Wednesday 29 October 2014

Joe Anderson In Private Eye Over Cunard Council Cock Up Deal.

Private eye have the measure of Joe "Il Duce" Anderson with a new twist on the story of 'The Cunard Council Cock Up Deal'

Reported as the deal that was so great for Liverpool that Peter Elson, Liverpool Echo shipping correspondent, is quoted as saying "Cunard Buildings is a sleeping beauty kissed by Prince Charming"
Perish the thought, of being kissed by an ugly bloke in a suit, that cant add up.

Sycophantic comments will get you nowhere, reporters who do not do the homework are a far too common thing on the Echo these days.

So click on the photo and see what they say about Uncle Joe "Stalin" Anderson.
Just who is sending all this stuff off to Private Eye.........certainly not the pathetic hacks at Oldham Hall Street the headquarters of the City Council PR machine who don't know how to ask a question but just print any old crap and then wait till it all goes pear shape and then print that.  

Further reading

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Cunard Cruise Terminal Cock Up. Is Joe Anderson Out Of Control?

You could not make this up. Liverpool's Mayor, who David Cameron said "Gets things done" has bought a White Elephant with our money. 
Anyone with half a brain could have told him that the Cunard Building would not work as a Cruise Terminal. It is easy to work out how can you have a terminal half a mile away from the landing stage. How will you get the clients on magic carpet. 
Today Marc Waddington, and a huge part of this problem, Echo shipping correspondent Peter Elson write about the collapse of the idea. 
This idea should never have got going. 
Only Joe Anderson sycophant,Peter Elson kept pushing, at one time, during an interview about the Cunard takeover, on Radio Merseyside he called Anderson Liverpools Prince Charming, (sic)

 Anderson went with it, hook line and stinker, sensing great PR headlines. 
Wayne gave Elson the idea to run a Daily Post campaign to start cruises at the new cruise terminal after it was doomed to be a turnaround facility. And even put a plan forward to develop the site of the current cruise customs tent.
 We now have to accuse the press for its lack of educated and joined up thinking in this whole sorry saga that is The Cunard cock Up..

It is even more ironic that the very press who have forgotten about Liverpool being on the World Heritage In Danger list now print reasons for the Cunard Cock Up as harming the World Heritage Site.
Liverpool Confidential writes; 

LIVERPOOL Mayor Joe Anderson last night confirmed his dreams of creating a stunning cruise terminal departure lounge in the riverfront Cunard Building have been torpedoed by strict security controls.
But the mayor defended his £10m purchase of the one time headquarters of the world’s best known shipping line.
Instead the one-time sailor and his team will have to go back to the drawing board to find a replacement for the temporary, marquee-like check-in area close to the cruise terminal.
It seems the logistics of moving passengers from A to Sea would not only have cost millions of pounds, it would also compromise what is the epicentre of Liverpool’s World Heritage Site.

Things have changed since the days when first class passengers arrived at what was Cunard’s first class passenger lounge before strolling over to the Princes Landing Stage to board their ocean-going liners. These days you have to go through a massive security check before they’ll even let you set foot in the cruise terminal.
Border controls, now stricter than ever, pose a problem for a check-in facility without a secure link to the gangway of departing liners.
Various suggestions – even a monorail – have been put forward as a way of meeting new maritime security regulations.  It is a wonder they didn’t even throw in the popular Church Street sky-ride as a potential carrier of cruise line travellers.
Maritime consultants Royal Haskoning were commissioned by the city council to carry out a feasibility study to explore the potential of using the ground floor of the Cunard Building as a cruise liner terminal facility.
Their report, due to be released at the end of this month, will reveal a range of options could cost anything between £5m and £60m.Mayor Anderson said all of the options put forward were based on the requirements of TRANSEC and Border Control and include everything from basic covered walkways to a monorail for transporting passengers. 
The Mayor commented: “We have, in addition to cost, to be mindful of the fact that we do not want to do anything that impacts on the World Heritage site the building is on. In light of these findings it is clear we will not be able to progress with this plan.

What a Cock Up. Joe Anderson says they are going to bring hosts of tenants to the Cunard Buildings, when half of Liverpool's historic buildings in the locality are half empty and the reason the Pension fund sold it in the first place is that it was proving a dead duck to them.

Thursday 2 October 2014

Save Peter Elson Of The Liverpool Echo-From Himself.

It is sad watching the decline of a once proud journalist.
We know the standard of the Liverpool Echo, under Alastair Machray has fallen to an all time low.
We don't expect this from people who should know better. Mr Elson. 
He has been spending far too much time promoting the Kenwrights Signature Living Brand.
Ignoring articles in Private Eye. He has taken PR through the local paper to a new low.

