Monday 30 June 2014

Tristram Hunt Calls Liverpool Capital of Vandalism.

Tristram Hunt The Labour MP for Stoke On Trent who is termed The 'Honourable', because his father was Lord Hunt, has a new book to peddle and he writes about Empire.
He is The Shadow Education Secretary.

In his new book he talks about Liverpool and its glorious past.
Click on the picture to read more.
But the article then uses a picture that is 10 years out of date.

Hunt worked for the Labour Party at Millbank Tower in the 1997 general election; he also worked at the Party's headquarters during the following 2001 general election; during the 2005 general election he supported Oona King's campaign in Bethnal Green and Bow.
In the summer of 2007 he failed to be selected for the safe Labour seat of Liverpool West Derby, where Stephen Twigg was selected instead,and in 2009 for the safe seat of Leyton and Wanstead.
IN 2008 he went on the offensive after we sent him some damning evidence to the way the then Fib-Dem City Council was guilty of letting 46 listed buildings go.
It seems strange now that Liverpool has a Labour Council he talks of glorious past and not a mention of the continued vanadalism that is going on under Joe Anderson's leadership.
Here is what he said.


Liverpool Capital of Vandalism

Remember 2008 and all that, well what has changed, we still have 10 properties on English Heritage at Risk and we are soon to be placed on Unesco's World Heritage At Risk register despite givig assurances to Unesco.
Wayne did this walkabout article with Peter Elson of the Daily Post which was sent to Tristram who then wrote an article for the Times..........We ask what has changed since 2008?
From The Times March 8, 2008

Liverpool, Capital of Vandalism

The supposed city of culture has in fact been pulling down its great Victorian buildingsTristram Hunt
Amid the elegant Georgian terraces that run off Hanover Street, rising up the hill from Canning Dock, you can still get a sense of Liverpool's mercantile past: a lost age of transatlantic trade, civic pride and merchant princes. And just as Liverpool celebrates this proud heritage as European Capital of Culture, the council is cynically signing off on agreeing to the demolition of three of these Grade II listed houses - numbers 68, 70 and 72 Seel Street - for a shoddy new development. Learning nothing from its postwar history, Merseyside is in danger of turning into the Capital of Dereliction as town hall leaders sanction another assault on its architectural fabric.

By far the most elegiac and anger-inducing publication of recent months has been Gavin Stamp's Britain's Lost Cities. Stamp painfully outlines the postwar loss of Britain's urban civilisation and, in doing so, nails the lie that the German Luftwaffe was primarily responsible. Instead, it was the love of the motor car, rise of the town planner, arrival of Le Corbusier's Continental Modernism and an ugly animus for history that did for our regional centres.

“Behind all this,” Stamp writes of England's northern cities, “there was a sense of shame about the industrial past, a visceral and blinkered rejection of the dark but substantial legacy of the Victorians that could amount to little more than civic self-hatred and which resulted in relentless destruction.” Sadly, that shame still lingers.

From Plymouth to Coventry, Glasgow to Worcester, grandiose city plans were published that bulldozed the old and, in its place, laid out arterial roads, car parks, mass-production housing and shopping centres. “Cities must be extricated from their misery, come what may,” came Le Corbusier's battle cry. “Whole quarters of them must be destroyed and new cities built.” And so in Birmingham, the Central Library, Pugin's Bishop's House and the Market Hall fell victim to the Inner Ring Road. In Hull, almost all the dock warehouses, Georgian chapels and Victorian churches were destroyed in the name of postwar regeneration. But few cities suffered as much as Liverpool.

Between August 9, 1940, and May 9, 1941, Merseyside endured 68 air raids gutting much of the historic neighbourhood surrounding the docks. By far the worst architectural victim was John Foster's Greek revival Custom House, a testament to Liverpool's 19th-century ambition to play the Athens of the North: a city of commerce and culture reflected in an uniformly classical urban aesthetic. But rather than rebuilding this shattered civic icon, the postwar planners opted for demolition. It was a decision that set the tone for the ensuing decades of planning terror as dock warehouses, stuccoed Regency houses and elegant piazzas fell victim to the ring-roads and clearances.

