I couldn’t believe it Big Mouth Berni is on national television, will she slap the judge if he doesnt agree with her. What will her specialist subject be? Sardines. http://liverpoolpreservationtrust.blogspot.com/2009/10/berni-turner-and-tin-of-sardines.html It certainly wont be the 46 listed buildings that have been downed under the liberal democrats. Or will it be the disastrous state of Dale Street http://liverpoolpreservationtrust.blogspot.com/2009/08/lets-take-sentimental-journey-with.html or the 200 listed buildings in a bad state of repair. Or the thousands of homes demolished under the pathfinder scheme. Her title is The English Heritage Historic Environment Champion. No she was to have her specialist subject on The Twighlight Novels of Stephanie Meyer.
Introduced as Bernadette Turner.
“The supernatural romance genre is huge. You walk into any bookshop or go online and there are reams and reams of these books (so yes they are common) and some of them are well incredibly well written. Twighlight novels are a series of 4 books and they are about vampires if you like!
Oh she is going to talk about Trevor Jones and Doreen Jones bleeding the Baltic Triangle site dry sucking all the lifeblood out of it with their involvement with Windsor Developments whose director it was alleged was struck off the accountants register for Fraud. She took over the previously fraudulently titled job of Heritage Champion from the Dame of Disaster she who did more damage to the world heritage site than the Luffwaffe, Doreen Jones what a Dame. http://www.helm.org.uk/upload/pdf/2005_leaflet_version_7_final_version.pdf?1251366270
But no She continued “They are about a very special breed of Vampires if you like.
Vegetarian Vampires”, I was laughing out loud by this stage, “They remind me of Romeo and Juliet, Cathy and Heathcliffe in Wuthering Heights it’s a great romance but with all the extra things Werewolves, Vampires. What more could a girl want”.
Well there you go what do you expect, another contestant masterminded on the Architecture of Aberdeen since 1860. No sign of her talking about Liverpool’s heritage or its architecture though. She came last, but in fairness she did not descend into any of the same old vile banter and did alright on the general knowledge which I am not surprised with simple questions such as “Who entered the UK charts with shout and was backed by the Luvvers” http://liverpoolpreservationtrust.blogspot.com/2009/08/berni-turner-opens-her-big-gob-again.html So anyone can read four tacky novels and go on Mastermind these days. What next for Beradette Turner.
Planet Earth 🌏 in the 21st Century
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