Friday 29 December 2017

India Buildings-Send In The Clowns.

Styles and Wood the big time building contractor trying to establish themselves in the Restoration of Listed Buildings are showing what a mess a bunch of clowns can create.
Upsetting everyone in the area this contractor is well and truly out of its depth.
 Fred Karno could have organised this job better.
What about the existing business and members of the public who use these streets?
 India Building has a Miseryrail exit/entrance for James street so this is the first impression they get when entering the locality.
 What have the council done?
Did they organise a consultation or an impact study? No that's too easy to do and it now transpires that the council have sold the streets to STYLES and WOOD for them to organise as they see fit. They couldn't organise a dust up in a flour Mill.
 So the local businesses some that have been there for 30 years now have to struggle further in harsh economic times. While the MAYORS FUND gets a cash injection.

Friday 4 August 2017

Liverpool Council-Corrupt To The Core.

The Liverpool Echo is full of news today about Nigel Russel the fraudster convicted in America that was allowed to buy council property the city council.

Heres one we did earlier.

He once worked for Tarik Bin Ladin the half brother of Osama Bin Ladin.
How disgraceful where were the checks on him. Why did Fat Joe Back'Anderson allow his council to deal with these people deemed not to be fit and proper. Was it Ged Fitzgerald's job to check.
 The Echo also ran an article about Ged Fitzgerald the chief executive of Liverpool City Council receiving complaints about him.
Here's one we did earlier.

City leaders sold the Grade II listed St Andrew’s Church in Rodney Street for £1 to one of Mr Russell’s companies in 2010.
Mr Russell had been jailed in the USA for passport fraud, tax evasion and illegal possession of firearms in the mid 2000s, and after a spell working in Dubai, returned to Liverpool to set up his property empire.
Investors say that if the council had carried out a test to see whether Mr Russell was a “fit and proper person” to hold licences to operate houses of multiple occupancy (HMOs), then they and fellow investors from as far away as Canada, Brunei, Saudi Arabia and the Philippines may not have had to endure what they called years of hell.

Thursday 20 July 2017

Joe Anderson Refuses To Answer Questions On World Heritage.

At the Council meeting at the Town Hall 19th July Mr Back'Anderson blocked a motion  to debate World Heritage 'At Risk' status. This was put forward by the Lib Dems.
There was enough to debate such as the disgraceful set of affairs regarding Liverpool's dodgy chief executive, Ged Fitzgerald who is suspended on full pay. He was recently arrested....In Lancashire.
 It seems like he's getting away with it in Liverpool while most know he is at it.
Shouldn't an investigation be made into his Liverpool dealings BY LIVERPOOL POLICE.
They say a leopard does't change its spots, talking of which Fitzgerald's friend Frank McKenna a Lancashire Councillor now, needs a look into too, and how the relationship between the trio works with Mayor Back'Anderson fronting it.
We get the Oldham Echo on the case no wonder they can get away with it.

The motion to debate World Heritage status has been referred to a committee which may be a secretive affair as how will the public know about it
So it was not debated at all very convenient for local developers or stakeholders as they are called.
And there was not even a mention of it in the Oldham Echo who seem to be backing the Mayor. Helping him get away with it.


Wednesday 5 July 2017

UNESCO 2017 World Heritage Committee Meeting KRAKOW. Liverpool Get Hammered For World Heritage Blight by ICOMOS .

Well you have heard all the lies from Liverpool City Council and its PR company THE LIVERPOOL ECHO about heritage being safe with Joe Anderson. 
But here is the reality. Liverpool get lambasted by the educated officials at UNESCO during the World Heritage Committee meeting in Krakow 2017. 
You can watch it yourself here in part 1 and 2.
 It seems that numerous State Parties thought Liverpool has had enough chances and wanted to delete Liverpool there and then. 
 Many think the New Museum and The Black Coffins were enough to have us deleted but this continual heritage blight through bad planning. (Liverpool does not have a Chief Planning Officer or a World Heritage Officer) Is only going to end one way. 
Below is lat years meeting.