Fifty years on, now that Liverpool basks in its status as Capital of Culture, one might have thought the demolitions would ease up. Yet rather than commemorating its extraordinary civic inheritance, the planners are repeating the mistakes of their postwar predecessors. For as Liverpool's prosperity accelerates, the council is still prone to dismiss its marvellous historic fabric as an impediment to growth.

Under the past ten years of control by the Liberal Democrats, some 36 listed buildings have been lost to the bulldozers. Whereas Merseyside once enjoyed a Georgian building stock comparable to Bath, what little remains is now under threat. In addition to the terraces of Seel Street, there are numerous properties in Duke Street, Dale Street and Great George Square - as well as such listed landmark churches as St Luke's, Berry Street and St Andrew's - equally at risk. And that is excluding the Toxteth terraces and Welsh Street houses that remain under planning blight.
The difference this time is that the threat comes as much from property developers, whose lawyers and bully-boy chicanery runs rings round council officers, as grandiose redevelopment schemes. But the results are the same as buildings slip into disrepair, night-time demolitions “happen” and inexplicable planning permissions are granted.
Unfairly, Liverpool has often been accused of wallowing in the past. If only it did. Today what every successful city requires, in the competition for new businesses and graduate residents, is a sense of place and authenticity that can only come from the historic fabric, architecture and attitude of its streets and spaces. The postwar redevelopment of Merseyside did everything it could to destroy that civic identity. If the choice facing the Capital of Culture this year is between the 1820s and 1950s, then it must save the Georgian terraces and ease up on any more Modernist monstrosities.
Tristram Hunt is author of Building Jerusalem: The Rise and Fall of the Victorian City
Hope sure if this link still works

Thursday 26 June 2014

Brewery Village-Liverpool's Shame.

Dusanj texted the employees and told them that they had no money to pay redundancy to them and they were left high and dry.
They now want to breath life into the area that they killed.
Liverpool Confidential today writes with a press release from their PR company.
Mr Maghazachi said: “From the outset we have seen this project as the logical next step in the evolution of the Baltic area. We need attractions and activity that will radically increase footfall and help the area to grow and develop. The idea of an independent retail bazaar on a real city scale is the obvious solution.” 
Archetype Studios or is it Aurora Media of Liverpool are the PR company who in our opinion  have sold out all of their remaining principles to work for the Dusanj Brothers, they say to bring new life into the area after all the staff of Cains were sacked.
Shame on you at Archetype Studios or is it Aurora Media, for now working for the people who have no respect for their employees.  
All the equipment has now been removed.
Cains is Dead and all the staff are redundant and now they want to breathe life into the area. You couldn't make this up.
 Aurora media may have been employed by Joe Anderson the property developers friend who yesterday won an award while closing libraries.

This article was recently published on a local blog.
 This post  explains the relationship between Anderson and Aurora Media..
Showing invoices between the two.
We hope the Labour council are not behind this development and are currently looking into all the angles.

But that's all in the past for Cains Director Sughadara Dusanj: “We are really excited by this project," he said.
"They have done their homework and assembled an experienced team who understand how to deliver this sort of attraction. It will be a massive boost to this area and underscore its reputation as Liverpool’s happening neighbourhood.” 
Last month, plans were revealed for another Sunday market at Pall Mall car park to the north of the Pier Head. But at the time, Liverpool City Council told Confidential that it might face opposition. Under the city’s historic King John charter rights, nobody can establish a market within 6.66 miles of the nearest city council operated or licensed market/car boot sale without a markets licence. Currently the council runs all of the city's markets with partner Geraud. 
Nevertheless, Baltic Yards Ltd says is now in discussion with Liverpool City Council planners and has been liaising with local organisations including the Baltic CIC stakeholder group. 
A spokesman for Baltic Yards told Confidential: “This is not being pitched as a market or even as competition to Geraud’s markets, but we appreciate it is an issue.” 
He added that the company is hopeful of securing planning permission before the end of the summer and be open for business in September-October. 

Further reading

Here is one of the Dusanj driving his car with the Private reg Cains which he will now have to change. any suggestions what he may choose. 

