3 July, 2009 By India Wright
To then have the architects of the new museum 3XN criticizing the terminal for not blending in with the world heritage site is a bit rich. I think it fits with the museum perfectly, its just that they both ignored the fact that there are three classical pieces of architecture adjacent.
It was pulled apart by Private Eye before the planning application was at the planning committee. Oh and those clever members of the planning committee bringing all their architectural experience in to play and making a deliberated decision. Spivs-R-Us. You could write that, what the whole of the planning committee knew about architecture you could fit on the back of a postage stamp....in the top right hand corner. This is in Louise Ellmans constituency. So the whole weight of the architectural world can now have a laugh at us and Warren Bradley says Prince Charles is in admiration of what we have done.http://liverpoolpreservationtrust.blogspot.com/2009/07/milton-keynes-on-sea-we-are-rumbled.html
This is part of the biggest architectural disaster to my city since the Blitz of the Second World War. I am ashamed of what they have done to the World Heritage Site in the name of progress.
You build on your past not concrete over it.
I used to enjoy going down to the Pier Head, even when it was only used as a bus station. The buildings in their isolation had a wonderful, grand presence. You could see them from miles away, unsullied by the cheap rubbish which now surrounds them. The start of the rot was the Crowne Plaza Hotel - an ugly, squat little piece of tat. It's only virtue was that it did not impose on the Three Graces too much. What has been done since is abominable. The egg box museum and the grotesque granite blocks are obscene, but can anyone conceive of a worse piece of junk than this ferry terminal ? When I first saw the plans I thought it was some kind of joke...the joke, unfortunately, is on the people of Liverpool who have to live with it.