Tuesday 4 July 2017

Liverpool Escapes UNESCO World Heritage Site Deletion-By The Skin Of Its Teeth.

Today in Krakow during the 41st World Heritage Committee meeting we avoided deletion.......for another year. By the skin of our teeth, it was close.
No-one at Unesco it seems, really gives us a hope but on the list we are, for another year.
They have given us one last chance.
Icomos representative was scathing of the State Party with overall responsibility but unable to control Joe Anderson.
Lets round up all the useless suspects. Henry Owen John of Historic England was there.
And surprisingly Malcolm Kennedy in Mayoral chains pretending to be the real Mayor.
Malcolm Kennedy was largely responsible for the Lime Street disaster that saw the Futurist demolished.
Here's one we did earlier. Is Malcolm Kennedy a developers consultant

Heres another one we did earlier.

A statement was read out by Gerry Procter ......who.....a council plant paid for by public funds to make it look like there is support and he is part of the Cabal.

Poland and Philippines delegates really fed up with Liverpool all had given up on Liverpool.
Finland wanted to support us but we really looked like a World Heritage basket case.
 Like a third world country.
The Ivory Coast was removed from In Danger list after working with UNESCO.


Thursday 22 June 2017

RIBA North Open.........In Liverpool Mann Island Carbuncle.

You couldn't make this up.
The Royal Institute Of British Architects, the revered society and patrons of our architectural in Mann Island.
They start off their tenure with an exhibition of buildings that were never built.
Just look at what one of their architects did to Liverpool's Pier Head.
Yes they are basically the same views you are looking at, but now you cant see the majesty of what was left from Liverpool's Maritime and glorious past because a RIBA architect wrecked the place.

So lets put this in perspective, 
An exhibition of buildings that were never built a building that should never have been built.

Runner up in BD carbuncle cup awards 2012.
 To Peel Holdings Media City, yes Peel Holdings who have got Liverpool on The World Heritage In Danger List.

Matt Brook the so called architect should have been struck off for this monstrosity but now the body that he is north west representative award him by taking space in his creation.

So now when Liverpool's World Heritage Site Status is in ruins RIBA come along and pat one of their members on the back...................If it wasn't so tragic it would be hilarious.
Promoted by the sill editors of The Daily Ghost.....R.I.P and the Liverpool Echo......printed in Oldham, while all the warning signs were there, the educated idiots who edited the papers played follow the leader and unfortunately Fib-Dem Warren Bradley was the leader of the council at the time.

Thursday 15 June 2017

Liverpool To Lose UNESCO World Heritage Site Status In 2018. Its Official.

In view of the above analysis, it is recommended that the Committee expresses its deep concern that the projects already approved as well as those approved in outline have actual and potential highly adverse and irreversible impacts on the OUV of the property. 
Therefore, it is also recommended that the Committee retain the property on the List of World Heritage in Danger but consider its deletion from the World Heritage List at its 42nd session in 2018, if the State Party does not reverse course and stop the granting of planning permissions which have a negative impact on the OUV of the property, provide substantive commitments to limitation on the quantity, location and size of allowable built form, link the strategic city development vision to a regulatory planning document, and lastly provide a DSOCR and corrective measures that could be considered for adoption by the Committee.

Read it yourself here.

Monday 5 June 2017

Fifty Years Since Sargent Peppers Album Released-What's Changed? Well Not The Potholes.

Picture yourself on a boat on a river.......Well if you have to.
Yes its fifty years since Sargent Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band hit the shops. 
Named by all and sundry as a milestone in recording history. 
It certainly made the worst artist in the world, Peter Blake's name.
This week Liverpool celebrates its creation. Completely forgetting that the Beatles left Liverpool very early on and Ringo was not even here and hated the place.
But their lonely hearts mindled their way through mammories of what they had left behind....... and couldn't wait to get away from. 
Do you blame them it was bad after the war desolation everywhere and then there was Cilla Black, its enough to make anyone want to get out.
Penny Lane was in their hearts of course.
 The song was originally supposed to be on the album as was Strawberry Fields but both were released months before as Brian Epstein and the Beagles record company wanted to keep those Beat boys in the public eye.

