More shoddy reporting from the Liverpool Echo has led to some confusion about our recent objections to plans for The Historic India Buildings.
How can they keep getting things wrong and be so deluded.
Boycott the Sunday Echo!!!!!
We supported the idea for a coffee shop within the historic arcade but objected to a meeting room in a vacant retail unit.
The landlords have wanted to put offices in the arcade for some time and we worry if this is the thin end of the wedge.
Green Property has recently invested substantial sums into the building but it still remains largely empty.
Wayne assisted with the idea for a coffee shop after the person who wanted to open it was told that the landlords would not wish to go ahead with the project giving extensive reasons such as smells and people loitering in the arcade.
The planning application 13L/2472 that was undemocratically passed by delegated powers at the planning office and Joe Anderson ignored a petition that was agreed to be passed on to the planners by the comments deadline.
The plans were to close two entrance doors to Water Street and fit a revolving door to the remaining thus restricting access to an arcade that was built over Chorley Street. The landlords now say they do not wish to close off the public access.
The plans then morphed into a new set of plans with a meeting room attached to the coffee shop although the applicant plans were named as Chemistry coffee they were in fact submitted by the landlords and Wayne as a concerned shopkeeper went to address the planning committee. It was clear that as he helped to constitute the idea for a café that he did not object to Chemistry opening a shop but both he and other shopkeepers agreed that a meeting room was in fact wrong for the arcade as the retailers needed help and assistance.
It was always going to be passed by the planning committee poodles who do resemble at best nodding dogs, they never disagree with a planning department that is corrupted, so what’s the point in having them.
Can it be as bad as Doreen Jones and David Irving’s poodles.
The journalist who reported on the planning committee failed to understand this aspect of his speech and the usual bad editing has led to half a story.
One thing is certain without the controversy and the publics concern for the beautiful Holts Arcade the announcement of a coffee shop opening would not have been an event.
So it has got India Buildings back in the spotlight.
We wish Ian of Chemistry Coffee success in his venture in the magnificent Holts Arcade of India Buildings.
Planet Earth 🌏 in the 21st Century
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