A MAJOR road scheme should be delayed to help pay for Merseyside to get a tram network, it was proposed last night. http://www.liverpooldailypost.co.uk/liverpool-news/regional-news/2009/11/16/liverpool-merseytram-delay-port-of-liverpool-road-plan-to-pay-for-trams-scheme-92534-25176970/
What is with all these people in Liverpool who are content to think that Liverpools tommorrow is based on getting people to the shops in Grosvenor-pool. Bazooka Joe Anderson fires another salvo at the workforce to our region. Is he not aware that Peel Holdings already are planning to circumnavigate Liverpool. http://liverpoolpreservationtrust.blogspot.com/2009/07/liverpeel.html This is Bazooka's resume at the council.
http://councillors.liverpool.gov.uk/mgUserInfo.aspx?UID=222&J=1 Does he not think and is it a fact that he has watched the world heritage site being destroyed without lifting a finger? Is he a Liberal Democrat by any other name? Was he not on the boards of every regeneration agency who have milked European Slush Fund? £950,000,000 of Objective One money a load of it wasted on Mann Island and the Pier Head, and still complaints of no funds.
It has taken me a while to realise that the phlebiens of this city are not the local folk but those who have taken over the power strings of politics.
http://liverpoolpreservationtrust.blogspot.com/search/label/Peel%20Holdings So why dont you just admit it Joe as part of Liverpool Vision............You should have went to Spec-Savers you are not thinking joined up. http://liverpoolpreservationtrust.blogspot.com/2009/08/trinity-smoking-mirrors-group.html or is this Trinity "Smoking" Mirrors putting words in his mouth and he is not clever enough to realise it, desperate for the front page of the Daily Peel. http://liverpoolpreservationtrust.blogspot.com/2009/07/liver-peel-conflicts-of-interest-begin.html Or is he working with the NWDA whose new Chairman is a ex Executive of Peel Holdings. Shame on you Joe. Labour putting peoples jobs at stake.... DeJa-Vu.
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