The last track on the album 'A Day In The Life' is a mix of two tunes written much earlier than the rest.
Everyday realism combined of ordinary life, dead pan comedy intertwined with phsycadelia,

Well there you go, that's what Howard Goodwall describes it as, on his BBC programme about the Fab Four's album.
But what was it about, 

A Day In The Life.
It was a mix of two songs written after a newspaper article that the chirpy chappies had read. 
One part was about the young Guinness Heiress who was killed in a car crash.
The other, also a article on the same page about 4,000 potholes in Blackburn Lancashire.

So whats changed in 50 years under those blue suburban skies.

Well five decades later there are about 4,000 potholes down my road. And I bet its the same where you live. While The Mayor is giving money to his property developer mates there is no money for the chasms opening up in a street near you.

While Joe Back'anderson is spending a fortune of our money on firework displays to commemorate the 50 years since the album was created..... and 55 since the Beagles left the place, the roads are literally crumbling under our feet.

Now that's surreal guess which one will be the deepest. Its a magical mystery tour trying to avoid them. I ended up in Southport last week.

Someone from the Potherb Programme walks down the road with a spray can and marks them.....then they eventually patch them and another hole opens up next to the same one.
I watched as Liverpool's Pothole programme, run by potherbs made its way down the road shoving in bits of tarmacadam to the hundreds of trench like traps that are ruining my suspension and straining my axle only to find two weeks later the same holes opening up again.

Now that's what you call Mr Kite.  

Thursday 1 June 2017

Ged Fitzgerald Answers Questions About Money Laundering In Liverpool.

Questions need to be asked, publicly, about the role that Liverpool City Council have in facilitating money laundering and dodgy cash from developers that have far too close a relationship with Liverpool City Council. Here is a FOI reply from Ged Fitzgerald who was arrested last week. Where he answers nothing because the City Solicitor has answered it for him.You would think that getting to the route of corruption would be the role of the local press but we get stuck with Alastair Machray and his sidekick and advertorial specialist Mark Thomas, so there is not much chance of that.
 Look at the charade with Joe Anderson backing Peel Holdings whose cash, it was said, by the Liverpool Echo, for the non existant Liverpool Waters, was coming from a high ranking Chinese government official, Stella Shiu....that we exposed as a bankrupt in Hong Kong. 
They even gave a column to Frank Mckenna of Downtown Liverpool In Business. 
That says it all really.
Rumours that planning permission can be bought are rife around Liverpool. This needs looking
There is even a guy driving around with a van emblazoned with words JOE MUST GO and CORRUPTION.
Some of the planning applications that have recently been passed surely warrant someone taking a back'ander because that is the only way they could be passed.
Lets hope that the spotlight on Ged Fitzgerald opens up a tranche of investigations into his conduct and affairs in Liverpool while Chief Executive of Liverpool Council and that Joe Back'anderson gets a little look into also. 
If you know anything why not drop us a line and we can pass it on to the police.

Monday 22 May 2017

Ged Fitzgerald Arrested. Why Did Joe Anderson Pick Him?

Why was Ged Fitzgerald picked as Chief Executive of this great city?

Was he picked specially for his talents?

Does he have any talents? 

Does he have a talent for hiding the truth?

Is he mates with Frank McKenna? 

The phrase Hot Potato springs to mind. so who gave him the job? 

He was embroiled in the Rotherham Child Abuse scandal accused in fact of allegedly covering up the scandal.

What does the pathetic editor of The Liverpool Echo do about accusations against him.............stuff all.
Who is next?.............Answers on a brown envelope to the address below.

Mayor Joe Anderson
Liverpool City Council
Cunard Buildings

Tuesday 16 May 2017

John McIntosh Liverpool Planning Committee Chair Binned......After He Has Done The Damage!

In a dramatic turn of events Joe Anderson's mate John McIntosh was binned by the Labour Party.
He has been on the planning committee for 17 years.
There were rumour's that Fat Joe wanted Fat John there to deliver plans through the planning process.

