As part of our aim to highlight the real threat to Liverpool's World Heritage Site from the very people who should be protecting it.
The City Council, I took part in a feature for the ONE SHOW on BBC 1 Friday last th2 2nd December 2011 It is 2 min 25 seconds into the programme.
Cue Paul Brant the council spokesman, with more Liver Building myths.
Surely he, being a legal minded person can understand that there is no argument for any controversy when they built the Liver Buildings, it just suits him to denigrate the Icon of the city.
The BBC unfortunately fall for it every time.
Brant was furnished one comment made by the owners of the Port of Liverpool Buildings (Liver Buildings competitors at the time) supplied by, opinion for hire Peter de Figueiredo.
Who was the Historic Buildings advisor for English Heritage when Liverpool Vision put the idea for the "Three Black Coffins" at the Pier Head forward? That Councillor Paul Brant apparently objected to?
Peter de Figueiredo is now secretly working for Peel Holdings.
Just how many of Liverpool City Council are too?
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