All my life I have waited for Liverpool to pull its socks up, through all those dark days when no finances were available, I hoped while we got battered from pillar to post by the national press we could recreate our past glory and be back on centre stage.
All through those dark days could go down to Pier Head and stare at the majesty of what Liverpool was, and hope for the future.
Then I watched while they paved Paradise and put up a parking lot.
It has broke my heart watching our best asset, the central core of the world heritage site destroyed by crass speculation and inappropriate development.
Imagine if they did this to the Pyramids and the Taj Mahal the outrage that would ensue. And the spivs and speculators of which there are too many in this city tell me don’t worry its progress.
Well it’s not its degeneration we are being turned into a laughing stock…this is what they do when they are European Capital of Culture…clever, really clever, not.
Because the central docks are not as pretty it takes nothing away from its historical importance.
The council have already filled in Trafalgar Docks in a foolish decision to let them dump it in with the millions of tons of rubble from Chavasse Park where they built over Steers dock the oldest dock in the world.
Liverpool Mercantile and Maritime city and we try to turn it into Shanghai for a company, Peel Holdings, whose stranglehold on the region is far too great.
My city council who I pay my rates to should be far less gushing to these developers, the whole notion that the city council who are supposed to look after the world heritage site are selling it down the river literally is abhorrent to me.
Liverpool docks are being shipped down river where Peel are building Port Salford and then they say they are to create jobs by building glass shoeboxes in something that off plan resembles Dubai on Sea, claiming this is the only way forward when there are already so many empty apartments.
They can’t build apartments and take away the jobs for industry. Salford will now benefit from industry setting up creating jobs. I want to see my city create jobs not move them, that is our future.
What have Peel and the city council, which in my opinion is now joined at the hip in an unhealthy relationship that stifles debate, got to hide from English Heritage as advisers to the UK government.
I cant see what Peel are scared of if they want to come to my city and trample all over us then they are not welcome by us.
If they wish to build something that respects the heritage of our great city then they may start by revising their plans and it may be a good idea to start looking to Amsterdam for inspiration and not the horrid loneliness and stifling mess of Shanghai, who do they think they are coming here telling us we are going to turn you into Shanghai.
CABE have slammed the Liverpool Waters development saying it will detrimentally affect the Overall Universal Value of the WHS something that they said the three black coffins and its sister museum would not…yes that is how bad it is.
We have one chance to get it right and respect our history, that is our future.
Who the bloody hell do Peel Holdings think they are coming into our city telling us they are going to turn us into Shanghai.
What has Shanghai got to do with Liverpool……..they have built over their history?
The unhealthy relationship between the city council and developers such as Peel is alarming.
The council and its leaders are playing a game of Confirmation bias towards Peel, with our history.
Liverpool Mercantile and Maritime City just look what they have done to the Pier Head, built three black coffins and an anachronism of a museum, if any other city had of done world heritage site there would have been world outrage.
I don’t like to see my city being laughed at we have made too many mistakes.
Liverpool’s Heritage is at risk here and as a WHS is of concern to all.
Planet Earth 🌏 in the 21st Century
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