Where the disgusting vandals at Iliad ruined an intact Victorian facade, which was one of a whole block, that had escaped two world wars including the blitz only to see this disgusting firm knock it down before English Heritage had a chance to list it. http://liverpoolpreservationtrust.blogspot.com/2009/03/heres-one-they-did-earlier.html
It caused a lot of controversy, do not forget what these wretched developers did, sending someone out with a sledgehammer to destroy a Liver Bird crested stone portico.
Daily Post Editors views 6 Sir Thomas
You will see the view is interrupted by Old Jamaica House on the opposite side of the road. The originally said it was to be a six star hotel. Now they say five stars, but with Falconer Chester in charge and with jobs like the interior of Speke Airport under their belt, I cant see it, maybe a three at best.
Architect Paul Falconer, of Falconer Chester Hall, said the project had taken a long time because of the complexity of knitting three buildings together, two of which are listed.
He made no mention in today's press article of the one that wasn't listed....that, was been destroyed. The whole area is being stealthed. http://liverpoolpreservationtrust.blogspot.com/2009/08/lets-take-sentimental-journey-with.html
Iliad once declared History is our Future. http://liverpoolpreservationtrust.blogspot.com/2009/08/concourse-house-one-step-forward-and.html
How many more demolitions are planned.
Iliad are members of Frank McKennas, Downtown Liverpool in a skip. http://liverpoolpreservationtrust.blogspot.com/2009/06/dlib-in-skip.html