool City Council Be In Charge Of Our History?

Months ago I wrote of the risks to letting Liverpool City Council look after our historic past.

I have watched as St Andrews Church has been left to decay to a shell of its former state while we are told about Regeneration... by the Council Con Merchants, who keep telling us how well we are all doing from their leadership, when in reality, and in my opinion, the whole system is corrupted.

Two years ago I asked questions about why the council had not issued proper repairs order on all the Buildings on the English Heretics at risk register.

I asked why they have put a shed on top of the Rodney Street building.

It now seems that they are trying to sell the building, or may have done so.
Will this historic building now be knocked out to some shady property developer turned into flats or even touted as a timeshare.
We are making enquiries. Watch this space.

Thursday 8 December 2011

White Star Building Hit By Storms-James Street Closed.

They spent a fortune on the "Three Black Coffins" at Mann Island while The White Star Building on the corner of James Street and the Strand lies rotting waiting for it to fall down so the site can be developed. Today it has happened with parts of the building falling off.
Built by Norman Shaw to a similar design of Scotland Yard with bands of brick and white Portland stone it is historic if not only for being the place that all families gathered when the Titanic sank, being the company headquarters.
We warned of this years ago.
Call This Regeneration, or maybe a tale of two cities.

It seems there is money to trash the world heritage site, but none to maintain our historic buildings.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Save Liverpool's World Heritage Site-From Liverpol City Council and its "Cosy" Developer Friends, Peel Holdings.

As part of our aim to highlight the real threat to Liverpool's World Heritage Site from the very people who should be protecting it.
The City Council, I took part in a feature for the ONE SHOW on BBC 1 Friday last th2 2nd December 2011  It is 2 min 25 seconds into the programme.
Cue Paul Brant the council spokesman, with more Liver Building myths.
Surely he, being a legal minded person can understand that there is no argument for any controversy when they built the Liver Buildings, it just suits him to denigrate the Icon of the city.

The BBC unfortunately fall for it every time.

Brant was furnished one comment made by the owners of the Port of Liverpool Buildings (Liver Buildings competitors at the time) supplied by, opinion for hire Peter de Figueiredo.
Who was the Historic Buildings advisor for English Heritage when Liverpool Vision put the idea for the "Three Black Coffins" at the Pier Head forward?  That Councillor Paul Brant apparently objected to?

 Peter de Figueiredo is now secretly working for Peel Holdings.
Just how many of Liverpool City Council are too?

Monday 5 December 2011


You chip away trying to put an argument forward showing what we will lose if World Heritage Site Status is removed.
But it is always being undermined by the local media with their close links to developers and their misguided principles.
The Spiv lobby, partly made up of previous redundo's and outcasts who now hawk their wares around the local reporting media seem to get their way far too often.
Take Mark Thomas............please,will someone take the editor of the Daily Post, and explain to him some principles.
 My opinion is that he has been tainted and having had such a hard time,  he thinks if he hides below the water line and administer the sackings nobody will notice.
Whilst claiming in writing, in the paper that we as campaigners are costing jobs he slashes them on behalf of his employers who shipped out all the printing presses to Oldham.
Some people need to take a hard look at themselves.
Today's opinion goes on about creating jobs by giving Peel Holdings planning permission to trash the World Heritage Site, while he is the grim reaper at the Daily Post dishing out redundancy money to anyone who will take it.
I spoke to David Bartlett Thursday last and advised him of a threat to London and he first said we cant do anything about this. Then he phoned me back and said " Oh yes we can now" I knew it was going to be a stitch up job at Editor level. Davids piece was alright.

so it is a case of keeping the local press informed, but I think that is about it now.

But the extremists at the Daily Ghost lead me to think that they are in on all this and the local media are far too close to the developers and local groups of Spivs such as Downtown Liverpool who Joe Anderson is far too close to also.

Today's Daily Ghost opinion is another desperate attempt for the editor to curry favour with his my opinion.

Have the heritage lobby perhaps not fully appreciated the extraordinary impact of the ongoing recession?
Do they somehow think we would be willing to sacrifice jobs and investment because they say we should?  They say in today's Opinion.

Has the editor of the Daily Ghost not realised that some of us run businesses in the cultural sector and have aesthetic values and have realised that the trashing of the Pier Head may have created a small number of jobs but the cultural sacrifice is far too great.

While this editor has been employed the world heritage site has been trashed.

Why is he trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the public?
 Just look at the state of Mann Island against what was there before.
Mark Thomas seems intent on losing us the WHS status.


Friday 2 December 2011

Save The Liverpool World Heritage Site.

Yes it has got to that stage now, those that have done the damage are now trying to manipulate the centre ground in the publicity stakes, using all the usual rubbish like cities need to evolve and move, they dont mention the carbuncles. Yesterday it was the Queen who visited the Carbuncle Museum, it was strange watching the black Hearse pass the "Three Black Coffins" at Mann Island.

Phil Redmond met the Queen, as Chairman of Liverpool Museums, oh and Mike McCartney.......isnt there anyone else. He mentions it in his column in the Daily Ghost (at least one reason for closing the paper down).
He says;
ONE of the greatest symbols of our shared heritage, the Monarchy, was on display this week with the Queen opening the Museum of Liverpool before going on to the Liver Buildings and then the Floral Pavilion on the Wirral.

Symbols of past, present and future but a reminder that our real World Heritage Status is simply the region’s shared past, present and future. We should neither rely on, nor be cavalier about, whatever the likes of Unesco think or decide, but we need a balanced view.
It can be no coincidence, even perhaps some comfort, to discover that London Tower is also in danger of joining Dresden in being “struck off”, because of the encroachment of modern development.
Perhaps the real issue, then, is that modern cities will always want to evolve and change, so should Unesco really be trying to classify city centres, no matter how worthy.

Strange that Phil who lives in Tarporly in leafy Cheshire told me pointing to the new museum and Mann Island, during a conversation I was having with Tristram Hunt who wrote an article on Liverpool for the Times.

"They should have built all this on the Wirral, but at least it will fall down in 50 years" 

Further reading

Thursday 1 December 2011

Tower of London and Palace of Westminster could lose World Heritage Status

Tower of London and Palace of Westminster could lose status

Inspectors from Unesco are to visit London next week to review the  architectural status of the Tower of London and the Palace of Westminster.
Unesco is concerned about the impact of high-rise developments in the vicinity of the two attractions, including projects such as the Shard.

A report on the Tower of London produced by Unesco this year states that the World Heritage Committee “considers that the incremental developments around the Tower over the past five years have impacted adversely its visual integrity.”
Previous reports have called for a buffer zone to be put in place to protect the tower.
Similar concerns about the Palace of Westminster were also raised earlier this year. Unesco has called for a moratorium on new projects in the area until protection is introduced for the setting of the palace.

To think the Queen is at the New Museum today, that along with the Three Black Coffins carbunculates the Liverpool World Heritage Site.