Shame on you Peter Elson.
Forever sucking quotes out of our members to save the building at 30 James street, Elson now promotes its metaphorphing into something that looks more like a Texas brothel than a new use for a historic place.
We wish we had never got involved, to think we helped in the PR for this tacky regime to WAG out the interior of the old White Star Headquarters map room, to now look like Little Whorehouse on The Prairie 

Here is an example of some of what we would call Private PR Promotion. A blatant advertorial about.......a hotel room. Kenwright may as well have written it himself.
This is the death of journalism at an already rancid regime that has watched The Daily Ghost collapse and is taking whats left of the rancid carcass.  
Look at the comments section. this has allowed Signature Livings PR company to manipulate the comments pages. This is the local business community, turning the once free press into a pay as go scheme for The Kenwrights Signature Living Brand..

Though they at The Titanic Hotel did help Elson with The Daniel Adamson Trust Dinner, of which he is now grateful and is now thanking them profusely, no doubt.

Far from being annoyed here at LPT, it is a very, very sad day for what could have been an amazing project.
David Ward.

Liverpool's newest flamboyant accommodation for party groups bursts into business next week when Morgan’s Vault throws open its steel doors at £1,700 a night.
It is carved out of the basement of 30 James Street – Home of the Titanic apartment hotel, former headquarters of the White Star Line, which was once owned by the banker John Pierpont Morgan.
What the straight-laced US multi-millionaire, who visited the building before World War I, would have felt about a luxurious private dormitory room for 20 guests being named after him will never be known, but the Vault already has its first booking for October 10.
During White Star Line’s prime the Vault is where plans for its superliners Titanic, Olympic and Britannic would have been stored with company cash deposits and huge handwritten ledgers recording the business of carrying people and freight across the world.
Now Morgan’s Vaults boasts 10 gilded double beds (all with “fun fur” bedspreads) with seven on the main floor and three on a gallery reached by ladders.
There are two whirlpool baths big enough for four people each and a secret spiral staircase to the spa below reached via a private steel safe door.
Not only does this sub-basement level contain spa treatment rooms and saunas, but also a colossal whirlpool bath 35ft by 18ft.
It’s fair to say the Vault’s occupants won’t be burning the midnight oil brain-storming about transatlantic travel economics as Mr Morgan once did with White Star’s founders, the equally upright Ismay family, in this venerable Grade-II listed property, built by them in 1898.
The future mood will be more likely dictated by the fact that the entire ceiling is covered with a giant classical mural of a full frontally naked Adam and Eve in discussion with a serpent.
The 300-bed hotel will stage a grand gala opening on Friday evening for 150 specially invited guests, although accommodation was available in stages over the last four months.
Lawrence Kenwright has spent £400,000 on Morgan’s Vault and the spa, out of a £7m total on buying and creating the hotel.
“Tourism is Liverpool’s big selling point and it’s the only way we can beat other cities, so we have to be dynamic and creative,” said Mr Kenwright.
“I don’t think there is anything like Morgan’s Vault in the world, but 30 James Street remains primarily a weddings hotel and we’ve 150 receptions booked over the next two years, which was from a standing start four months ago.”

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Tony McDonough Of The Liverpool Echo. Is He Peels Poodle?.

Another Advertorial for Peel Holdings from Trinity "Smoking" Mirrors of Oldham Hall Street.
Again from Tony MacDonut.
He seems to be a lap dog for Peel Holdings printing, in our opinion whatever they say.......without scrutiny or balance.
The whole article says nothing, repeats all the past promises, but it is dressed up as a good news story for MacNuts mates at Peel.
Four years after plans for Liverpool Waters, and even longer for Wirral Waters were passed, not a brick has been laid.
 Not a mention of the twenty thousand jobs that Peel said they would create.
 Just how they will do this while hiding the fact that Peel are now trying to offload the land to any dodgy Chinese investor with a few bob. Cash in their assets.

Not a mention of Ashworth's very own China Girl, Stella Shiu being exposed in Private Eye or the FT.
Shame on you McDonough.
MacDonut is blind to the facts, too intent on falling over himself backwards to be in with Peel, that he kids the public with maybe's.
There are better journalists than him, in our opinion, at The Merseymart...oh, thats now owned by Trinity "Smoking" Mirror. They will probably use the same article in the Bootle Times, such is the lack of quality.

There are so many of the so called journalists moonlighting as PR consultants that you have to ask are some the staff  of The Liverpool Echo being paid twice.
 Once from the phone hacking Trinity "Smoking" Mirror Group and  then again from the company that they are PR-ing for?
The Liverpool Echo
It really has sunk to an all time low.
Now we are not saying that they always take the cash for little moonlighting jobs, but maybe a little freebie or two, a little bit of entertaining or three.
We do have knowledge of this. watch this space.
 If it does not stop Machrays superiors will be informed.
Because as the editor, he lets it go on.
Most of them are doing it. It becomes the norm.

Look at recent PR-ing for Lawrence Kenwright and his wife Katie of Signature Living.
Did she work for the Echo once?
Here is what Private Eye wrote.

But Alastair Machray the disrespectful editor of the Liverpool Echo, completely ignored this and spoon fed the public with more tripe ignoring the facts about Kenwright being banned as a company director.
Its a tale of two cities. 
The one that the Echo journalists live in, and the real world.
 Its about time they changed sides before they have no readers left.