They can tell you all the rubbish they like about how they will persuade Unesco's reactive monitoring mission, but this Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is the reason that we escaped the wrath of Unesco's last monitoring making them empty promises of how we as a city will protect the Overall Universal Value of the WHS.
Its no point in Malcolm Kennedy, charged by Joe Anderson, the council leader, with Regeneration and Heritage, who appears to be seconded to Peel Holdings, who are planning to destroy the WHS with their plans for Shanghai-On-Mersey, telling us everything will be fine, it wont. Despite being employed by the citizens of Liverpool, Malcolm is now telling us how he will tell Unesco we will protect the WHS while setting out to destroy the OUV along with Peel Holdings. He is bluffing us with PR rubbish, the same as the Fib-Dems did before starting the job of WHS ruination.
Click the link to expand on the Supplementary Planning Document that we as a city adopted to secure the WH status, after the threats of removal. Unesco have said Peel Holdings Liverpool Waters planning application, if to be passed would destroy the Overall Universal Value of that World Heritage Site.
So lets break it down here is the SPD, its a long read but Unesco will do the work, I am sure.
Anyone commenting on Liverpools WHS needs to read this and that includes the local press.
Here is the sustainability section of the SPD.
Here is the section on public consultation in which the LPT are named as consultees to the preparation of the document as are the arch vandals Neptune Developments who decimated, along with Liverpool Museums, Liverpools WHS and its waterfront views.
This City Council can not be trusted.
This section is called an Assesment Screening Report.
The report was prepared by Atkins who have also drawn up a set of plans to fill in Wellington Dock
Malcolm's mugs at the council and its sub division of Peel Holdings can put their head in the sand all they like but the lawful planning document has been adopted, by the city council.
This is what Unesco actually said that the current plans for Liverpool Waters goes directly in conflict against the SPD.
118. Liverpool – Maritime Mercantile City (United Kingdom) (C 1150)
Decision: 35 COM 7B.118
The World Heritage Committee,
1. Having examined Document WHC-11/35.COM/7B.Add,
2. Expresses its extreme concern at the proposed development of Liverpool Waters in terms of the potential impact of its dense, high and mid-rise buildings on the form and design of the historic docks and thus on the Outstanding Universal Value of the property;
3. Notes that the independent Impact Assessment commissioned by English Heritage clearly sets out the significantly damaging negative impact on the Outstanding Universal Value of the property;
Decisions report WHC-11/35.COM/20, p. 150
4. Also notes that the proposed development is not in compliance with the property
Management Plan nor with the Liverpool Urban Development Plan;
5. Urges the State Party to ensure that these proposals are not approved, as failure to do so could lead to consideration of loss of the Outstanding Universal Value of the property;
6. Requests the State Party to invite a joint World Heritage Centre/ICOMOS reactive monitoring mission, as soon as possible, to assess planning procedures and the overall development strategies for the property;
7. Also requests the State Party to submit to the World Heritage Centre, by 1 February 2012, an updated report on the state of conservation of the property and on the implementation of the above, examination by the World Heritage Committee at its 36th session in 2012.
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