We made a FOI request for details of all correspondence between the pair.
Why are they ignoring this lawful request?.

liverpool preservationtrust 

to informationreq.
Dear Sir/Madam,
                           I understand Kevin Symm is no longer working in your department.
Please would you provide the following information as a FOI request.
I would request all copies of correspondence between Jon McKintosh, Chairman of Liverpool City Planning Committee and The Mayor Joe Anderson
I require ths information by email and letters and to contain all correspondence by means of any council email addresses as a councillor or as Mayor.
Iook forward to hearing from you
David Ward.

Information Requests

to me
Dear Mr Ward,

Can you provide clarification as to the period of interest or subject matter to which your request relates to enable searches to be undertaken?


Information Team

Information Requests
Liverpool City Council
LCC  auto signature (2)

From: liverpool preservationtrust []
Sent: 12 October 2016 12:15
To: Information Requests <>
Subject: request for information

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liverpool preservationtrust 

to Information
Yes sorry I was rushing a bit today.
I require information from and regarding the start and induction of Mr McIntosh being placed as head of the Planning committee and to contain all correspondence on matters relating to the subject of planning matters and or his job as chairman of the planning committee.
I look forward to hearing from you.
David Ward

liverpool preservationtrust 

Mar 28
to Information
I am waiting your response.
I notice that this is now outside the time limits set by the Government.
Please advise me what the del;ay is and when I will have this information please.
David Ward

liverpool preservationtrust

12:11 PM (0 minutes ago)
to Information
I am awaiting the FOI request for information made several months ago.
Please provide forthwith.
I await your reply.

David Ward

Thursday 27 April 2017

Another One Bites The Dust While Liverpool's Corrupt Planners Watch On.

Park Road takes another heritage hit. 

Can we afford this? 

Even a building with a Liver Bird carved on the stone pediment isn't safe. 
Remember 6 Sir Thomas Street?

In March 2009 They knocked part of the block down.

Now they have got the rest..........
All this while the corrupt planners watch on. They have probably even passed the plans.

Don't you think we need to save what we have got you corrupt clowns at the council.

Thursday 30 March 2017

Everton Stadium to be Built on Bramley-Moore Dock-What A Great Idea.

What a great idea is to use Bramley-Moore Dock as a stadium for Liverpools other team. 
As long as it does not touch the Dock Wall, that was built by Napoleonic prisoners of war.
A new stadium would be low rise and wont bring us into trouble with the United Nations. UNESCO.
Ths is the scale of development that we at The LPT have been asking for in the WHS for over a decade now. 
There obviously won't be as much traffic on match days as there is in Anfield. 
Everton, A small club, needs room to grow. 
So this low scale development will regenerate the area. Everton will benefit it seems a win win.
This nonsense about high rise glass shoeboxes on our historic docks has to stop. 
We need low rise buildings that respect the waterfront. This will do.
Who is driving this forward. Is it fat Joe the Evertonian or Lyndsay the liar of Peel
BUT, Didn't we go through all this a decade ago with Everton's proposed move to Kings Dock. 
And what have we ended up with.......a car park and a block of aestheticly unpleasant white plassy flats with bits falling off them that look like they wont last the decade never mind the century.

So what would happen to Gladys Street and the local economy? 
Everton's move will destroy it of course.
Do Evertonians want to move, maybe some do, maybe some don't.
Every Evertonion will (bore)tell you about how it was one of the first stadiums in the country and how the 1966 World Cup was staged there and all the other battles that have been ought there, and we dont just mean for the meat pies. 
So why do they want to move?  MONEY of course so they can build a Tesco maybe?

We are aware that there is a listing application being submitted to Historic England for Goodison to be listed as Grade I. 

There are some interesting times ahead.

 So Lets get Goodison Listed.

Now thats a great idea. List it so it is preserved in history.

 Lets list Goodison.

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Is Liverpool City Council Planning Department Corrupt To The Core Under Joe Anderson's Leadership?.

Does Liverpool have a Corrupt Planning Department?
This is a question that we have been asking for years.
Now the Echo are publishing evidence of (alleged) corruption.
Just imagine all the deals that have been done with sweaty handshakes.
Btwen The Planners and  Joe Anderson's "Cosy" Developer mates.
Shouldn't there be a widespread investigation into all planning applications that were ....helped along?
There are rumours of developers carrying suitcases full of cash to bribe council officials.

