Oh No it makes you despair. We save Heaps Mill from destruction and the developer appoints Falconer Chester Hall, the architectural whores of Liverpool to come up with a crap scheme that is going to destroy the whole essence, of the now, listed building.
Liverpool Confidential writes up the story, that is knocked out by PR whores Dougal Paver who are tying to pull the wool over the eyes of the public....again; Shame on you, don't you care about the heritage of your city, or do you just turn a blind eye like the other moles at Archetype Studios or is it Aurora Media.
Liverpool Confidential quite rightly put an arrow showing where the Mill is.........practically obliterated.
All plans that are near or adjacent to a listed building have to be treated with respect for the listed structure.
This scheme is an insult to the intelligence to all those who fought to save the building from demolition.
Don't trust the Merseyside Civic Society on this scheme. though they did a good job on the listing, Peter Brown its Chairman is 'bessy' mates with the directors of Neptune Developments who have plans passed for an equally awful scheme on the old Lamb and Sons, the last ships Chandlers in the city.
Once owned by Trevor and Doreen Jones (who passed Mann island with casting vote as planning committee chairperson) right next to Heaps Mill.
These plans would not be passed now, as the affect the listed status of Heaps Mill.
Peter Brown promoted the Three Black coffins on behalf of Neptune, in our opinion stitching the public up with an architectural disaster when he as Chairman should know better.
We dont trust any of them at MCS.
Just why are they supporting building on Sefton Meadows when the public is against it.It all looks well dodgy to the writer. They only have 90 members and on average 4 turn up to a meeting.
Don't believe the hype.
The fight to save Heaps Rice Mill has only just begun.
The Law vs. the Truth: Getting to the Bottom of the Richard D. Hall Case
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