They will have to edit a section when I slipped up and called it Liverpool's World Heritage S*ite. "What have they done he said none of it was there last time I was in Liverpool" he said, "Now I am supposed to be impartial, but"
"Tell me about it" I said.
The programme is about the governments plans to relax the planning laws, to simplify them.....I had to laugh.
This development was covered by A World Heritage Convention and Liverpool's inclusion to uphold its principles, A conservation area act status, planning guidelines and considering the amount of listed buildings there its consent, oh and the framework for the protection of the Conservation areas. "Only the system is corrupt" I added "When you have spivs such as Fib-Dem leaders Trevor Jones and Mike Storey and their now defunct puppet Warren Bradley running the system you don't have a chance". I hope they leave that part in.
This is the latest building to go up Y'know they knocked Steers House on Chavasse Park down, one of the most hated buildings in Liverpool, and they built Steers House opposite only 15 storeys higher.
Where is the common sense in that.
Liverpool's planning laws have always been streamlined for Neptune Developments, Rob Mason, a director used to work for the council. Steve Parry may be on the programme it will only be a 10 minute slot at 11.30 am on Saturday morning.
Lets hope they show the corruption in the Liverpool planning system up for what it is. And lets hope there are a few M.P's listening and one of them thinks to tighten up the planning laws and keep corrupted councillors with sticky fingers and their local PR companies..........the local press out of it.
And let the public have their say, give it an equality of arms to fight the likes of this bad systematic destruction of a once proud assett.
Below is a BBC Merseyside link. This is what we had to say at the time of the planning application passed on a casting vote by the Lady Doreen Jones who was the English Heritage Historic Environment Champion, and Trevor's wife, at the time.
Oh and remember what it looked like.
We had it all and a hand full of corrupted councillors sold it.