Joe Anderson-The Property Developers Friend

While closing down nursing homes and libraries all over the city, Joe Anderson has now been recognised as the property developers friend.
Moaning about budget cuts left right and centre there always seems to be money to be found to assist some carefully selected developer or two.
 The previous recipients of this sort of accolade where the likes of Derek Hatton who knocked down the whole of Clayton square which was predominantly Georgian to have George Wimpey or Barratts Build a crap shopping centre. (Joe Anderson makes Trevor Jones look like a DIY enthusiast).
Anderson says after winning a top award at The Merseyside Property Dinner(sic)
"It's an endorsement of the council. I don’t like using the word council. I prefer city.
"If you do the same old things you get the same old results. Liverpool was good at saying ‘you can’t do that because it’s too difficult’ rather than having a ‘can do’ approach. We had to get rid of that style.
"It's been tough but austerity meant we had to get rid of people and I took the opportunity to get rid of the dead wood and the people who were not entrepreneurs and hadn’t got the ‘can do’ attitude.
"Liverpool is clearly now a city for business and welcomes the opportunity to talk to investors. The best days are ahead of Liverpool."
Liverpool is on the World Heritage In danger List but that's alright Joe don't worry about that just sell all our land off to the ......lowest bidder.

The other shortlisted candidates were Langtree managing director John Downes; Professional Liverpool chairman Jim Gill, Falconer Chester Hall chairman Paul Falconer; and Sean Beech, partner at Delloite and chairman of the Liverpool MIPIM steering group.

North West Business Insider editor Chris Maguire said: "There's a feel-good factor about the North West property sector and in Liverpool and Merseyside especially.

read the full story by clicking here

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Save Heaps Rice Mill-Its Too Good To Be Demolished.

How many more historic structures can the city lose. laying there like a ghost of its former self, a working mill up to 1988, the owners of Heaps Rice Mill have let it decline.
It has recently sprouted a roof garden. Now they are to do us all a favour and demolish it.
Plans have recently been submitted to down it and make way for some bland shoeboxes.
Liverpool lost 46 listed buildings under the Fib-Dems led by Mike Storey and Warren "War Zones" Bradley.
How long can this go on.
Liverpool today is prostrated before the Unesco World Heritage committee who are meeting in Doha, Qatar. Where we are promising them we know how to manage a World Heritage Site.
Liverpool is on the Unesco World Heritage In Danger List.
We thought Heaps was listed, which is why it is still standing while all around it has become bland. This area was once, as recently as the 80's home to many small businesses (most of which were owned by Sir Trevor Jones and his Moll Doreen).
Windsor developments were Clever Trevor's Partners In Crime. They crawled all over this part of Town. The Ships chandlers that he and Dot demolished after a application to list it was made was Liverpool's last. The same site is now owned by Neptune Developments.
Greenbergs Outfitters was also demolished, and is now a car park.
So who is going to put up a fight to save this historic structure, who cares?
Lets hope there is such a swell of feeling that the building can be spotlisted and Joe Andersons developer mates can be sent packing.

Larry Neild and Co at the Liverpool Echo wrote at the time

After it made Private Eye.

October Communications now Aurora Media or is it Archetype Studios were the PR for Windsor Developments.

All this while Trevor and Doreen "Partners in Slime" lived next door to the Duke of Westminister.

So who is watching whats going on with Liverpools Historic past. Certainly not Steve Corbett or Chris Griffiths at the now none existant Liverpool Conservation office.

Thursday 12 June 2014

Liverpool back before the Unesco World Heritage Committee June 12th Doha Qatar

You will recall Liverpool was placed on the Unesco In Danger list in 2012.

Liverpool has been ordered by Unesco to make arrangements to remove the city from the World Heritage At Risk register.

Unesco World Heritage Committee will meet in Doha in Qatar on June 15th.

Liverpool is on the agenda at the 38th session.

Liverpool is under threat because of the proposed Liverpool Waters development from Peel Holdings, which was supported by the City Council, and Mayor Joe Anderson who was elected with 17% of votes from Liverpool’s lazy electorate.

Liverpool could see its world heritage status removed just as it is hosting the International Business Federation that was opened by David Cameron and Michael Hesseltine 9th June 2014.

There are 44 properties on the In Danger list including Aleppo in war torn Syria.