What is The Chief Executive of Liverpool, Ged Fitzgerald doing. Well he was Chief Executive of Rotheram while the Child abuse scandal was happening.
So we don't have much faith for him getting to the bottom of this.
Someone need to look into this

Read more below:

Thursday 16 March 2017

Joe Anderson Blames Richard Kemp's Fib Dems For Wanting To Build On Liverpool's Parkland.

What a bunch of Liars.

Joe and Co have now sunk to a new low with this one.
 In order to justify Joe Anderson's mates at Redrow and various other 'cosy' developers who are hanging on his tail, being given a free run. He and his £90,000 a year PR have really made this one up, blaming Richard Kemp, or is it Warren Bradley.....remember him, for the need to build on Liverpool Parkland.
 What a big fat Lie. Labour are protecting Our Parks the liars who wrote it say.
And in the meantime Alastair Houghton and Co at The Daily Council, The Oldham Echo just carry on with press release after press release converted into page space for Joe Anderson in the Echo.
All this in a publication that goes out free to Liverpool Letter Boxes. paid for by you.
And all this while the whinging Anderson blames the Tory's for cutting funding, he wastes money on this tripe.
Only in Murkeyside could this sort of stuff happen.

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Mushtaq Saleri Studio Three Chavasse Park Mushroom Farm Pavilion.

 Studio 3

They build sheds and they build them badly.
The only problem is that they are not supposed to be building sheds they are supposed to building new modern structures that will last.
Engaged by a Grosvenor contractor BDP to build a swanky showpiece structure as part of the Chavasse Park development that opened in 2008, they went for an origami style black building that reflects........well nothing doesn't match anything around the Park.
Chavasse Park is the bit of green they stole from the public to build cafes restaurants on what was a grassy park.
A bit basic but it was green lung in the city that was used by office workers to let off steam. 
It still is now to some extent but its a lot more stressful now.
Yes they paved Paradise (Street) and put up a parking lot. 
Then you have even more foolish people applauding bad design here is a revue by (probably a paid for advertorial as that's what Sevenstreets do)
And on top of this parking lot Studio Three built a shrivelled up shed.
Just have a laugh at their foolish design.
They were put up for awards for this new snazzy bit of modernism.(sic)
 Praise was lauded onto the new young up and coming company that was about to take the world, or maybe Liverpool by storm. 
Inspired by a crumpled ciggy packet the set about building a bar with sloping sides and roof that must be very confusing when you come out after a half a pint of cider and think you have drunk about 12 pints.
Its all over the place. But the critics loved it. Critics usually know nothing of what they are criticising. This critic does.
This is a perfect example of what happens when the new architectural kids on the block are let loose with their lack of experience.
They build something that looks like it is falling over.
But worse the people responsible did not understand even the most basic of rules.
 That water needs to be taken away from a building.
Especially one that is made of wood, that also is in direct exposure to the sun.
This building saps up water like a sponge because all the angles direct the rain into little pockets that hold it in tight angled places.
Then the sun dries it out and it warps, exposing more of the underneath and then even more water penetrates and you get.......a mushroom farm.

Basic stuff that any simple person would understand.
But apparently not the whizz kids of Studio 3 didn't.
This sort of Jerry building is made even worse by the cost of it rumoured to be a million pounds.

When the wood is removed for repair, after seven years this was a wreck, you then can see that the frame is constantly under attack from the elements and though the mushroom farms look bad just imagine what its like where you cant see.
The joinery company RJC should hide their heads in shame instead they have put it on their website.
So great was it that Architects Ellis Williams snapped up the Studio and merged it with the firm. 
Hey there's nothing like thinking small.

The architect Mushtaq Saleri should be struck off for this. If he is in fact qualified. 
Surely he couldn't have been. Could he?
I find it hard to believe that anyone with more than a low grade eleven CSE qualification had the intellect to knock this up.
And to use softwood.