Last night Arif Ansari investigated the Peel Group's, holding over the area around the Mersey basin. Wayne gave a soundbite as did Frank McSpiv of Downtown Liverpool, which Peel belong to.
Joe Anderson again goes on about the World Heritage being a badge.
Someone should pin a badge on his forehead. "I am a Spiv for Peel Holdings".
It is clear that Peel are moving as much industry down the Manchester Ship Canal and with it jobs in the industrial sector.
click on link to watch programme.
It did not mention just exactly happened to Cuba Mill in Ramsbottom a couple of decades ago when John Whittaker was just starting out though. Peel said they take consultation seriously, yes and my auntie is my uncle.
Arif is no Jeremy Paxman but this is BBC Northwest and he does his best......not to upset anyone.
“The illusion that their government has their best interests at heart is
rapidly fading for millions of people in Britain, particularly since the
arrival in power of Keir Starmer, longstanding member of the criminocrats’
Trilateral Commission and ardent proponent of their chilling “global
change” agenda.”